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/lit/ - Literature

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8894764 No.8894764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Libs fuck back to r eddit

>> No.8894767

how was it? I like the author

>> No.8894768

Very poignant and eye opening. A must read!

>> No.8894798

t. every book advertiser ever

>> No.8894802

The pro colonialist Fox newzy?
"Unmaking the American Dream"?
Fucking lame ass. The dude got a Nixon era healthcare plan passed, a gift to the insurance companies, and continues on with shitty Bush policies. Except he doesn't spend us into debt.

Schizo neocon BS. Aren't you "alt-right" now?

>> No.8894804

now trump is in the Whitehouse after running as the antithesis of sjw'ism get prepared to be targeted and reminded as we the dominate ones now and control the cultural high ground.

its going to be around 8 years for cucks like adult swim who cancel MDE: World Peace and their supporters

ou all lost as semblance of counter cultures and literally the butt blasted party of BTFO

literally a culture riding on the whim of party politics of losers in every facet of government.

I would be embarrassed to lose all power and still support the cuckism that lead to it too.

Your idea of content and media fall in line with what every celebrity to librarians to nu-male and their parents think is acceptable and anything that rocked the PC boat was meant to be "BTFO".

>> No.8894814

Why don't you guys join the other conservatives who long ago realized that conservative intellectualism is shit tier so they started going all we don't need no education?

>> No.8894842

>Getting reelected
Funny joke m8

>> No.8894874


>> No.8894881

Cucked cuckerino cuckposting

>> No.8894917

>AHAHAHA are you kidding me bro? Donald Trump getting the nomination?! hahaha what a joke and even if the Cletus crowd decides to go full retard and nominate him there no way NO WAY Drumpf could ever in a million years beat Hillary! Have you seen the polls? Drumpf is done for! Hahahaha!!!

>> No.8894919

Fuck off kike shills

>> No.8894968

Trump didn't win. Hillary got 3 million more votes. Have fun with you Putin puppet who literally got handed the presidency on a silver platter like everything else in his life.

>> No.8894995

>Trump didn't win.

Libtard cuckolds are THIS delusional!


>> No.8895001 [DELETED] 
File: 997 KB, 946x1403, Donald_Trump_Phoenix_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there it is. I've been waiting for it.

Political correctness started taking a hold of Western society in the late-80's and early-90's. This, coupled with the Internet giving "everybody a voice", gave birth to two things:

(1) the average idiot believing that their opinion is somehow important, and;
(2) the rapid sharing of knowledge which led to the discovery of what many had suspected but couldn't quite prove. The Jews, by way of the Frankfurt School and cultural Marxism, were slowly and steadily degrading society piece by piece, person by person.

This is why /pol/ is so important. It's a collective of people forever searching for the truth and backing the truth up with facts, regarding the continual breakdown of society and the family unit. /pol/'s influence is NEEDED on not only all boards of 4chan, but other websites as well, so that others may learn what we have, and begin to fight back as we have also. Trump's Presidency is merely the beginning.

/pol/ is the chemo to the cancer that's plaguing the world.



>> No.8895003
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Why do so many conservatives like reading empty cash grabs and propaganda? You should read some Dostoevksy.

>> No.8895013

>The Jews, by way of the Frankfurt School and cultural Marxism, were slowly and steadily degrading society piece by piece, person by person.

can you explain to me how "The Jews," "the Frankfurt School" and "Cultural Marxism" are related? You're not allowed to post infographics. I want YOU to explain it to me. You may cite evidence, but I expect you to interpret it, as well.

>> No.8895019

>Cultural Marxism
Not even a real thing tbqh

>> No.8895032

What do conservatives conserve?

If it's not white people, I don't want any part of it

>> No.8895043

It's examining the behavior of humans in communities from a materialist perspective. Marxism (the material dialectic) is a scientific tool for framing problems that has applications in any thoughts on natural philosophy.

>> No.8895044

Not that anon but here's a quick gloss:

1. Marx was a Jew
2. Marxist ideas create USSR
3. KGB works to subvert Western culture (see Yuri Brezhnev interview)


Commies = Jews and are enemies of the West who actively seek to undermine its core values.

>> No.8895051

It is but lately you haven't been able to say that out loud but maybe that will start to change.

>> No.8895052

>seeing the world through a liberal/conservative dichotomy.

pls die

>> No.8895061


>> No.8895066
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>Trump didn't win.

>> No.8895068

This is the fourth post I have seen on 4chan today, with some dimwit lauding the existence of /pol/. Are you collaborating or are you just one guy fagging up our boards?

>> No.8895074
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>Trump didn't win.

>> No.8895086


>> No.8895100
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okay, so it is you doing it. Please stay in your containment board.

>> No.8895108

t. *not* JIDF ;)

>> No.8895135
File: 271 KB, 900x900, 5786060+_bfacfef6d109d8fe5f4108bc1fdf10c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895139

>cultural marxism
>Frankfurt School conspiracy

Mods, wake up

>> No.8895142

>Trump didn't win
Then why he be in the White House anonerino

>> No.8895145


>> No.8895150


So much of a "conspiracy theory" that some faggots removed the perfectly legitimate Wikipedia page on Cultural Marxism, instead redirecting the search term to a "conspiracy theory" subsection.

*sips tea*

>> No.8895152

Are Shapiro's books any good? I enjoy the way he presents his ideas

>> No.8895154

Go back to r eddit. /pol/ is for 4chan. 4chan is for conservatives.

>> No.8895160

Not even an argument

>> No.8895162

There was a time before /pol/ and before /pol/ started spamming every other board, you fucking retard.

>> No.8895164

The Frankfurt school went against the established historic materialism though.

"Cultural Marxism" is a term invented by american conservatives so anti-intellectual and so stupid, they couldn't even comprehend the criticism the "cultural marxists" had and so they went and made up some 6th grader >muh american values propaganda shit.

>> No.8895165

The closest thing to conservativism you'll find in America is progressivism based on socially conservative ideas. American conservatism is dead at desu wu senpai

>> No.8895167

try actually reading them, you dense cunt

>> No.8895168

>pretends to be starting a thread about books
>two replies about books and thirty about trump
Yes good job /pol/, fighting the good fight and winning over the hearts and minds of /lit/
I don't give a fuck about your ideology, if this was /leftypol/ shitting up my board with off-topic masturbation about politics I'd tell them to fuck off too. This thread should be deleted.

>> No.8895174

Dinesh D'Souza


l o l

>> No.8895176

OP here. I do want to talk about books. I would have continued to do so if the lib brigade hadn't showed up to cause trouble.

>> No.8895182
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"conservative" thread
>automatically deteriorates into edgy seventeen-year-olds and deadend twenty-three-year-olds projecting their bizzare racial cuckolding fetishes onto impotent neolib globalists still butthurt that a moderate fiscal-conservative managed to win while still being socially liberal
>b-b-but muh le glorious fascist culture! Daddy Trump upholding gun rights, maintaining social security, and appointing gays and Jews into positions of power means America is going back to being like my fantastic version of the 1950s I got from some PragerU vid!

>> No.8895194

i just want to belong to a movement that doesn't hate me for being a middle class, suburban, white, cis, straight, american male who loves the first and second amendments more than anything else in this world.

>> No.8895196
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>> No.8895200

>makes fun of others for "fighting the good fight" when he spends his time complaining and whining about one (1) thread on "his" board

You are a real American hero.

>> No.8895209

You racist piece of shit.

>> No.8895214

>Libs fuck back to r eddit

Ah yes of course, no bait at all, the perfect way to start any intellectual thread about books.

Maybe you should try saying some smart things of substance, instead of spouting mongloid political memes on a literature board?

>> No.8895215

Inherently biological evil

>> No.8895219

>If people criticize me or my culture, they hate me
Literal Muslim and hoodrat logic

>> No.8895221


(this is what liberals actually believe)

Nice to see fellow redpillers here

>> No.8895222
File: 57 KB, 576x436, is this pleb serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You first.


>> No.8895223

muh jews

>> No.8895225

>this is what liberals actually believe
I don't

>> No.8895227


I suppose you think a class like "the problem of whiteness" isn't hateful nonsense

>> No.8895233

All liberals believe that white men like me are racist and hate women.

In spite of my frogposting and participating in 'n-word hate' and 'woman hate'-threads I actually don't mind them. So liberals are wrong

>> No.8895241

>Nice to see fellow redpillers here

What the fuck do you think you are achieving here? Canned memes aren't going to convice anyone with an IQ above 85 and people with an IQ below 85 are already jerking each off with canned memes on /pol/.

>> No.8895247

who's baiting and who's double baiting?

>> No.8895249

It is not one thread. /pol9k/ shits up every board, every day. I'm not trying to be a fucking hero either, I just want the mods to ban people who start these shit threads.