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8890399 No.8890399 [Reply] [Original]

Don't nibble this book, bunno!

Chapters 16 through 20

Cliffhanger. Not going to mess about when it comes to reading the next few chapters. We've covered a lot of years in a small amount of pages, along with most of what I knew about the story. The rest of what my knowledge of this book amounts to 'revenge or something'. Goodbye comfy dungeon, hello to adventure and sweet vengeance.

>New poll

Please fill this out so we know how everyone is doing. I stole the idea from the w&p thread. It would be nice to know who is keeping up even if they don't have much to discuss yet.

>Ebooks and audiobook

>Previous thread

>> No.8890403
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>> No.8890434

You were pretty spot on apart from the madness.

>> No.8890533
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Got genuine emotion out of me.

>> No.8891167

Checking in! I'm caught up through day 4. Will read day 5 later. I need to get ahead though so I can participate in discussions more, but alas that will not be today. Hopefully tomorrow.

>> No.8891775

At the end of yesterday's reading I couldn't wait to read today's. This book is really engrossing.

>> No.8891808

This man single-handedly kept Dantes sane.

Fun fact, Dumas' father actually went through the stuff Dantes is going through here, falsely imprisoned for years etc. There's a book about it called "the black count".

>> No.8891870

That's not all that fun though, poor guy

>> No.8891885

In the version I have chapter 19 is literally named "The death of the abbè"

I wonder if it was changed because it's a bit of a spoiler

>> No.8891903

guy who read this in prison here, i kmew you guys would like it. i doubt you'll be able to help yourselves from cheating and reading it in just a week or so. it's the closest equivalent to a blockbuster film i've ever read. it's an addictive novel to be sure.

>> No.8891934

So do you guys think the abbe was just a deus ex machina? Will Dante think about him in the future?

>> No.8891952

I have other things I am reading. I want to read more of CoMC, but I hold myself back.

>> No.8891982

The chapter names in the penguin edition are spoilery too. Guess it is unavoidable.

I'd encourage reading ahead of the schedule. Much better than suddenly having no time and falling behind.

>> No.8892541

I didn't get this feel of deus ex machina from the abbe. It was a good addition to the dungeon part, it wouldn't be so much fun if it was only Dantes talking with himself.

>> No.8894155

bump of life

>> No.8894526

new thread