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8887890 No.8887890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are women destroying human language and culture? Right now you have them working en masse to re-define logic and definitions as mansplaining. Why are women doing this, truly?

>> No.8887896

not lit

>> No.8887926

The shifting nature of language and culture is very lit, now if it goes against your diseased SJW outlook you can be honest about that.

>> No.8888198


>> No.8888225

>Right now you have them working en masse to re-define logic and definitions as mansplaining
cite your sources please

>> No.8888226

Women make for better cogs in the post-industrial capitalist machine, so they get that poorer among other things.

It's really not something we can control.

>> No.8888266
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>Women make for better cogs in the post-industrial capitalist machine

Explain please.

>> No.8888269

destroy the capitalism

>> No.8888272

What you are currently doing is known as "malewhining".

>> No.8888296

'mansplaining' doesn't claim that logic or definitions should be redefined. It's simply an instance where a man talks down to a woman as if she doesn't know any better. This happens all the time – there's plenty of stats to show men tend towards taking charge of the conversation – but ironically they are too busy talking over other people to notice and whinge when people don't approve of their attitude

>> No.8888298

because you're in a world of your own perceptions warped by the internet which is the world

>> No.8888302

The social skills which women naturally possess make them better suited for lower to mid-level management and most jobs in the service industry. The ease with which women are influenced by authority figures allows them to accel in educational environments.

>> No.8888310
File: 721 KB, 245x245, uh_racist_and_sexist_much.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's simply an instance where a man talks down to a woman as if she doesn't know any better

How dare they! I mean we may have the vote and equal rights and kitchen appliances but we'll always be in the dark ages until men stop being condescending! This is why I need feminism #I'mWithHer

>> No.8888313
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>Are women destroying human language and culture?
always have
>Right now you have them working en masse to re-define logic and definitions as mansplaining.
stop paying attention to tumblr. you'll never hear a professional talk about mansplaining
>Why are women doing this, truly?
because buzzwords and short phrases are easier to use than critical thinking and conversation

>> No.8888327

not that guy but late capitalism is a gigantic cybernetic accelerationism machine that is bent on dissolving all emergent complexity and creativity from the human spirit (culture) so that humans are only capable of factory-produced and standardized leisure activities, probably soma from brave new world eventually

the ultimate goal, though it doesn't need any conscious conspirator to push it forward, is to create a race of identical and easily "disciplined" drones to service the machine

women are ideal for this because femininity is passive, uncreative, unambitious. women are the ideal drones in a way, other than being physically weak. so the goal has become to feminize men and make them more docile like women, while using women to accelerate the process, through dissolution of the family (a source of culture and creativity, because it allows diversity between family members + generations, and economic autonomy and "mobility" away from the state's womb) and through hypergamy (young men are no longer promised a family + status as a reward for investing themselves in careers and becoming men, but encouraged to be office workers who endlessly compete in the daily orgyporgy for irresponsible young women's sexual capital)

women are destabilisers of order, and stabilisers of decay. give them any male cultural creation and they will let its beating heart die and rot, while turning its outer husk into a knitting circle whose brutal hierarchy of sexual selection takes its appearance (erscheinungsform) in a neverending game of virtue-signalling

what happens when you liberate men? they create whole artforms, establish states, found new cultures. what happens when you "liberate" women? they become parasitic on their menfolk, and distort existing culture and language into husks to service them - fat bitches are "big beautiful women." sluts become saints. good becomes evil. cats and dogs, living together. nothing has any meaning, nothing CAN have any meaning any longer, because meaning is rigid, monolithic, phallic - it stands out against a universe of chthonic vaginal entropy. culture has power, words have power, and in a world whose centre of gravity is the clitoris, the only permissible power is the clitoris. all words must ultimately come to refer to its glory.

>> No.8888328

remember what marx said about niggers? apply it to women

>> No.8888346


wew lad

>> No.8888374
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>cats and dogs, living together
I got that reference. Didn't think I'd read your wall-o-text shitpost, did ya! Jokes on you, I have nothing better to do.

>> No.8888395


>meaning is rigid, monolithic, phallic - it stands out against a universe of chthonic vaginal entropy

freedom to post greek statue memes will never compete with an infinite formless neuro-orgy, the only non-schizo reason anyone did any of those feats was for pleasure

>> No.8888400

OP claiming that the idea of mansplaining poses a threat to 'human language and culture' is a hilarious exaggeration, and one evidently tinged with castration anxiety. You can patronise all you want but you're still a cuck

>> No.8888424

It comes from a tradition that sees language as a power struggle and is attempting to change it in order to tip the balance of power in both the discourse and society as a whole the favor of women. Every feminist term tries to do this.

>appealing to psychoanalysis.

>> No.8888667

Try not grouping 50% of the population together in one group with a common goal or behavior. It's absurd.

>> No.8888688

No, the human search and need for meaning in an inherently meaningless world is absurd
Stereotyping women is just common sense

>> No.8888714

This is beautiful

>> No.8888742


>you're still a cuck

Preach it sister! Way to re-appropriate the problematic language of privilege! You sure showed that white male the error of his ways and spoke truth to power. Using bad words like "cuck" shows the other forum posters that you're "one of the lads" and can be trusted, because you're totally not a huge blubbering faggot, right?

>> No.8888778

Isn't that just being patronising? Everyone does that on occasion.

>> No.8888784
