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File: 16 KB, 359x538, businessman-upset-over-alcohol-related-depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
889074 No.889074 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/! I'm dealing with alcoholism and depression. I figured you'd be good people to talk to. Suggestions?

>> No.889096

AA dude seriously. get sober. antidepressants wont work until you sober up. i have struggled with depression for 10+ years and alcoholism for the past 4. things are getting better tho.

good luck

>> No.889094

Stop drinking. Feel better. talk to /adv/ who can actually help you with this shit.

>> No.889100

Kind sir, my suggestions would be to ask /adv/. This is more their sort of thing.

Best of luck to you.

>> No.889097

Let's ignore him.

>> No.889104

Lots of authors drink heavily.
Maybe you should start writing OP.

>> No.889105


No, wait, that's what he wants.

>> No.889106
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have another beer and man up, pussy!

>> No.889111

Don't listen to this cultist. Actually I'm being capricious. AA is certainly a cult, but the most benevolent cult ever. It has never helped me, though. I would say that your alcoholism and depression are the result of unsatisfied urges and desires. Take some time to be honest with yourself about what you really want in life and then pursue it, as if your life depended on it. Because it certainly does.

>> No.889112

I do!

Here is an example:


Mayor McCheese
“Mayor McCheese emerged from the ball pit, weary, but intact. Now standing in the world above, he knew he was close. It was then, as he emerged from the jaws of the plastic slide, that he saw it.

McGriddle: $2.69

"oh now i've done it, I'm late for work. =_=" the mayor lamented.” “
Having emerged into the familiar world he entered politics easily, for not only was it was all he knew but the people felt surprisingly comfortable with him, he was recognizeable, running a slate based on family values and anti-abortion. McCheese didn’t really care one way or another for these people who lacked even the most basic hamburger for a head, but his appearance had attracted a certain populist aether and he used it, faithful people believed in him, and he campaigned vigorously for soda pop and the rights of chain restaurants, claiming that the pyramid of nutrition was generated Liberally, McCheese even went so far as to compare it to the table of elements, which confused his audience, but he had always found the table suspect.
He was later discovered eating salad with a stranger in the bathroom of a Harvey’s. He actually hadn’t even meant to be there, and had only eaten the salad to be polite, but the newspapers mocked him incessantly and his appearance was too distinctive for politics anywhere else to be feasible.
McCheese walked a great deal during this time and could be seen with his pendulous head in the local parks looking down at the ground in front of him as he strolled or sat on a bench.

>> No.889126

aa is good to stay clean

>> No.889129

Now I see why you're depressed.

>> No.889130

Not rilly that good for atheists

>> No.889136
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>> No.889146

I'm not even an atheist, but yes I do have ideals which are incongruous with aa, even though I see it help so many people..

>> No.889148
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>> No.889159

there are plenty of atheists in AA...

>> No.889170

yea, they get drunk

>> No.889180

Go to AA. Local branch, at least, doesn't force Christianity on you, though they do suggest something of the sort. Just use the common good or something.

>> No.891653

Fuck AA. Read "Under the Volcano" by Malcolm Lowry, then drink yourself to death on mezcal.

>> No.891667

You're doing alcohol wrong, it's supposed to make you happy, so just drink more until you get to your desired zone.

And if you're in college, then man up and take a good look at the opportunity around you, I have surprisingly found that people are quite easy to talk to in college. Who knows, you might make a new group of friends, and might even get laid within the year, and your depression will just be an ugly little memory, which made you stronger.

As to your claims of alcoholism, how much do you drink per day? Per week?

>> No.891672

dude if you like drinking just keep drinking, once you stop liking it then stop drinking

i dont get this

>> No.891677

Go to /adv/.

>> No.891682


um alcohol's physically addictive, einstein

>> No.891694

Blah blah blah. Speaking as someone who's been dependent on alcohol, it ain't difficult to break. Just stop fucking drinking and quit being a pussy, and you'll be fine.

>> No.891696


everything is physically addicting in one way or another

this is just alcoholic's bullshit

>> No.891693

You have no grasp of what alcoholism is, then. Mixed with depression, one can drink themselves to death from alcohol poisoning. Hell, even people who aren't alcoholics can do that. Alcoholics are just more likely because their brain won't let them stop.

>> No.891705


i have an extremely good grasp of what it is, thanks

just think about your life hard enough and you'll fucking STOP BEING A HUGE PUSSY

>> No.891720

You do not know what alcoholism is if you think "manning up" can stop it.

>> No.891724


its not manning up its called introspection and taking responsibility for your own fucking life mate

>> No.891726

Pfft. Manning up and taking responsibility for your life and actions is EXACTLY what is needed to combat alcoholism.

>> No.891732


this man speaks correctly.

>> No.891734

That is what alcoholism is. The inability to do that, and instead drinking more to deal with it.

>> No.891739


then i guess you're gonna fucking die, either physically from the alcohol or intrinsically from AA

>> No.891740 [DELETED] 


>> No.891749

Well there is a little thing called therapy. And there are plenty of rehab centers everywhere. AA isn't the only choice, though for many people it does work.

>> No.891752

Yet somehow that mentality is only considered a disorder/disease when applied to drugs or alcohol.

No wonder we're becoming such pussies, with such enabling bullshit being spewed about "alcoholism".

>> No.891755
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this isn't /b/

>> No.891761

The brain is a powerful thing. If what it is made to think is changed, some things become impossible to do.

>> No.891771

>Hurr durr.

No shit Sherlock. That doesn't change a word of what was said; AA members are typically the biggest bunch of losers and faggots I've seen. They have so much remorse about their lack of self-control, but expect you to pat them on the back and give every benefit of the doubt because they had the "courage" to figure out what everyone else intuitively knows. They then proceed to psychologically circle-jerk one another as they cry, bitch, and moan about their inability to control themselves. It's like a never ending circle of "I drank. I'm sorry. I'm sober, good for me. I drank again, I'm sorry." Bunch of fucking whiners... either put the bottle down and shut up or keep drinking your problems away (because that obviously worked so well in the first place).

>> No.891777

You're so edgy. Let's have hot edgy gay sex.

>> No.891787
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>> No.891827

Former brainwashed cultist here. I don't resent AA really, it did help me out, but mostly all it was for me was a stepping stone to doing exactly what the people in this thread are talking about doing, which is taking responsibility for my actions, facing my drug and alcohol use with a level eye, and exercising will power and discipline to bolster confidence in myself. Looking back at my experiences in AA, rehabs, halfway houses, etc it's pretty harmful in that the last thing a person who has trouble controlling themselves needs to be told is that they're "doomed" and "powerless." They need to understand that their lives are up to them.
"It is pointless to ask from the gods what one is full capable of providing for one's self" - Epicurus. This motto works just as well, for me, as the Serenity Prayer. I don't ask God to keep me sober. I tell myself I'll do fine today, and God doesn't enter into it. If I believe in him, I stay sober to live well and righteously as a believer, not ask and wish for him to do it for me. If I didn't believe in him, the point is just moot, it's up to me to get this done.
If you do go to an AA/NA meeting, listen to the (very few) people who talk about things to _do_ to stay sober. Ignore the people bitching, and especially ignore the people jabbering about their faith. They're generally the same people anyhow.

>> No.891918
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Stop the drinking and the depression.
I know it sounds absurd, but you can end the depression just like pressing a light switch, and focus on positive things. At the beginning, your positive state might not last long, but with practice, you can make yourself be positive 100% of the time, and live a far more energized and productive life.
I was melancholic since childhood, and was pretty skeptic about this, but yet decided to try it, just because it was said by people I considered to be smarter than me. They were right.

>> No.891940

Alcoholism, as a mental addiction, it can only be stopped by treating the part of yourself that wants alcohol as a completely different person, and fighting with it, ignoring his every need. It will suck, as you'll experience every pain he will, because you're him as much as any other part of yourself, but eventually, your organism will learn to ignore it, as a natural adaption.

However, as a chemical addiction, alcoholism sometimes requires other chemical supplements to deal with it