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8885158 No.8885158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm interested in maledom.
What are the must read books on the subject?
Are there any good guides as to how to train a slave\submissive?

>> No.8885203

venus in furs
im guessing marquis de sade too

>> No.8885241

Maledom is the most plebeian fucking fetish. You're already implicitly dominating women just by existing as a man. They have piss-poor upper body strength so they can't even overpower you if they're taller than you by half. All of their instincts are to be meek and approval-seeking and to worry that you find them terribly unsexy. The entire female psyche comes pre-compromised by male impositions before you can even lay a finger on it.

The single most effeminate thing a man can do is find it necessary to tighten the screws even further than they already are by demanding that the woman call him "daddy" or do servile shit. They already fucking fantasise about being raped, ravished, or "taken," already fantasise about being permanently neotenised "little girls" or "bimbo-ified" housewives, and you have to rub it in further by lording over them?

Women already see men like a nuclear explosion of Freudian paternalism radiation psychically forcing them to their knees, and you need to push them even lower by calling them a "good girl?"

Maledom is like defeating your enemy in honourable single combat, and then when he's laying vulnerable on the ground, declining to give him the coup de grace and choosing instead to pee on him and force him to tell you how bad you kicked his ass. Just stick it in him already and be done with it. He's already submissive to you by virtue of having lost. You don't need to turn it into a creepy fetish act.

The single manliest, most virile thing a man can do is hardcore femdom. Engaging in femdom is like meditating on a mountaintop until you discover the primordial nature of sex, power, and reality, and then coming back down in order to meekly guide your fellow man to that realisation. It's nursing your defeated enemy back to health and forgiving him with Caesar-like magnanimity. When you are physically stronger than a woman and fueled by animal lust to take her and do what you want with her, the most alpha male course of action is to let her tie your hands behind your back, and then eat her ass while she watches anime.

>> No.8885291

Na, the most effeminate thing a man can do is bitch like you just did haha lmao

On Christmas too!!

>> No.8885320

>woman trying to trick unwary anons into cuckoldry

>> No.8885342
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>not being dom-leaning switch masterrace

>> No.8885352

You're my hero

>> No.8885357

>Maledom is like defeating your enemy in honourable single combat, and then when he's laying vulnerable on the ground, declining to give him the coup de grace and choosing instead to pee on him and force him to tell you how bad you kicked his ass.

That sounds pretty enjoyable though.

>> No.8885380

>while she watches anime

Fucking ruined the post.

>> No.8885386
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>being straight, gay, or asexual in the year of our Lord 2017 minus 6 days

There is only one correct choice

>> No.8885387

rec some femdom lit senpai

>> No.8885453
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>> No.8885458

You don't need a word for it, all women want to be dominated.

>> No.8885496
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This reminds me of that Toni Morrison short story where you can't tell if the main character is black or white. You've immediately assumed that OP was a male. Where I thought op was a female perpetuating her stereotype. Hey, but what do I know?, I'm drunk. It's Christmas m8. Try and give the autism a rest for one night and take it easy. You'll find that life is right there where you left it. Untampered and uncaring.

>> No.8885512

You should read better
>Are there any good guides as to how to train a slave\submissive?

>> No.8885532

Can we PLEASE recommend some actual good lit femdom then? I don't want a half-cocked Fifty Shades redo.

Bonus points: Gentle femdom, not "lick my boot faggot" stuff

>> No.8885533

OK. Doesn't rule out that OP is female... Bitches can read about slave training as well. Hell it might get them off... Reading about things that some men do to women that men in their lives won't do to them...

>> No.8885569

Venus in Furs

>> No.8885582

>Maledom is the most plebeian fucking fetish
Agree completely, how big of a faggot do you need to be have a fetish this shit tier?

>> No.8885724

In Praise of Older Women, Juliette, certain stories in Street of Crocodiles, Nightwood, Closely Watched Trains, and The Story of O

not all strictly "femdom" but I think you might enjoy these

and of course Venus in Furs

>> No.8885726

>tfw both

>> No.8885730
File: 46 KB, 750x607, IMG_2097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice left big toe

Post more pics of left big toe please :^)

>> No.8885737

I usually hate trip and namefags but I feel a strong need that based on the conversations I've had with you today I really like you and this image

>> No.8885741

Maybe if u a bitch

>> No.8885757

It is a good image isn't it?

>> No.8885758

Really good

>> No.8885769

The best?

>> No.8885788


>> No.8885830

>not all strictly "femdom" but I think you might enjoy these

Probably better that they arent. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8885835

You're pushing it now but it is very good

>> No.8885848
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The best Christmas presents always come a bit late.

>> No.8885939

I can't even coherently respond.

>> No.8886446

Isn't Juliette just more of the same Sade?

>> No.8886453
File: 13 KB, 184x233, foucault.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, post of 2016 right here

>> No.8886454

>cuck tries to tell others what is manly
to P k eK

>> No.8886461


that shitpost was a thing of beauty

you are too young and/or new to regard great shitposting when you see it

>> No.8886495

So what if women are actually attracted to the feminity of bdsm?

>> No.8886508

Posts like this are the reason i come to /lit/

>> No.8886530

>great shitposting
This was reading exactly like reddit. If anything you're the newfag, candyass.

>> No.8886557

>They already fucking fantasise about being raped, ravished....

Exactly. All I want is to fulfill that fantasy for them.
Now, do you know any good books on the subject or not?

>> No.8886583

thanks for the Christmas laff anon
solid fucking shitpost