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/lit/ - Literature

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8883088 No.8883088 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys go to discuss literature in real life? I'm wondering if there really is a place where people meet to have esoteric conversations on literature and philosophy. It seems that meeting someone who can elaborate on the subject is like finding a needle in a haystack. Sure they exist, you even have popular ones like Woody Allen, but I have yet to see a group congregating in a single succinct space.

>> No.8883094

lol guess you havent ever been to my starbucks then

>> No.8883099

in real life, i come here!

>> No.8883100

>Last time I was in a Starbucks I found a bunch of old guys playing chess.
>I knew half of them.

>> No.8883102

People who read literature are all fucked in the head just like people who watch anime

>> No.8883107

I had an anime "phase" so to speak, but I've never completely dropped literature. No matter how important to me in life in any period it always exists in the backdrop, easily returned to when desired.

>> No.8883127

Ya just like people who drunk water lmao

>> No.8883148

Dude, I live in Portland, Oregon. There's a Starbucks on almost every street-corner.

>> No.8883191
File: 3.94 MB, 5312x2988, 20151121_195458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a man comes of age, he also comes to understanding

You see in a long ancient land known only as Arcania, there lived an old ancient man

And this old ancient man held aloft a decrepit worn staff.

And written on the decrepit worn staff was inscribed an esoteric analytic

And read from this esoteric analytic was an innate understanding

You see the young impressionable boy who lived in his modern sleek home listened to his father's tangential tale

And the father spoke his tangential tale in acquiescence with his reticent role

He told the boy of the long ancient land and the old ancient man and the decrepit worn staff and the esoteric analytic

And the man gleaned to his son;

The innate understanding held in it a deep meaning:

A man is no distinction, but a parallax
Life is not a journey, but a lengthy tax
But there is no greater merit
Than to push through, grin and bear it
We fight to find meaning in a meaningless world
So keep your head, stride with confidence into that chaotic furl
Knowing you have only one goal for all your strife
To make the most of a futile life,

>> No.8883202


I had a literature "phase" so to speak, but I've never completely dropped anime. No matter how important to me in life in any period it always exists in the backdrop, easily returned to when desired.

>> No.8883214

>discussing books
Have you never taken a lit class in college? Easy pussy and you can spout your opinions on Joyce it's like /lit/ except you can fuck the women

>> No.8883217

Poker, toker lead a line of pills with a chase of soaker
I live a life of pain and addiction
I get no sympathy for my affliction
Was it my own fault
That I lost my house, my kids, and never got caught?
Can I blame the police who didn't bust my dealer
Kicking back a buck or too for protecting the local "healer"
A dirk cloaked and daggered, disguised as a witch doctor
Slimy citizen shielded by a moniker
Well, can I blame the family?
Who failed to help me
Holding an intervention
failing to stop my declension, let alone ease filial tensions
Could I blame the lawman?
Who works for himself, deflecting arguments to the contrary with a straw man
who sleeps with 10 women just to have his masculinity portray
imbibes more in an hour than I do in a day
Should I blame myself?
Who took his first needle off the doctor's medical shelf
Who bought his first bag of heroin with his lunch money
and never gave up the habit, from middle school to the modern day,
Whose wife left him when she found out
Took the kids with her in a rush and a pout
I, who sold my house to prevent an interdiction
between my arm, my needle and my addiction
No, it wasn't I
It wasn't me but the other guy
The one who holds all the blame
The one whose always faces away, expressions holding steadily the same
The one whose grief lay bottomless
The one whose eyes look down, towards shodden lace
That's the man who deserves all the hate
He did everything, allowing my addiction to inculcate
Not I, I am fearless
I am peerless
and certainly
not cheerless
I always have a little friend waiting to greet me
he lies on the corners, hiding in dealers pockets to see me.
I have joy in life free of all nicks
as long as I can find my next fix

>> No.8883233

Damn son... have you considered rehab? And then maybe writing a book of poems about rehab? Maybe in a faux-dr.seuss style?

>> No.8883237

Sleep soundly my sacred sow
I breathe easy with you resting now
I love our life, but I am remiss
I want to see the world, but I would never want you to miss
The sights and sounds of a far off land
I wonder if its in your plan
I wonder where I am
In the dusk
I see a shadow, more like a husk
It says to me to relax and sleep
It says to me the future is not so bleak
but the husk lies
The husk cries
The husk that I won't let you see
The husk that wants to love you more deeply
The one that knows it doesn't have much longer
The one that tries to forget its duty as a mother
She walks among streetfire, midnight lights
corners, holes in the wall
bars are her only respite
and then she gets exited
she always tries to act festive
but her attitude, it makes the other patrons feel awkward
She has to much and ends up bawling sluggard
So the next day she visits the hospital
and gets a dosage of dreck
Speeding her ever closer to an untimely death

>> No.8883241

I'm not an addict, I just have a wide imagination.

>> No.8883243

College is a meme

>> No.8883277

Who wrote this? Can i have moar?

>> No.8883291


>> No.8883309


I don't know anyone intelligent enough with whom to do this sort of thing IRL.

I don't even know where to look. I thought I might find them in university, for example, but I found only dumbfucks - same as everywhere else.

>> No.8883312

Well keep at it I suppose. Wouldn't say you're the next fucking Ezra Pound or anything but you could write song lyrics for some junkie punk band

>> No.8883318

Nah university is the way to go. Join the college radio station or go to smaller sized lit classes with good professors. Seems like you just wanna feel like you're smarter than the people at your uni but nigga trust...a lot of em know their shit especially if you go to a good Uni

>> No.8883320


>> No.8883321

This ones kinda lame gotta be honest...sounds like some Hot Topic shit

>> No.8883325

Nah it's pretty chill... just get into a good one and even if you're a humanities major like I am you'll get a decent paying job at a publishing house. And there's always the academic route if you're grades are good enough to get into a good masters program

>> No.8883327

In all honesty it's decent...but you don't have a wide imagination...plenty of lit about drug addiction and loss out there. Yours just happens to rhyme. Like a freestyle Narcotics Anonymous speech

>> No.8883367

fourth post best post

>> No.8883405

>"literature" discussion in starbucks
>anything but a bunch of college kids discusssing YA shit

>> No.8883519

I keep in touch with my high-school literature teacher. Not much of an age difference so no mentor bullshit.

Now that I think of it, all the people I can talk to about literature I've met as a high-schooler. I went to bars, underground book releases, hung around places frequented by artists.

>> No.8883521

Anon is correct. Didn't join my college's radio station, but I started getting myself invited to their parties. I haven't found any other group of kids on campus who were able to really discuss literature and it was really refreshing. Fuckin hell they even joke about Stirner spooks which makes me wonder if they're also on /lit/ or just Weird Facebook.

>> No.8883683

A couple of my friends from high school and I started to get interested in philosophy and literature when we were 16 and we've all been avid readers since then. Most of the times we meet up we drink a lot and talk about philosophy a lot. It's pretty nice and comfy and you feel like you're a part of a movement because the discussions are actually pretty intelligent.

>> No.8883996

>what are friends with similar interests
It's your own fault if you hang out with dullards and the psychologically incompetent. University is the best place to meet like-minded people but bear in mind you'll be spending a fuck tonne of money on a useless degree

>> No.8884456

I wrote it and all the other ones in the thread. I can write more but I'm not in the mood since it's not 3am and I'm not coming off a caffeine high

>> No.8884503

From whence do winds blow
From where falls the winter's snow
What songs are sung in cool airs
and bright suns
Beautiful trees wallowing like willows
skunked and hunkered by confetti ice like pillows
"Winter, a time for cheer"
"Christmas is finally here!"
And all the family sung together
Of tales of yold, of heroes in cold weather
In a warm living room
sitting by a hot fire

>> No.8884523
File: 104 KB, 1680x1050, 1416090245362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I. Never. Discuss. Anything. With. People.

No. Talk.

No. Fucking. Debate. With. Plebs.

Never. Again.

>> No.8886032

>I'm wondering if there really is a place where people meet to have esoteric conversations on literature and philosophy

It's called a university.

>> No.8886100

nigga as a drug addict this is straight up offensive

>> No.8886192

>go to college!
>easy pussy!
>its practically free!
-Someone who doesnt go to college

>> No.8886200

>from whence
Fucking dropped on the spot

>> No.8886398

Should I become a drug addict to give make my writing more genuine?

>> No.8886407

There was once a boy, nary seven years old
who sat on a bench reading to tales told
Of kingdoms and kings
of knights and princesses
a songbird sings
gentle tunes
sleeping dogs
floating loons
crocodiles mimic logs
lying in wait
or logs like crocodiles
resting like bait
The sun suffues the afternoon sky
A summertime hue catches the boys eye
A beautiful blue, a great ball of yellow
a white cusp of horizon, colors so mellow.

>> No.8886415

A patch of grass in a field of wheat
A shallow pond
Swimming within
A small frond
He drove through the waters clear
Meeting seaweed walls
Ivy tall and sheer
A local took a solemn drink
A young creature, wooded dear

>> No.8886420

If there was ever a man
Who could top ol' Pete
He would have to summit mount Kildare
and take his ashes
from his frozen seat

If there was ever a man
Who could best ol' Pete
He would have to fight 10 men at once
Without leaving his seat

I heard a rumor
Of swarthy ol' Pete
Who conquered women in his youth
and lands in his heat

Ol' pete was a man beyond merit
Greater than himself
A myth, no man lay behind the tales
of ol' pete regaled

I saw him there
The day before he died
great old Pete
sipping a liquor tete
by a dumpster he lied

I said "Old pete what are you doing out here"
and he replied
It wasn't I
He said
It wasn't I

>> No.8886432

I clambered forth through ferocious waters
The sea was a fierce enemy but worse were her daughters
A great whale
Sized to pale
any myth man or legend
summoned forth in earth or heaven

She was a might beast, 100 feet long
and a thousand pounds
Each made from the meat of 10,000 frond
Swashbucklers are no menace compared to thee
Skin harder than a hundred foot tree

Splashes squirmed my stomach
Crewmen spurned overboard to plummet
Planks flew up in a storm
The main mast lay across the deck torn

What shall I call a beast as menacing as thee
Whose fins weigh heavier than my entire ship
I have a fitting name, one to meet its master
Whose power is beyond disaster
A flow whose title tells of the body so powerful yet slick
I shall call you writing oneself into a corner

>> No.8886837

that's what I did

>> No.8886869

Facebook messenger

I used to talk about /lit/ on aim but that's a dead zone now.

>> No.8886940
File: 92 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From whence

>> No.8887790

Is it really that bad?

>> No.8887807

fire brota drop more bars my niece is all over the place here wild bloody dance

>> No.8887831


No, you're just dealing with some Yanks who can't handle more old-school English.


>> No.8887833

there is a reason nobody uses these words today

>> No.8887834

Not even caring about the whence, it's the most cliche-riddled poem I've read in a long time. It's a "poem" that you get the sense you've already heard somewhere, although, of course, you haven't --- it's just that cliched.

>> No.8887846
File: 453 KB, 280x207, is this pleb serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, (American) public education.

Try not to take too much pride in your stupidity. It's unbecoming.

>> No.8887853

using fancy old words will never make you a good poet faggot, im not even american

>> No.8887868
File: 40 KB, 657x527, Hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ad hominem.

>> No.8887882

the you is not you but anyone

>> No.8887889
File: 37 KB, 657x527, hehe yeh kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moving the goalposts.

>> No.8887894

you are twisting out everything anon, you are not arguing over what i say but how i say it

>> No.8887900
File: 78 KB, 784x643, hi from wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tu quoque.

>> No.8887912

this one doesnt even make sense anon

>> No.8887952

i like your style
it technically does, and it's beautiful he went for the wikipedia list instead of no u. i hope you're him too

>> No.8887961

shit sorry forgot to answer OP >>8887952
I go outside and read a book and eventually a homeless person with an encyclopedic knowledge of faggotry and hardy or cocteau will start up a highly awkward conversation with me.

>> No.8887963
File: 56 KB, 836x678, Heheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i like your style


>> No.8887965

no it doesnt,maybe only in a very vague way but still he just moves around my argument instead of tackling it

it was rationalwiki not wikipedia

>> No.8887971

>wikipedia doesn't have a logical fallacies list
>tu quoque arguments only make sense when phrased no u
dude i think you might be more autistic than this froggot >>8887963

>> No.8887983

no shitty fancy old words thats what im saying anon plain stuff im just having fun thats all