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/lit/ - Literature

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8885390 No.8885390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does Literature attract so many manlets? don't they have anything better to do?

>> No.8885429

They can't just skate by on being a lanklet. They actually have to accomplish something to get any cunny

>> No.8885432

>implying nietzsche got any cunny

>> No.8885443
File: 39 KB, 400x600, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was he so smart, /b/rehs?

>> No.8885448

improved manlet circulation

makes you think

>> No.8885507

>5 fucking feet tall, two inches away from being a literal midget
>on top of that he has a horrible lazy eye
>still got laid all the time
How did he do it?

>> No.8885515

Simone would bait the cunny, fuck it, then pass it on to Jean-Paul

>> No.8885520

People used to be shorter

>> No.8885531

yes most people used to be manlets

>> No.8885542

>Kafka was 6'0"
wow I always assumed he was a manlet

>> No.8885543

>got engaged multiple times

>> No.8885546

And they did actual manly work instead of shitposting on cartoon imageboards all day

>> No.8885549

he was, anything less than 6'3 is objectively manlet tier

>> No.8885550

>And they did actual manlety work
makes you think

>> No.8885557

>tfw 6'0" manlet
>tfw I will never find love
hold me

>> No.8885691

Women have always cared about height but, until recently, only a little. Once 4channers started shaming short men (for God knows what reason) women began to care a lot more about height. Sartre would have been a virgin had he been a millennial.

>> No.8885693

Manlets are subhuman scum.

>> No.8885696

No he wouldn't. The only reason people are virgins in the current year is because they're bitter assholes and they don't try. With online dating so accessible there's no excuse for being a virgin past age 16.

>> No.8885705

this, if you're still virgin by 18, you're a freak. If you're still virgin by 21, you should kill yourself.

Manlets are another thing all together, but even by age 18 they should at least be able to pay for a hooker since they won't have a shot in the adult world.

>> No.8885708

>tfw lost my virginity at 16
>same girl tried to rape me in a movie theater
>no sex drive since then

>> No.8885711

>getting raped by a girl

>> No.8885714

Why is everyone on 4chan so hostile towards short men? I'm a 5'6 man and never felt held back by my height. In fact I was hardly aware of the bias against short men until coming to 4chan. The preference women have for tall men must be overstated because I've slept with dozens of women and have had plenty of girlfriends, some more than a few inches taller than myself.

>> No.8885716

She didn't succeed, and I didn't think it affected me much at the time, but once my next girlfriend and I tried to have sex for the first time I couldn't stop thinking about it and felt nauseous

>> No.8885717

Weren't people smaller on average in the previous centuries?

>> No.8885719

4chan is hostile towards everything

>> No.8885720

Only in time periods and areas where nutrition was hard to find. There was nothing genetically preventing them from growing but when they weren't getting hearty meals they didn't grow as much as today

>> No.8885721

Keep telling that to yourself. Just remember that nobody in your life truly respects you.

>> No.8885722

Sure buddy. But just know that nobody will ever take you seriously in life. Women, in business, social gatherings. Everything you do will be clouded by your height because deep down you know every action is you trying to compensate for your inferiority as a subhuman creature.

>> No.8885739 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 617x409, 1482721224779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 5'7
>have a 9/10 punjabi qt who happens to be 5'11
>make 150k a year in EE
>bitter NEETs on /lit/ will try and make fun of me
stay salty niggers

>> No.8885740
File: 8 KB, 229x220, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait m7.

>> No.8885744
File: 78 KB, 707x710, 4932473298423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't expect /lit/ being this mundane desu

>> No.8885746

Was Kierkegaard a virgin?

>> No.8885747

>muh STEM
Nice bait


>> No.8885775

What the fuck is this thread? Are we in r9k?

>> No.8885781

That's not bait. The 4chan attitude towards short men is perplexing. They hate "Chads" and superficiality yet treat short men with cruelty for purely superficial reasons.

>> No.8885793

Kierks was literally chad on the outside. Wealthy AF, good looking, and got engaged to the prettiest girl in Denmark.
Mentally, he was a mess, although it did lead to some great philosophy.

>> No.8885794

It's not 4chan attitude. It's a polr9k attitude. You should never take any person who uses meme terms seriously. Hell, I bet they don't even fucking read. Try and have an in depth discussion of any book with the posters here, I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.8885806

Guys I'm short and my feelings get unironically hurt by this kinda shit. I know its immature, stupid and taking memes too seriously but its a bit worse than all the racism or misogyny or whatever because at least those things don't socially ostracize you. On 4chan I like to be among those as virginal as myself, or at least I don't want to be shamed for it. I'm not a romanticist but I don't have the balls for a hooker, so can I just browse my knitting forum in peace.

>> No.8885807
File: 114 KB, 808x499, assburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal fucking wew lad, why the resentment?

>> No.8885814

>wew lad

Alright, what books have you read recently, my man? Wanna discuss Ellis' Glamorama? Maybe good ol' Dosto and Tolst?

Do you browse mu too, by any chance?

>> No.8885827


le cringe, this poast really rustled my jimmies. Like, dude, you got a Dell! Who let the dogs out mirite?!?!!1!1

Kill yourself.

>> No.8885828
File: 29 KB, 500x402, pepe moustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the pure autistic rage coursing through your veins.

In any case I've just finished reading all of Nietzsche's work and am looking on starting The Red and the Black by Stendhel soon. Currently I've just been reading Sappho, Keats, and Williams.

>> No.8885832
File: 4 KB, 250x175, 1480604583468s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ebin loser hahaha Nietzsche hahahaha

Virgin detected

>> No.8885838
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lm(buns)o, sarte was freaking 5 flat

what a homo

>> No.8885841

*unzips dick*

>> No.8886580

>its a bit worse than all the racism or misogyny or whatever because at least those things don't socially ostracize you
>being a manlet is worse than being a PoC or a woman
get your tiny brain checked out m8

>> No.8886586

>Women have always cared about height but, until recently, only a little. Once 4channers started shaming short men (for God knows what reason) women began to care a lot more about height.

Or... your perception of what women care about has been warped by spending too much time on an anime forum

>> No.8886601

t. trans nigger

>> No.8886603

neck yourself turbomanlet

>> No.8886613

kek! don't you have other things to do, like choking on a cock, you inferior faggot?

>> No.8886620

>inferior faggot
"little faggot" sounds more natural there but that would more obviously apply to you, wouldn't it?

>> No.8886624

>more natural
but being trans is a unnatural as it get, a mental illness.
>wouldn't it
It wouldn't because I don't ooze estrogen filled tears and sweats, unlike you. Also you're quite butthurt for a fag.

>> No.8886628

good thing i'm not a faggot then ;)

also shut up you overcompensating manlet

>> No.8886636


>> No.8886642

But you're. They way you type itself proves it.

>> No.8886643

neck yourself turbomanlet

>> No.8886655

>but its a bit worse than all the racism or misogyny or whatever because at least those things don't socially ostracize you

Holy shit are you nuts? This should be a moment for you to empathise with how they're treated not to act like you're more persecuted

>> No.8886682

Another fem nigger detected

>> No.8886686

go "troll" leslie jones on twitter you alt-right retard

i have immediately lost any sympathy for manlets after what you've done

>> No.8886691
File: 329 KB, 1022x1433, a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they took the manlet memes seriously

>> No.8886694

You're """persecuted""" because you don't act like a human.
>i have immediately lost any sympathy for manlets after what you've done
Exactly, peabrain.

>> No.8886699

as they should
neck yourself turbomanlet

>> No.8886708
File: 240 KB, 1014x986, harold-bloom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm yeah, a lot of good literature discussion going on I see

>> No.8886711

it's a containment thread, what do you expect

>> No.8886715

The only I'm going to neck is yours with my dick.

>> No.8886720

Containment thread? The fuck is next containment posts?

>> No.8886721

doesn't parse
if you don't like the thread don't post in it

>> No.8886724

>what is saging

Shit attracts vermin

>> No.8886727

if you don't like the thread don't read it

>> No.8886729
File: 80 KB, 569x768, I wish my scarf was a noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said its mere existence attracts undesireables here. Your defensiveness about this stinking manure pile suggests you're one of them

>> No.8886732

lol you don't get to dictate what is Literature and what isn't

this thread may be shit but it DOES belong on this board

>> No.8886733
File: 16 KB, 360x360, my child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread may be shit but it DOES belong on this board

Yes, in the same way you reading internet posts is a legitimate compromise for not reading books

>> No.8886734

People used to be shorter overall back then.

>> No.8886740

>Yes, in the same way you reading internet posts is a legitimate compromise for not reading books
is that the word you meant to use
>people used to be short
that's what you meant to say

>> No.8886744

>is that the word you meant to use

Why yes it is, use this handy resource if you're not familiar with its meaning:


You'll need it if you ever intend on reading books in the future.

>> No.8886745 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1482757071969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread may be shit but it DOES belong on this board

>mfw actual threads are being bumped off by this one as we speak

take this shit back to /fa/ or /fit/ or whatever shit hole you came from

>> No.8886748

the only way your sentence makes sense is if you use substitute or a synonym for subtitute

you don't get to be an elitist if you are this bad at words
>mfw actual threads are being bumped off by this one as we speak
this is an actual thread about actual Literature

>> No.8886750
File: 53 KB, 350x470, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only way your sentence makes sense is if you use substitute or a synonym for

Compromise means you think your limited wikipedia synopsis understanding of writers gives you even a half a right to post here. Again if you can't comprehend basic words I suggest you return to your home board where such things aren't important.

>> No.8886752

god i HATE short men

>> No.8886757

>Compromise means you think your limited wikipedia synopsis understanding of writers gives you even a half a right to post here.
that's not anything close to what you said
>Again if you can't comprehend basic words I suggest you return to your home board where such things aren't important.
i can't comprehend your total inability to express yourself
i hate YOU

>> No.8886759
File: 288 KB, 1908x1032, party bloomers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god hates YOU

>> No.8886769

>Yes, in the same way you reading internet posts is a legitimate compromise for not reading books

3. something intermediate between different things

The different things in this case being
1. Reading books
2.Not reading books

My statement suggests you hold a belief that you can feign any legitimate claim of literacy on nothing but social osmosis. That it is in relative terms an intermediate rather than practically useless.
You see, its funny how understanding a new word can open a more nuanced sentence to you. If you even attempt to understand books some day you'll be exposed to a lot more sentences like this.

>> No.8886779

The different things in this case being
1. Reading books
2.Not reading books
>Yes, in the same way you reading internet posts is a legitimate compromise for not reading books
the two things in this sentence are reading internet posts and not reading books

reading books is not mentioned you illiterate, it only works if you say
>Yes, in the same way you reading internet posts is a legitimate substitute for not reading books
learn english you pseud

>> No.8886782
File: 56 KB, 380x411, 1838047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading books is not mentioned
>compromise for not reading books

I'm done speaking to you, have a nice day

>> No.8886787

reading books is not the same as not reading books you illiterate

>I'm done speaking to you
dumb avatar poster running away when he realises what a retard he is lmao

>> No.8886965

tfw 4chan is the reason nobody on 4chan can get laid.

>> No.8887005

>implying women and non-whites are oppressed

>> No.8887027
File: 66 KB, 554x400, Wew kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 5'6" and I can't take anyone shorter than me very seriously. My old personal trainer was shorter than me. Ripped? Sure, but I still couldn't take him seriously.

It would be cruel and hypocritical to demand, therefore, that people taller than me should take me all that seriously.

Like you it's never held me back, but unlike you it's never bothered me. It is every man's god-given right to disdain those who are shorter/weaker/stupider than him. I still get laid/etc, so it's all good.

>> No.8887037

Pynchon is like 6'8" and can dunk.