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File: 108 KB, 1068x712, 1480204324998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8888433 No.8888433 [Reply] [Original]

Summarize postmodernity in one sentence.

>> No.8888438

CRASH! We decided to adopt mom

>> No.8888442

Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling.

>> No.8888443

an interpretive methodology which is inherently suspicious of and refuses to subscribe to any and all grand metanarratives.

>> No.8888444

wew lad

>> No.8888446

I believe the superior choice is
CRASH! We decided to adopt God.

>> No.8888455

Why is every image of this guy so painful to watch

>> No.8888457
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is this legally possible?

>> No.8888460
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>> No.8888461

postmodernism still has the answers no matter how much delusional trumpfags pretend otherwise

>> No.8888475

river do not run

>> No.8888478

Why would they? Trump is deliciously postmodern. Hard to imagine a more pomo pres tbph.

>> No.8888483

trump is a return to modernity

>> No.8888493

Postmodernism is a methodology which tricks its audience into thinking its adverse to modernity's structure, but really restructures by critique and thus doesn't exist.

>> No.8888494

Postmodernism is the devaluation of all values, the uprooting of the human individual and the destruction of its self-imposed narrative.

>> No.8888496

>this guy gets more action than me
Maybe it is my fault.

>> No.8888497
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>> No.8888499

>accepting faggots
yeah nah

>> No.8888504
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>> No.8888505

He's a reality TV star who became president by literally making things up, rapidly followed by openly admitting making them up. His whole shtick is that the truth doesn't matter. He's painfully postmodern.

>> No.8888507
File: 87 KB, 750x750, 11899524_420838438107855_1410173486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a demigod, anon, don't blame yourself

half pepe half man

>> No.8888511

After modernism.

>> No.8888513

>implying Trump distorts the truth more than Hillary "I lied to the public" Clinton

>> No.8888516

>implying Clinton was mentioned in that post
Maybe try again.

>> No.8888521

>making shit up about postmodernism

how postmodern!

>> No.8888524

who the fuck is this kid

>> No.8888526

m8, Clinton was a much worse candidate than Trump
>bought out by Wall Street and Saudi Arabia

>> No.8888527
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>> No.8888529

Um, sorry, but if you voted for a racist like Trump, and didn't vote for Hillary just because she's a women, then kindly fuck off from /lit/

>> No.8888530

See >>8888516

>> No.8888537

a bit too obvious, I rate it 7/10

It's a valid argument to point out that Hillary is worse than Trump, unless you're a third party fag or apolitical

>> No.8888538

>claiming global warming was invented by the Chinese
>not a suspicion of grand narratives

>> No.8888542


>> No.8888544

There is nothing that has a fixed definition or meaning, and different things are interpreted in different ways by different individuals.

>> No.8888547

It's completely irrelevant to the question of how postmodern Trump is, though. Which is the issue under discussion.

>> No.8888548

>this is now a Hillary vs Trump argument between autists
I mean the thread wasn't great to start with but I'd rather shitpost about le beard man than listen to your shite.
Do you yanks even realize how self-centered and obnoxious are?

>> No.8888551

t. former Hillary supporter

>> No.8888555

maga is a grand narrative you cuck

>> No.8888556

your dad

also know as >>8888542

>> No.8888558

Those are grand digits. But what's maga?

>> No.8888562
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>> No.8888563

This guy is really in love with his own dumb face. Does think ironic detachment somehow masks the narcissism? I bet he looks down upon people for "taking selfies" too.

>> No.8888565

make america great again. a modernist slogan in postmodern conditions

>> No.8888570

haha le epic the numbers at end of this post are same as eachother haha here have an upvote, have this reddit gold haha

>> No.8888571

Is he, dare I say it, /ourgoy/?

>> No.8888576
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>dubs are reddit
Exactly how new are you?

>> No.8888597

>a modernist slogan in postmodern conditions


>> No.8888603
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>> No.8888623


>> No.8888630

When it becomes possible for a people to describe as ‘postmodern’ the décor of a room, the design of a building, the diegesis of a film, the construction of a record, or a ‘scratch’ video, a television commercial, or an arts documentary, or the ‘intertextual’ relations between them, the layout of a page in a fashion magazine or critical journal, an anti-teleological tendency within epistemology, the attack on the ‘metaphysics of presence’, a general attenuation of feeling, the collective chagrin and morbid projections of a post-War generation of baby boomers confronting disillusioned middle-age, the ‘predicament’ of reflexivity, a group of rhetorical tropes, a proliferation of surfaces, a new phase in commodity fetishism, a fascination for images, codes and styles, a process of cultural, political or existential fragmentation and/or crisis, the ‘de-centring’ of the subject, an ‘incredulity towards metanarratives’, the replacement of unitary power axes by a plurality of power/discourse formations, the ‘implosion of meaning’, the collapse of cultural hierarchies, the dread engendered by the threat of nuclear self-destruction, the decline of the university, the functioning and effects of the new miniaturised technologies, broad societal and economic shifts into a ‘media’, ‘consumer’ or ‘multinational’ phase, a sense (depending on who you read) of ‘placelessness’ or the abandonment of placelessness (‘critical regionalism’) or (even) a generalised substitution of spatial for temporal coordinates - when it becomes possible to describe all these things as ‘Postmodern’ (or more simply using a current abbreviation as ‘post’ or ‘very post’) then it’s clear we are in the presence of a buzzword.

>> No.8888646

white ppl sucks

>> No.8888647

Can you go somewhere else please :^p

>> No.8888869

Postmodernity is said to be a culture of fragmentary sensations, eclectic nostalgia, disposable simulacra, and promiscuous superficiality, in which the traditionally valued qualities of depth, coherence, meaning, originality, and authenticity are evacuated or dissolved amid the random swirl of empty signals.

>> No.8888880

Get for the banana man

>> No.8888895

Every time I try stick my hand up my ass, I bleed.

>> No.8888899
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 1480521454773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dem boys

>> No.8889026

>Fuck everything, I do what I want.

>> No.8889077

I wonder how many wrong choices in life did it take him to get this kind of picture posted on 4chan's literature forum.

>> No.8889086
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>those digits

>> No.8889090

>Nothing is true except when it is.

>> No.8889134

Clinton's traditional in her political bullshitting. It's be subtle lies, lies of omission and the like and then will only admit to having lied once she can longer weasel her way out of it.

Trump will lie to your face and then in the next sentence say he's lying. He's the post-modern choice.

>> No.8889146

the refusal to subscribe to a grand metanarrative is a grand metanarrative :^)

>> No.8889168
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>> No.8889193

who the fuck is this guy in the picture.

>> No.8889194

Jimmy Numale

>> No.8889199

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8889204
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>> No.8889210

where are you getting all these pictures of him though! what's his real name!


>> No.8889223
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 10838742_950634358297261_1249341856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His IG is ilikebumshaha

>> No.8889236

His name is Jamba Juice
He is an author with over 300 published stories. These pictures are spread all over the internet as a non-textual approach to the dissemination of the self in contemporary literature. Now some people are posting them in 4chan (probably him aswell, but anonimity makes it impossible to know for sure) as a deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence.

>> No.8889290

Jimmy Numale

>> No.8889318

I went to YOUR schools, I went to YOUR churches, I went to YOUR institutional learning facilities

>> No.8889322

>Wikipedia scholarship

>> No.8889331

So close to saying something smart. Keep it up.

>> No.8889436

this post is art

>> No.8889997

To be fair, Bill Clinton did utter the immortal line
>It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is
A lot of groundwork was laid before Murrica got its meme president.

>> No.8890115
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1458108945148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't "post-modern" just mean futuristic?

>> No.8890141

Postmodernism is the twisting of literary norms and contracts to accomplish something, which includes nothing at all.

>> No.8890149


>> No.8890208


my diary desu

>> No.8890224
File: 18 KB, 189x229, final boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"you just did"

>> No.8890238


>> No.8890243

Why does this make me so irrationally angry and confused

>> No.8890276

How? Seems like standard particularistic nationalism to me.

>> No.8890297

i stuck my whole hand up my asshole and all i got was shit literally all over my hand

>> No.8890312

>gets told
>spouts pol memes
i don't think lit is for you

>> No.8890319

ridiculing your DNA.

>> No.8890321


>> No.8890323


>> No.8890369

>Summarize postmodernity in one sentence.
I plan to celebrate completion of my PhD with another tattoo, of either the Hindu goddess Kali, or a treble clef.

>> No.8890376

faggots thinking they're smart

>> No.8890407

Lurkmoar faggot

>> No.8890416

Weird for the sake of weird.

>> No.8890442
File: 33 KB, 500x391, snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every novel is like one of those novelty snake cans, you open the book & POP you get a face fulla snakes and you fall back cackling.
>not a pop-up book
You had one job, anon

>> No.8890572

Did this thread end in Aporia? I haven't seen one satisfying answer given. I know mine won't be very impressive either

I see it as a raising of the minute emotions and observations of the character/individual as the subjective truth; as a result of a rejection of and/or inability to prescribe to any single objective religious or philosophical truth of life.

>> No.8890574

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8891196
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>> No.8891203

>I see it as a raising of the minute emotions and observations of the character/individual as the subjective truth; as a result of a rejection of and/or inability to prescribe to any single objective religious or philosophical truth of life.
Sounds more like Romanticism

>> No.8891224

i will fuck you in the ass while your wife and mile cyrus watch and harold bloom is laughing on the bathroom calling you a cuck

>> No.8891412

Holy...I want pacakes

>> No.8892188


>> No.8892207

they think it be like it is, but it don't

>> No.8892211

Just fuck my shit up senpai.

>> No.8892500

The answer is here, Anon: >>8890297

>> No.8892534

"I am not a product of history."

This most horrible of illusions has ruined us

>> No.8892535

holy shit what a crazy load of garbage

>> No.8892544

Flying blind

>> No.8892574

>"I am not a product of history."
How does anybody justify this?

>> No.8892649

Everything, everywhere, every time, all at once.

>> No.8893201


excellent reference my friend

>> No.8893208

One sentence, postmodernity summarized in.

>> No.8893336
File: 28 KB, 300x384, 960640187_large-image_as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches on my dick, where my money at

>> No.8893424

CIA sponsored response to Social Realism

>> No.8894270

the surface of the collision point of high- and low cultures, fragmentation of traditional values, sense of self, gender and sexuality, a rejection of dominant social narratives, whilst becoming one.

>> No.8894278

Maybe first ask whether anyone has said it.

>> No.8894305

>every American should act and talk like a bunch of euros are listening in and not care TOO MUCH about their own politics, because the opinions of euros matter

>> No.8894505

kek you sound like a retard

>> No.8894521

Jesus Christ you're really dim aren't you?

Your autism is so obvious by your need to interject your irrelevant knowledge of Clinton's downfalls.

>> No.8894527

You're either baiting or mentally retarded, It's hard to tell at this point

>> No.8894538

Nothing means anything

>> No.8895299


>> No.8896361

less is a bore.

>> No.8896881

>Summarizing post-modernity into a single sentence.

>> No.8897073

Classics were(are) better

>> No.8897130
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le memes xD

>> No.8897156


>> No.8897169

>I want muh trumplet memes and if you disagree with me you are a cuck!
Sounds pretty non-argumental.

Go back, stormcuck.

>> No.8898307

Weird for the sake of weird

>> No.8898314

You'd think it'd be a happy realization that god is dead and now I only have myself to own up to, but it's not.

>> No.8898352

stupid niggers trump is post-postmodernism

>> No.8898593

Y'know... the more I see of this guy the less I hate him. Weird.

>> No.8898637

Donald Trump
>Compulsive liar with a thin skin and a huge ego
>Questionable business practices like literally not paying taxes, numerous failed businesses, alleged ties to mobsters
>Refuses to attend briefings on national security
>Uses twitter like 140 characters can be a legit form of communication for a politician, throws tantrums
>Does not strongly condemn the russian hack, does not strongly condemn the literal KKK supporters he gets
>Gropes women, makes disgusting remarks about women, makes incestuos remarks about her daughter
>His foundations are shams
>Strong conflict of interest between his businesses and his office
>Literally no experience as a politician
>His team is a bunch of billionaires/millionaires who gave him money for the campaign or bought themselves a seat
>Yeah, he lied about his campaign funding
>Won because he ran against one of the worst candidate the Democrats ever produced after cheating Sanders
Oh boy need I go on?

>> No.8898748

You retards realize the russian "hack" was litearlly just a phishing scam by some random russian dude, right? It's literally just a "prince of nigeria" tier scam that Podesta fell for and there's nothing connecting it to Putin. You guys are hilarious, any time someone becomes progressive their critical thinking skills vanish and they suddenly don't know how to argue with anything but ad hominems.

>> No.8898751

Closed-room murder mystery with magic.

>> No.8898770

Only one orphan remained. Two, if you counted God

>> No.8898793

Trump is no good, but Clinton? Just have a look on American foreign policy in the last few years. That's worse than avoiding taxes, or twittering, or making incestuous remarks.

>> No.8898796


Objective reality? I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8898843


European here. I'm optimistic that Trump won. At least he doesn't have a track-record of jumping on any and all opportunities to fuck up the middle east, leading to the biggest migrant crisis in modern history. I really couldn't give less of a fuck that's he's pure sleaze and a buffoon when Hillary is a psychotic warmonger.

Her "police" action in Libya, which is mentioned in the leaked emails to be about not allowing Gaddafi to create a gold-backed pan-african currency that could compete with the US dollar and the African Franc, opened up for a stream of migrants that Europe is still trying to deal with. I cry a little inside when liberals try to defend her modern colonialism.

>> No.8898844

My second if she was my first love, unless you count...CRASH!...God.

>> No.8898945

You retard probably did not realize but I am not a progressive. You retarded fuckface probably did not realize, but reading only pol and breitbart nullifies your critical thinking skills. If it was not serious agencies and government officials would not be talking about it.
>This is what Trump supporters actually believe

>> No.8899013

>Bad international meddling is bad
Yeah well no shit son that is probably one of the reasons why she is no longer a secretary of state. Also saying that Syria is purely their fault(Hillary and Obama) is stretching it, by much. The NATO intervention in Libya was led by France and the UK. Also, I would much rather blame the EU and its lack of coherent policy regarding immigration for the current situation than just the circumstances. Globalisation is real, immigration will be one of the greatest source of conflict of the century, it needs resolving anyway. Other than that they could have tried to stabilize the situation in Syria but the EU was consumed by internal conflict.
>Isolationist policies in "current year" headed by Trump
First off, he has no discernible political talent or experience. Putting that aside meddling in the middle east is definitely needed. Kerry highlighted this yesterday it in his speech, the Israel-Palestine question needs resolving(shit son Israel has nukes) and the only solution is the two state solution which provides the desired stability. There is no other way to resolve the conflict, the jews will never give citizenship to the arabs because it would not make Israel jewish anymore, and not giving them citizenship destroys democracy in every sense of the word.

>> No.8899017

Who let the dogs out?

>> No.8899027


>> No.8899032

With writing that awkward I hope for your sake you're ESL senpai. What are you even doing on /lit/?
>no discernible talent or experience
POTUS is an executive role. Trump has more executive talent and experience than any US President in a very long time.

>> No.8899072

>Head of Government with ultimate say over every policy
>Purely executive role
>He is a good businessman so he would be a good president
This meme needs to die, it is entirely unfounded, but for the sake of the argument:
He is a son of a wealthy man, who was the son of a wealthy man(his grandfather even has a wikipedia page). He built no business empire, as he would like you to believe, he just inherited one and did not fare that well with it considering he bankrupted numerous companies and even by his own admission he amassed huge debts. He sells himself, the Trump name is a badge he sells for money because everyone recognizes him. He is very good at this, but none of this translates to good policies or skill at international politics.

>> No.8899082

An ideological temper tantrum spanning a few limp-wristed generations.

>> No.8899088

>Head of Government with ultimate say over every policy

Consider this: why does this Head of Government have ultimate say over every policy in a federation of states?

Why is Donald Trump being a Head of Government any more of a catastrophe than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or the Dalai Lama or Hitler or Merkel or Thomas Pynchon or Ricky Bobby or Ricky Carmichael or Dave from accounting being a Head of Government?

Please don't respond with a knee-jerk.

>> No.8899092

That's just your opinion, but it doesn't really matter anyway. In four years everyone is going to be singing his praises, just wait and see. He's very capable, has a great work ethic, and has a mandate on big issues like immigration and trade. He's going to get so much done.

>> No.8899149

Pure make believe
Already laid out my case against him in 3 posts already, no need to argue why he would be bad, he is bad. But again for the sake of the argument lets take a look at Israel:
The West Bank is currently inhabited by Jews and Palestinians. The jewish "settlemenets", they are more of actual cities now, lie scattered over the the territory and they are connected with roads and occupy the most fertile land and lie near valuable natural resources. The roads are obviously controlled by Israel, hence the palestinians live in scattered patches surrounded by israeli walls without access to natural resources or fertile lands, their economy is crippled and they have nowhere to go. On top of this jewish settlers continually push further and further into palestinian land causing further disintegration of their territory.
On the other hand palestinians are absolutely desperate and their terrorist groups regulalry attack Israel or her citizens.
The Gaza strip is just another even uglier shitshow.
Trump seems to back Bibi and his plan of the one state solution which is absolutely crazy for the following reasons:
- Bibi is not an ideologue, at least not by crazy standards, his push for the greater Israel is motivated by purely self preservatory reasons.
Likud is not as powerful as it used to be and he is in coalition with some real religious right wing nutjobs, and he needs them appeased.So settlements are built and are backed by the state, now even a law will be probably passed that is not only against international law but will be unconstitutional in Israel that gives legitimizes israeli settlements in palestinian land retroactively. Israel is already violating the Oslo accords by occupying land which is designated to be palestinian. These are huge issues.
What were to happen if they actually took every land available? There would be more than 2.7 millions palestinians in the West Bank alone, scattered in patches surrounded by walls without any sort of hope. This is no way to live, and there would be huge instability(aside from the obvious humanitarian point of view). The arabs will not get israeli citizenship, it is out of the question, the nutjubs would never approve and it would mean the the and of Israel as a jewish state anyway. If they do not get citizenship they become nothing, a people without a state or government. This can't do. Trump does not seem to grasp this, the two state solution is the only viable one, aside from deportation of 2.7 millions of people. There is no other way to resolve this conflict without further bloodshed and escalation.
Trump is blind, a twitter politician, a meme

>> No.8899168

m8 nobody cares about the fucking palestinians, it's not the US's problem.

>> No.8899235

Nice argument there buddy, thanks for the input. The USA should not care about the stability of Israel, its long standing ally, a state which has nukes. Surely nothing bad can come of that.
If only I could be like Trump supporters, dumb as two bricks.

>> No.8899249

he's gonna get SO. MUCH. DONE.

>> No.8899263

What's wrong with it?

>> No.8899288

Au contraire, Trump cares a ton for the stability of Israel. He has unambiguously defended them, and will support the situation being resolved however Israel wants. Trump understands that there's nothing to be gained by being a friend of Palestine, but there's much to be gained by being a friend of Israel. I can understand why people aren't a fan of this policy, I'm not either, but from Trump's standpoint as a pragmatist who has bigger fish to fry it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.8899307

As I have said it creates no long term stability, which is the ultimate goal since nuclear weapons last longer than certain people in power.

>> No.8899310

Irony > rationality
Symbols unmoored from context until there is only symbols

Apparently few. He seems to be very well adjusted and is now a minor celebrity on a politically influential anime forum.

The eternal WASP

Democrats don't have to disown communists

>> No.8899320

Long term stability in the middle east is a pipe dream, chasing it has never ended well.

>> No.8899323

If you gonna try to argue make it at least a little harder.
Israel is in no need for short term stability, they are a stable country backed by the USA with huge amounts of money.
We are not talking about the stability of the whole region, but one country.

>> No.8899333

Fuck your rules. I can use as many sentences as I like.

>> No.8899343

You're narrow minded and think two states is the only solution. Israel doesn't agree and neither does Trump. I'm not saying it's the optimal solution for Israel to bully Palestine but it's what they're going to do and there's not going to be any major issues because Palestine is impotent.

>> No.8899350

>He seems to be very well adjusted
Are we watching the same picture?

>> No.8899360
File: 58 KB, 2760x2000, 1482192994921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit: The Post

>> No.8899370

I've seen other pictures and webms where he seems very self-confident and smokes a huge bowl. He has a weird charm.

>> No.8899396

Arabs: 4 million
(Gaza strip+West Bank combined)
Jews: 6,451 million
Do the math, do not drink the Trump kool aid

>> No.8899607

It is true though. History itself didn't form me as an individual, and it certainly did not form every human being.

>> No.8899632

Hillary Clinton is a sneaky little rat and you know it. She's a psychopath. When Clinton lost, she physically attacked campaign staff. She's just as prone to tantrums as Trump is.

>> No.8899853

someone photoshop the beard onto her

>> No.8899883

>they told me I could be anything, so I became the most punchable man on earth

>> No.8899931

Holy.....I want bananas

>> No.8900413

>brainlets actually believe this
>they believe their value systems and beliefs are original
>they believe their thoughts are original

>> No.8900785

How to destroy society

>> No.8901958

>Not craving pancakes

>> No.8902245


>> No.8902301
File: 41 KB, 749x512, 1483030129397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]