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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 195x274, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8881866 No.8881866 [Reply] [Original]

He opened my eyes.

>> No.8881871

He closed mine, because he put me to sleep

>> No.8881873

Go talk to other Marxists to close them again

>> No.8881879

And then what did he do?

>> No.8881881
File: 355 KB, 1100x1230, 1481533618509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine too XD pic related its me

>> No.8881893


>> No.8881901

>this ugly /pol/tard cosplaying disproves your political thinker xD checkmade gommies

>> No.8881911
File: 947 KB, 1241x1746, 596252a8bbbee0dcf98247b6fa4aab00421f9b14f8a7a672320590e0574cc2d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a well know lolcow commie have some more leftists used to be respectable and nationalistic but now they are worthless human beans

>> No.8882011
File: 60 KB, 571x328, George_Dewey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wrote about a lot of things and his ideas on alienation in capitalism are very interesting and they inspire a lot of literature.

Marx was very good at describing culture and the ways we form ideas. I think Orwell and Deborg did a good job at expanding on this idea of alienation from fellow humans in a capitalist or fascist society.

>> No.8882018

>american liberals are leftists
if you want to meme it right at least post some cringeworthy syndicalists, leninists, etc

>> No.8882021

Yeah, I remember being 14 too

>> No.8882030
File: 42 KB, 510x525, 1482620971178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have plenty more communism produces many lolcows

>> No.8882088
File: 15 KB, 368x560, 1480899236418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how no one in that picture has any communist imagery, or anything to indicate they actually are besides your caption...

>> No.8882106
File: 110 KB, 800x1054, dumas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuffed jeans
Slavoj, more like Sloboj.

>> No.8882119

What's slobbish about cuffed jeans? It takes more effort than not cuffing them.

>> No.8882132

because its for people who cant be bothered to find jeans that fit

>> No.8882141

I cuff my jeans at home because I don't want them to touch my slippers. It's a convenience thing like tucking you shirt in so it doesn't flap around.

>> No.8882149
File: 536 KB, 320x695, Gxha9SS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from an antifa rally m8
have another while i search my lolcow commie folder

>> No.8882155

op here, stop posting pictures of me

>> No.8882182

newsflash: your jeans dont fit

>> No.8882219

They do fit. If I would buy shorter ones, they wouldn't reach down to my shoes when I'm outside. Fitting jeans cover the shoes a little, like this. I just don't like this when I'm in my slippers.

>> No.8882241

Better close em again because your head is firmly embedded in bullshit

>> No.8882266

>Fitting jeans cover the shoes a little
oh right so youre one of those clueless guys

>> No.8882270
File: 62 KB, 357x515, Flying-Machine-Blue-Slim-Fit-Jeans-28Michael29-6233-082105-1-product2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he's so clueless right

>> No.8882276

Those are too baggy. They should break at the top of the shoe or ankle.

>> No.8882279

did you google "poorly fitting jeans" to get that picture?

>> No.8882284

>thinking "fit" is something objectively defined

>> No.8882317
File: 62 KB, 615x896, FILE-80-Years-Since-Adolf-Hitler-Became-Fuhrer-Absolute-Dictator-Of-Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he opened my eyes.

>> No.8882319

No, I searched for "fitting jeans". Would you show me what you consider fitting jeans?

>> No.8882320

>being a fit relativist

>> No.8883112
File: 25 KB, 1098x196, the reddest pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open borders is a capitalist-liberal position, not a Marxist one you doofus. And literally everyone except fascists hates fascists.

>> No.8883126

>implying commies use open borders to smash current the paradigm you seem to think you can't also do these things other libtards do

Fascism isn't even well defined and is different in different places it is tried. the only reason it is hated so much is because fascism is general openly anti semitic

>> No.8883135

Of course they're reds. Look how they're fucking dressed. You think normal people dress like that? You think right wingers do?

>> No.8883140

Fun fact: the only reason Dal Kapital made it past the Russian censors is because they legitimately thought it was so boring that no one would ever read it.

>> No.8883336

>wearing jeans

Uncomfortable and lead to swamp crotch if you're in a humid environment.

>> No.8883354

Fascism is hated only by neo-liberal capitalists who've flooded the white countries where white fascisti reside with non-white cheap labour for muh GDP

And commies who play the reactionary, useful idiot role for porkie by organizing antifa crackdens, basically the two worst ideologies known to man share the same premises and agree fascism is a threat to both

Everyone else doesn't care and mouths the empty words of piety of the incumbent ideology in power

>> No.8883361

>lead to swamp crotch if you're in a humid environment.

Well its a good think I'm not a third worlder then

>> No.8883384


I'm in NC. Literally not third world.

>> No.8883397

whats the use if it was just to find out youre blind

>> No.8883408

>antifa rally

Even 4chan has its own propaganda
It was on a protest against closing the borders for illegal immigrants. And btw this pic is like 1,5 years old now

>> No.8884019

>North Carolina
>Not third world
Have the elites decided which puppet is going to run your state yet?

Rise up, third-worlder

>> No.8884079
File: 245 KB, 445x729, 2016-12-25 18.06.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this for christmas today actually

>> No.8884095

Is there a picture of an equally ridiculous right-wing person? Mixing up nazi stuff with furry and trump and so on? I know there must be, I would like to put them side by side.

Also, why does that guy have an Israel flag in his room? How can that be anyway left?

>> No.8884106

this desu

>> No.8884117

So much false consciousness on the right hand side. When will liberals learn that social struggle without class struggle is doing more harm than good?

>> No.8884122
File: 53 KB, 625x350, 1463078183395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will be retards in any ideology subculture if it popular and accesible enough.
thats why I am stirnerian-hegelian.

>> No.8884139

>Live in mostly white Appalachian town
>High standard of living, lots of culture, beautiful land

Why would anyone rise up in a situation so desirable?

>> No.8884143

He is not leftist. He is a petty burgher fulfilling his selfish need for identity. He properly couldn't afford nazi memorabilia as a teen, but already had a t-shirt with Che's face on it. So he just went with the least effort edge he could find to prop up his frivolous ego.

>> No.8884165

Yeah, of course, I was just saying it without meaning it.

>> No.8884206

>not a Marxist one you doofus
You literally want to achieve international communism and have open borders, don't lie faggot

>> No.8884216

Then why is anti-globalism mostly pushed by lefties?

>> No.8884219


lmao youre retarded

open borders and cultural homogenisation are the preserve of the bourgeouise - capitalism is a system which forces all others to take upon its image

read literally the first proper chapter of the communist manifesto man, its really short and easy and it will stop you making these bizarre mistakes

>> No.8884377


Cooper is but the republishits are being giant cunts.

>> No.8884433
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 755f244236c7c5872093f2e8d9b04de15df767fe90c8f678796a6308e98baf1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberals are leftist

>> No.8884436

Open Borders isn't left vs. right. It's Authoritarian vs. Libertarian. Libertarians want open borders but Authoritarians do not.

>> No.8884478
File: 604 KB, 1081x1476, John_Dewey_cph.3a51565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascism is hated only by neo-liberal capitalists who've flooded the white countries where white fascisti reside with non-white cheap labour for muh GDP
Fascism is hated by those who believe in democracy as an important principle in life and society.

>> No.8884481


its not just democracy but the general idea of individual freedom

>> No.8884482

[Left] libertarians are fine with "open borders" or no borders at all, but guess what human nature would be inclined to do.

They'd stay put in their locations. No wars of economic hardships pushing them around in large numbers. They normally like family and familiar culture and language.
Erasing the borderlines would have this seemingly counter intuitive effect.

>> No.8884488

Democratic institutions maximize individual freedom. Fascism is the abandonment of individual freedom in favor of an ideal.

>> No.8884508
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, you're toast kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>individual freedom

>> No.8884511

>anti-globalism mostly pushed by lefties?
are you retarded?

>> No.8884526

If you don't have anything to contribute other than snide distancing then that's pretty sad. It would be a real waste of your time to post on a literature board if you don't read any literature.

>> No.8884529


Lefties want Globalism on account of their wet dream - that is, a multiracial/multicultural world (which weirdly doesn't include whites or only includes mongrelized whites) which they believe will necessarily lead to peace. In this respect it is basically a faith.

Righties want Globalism on account of their wet dream - that is, a capitalist world of completely interchangeable consumers/producers with none of the differences they currently experience (race/culture/etc). In the absence of these differences, a 'one world market' becomes ever more inevitable, in which the entire planet essentially has the same tastes/skills/etc.

There are people on the right and the left who oppose Globalism - namely, those who know better.

>> No.8884531


Not liberals. How thick skulled are you?


>> No.8884536
File: 338 KB, 854x480, Whoa boy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you make posts that imply democracy/individual freedom/etc are essentially "good" - and moreover, that their "goodness" is simply a given, then don't expect anything more than snide distancing.

>> No.8884544

Are you?
So riots are held by assorted black bloc types every time the worldbank holds a meeting, or when there are wide union resistance to free trade agreements or against the international movement of labour, it is not lefties fighting against globalism and internationalism?

>> No.8884556

1.liberals are leftists put your muh no true scotsman up your ass
2.excluding liberals leftists are even more globalist
fighting capitalism!=fighting globalism
they have overlap but are not the same
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXKr4HSPHT8
>There are people on the right and the left who oppose Globalism - namely, those who know better
leftists are explicitly globalists

>> No.8884561

im not a globalist though

>> No.8884566


Fuck you, cunt, I'm not a leftist.

>> No.8884567

Goodness is a spook. All that exists is the ego. Democracy relies on individuals expressing the desires of their egos to form consensus on group decisions, as groups are often the easiest way to achieve our goals. Fascism is the suppression of the ego in service of some abstract idea, a spook.

>> No.8884576

when did i call you a leftist faggot?

>> No.8884581


i literally have a copy of the manifesto in front of me and it repeatedly and explicitly explains that capitalism is driven by open borders and the conquest of new markets, and that national identities and local cultures are destroyed by class identities and class cultures under capitalism

they want the workers of all countries to simultaneously rebel to completely exterminate capitalism becausw capitalism grows back like cancer, they dont necessarily want the to all unite permanently as a societal and social bloc

but youre just a shitposter, i know you wont bother actually reading the counterarguments to your "muh fee-fees" position

>> No.8884582


Globalism is achieved through world-wide MARKET INTEGRATION. That is its mechanism.

>> No.8884585
File: 19 KB, 480x319, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>easiest way

Pretty spooky in here desu

>> No.8884587

I find this quite funny. As in my politically active teens and twenties liberals where our slur of choice to call our right wing opponents. You Americans live in a weird bizarro world from my point of view.

>> No.8884592


>liberals are leftists

Shoot guns, do drugs, buy your toothpaste from whomever you want, and distrust the government.

>> No.8884597


I meant: >>8884592

>> No.8884598


>> No.8884599

A consensus can be formed by a union of egoists. Each person relies on their senses to inform their decisions, sometimes our senses mislead us. In democracy there are checks on our senses as hearing other interpretations of events can change our ego.

>> No.8884611

or through a socialist revolution
just because capitalism is globalist doesnt mean that leftism isnt is this such a hard concept to grasp?
not an ameriblob
>do drugs
you are a leftist

>> No.8884614


fantastic argument, well done

if only intellectual titans like you were around a century ago - Marx would never have been taken seriously in the face of your withering verbal firepower

>> No.8884619

I'm leftist. Not a liberal. True there are plenty of people who think being a liberal capitalist can be considered leftist, but they are soooo middle ground. "progressive liberals" are simply social democrats who like tiny bits of socialism. Are full socialists or Trotskyists also liberals in your pea-brain?
Well, I'm not even that. I'm anarchist. That a liberal to you too? Fuck your diseased malfunctioning brain.

Workers of the world unite to tear down the capitalists, so that we can go about our lives ruling ourselves. No gods, no masters.
"Globalism" is about markets and the cash flow the wealthy will get off our labour.

>> No.8884624


>The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration.
Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers. However, it does not include unhindered movement of labor and, as suggested by some economists, may hurt smaller or fragile economies if applied indiscriminately.

>> No.8884631

all liberals are leftists
not all leftists are liberals
basic logic mate
>"Globalism" is about markets
nope its about One World government wether its capitalist or marxist is irrelevant

>> No.8884648


>> No.8884652


>> No.8884656

>not all leftists are liberals

That's his point.


>marxist government

Marxists are internationalist not globalist

>> No.8884657

This has got to be a troll.

Yeah, no. 2/10 Had me going.

Ignore the scrote, guys. He's full of shit.

>> No.8884659

This thread might be better suited for you >>8884361

>> No.8884661


your idiosyncratic definition of common terms=!their actual meaning

>> No.8884671

>Marxists are internationalist not globalist
>muh shills
go back to /pol/
globalisation is a process,globalism is an ideological stance

>> No.8884684


Maybe learn to be more accurate? Who knows what crazy shit you believe because you got terms mixed up.

>> No.8884685


>The concept of globalism now is most commonly used to refer to different ideologies advocating globalization.

>> No.8884689

what an empty-headed idealistic view

>> No.8884691

>muh mob rule

>> No.8884693

leftists just want a different kind of globalisation
theyre fine with dissolving the nation state just not fine with capitalism
internationalism and globalism are the same
changing the name doesnt change the substance

>> No.8884697
File: 124 KB, 580x386, man-yawning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away debate kid

>> No.8884700
File: 35 KB, 500x354, 1417013614699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an idiotic /pol/tard
>telling others to get back to /pol/

>> No.8884703

>internationalism and globalism are the same

Only to you. Globalism is interconnectedness, internationalism is co-operation.

>> No.8884707

>everyone who disagrees with me is a /pol/tard

>> No.8884713

no u

>> No.8884716

>christianity is about love, islam is about hate

>> No.8884722

>Apples are a fruit, so are oranges.

>> No.8884727

so you agree that globalism and internationalism are of the same substance?

>> No.8884731

why are you guys still talking to this retard?

its christmas for chrissakes, move on and leave him to it

>> No.8884732

Yes, just like how apple is citrus.

>> No.8884737

Ultimately communists believe in open borders, but that's quite late stage.
How could you have borders with no state anyway?

>> No.8884740

Ever heard of Trotsky?

>> No.8884744

look im trying to have an honest debate and youre being a sarcastic fag
if you dont want to argue dont respond
>move on and leave him to it
i would advise this
for pretending to be intellectually superior all the time youre quite shit debaters
your point?

>> No.8884747

>look im trying to have an honest debate
The fuck you are. You are either dense or a troll.

>> No.8884750

Yeah yeah yeah. You so scarrd of "global" this or that. all the scarry brown people are gonna breed muh whites out of existence. boo hoo hoo.

If we take capitalism, states fade away, but communities grow stronger. Poverty ends, wars are deduced to scuffles. More fulfilling sex lives etc. It'd be good, anoni-pol.

>> No.8884755


youre not debating. youre debating semantics in the same post as being deliberately vague, you post retarded false equivalencies and refuse to evidence or even explain any of your (worthless) ideas beyond shallow generalised statements that are impossible to pin down. you dont engage, interact or attempt to understand anything, you just came here with a preestablished baseless opinion to spew all over a thread for little to no rhyme or reason.

you """argue""" like a child.

>> No.8884763

>youre debating semantics
agreeing on a definition is the basis of debating mate

>> No.8884767

Globalism is interconnectedness, internationalism is co-operation.

Interconnectedness is not co-operation.

Not the same substance.

There's nothing to debate.

>> No.8884773

Why do you keep denouncing common agreed upon definitions and cling to your own home-grown lingo then?

>> No.8884780

>There's nothing to debate.
i think theyre wrong therefore i "denounce" them

>> No.8884783

If you don't want to argue don't respond.

>> No.8884784


but the societally agreedupon meaning of the word globalism isnt up for debate. you can just google it and find out youre wrong.

if a word means something different to you than to the rest of the human population, you arent using language correctly - technically you arent even speaking english

>> No.8884786

>i think theyre wrong therefore i "denounce" them

So you admitting to stall the debate on purpose then.

>> No.8884796

i do thats why im teasing you
wether you call it internationalist or globalist doesnt matter the fact is that leftists are aainst the nation state
>stall the debate

>> No.8884800


now youre deliberately being disingenuous

its actually like im talking to a highschooler - the selfdelusion is staggering

>> No.8884803

are you this one? >>8884784

>> No.8884810

This isn't so hard to grasp. People don't flee Mexico or South America or the Middle East because they prefer european society or whatever, they do so because that's where the money is. Everyone is naturally inclined to stay where they grew up, surrounded by family and life-long friendships.

>> No.8884817

Guys like him are why I keep coming to 4chan. With a nudge here and there they can almost keep going by themselves.

>> No.8884820

they prefer european society because thats where the money is
its a value judgment to prefer societies with more money

>> No.8884821

Marx would be rolling in his grave if he could see what people do with his work

Historical Materialism is a theory that privileges the economic in explanation of non-economic phenomena. It is sometimes known as the materialist conception of history or the economic interpretation of history.

"This doctrine is often called 'historical materialism,' or the 'materialistic interpretation of history.' Such terms are, however, lacking in precision. If by materialism is meant the tracing of all changes to material causes, the biological view of history is also materialistic. Again, the theory which ascribes all changes in society to the influence of climate or to the character of the fauna and flora is materialistic, and yet has little in common with the doctrine here discussed. The doctrine we have to deal with is not only materialistic, but also economic in character; and the better phrase is not the 'materialistic interpretation,' but the 'economic interpretation' of history."

Marx himself took care to indicate that he was only proposing a guideline to historical research, and was not providing any substantive "theory of history" or "grand philosophy of history", let alone a "master-key to history". Numerous times, he and Engels expressed irritation with dilettante academics who sought to knock up their skimpy historical knowledge as quickly as possible into some grand theoretical system that would explain "everything" about history.

Firstly, there is metaphysical or philosophical materialism, in which matter-in-motion is considered primary and thought about matter-in-motion, or thought about abstractions, secondary.

Secondly, there is the notion that economic processes form the material base of society upon which institutions and ideas rest and from which they derive. While the economy is the base structure of society, it does not follow that everything in history is determined by the economy, just as every feature of a house is not determined by its foundations. Thus, there is the idea that in the capitalist mode of production the behavior of actors in the market economy (means of production, distribution and exchange, the relations of production) plays the major role in configuring society.

As Marx puts it, "a coherence arises in human history" because each generation inherits the productive forces developed previously and in turn further develops them before passing them on to the next generation. Further, this coherence increasingly involves more of humanity the more the productive forces develop and expand to bind people together in production and exchange.

This understanding counters the notion that human history is simply a series of accidents, either without any underlying cause or caused by supernatural beings or forces exerting their will on society. This posits that history is made as a result of struggle between different social classes rooted in the underlying economic base.

>> No.8884828

Yes, one that was created by western imperialist societies. So, do you agree capitalism is globalist, not the left?

>> No.8884839

Writers who identify with historical materialism usually postulate that society has moved through a number of types or modes of production. That is, the character of the production relations is determined by the character of the productive forces; these could be the simple tools and instruments of early human existence, or the more developed machinery and technology of present age. The main modes of production Marx identified generally include primitive communism or tribal society (a prehistoric stage), ancient society, feudalism, and capitalism. In each of these social stages, people interact with nature and produce their living in different ways. Any surplus from that production is allotted in different ways. Ancient society was based on a ruling class of slave owners and a class of slaves; feudalism was based on landowners and serfs; and capitalism based on the capitalist class and the working class. The capitalist class privately owns the means of production, distribution and exchange (e.g., factories, mines, shops and banks) while the working class live by exchanging their socialized labor with the capitalist class for wages.

Marx identified the production relations of society (arising on the basis of given productive forces) as the economic base of society. He also explained that on the foundation of the economic base there arise certain political institutions, laws, customs, culture, etc., and ideas, ways of thinking, morality, etc. These constituted the political/ideological superstructure of society. This superstructure not only has its origin in the economic base, but its features also ultimately correspond to the character and development of that economic base, i.e. the way people organize society is determined by the economic base and the relations that arise from its mode of production.

Society moves from stage to stage when the dominant class is displaced by a new emerging class, by overthrowing the "political shell" that enforces the old relations of production no longer corresponding to the new productive forces. This takes place in the superstructure of society, the political arena in the form of revolution, whereby the underclass "liberates" the productive forces with new relations of production, and social relations, corresponding to it.

>> No.8884842

>gossiping because you debate me
if you pinpoint the root of every problem to class struggle people conveniently ignore that youre a jew in a gentile society
thats at the core of marxs teachings
>So, do you agree capitalism is globalist, not the left?
capitalism and leftism(both marxist and liberal) are globalist both ultimately dissolve the nation state and traditional identities

>> No.8884847


>if i call him a jew i win the argument

this is why nobody likes teenagers

>> No.8884850

>cognitive dissonance intensifies

>> No.8884852

I'm not debating you bub, I'm trolling you. Can't vouch for the others though, they might sincerely try to get a point across to you. Why they wast their effort on a doddering moron like you is beyond me.

>> No.8884860

marxism is (post) modern theology

>> No.8884896

>if you pinpoint the root of every problem to class struggle

You are interpreting "class" in a narrow sense. If we use Marx's framework to analyze historical civilizations, and we consider Darwin, in order for human beings to survive and continue existence from generation to generation, it is necessary for them to produce and reproduce the material requirements of life.

Looking at the causes for Neolithic revolution, the initial force is believed to be a population exceeding the limits of its environment, and subsequently turning to agriculture to produce vast quantities of food. A key development here is not only the concept of "property" in farm land, but the development of granaries to store excess product. This resulted in trading and the division of labor, and eventually, a "merchant" class who facilitated trading. These merchants eventually become the key-holders of the "means of production" of the farmers.

It's an analysis of how society develops. The ways in which these initial structures form consequently shape the rest of the societal structure; how the trading is conducted, the neighboring societies, the geography/access to trade routes. All of this determines historical evolution and it snowballs steadily becoming more complex over time, the major changes in structure happen when means of production are usurped. (conquered by neighbors, famine and plague, or revolution post-famine)

>> No.8884913

you focus on the word class instead of adressing my point
everything is reduced to economic terms,again very convenient if youre a jew in an antisemitic society

>> No.8884937

Marx suggested a final step out of the capitalist stage is possible without devolving into authoritarianism, and it could be possible to transcend class-based conflict.
Ultimately he was only attempting to predict the future. But either way in the prediction of the future, one shall first know of the past (i.e. the establishment of capitalism and the transitional part of feudalism), and he stressed the importance of analyzing history through science

I think the approach to his work as a method of observation, and not as an ultimate answer to our praxis is the right way to view it.

Many people think we can never truly transcend class based struggle, just based on the impossible nature of perfect distribution, there will always be haves and have nots.

>> No.8884949

youre either a woman or a faggot

>> No.8885030

Right. So destroy capitalism, ending poverty and mass immigration.

>ultimately dissolve the nation state and traditional identities
Traditions change. It is none of your business how your children and grandchildren live. It is your job to ensure they have a world to live in.

Capitalisms endgame seems to be the destruction of the world.


>> No.8885052

>ending poverty
youre delusional
>It is none of your business how your children and grandchildren live
it is,they have duties, so do i
>It is your job to ensure they have a world to live in
by instilling them with the right traditions

>> No.8885057

I don't think it could ever happen unless humans were somehow all united for a single cause, like global invasion by a threatening intelligent species or some kind of Watchmen deal

Either that or we advance so much technologically that the universal standard of living gets raised so much and becomes so autonomous nobody cares anymore, but that's just as unlikely

>> No.8885079

Capitalism is designed for a class system, some wealthy, a bit more upper-middle class and so on till you find the majority who live in poverty despite working the hardest.
Famines come and go, but capitalism has been a state of permanent poverty for most of the world.

I did go on to tell you what your duty was. You provide for your child. You give them a chance to live a nice happy life. Traditions have always changed. To deny this is idiocy.
Your capitalist world is ensuring humanities destruction comes this century. Talk about dereliction of duty

>> No.8885095

>implying the majority lives in poverty

>> No.8885153

You're so bad at this.

>> No.8885682

read Deleuze you spooked fool

>> No.8886747

how ironic

>> No.8886795

Jesus, just a picture of this guy and people get triggered. I wish I had such powers.

>> No.8886859

go back to /pol/

>> No.8886880
File: 1.48 MB, 2272x1704, Saturn - Marforio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.
Only canonized in the west in the 19th century, Saint Nicholas took on an image similar to Marx himself. The Santa myth also seems to be a bit of an atheist trainer too. Your parents lie about Santa, why do you think you can trust them about Jesus? Then there's the red hat, not only is that the socialist's colour, their predecessors, the Jacobins wore the same "liberty cap" (fashioned about the Phrygian cap of ancient Turkey. The very place the real Nicholas lived) Hidden symbols, anon. I don't think it's all coincidence.

>> No.8887261
File: 718 KB, 700x979, 1479351747612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8887269
File: 19 KB, 248x237, 1481814466837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socrates on women pursuit.
>Socrates: You say that you cannot be happy without a women.
>X: correct
>S: I assume the relationship with said women would involve sex on a regular basis?
>X: Yes
>S:Just to clarify, having this would make your life better. As in, make you happy. Suggesting that at this moment you are unhappy until you get sex?
>S:Therefore it is right to assume that all your life, there has not been a moment where you were happy? Outside of having sex with a woman of course.
>X: Well uh...
>S: Birthdays? Christmas? Hanging out with friends?
>X: You win socrates
>S: I am not finished yet. Don't end the fun too soon.
>S: When you crave delicious sweets. Are you eternally satisfied after indulgence?
>S: When you have exhausted a game. Do you go find another game to play? Or are you satisfied for life after one game?
>S: Therefore the pursuit of pleasure you are constantly striving for under the delusion that it would lead to a happy life is futile. For it is an infinite journey. And harms the soul for eventually the craving would get so big it would be impossible to satisfy in the moment. Even if you were the king of the known world!
X:You speak too much. But you have convinced me. But logic won't fix what I feel. I want what I don't have.
S: And you will always want what you don't have my dear friend.

>> No.8887654

you already posted this on /r9k/, where I debunked it.
Now, again, consider that the pleasure derived from women may have a diminishing marginal utility, so you don't need sex every single moment.
Really, apu.

>> No.8887663

Dont know what your talking about. You just said a mumble jumble of words trying to sound smart.

I let you off once kid but this time I just embarressed you infront of your lit friends and now they know you go to r9k.

>> No.8887715

>majority who live in poverty despite working the hardest
Depends on what you mean by "poverty" and "hard work"

>> No.8887728


>capitalism has been a state of permanent poverty for most of the world.



>> No.8887733

>diminishing marginal utility
>mumble jumble of words
did you even graduate high school?

>> No.8887772

not an argument

>> No.8889155

See >>8885153

To argue that there is no or less poverty in the world, in this age.... Go and eat your HotPockets, children.