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8887924 No.8887924 [Reply] [Original]

I would like some introductory books for economics and politics that would give me a base from which i could progress. New to this board and reading for leisure in general, please help out a pleb.

>> No.8887931


>> No.8887937

Adam smith: wealth of nations
Karl marx: Capital
Thomas Piketty: Capital in the Twenty-First Century

>> No.8887939


How new are you exactly?

>> No.8887940


I mean, to economics.. not to the board (age/education?)

>> No.8888012

>Karl marx: Capital
>Thomas Piketty: Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Except both of those books are garbage and, at best, teach nothing at all.

Basic Economics by Sowell

>> No.8888019
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>Karl marx: Capital
>Thomas Piketty: Capital in the Twenty-First Century
>Except both of those books are garbage and, at best, teach nothing at all.
>Basic Economics by Sowell

>> No.8888035

microeconomic theory by mas-colell

>> No.8888039

econometric theory by greene

>> No.8888049

macro you have choice

recursive macroeconomic theory by ljungkvist and sargent seems to be the most common gold standard pick tho

>> No.8888053


>The racist brocialist gets triggered by the fact that Sowell's Basic Economics trumps every other introductory work

>> No.8888057
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>if you disagree with me you are racist

>> No.8888065


>one recommends marx the other recommends sowell
>either of you being racist

you're both nigger kike lovers and need to gas each other

>> No.8888071
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>if you recommend any non-straight-white-male economists you're an idiot

>> No.8888086


if they don't have a nobel prize they are not an economist.

>> No.8888090

You are an idiot because you are a conservative trying to use idpol to pass off your cornball brother libertarian cuckservitve as being good

>> No.8888096



Have fun with the class reduction, brocialist.

>> No.8888115

Das Kapital

>> No.8888131

You are the one who literally dismisses anything leftist and are using insults instead of arguments.
you are the one who assumes i am male.

>> No.8888151


>> No.8888160


You guys are arguing about smith, marx, sowell...

what's the point it's all topical

but desu marx is not really economics... it's more of a politic-revolutionary thing. class warefare blah blah. not really economics, just autistic sperging

>> No.8888172

Marx is a critique of capitalism, therefore it's economics

>> No.8888176

Except his entire critique was completely baseless and his knowledge of economics in general minimal at best.

>> No.8888181


lol your dumb

>> No.8888183

Factually incorrect.

Not an argument.

>> No.8888188

I am not factually incorrect. Prove to me that his critique of capitalism has some value or merit.

>> No.8888196

Have you ever actually read any Marx? There are many parts where he goes into acribic economic details and numbers.

And to say his critique was 'completely baseless' is fucking retarded. Many of his main points on labour relationships, surplus value, economic crisis' etc. still hold true to this day.

>> No.8888201

They didn't hold true in Marx's time they don't hold true now. Theft of surplus value especially is a complete myth and I always find it funny that only people who have never taken economics above a 100 level agree with it.

>> No.8888218

Ah, yes of course, because there is no overproduction, we aren't feeling increasingly disenfrachised, most people are happy with their jobs, we aren't filling our planet with waste and there is no rising income inequality.

These might sound banal now but Marx' writings have echoed for 200 years.

>> No.8888221

Yet his impact was huge so you should read him anwaywas

>> No.8888229


>AIDS' impact was huge so you should get AIDS

>> No.8888253

>Being this much of an intellectual retard

You sound like a whiny liberal that refuses to read Heidegger because he was a Nazi.

>> No.8888261
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..i'm not a liberal

>> No.8888287

The point is, you are behaving like one. A particularily whiny one.

>> No.8888292

Don't listen to this anon; it's fucking terrible advice. Now that I think of it, I can't actually tell if he's being serious or not.

>> No.8888294

What exactly are you hoping to "progress" to? Because reading the books recommended in this thread will give you an understanding of politics and economics about as well as watching Cosmos will give you an understanding of physics. That is, you won't develop anything more than a shallow understanding of the subject without a serious education, which would not start with any of these meme books.

>> No.8888305


Alright I was indulging you. It's clear you dodged my analogy, I don't know why you replied at all. I suggested reading Marx is voluntarily is about as intelligent as giving yourself AIDS voluntarily.

So you call me a "liberal".

Top jej ""comrade"", your head's all fucked up.

>> No.8888333

The fact that it inspired millions of people to action in accordance with his ideas.

>> No.8888335


how i know your an ameridumb neocon with their head in the sand

>> No.8888350

I've taken a few intro economics classes, but they had their own kind of book. There were two name drops I got, though. Keynes and Hayek.

There's also some investing stuff and studies, but I'm not sure you want those.

>> No.8888377

>Marx' writings have echoed for 200 years
That is the sound of bullets striking spinal columns in dark cellars. The sounds of his writings are silent, because the real economies predicated upon his teachings have failed, or are thriving black markets.

>> No.8888387
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>surplus value
>holding true today

>> No.8888401
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>Marx' writings have echoed for 200 years

Empty vessels make the loudest noise.

>> No.8888669
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The worldly philosophers is what you're looking for.