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/lit/ - Literature

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8882052 No.8882052 [Reply] [Original]

Show us which nice books Santa got you

>> No.8882059
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from my dad to me.

>> No.8882061

Damn, Anon, that's sexy!
Merry Christmas!

>> No.8882077
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I got these before Christmas but it was meant for Chritmas.

Merry Christmas, Anons!

>> No.8882104

I'm giving a copy of the Foundation series to my sister for Christmas. It's already wrapped or else I'd take a photo. I'm not sure she'll like it, but it's worth a shot.

>> No.8882113
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>> No.8882127
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I got a very large stack.

>> No.8882146

May I ask if you have any editions of Rabelais in french? I'm currently trying to find an edition I like to read. I've already read the first 4 (true) books in the Screech and Frame translations and I wanna try reading it in French.

>> No.8882174
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Also, here's my gift to myself this season.

>> No.8882193

Have you read the Divine Comedy before?

>> No.8882199

>Novelas ejemplares

Neat. Rinconete y Cortadillo is fun.

>> No.8882205

Yes. Why?

>> No.8882208

Was it any good?

>> No.8882218

It wasn't very funny, but I found the moments when Dante allows the Pilgrim to show his humanity very affecting. And the strength of his creation is inspiring.

>> No.8882250
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Thanks mommy.
Happy Christmas anons

>> No.8882260

From Santa, you mean

Nice books though. Merry Christmas.

>> No.8882268

Merry christmas anon, enjoy your reading :)

Nice selection btw - asked for or your mother's choice?

>> No.8882271
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Sorry it's blurry but I already shelved them and am not taking it again

>> No.8882291

My parents might browse lit. For some reason theyd never in a million years buy me a physical book but would have no problem giving me a gift card or something for a kindle. i don't use ereaders though

>> No.8882294

Oh no, I had made a list. Thanks anon :)

>> No.8882297

They're in the mail, but...

1. V. by Thomas Pynchon
2. Ulysses: Annotated Students' Edition by James Joyce
3. The Karamazov Brothers by Fyodor Dostoevsky (trans. Ignat Avsey)
4. The Collected Shorter Fiction, Vol. 2 (Everyman's Library) by Leo Tolstoy
5. The Essential Turgenev
6. David Copperfield (Oxford World's Classics) by Charles Dickens
7. The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing by Norman Mailer
8. ESV Reader's Bible: Six-Volume Set

>> No.8882301

Your mom is awesome.

>> No.8882303

>7. The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing by Norman Mailer

Very enjoyable read. I don't really care for his fiction, but Mailer has a way of representing the act of writing in very cut-and-dry terms.

>> No.8882305

ITT Blurry photos.

And my own jealousy. I haven't bought a book in a long time now and I've still got too many, and the desire for more.

>> No.8882315

Yeah, I opened it up on Amazon one day and fell into it for about an hour. Put it on my Wish List, now it's in the mail.

I'm torn on Mailer too. I love hearing him being interviewed, and this writing book is good, but then I try to read his fiction (you know, being in the library, picking up a Mailer book, reading a few pages) and it doesn't grab me. The only one that kind of did it for me was Naked and the Dead. One of the opening scenes has a soldier describing fucking a certain girl as like sticking your dick in "a barrel of honey," and for some reason that did it for me. Might try to read that one.

>> No.8882329
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2666 from sister
GR from mum

merry christmas happu new year /lit/

>> No.8882348

I LOVE Kindle Paperwhite!

>> No.8882350
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>tfw you get meme'd by your own family

>> No.8882371

My brother thinks I'm a racist Trump support so he got me I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. Had a laugh with my parents about it.

I got a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card at my work's gift exchange, so that's nice.

>> No.8882375

What translation is that?

>> No.8882377

I got all my trump supporting relatives pieces of coal.

>> No.8882431

>Get books as gifts.
>Get the shit editions.
>Where Waldo GR.
>Every time.

You got memed.

>> No.8882433

I got the tin drum by gunter grass
I read the back cover and im not really feeling it, should I give it a try, bros?

>> No.8882437

What a cuck

>> No.8882440

he prob lives in uk, those are the uk editions

>> No.8882445

This right here is why you don't post your gifted books on 4chan. You're just asking for a shitbag to come in and explain why what you received is garbage and you're a dumb peasant for thinking otherwise.

There's no upside, and you're bound to leave less happy than when you came. This truly is a depressing place, even on Christmas Eve.

>> No.8882446

Going to be ordering the following sometime tonight or tomorrow since I'm getting a gift card and some money, thoughts?:
The Transylvanian Trilogy-Banffy
Ice Trilogy-Sorokin
The Little Demon-Sologub
Marketa Lazarova-Vancura

>> No.8882453

p sure hes not serious, just giving shit

>> No.8882456

>Paying for books

>Buying new when you could get it second hand for a 1/10 of the price

>> No.8882457
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I actually bought 2666 sometime this week and my edition looks completely different to his, it's this one.

>> No.8882465
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you IRL

>> No.8882468

i think his is the regular picador edition, and yours is the 'picador classic' edition. his came out a few years back, yours this year.

>> No.8882473


I prefer it to his edition but would've loved it if they kept the original artwork from the first edition. Might have to find a Spanish version for that reason next month.

>> No.8882482
File: 37 KB, 298x499, dubliners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeks before Christmas
>give my mother hints that I'd like to read Dubliners
>say it's Christmas so she can afford to buy me a good edition and not a cheap paperback
>spend the nest few weeks talking about how magnificent an author Joyce is
>mother shows me a present in the shape of a nice hardcover book
>feel good about this, proud of my mother for the first time in my life
>as soon as she hands me the book, all that goes away
>feel under the wrappings a shitty floopy paperback
>open it and see it's a fucking Penguin edition
>sternly tell mother that Everyman editions are the books that are aesthetically beautiful and long lasting
>she keeps telling me that my present is a centennial edition and that the artwork looks pretty, as if that makes it better
>tell her this Penguin piece of shit will fall apart after only a few rereadings
>demonstrate my point by opening and closing the poorly made Penguin edition just a few times
>it rips apart really easily and turns into a pathetic pile of paper on the floor
>tfw she won't buy me the Everyman version because I've been acting bad

She told me I could have just made an exchange if I didn't "destroy" the book I had, but I don't want another poor reader to suffer.

>> No.8882483

your dad is patrician as fuck.

>> No.8882495

>tell her this Penguin piece of shit will fall apart after only a few rereadings

Anon is actually an 800-lb gorilla that roughly handles every book he touches. Don't let him near your library.

>> No.8882499

>it wasn't very funny

I wonder how many people pick up the book looking a laugh not having idea of comedy/tragedy.

>> No.8882507

>asking for Everyman edition instead of the Norton Critical Edition with its far superior supplemental material

Why do you punish yourself so?

>> No.8882509

t. Ignatius

>> No.8882510

Pls respond

>> No.8882513

I thought he was making a joke. If not, he just bought 6 books on the subject so I'm sure he'll figure it out soon enough.

>> No.8882515

>being this buttmad about someone saving your country

Why do you want the United States to burn so much?

>> No.8882525
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I >>8882329 am actually from brazil, that edition of GR from UK is the only one to be found around here, at least in english, and the 2666 is a brazilian edition (translated)
>pic related

exactly, i know this is 4chan and an anon giving me shit for whatever reason wont spoil my christmas

>> No.8882534

If a book is originally in English, do you prefer the English version, or do you look for a Brazillian translation even of English works??

>> No.8882544

Its still several hours until Christmas day where I live.

We don't even wrap presents till like 1 AM Chirstmas morning in my house. Opening presents before Christmas is cheating. You're all doing Christmas wrong.

>> No.8882545

>tfw can't find a decent pdf version of Omensetter's Luck anywhere

>> No.8882554

I always try to find a english edition, if I don't find it anywhere I either read it in my computer through kindle or buy translated depending on the book

>> No.8882557

Dude, who cares if it falls apart. It's one of the most boring short story collections of that entire century.

>> No.8882559

Merry Christmas all you anons out there!

>> No.8882565

I got Don Quixote, which is exciting.

It's the Tobias Smollett translation, no clue if that's good or which translation is the best, and I'm years away from being able to read Spanish well enough for the original.

>> No.8882568

Haha, most of them thought it was funny.

You don't have to discuss politics in virulent shrieks, you know?

>> No.8882582

We open presents presents on Christmas Eve night because that's how my German father said it is done in home country. I've always wondered if he is full of shit.

>> No.8882620

Your dad just couldn't wait until morning.

>> No.8882641

I didn't get any books but i did get money that will be exchanged for books tomorrow

>> No.8882651

Omensetter's luck was a good read. Definitely would read twice.

>> No.8882678

You're a harder soul than me then. I find the extreme sanctimonious posturing exhibited by some on this board to be nauseating. I can never stay for long or risk becoming like it myself.

>> No.8882691
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I'm pretty sure it's Dead Souls, Gulag Archipelago, and some Carl Jung

>> No.8882704


I love this post. Art. Merry Christmas anon

>> No.8882732

No yellow sweater?

>> No.8882741

Holy shit anon. You're a fucking faggot dude.

>> No.8882752

I feel ya. Right now reading Ulysses translated, couldn't find an english version, but I for sure want to read the original. Of course when I say this in this board I get crucified by the >read-the-original-police.

>> No.8882780

You can get the English ebook online. A cheap new copy of Ulysses is on Amazon for $2 even, but alas that's in the US. I guess it's hard to come by over there.

People arguing against reading translation are classic trolls. They just like getting a rise out of people.

>> No.8882803

Not allowed to open them until Xmas tomorrow, but I got:

Glittering Images by Camille Paglia

Sexual Personae by Camille Paglia

Justine by Marquis De Sade

And I got myself a copy of The Tyranny Of Cliches by Jonah Goldberg.

>> No.8882827


I wonder what its like having a name thats literally its own stereotype.

>> No.8882833

At least he isn't an economist or something. I do think "Goldman Sachs" is a little too on the nose. Like sacks of cash, come on.

>> No.8882841

Not sure if you're trolling, but I asked for a copy of Glittering Images by Camille Paglia in hardcover because it contains glossy images, and is basically a nice display book if I get the soft-cover I will be enraged.

>> No.8882867

invitation for a beheading is really dope enjoy it anon

>> No.8883017

Winesburg, Ohio is one of my favorite books. Hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!

>> No.8883045
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and there are some more in the mail (Santa wrapped up print-outs of the tracking codes):
Anew - Louis Zukofsky
The Tennis Court Oath - John Ashbery
The Enchanter - Vladimir Nabokov
Cannonball - Joseph McElroy
Night Soul and Other Stories - Joseph McElroy

>> No.8883049

They all look the same!

>> No.8883098

Got a nice Prose Edda and Jerusalem in hardcover. Cheers Santa.

>> No.8883104

I don't care if you guys are working as insurgent marketing or are just Memeing, any which ways you're advertising a shitty product that is easily made redundant by the smartphone in everyone's pocket.

>> No.8883111

More like Tobias Smalldick
His translation sucks

>> No.8883116

I picked up a copy of The Spy Who Came In From The Cold used for 95 cents

It's falling apart but I'm really happy with it

>United States Constitution, Article XXXII, s.1
>"It is mandated that all debate and discussion of proposed bills and other pressing matters pertaining to the government or the sovereign people of these United States shall be conducted through smug chortles, virulent shrieks, unintelligible blubbering, or strings of threadbare platitudes strung together without any thought paid to the composition of the resulting assertions or arguments."
Hamilton makes a good case for this in the Federalist Papers.

>> No.8883121

I got
1q84 - Haruki Murakami
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
After Dark - Haruki Murakami
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami

>> No.8883134

Nah, that's how Germans do it. Can't say I'm a fan of it tho

>> No.8883211
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Got these.

A poem collection of Babits.
A Murakami book
A short account of a guy who lived with indians in Brazil.
And a translation of some italian sci-fi.

Others don't really matter.

>> No.8883215
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Not bad

>> No.8883223

I got given catcher in the rye by a qt.13
I already have it and it is a bit pleb but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to think that she considered me. I love it when people pay attention to my hobbies and get me gifts related to them, and when it is her I am especially glad.

>> No.8883229


look at me im french and i get every single french, german, and fuking european book ready to buy at any given notice without having to bother looking for obscure publishers.

congrats op -

>> No.8883235
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Since I don't have any friends i wanna share my purchase with u guys, not /lit/ but /art/ is pretty lit. My next post can be /lit/.

I saved up all year and got this, since i don't have rent i collect art instead.

>> No.8883238

Antiquary books? You don't see that shit in Libri or Alexandra stores cept for Murakami.
Quite a strange combo of lit if you ask me.

Haven't gotten any books (yet). Though I did buy myself Olga Grushin's The Line last week. I got a bottle Jameson and Jagermeister instead, which is /lit/ af.

>> No.8883240

GF gave me Silence by Endo and Krasznohorkai's Seiobo there below. I am pleased.

>> No.8883242

Apparently the sci-fi and murakami books were ordered but they sent all that extra stuff for some reason.

Any idea what I could spend 3000 orbándollárs on in Libri?

>> No.8883257

Buy Marie Kondo's Tiszta Öröm; it's an insightful guide on how to fold your underwear correctly and put everything else in you house in order.

My serious answer being, I honestly don't know, depends on your genre preferences. There's a 2+1 deal on a lot of books rn so something cheap like a couple Helikon pocketbooks.

>> No.8883264

Those pocketbooks are cool
Too bad I already own most of the ones I wanted.
Maybe the Samurai+The second Poe collection+The napoleon book or something could work.

>> No.8883265

No pics because all books have German translations
>dante - devine comedy
>houllebeque - the possibility of an island
>faulkner - as I lay dying
>fleischhauer - from someone who turned accidentally conservative

>> No.8883272

Could be copypasta quality with minor revisions. Thanks for the laugh, and Merry Christmas anon!

>> No.8883276

It's a great but sad book, OP. Enjoy

>> No.8883278

>Jim Dodge

Great fucking choice anon

>> No.8883343
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I got happiness for Christmas. I like lovecraft but Verne is pure nostalgia for me.

>> No.8883344


>> No.8883372

Nope, I don't, because I'm rather into XIXth century's Literature and have not read a lot of works written before that.

>> No.8883516

My dad read Jules Verne to me as a child so he's pretty nostalgic for me as well but holy fuck is that a gaudy, disgusting cover.

>> No.8883522

To each their own. I like it.

>> No.8883527
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>> No.8883529
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Not gonna be reading Dante before the Iliad and Nibelungenlied, though, who are next on my list, but I'm usually too poor for new books and the ones in pic related aren't easy to find used in my experience, so I have to make the most of my wishes.

>> No.8883531
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>one hand clapping

Is this the tragic story of an Americlap who only has one hand to clap with at any/every occasion?

>> No.8883540
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>Look through this thread
>Realize that my preference for philosophy over fiction isn't shared by most of /lit/

I have a lot of Goethe stuff, some Joyce stuff, some Ibsen stuff and a bit of Tolkien. That's about it.

>> No.8883541
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schulz is great
u r a illiterate turbo pleb

>> No.8883542

Philosophy IS fiction

>> No.8883545

>people on a literature board prefer literature
who'd have thunk it

>> No.8883546


holy.. i want more

>> No.8883548
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Overall I'm really pleased with it, but I can't believe they bought the goddamn wordsworth edition of moby dick even though I specifically asked for the penguin version to avoid getting this retarded cover. Oh well.

>> No.8883549


>philosophy isn't literature

Last I checked, philosophy is found in BOOKS.

>> No.8883550

Sure but sophistry aside I'm right so there you go

>> No.8883551
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>Ride the Tiger

/pol/ detected

It has a great cover though.

>> No.8883555
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>> No.8883559

Nice. You'll have fun with dumas, french ânon. I gués You already read à rebours if You have this huysmans

>> No.8883562

I might have a pocket edition of a rabelais in french

>> No.8883572

Nice go board

I'm trying to teach myself to get gud

>> No.8883576

I now have all his "famous" novels (En Rade, À Rebours, En bas...) but I did not have the occasion to begin the reading yet. Currently beginning the short story War and Peace by an obscure Russian novelist.

Dumas is particular, as you often read nearly 200 pages a day without any difficulty, thanks to his fluid style and numerous dialogs.
Guess being paid depending on the amount you had written was defo a good plan.

>> No.8883582
File: 61 KB, 800x600, Huit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent purchases

Might get one or two more today

>> No.8883585


Check my post anon


>> No.8883594
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Not a stack, but then I didn't ask for as many books this year.

>> No.8883598
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1536, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big ass fucking shiny clothed hardback of Shakespeare's works, and a collection of small leatherbound editions of the Hobbit + LOTR.

>spent all morning reading Shakespeare and not speaking to anyone

>> No.8883602

That set of LOTR is awesome as fuck!

For Shakespeare I always like to read the Arden or Folger editions, so my Complete Works gets barely opened.

>> No.8883603

>lazlo krasznahorkai
good taste anon, although I preferred Seiobo There Below to The Last Wolf

>> No.8883606

Since I opened this thread

Catch 22 hard cover, its nice
Mario Puzo's The Godfather, hard cover as well
Heli Laaksonen's Sylvia, Tuija ja laulava patja, hard cover (from work, written in local accept, poems...)

And 1984 hard cover. I like em a lot.

>> No.8883608
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Not a stack, but i already have a bunch of books sitting around I haven't read

>> No.8883612

I got two paperbacks of 1984 used for under a quarter each. Until they both fall apart I guess I'm sticking with paperback.

>> No.8883613

krasznahorkai seems to be getting pretty popular on /lit/ these days, not a meme yet though

>> No.8883620
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>u didnt get anything

>> No.8883622
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At least March is good, right?

>> No.8883623
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It seems that two books of the Hobbit novels serie are missing there.

>> No.8883625
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I now own his complete works, in English. I'm most fond of War & War.

>> No.8883626
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>when you realise the shortest of those novels got 3 films made out of it

>> No.8883628

RPO is definitely a book that you should give a chance, even if lit doesnt like it, you may.

>> No.8883630

>Got the Jerusalem box set edition
>Want to start reading it now despite the fact I'm reading War & Peace at the moment and I'm behind on a bunch of uni reading

what do?

>> No.8883631
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>tfw patrician mum buys me roman classics because she thinks I should read them

>> No.8883643

I enjoy philosophy almost as much as literature, but in my country is extremely hard to find philosophy books so I just end up reading them in Kindle in my PC. They are either super expensive (like 5 times the price of regular lit books) and/or they are horrible editions and translations.

For instance, once I found Phenomenology of Spirit for R$300,00. For comparative, I've paid R$40,00 for a nice edition of 2666 brand-new and R$15,00 for a nice used hardcover edition of Ulysses.

>> No.8883644


>> No.8883651
File: 287 KB, 647x432, Cline_Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking meme me bro.

>> No.8883659

Yeah, it's legit terrible. But hey, you can read March twice!

>> No.8883675


>> No.8883679

How to summarize this thread:

Memes, memes everywhere.

>> No.8883680

Yeah m8

>> No.8883689

Art is applied philosophy, meaning that even if it isn't necessarily pure philosophy in itself, it does come under the same category. See Book VI of the Republic

>> No.8883692


I am going to get myself the Oliver Ready translation of Crime and Punishment
I didn't ask for it because I didn't want to be given the P&V

>> No.8883699

Nice poetry.

>> No.8883704

Now that is a rare Pepe.

>> No.8883709

what did he mean by this comment

>> No.8883716

He is insulting them for being Jewish.

>> No.8883721

You say that like its a bad thing. People are reading generally highly valued books that are considered classics quite often.

>> No.8883722
File: 87 KB, 588x630, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have Christmas, but I ordered these last night because I feel like reading some poetry, especially more Whitman.

>> No.8883724

Someone gave it to you as a present you ungrateful cunt.
Give it a try, if it really is so bad you can't read it then stop. You are morally obligated in respect of the gifter.

Spookmeisters can neck themselves and die alone.

>> No.8883726
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 47558490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it rips apart really easily and turns into a pathetic pile of paper on the floor

DEVELISH! Happy Christmas anon!

>> No.8883729

Yeah, that's good, but I have the impression that you guys read some books just because the majority reads them. Seriously, I always see posted the same books, always the same. Have you lost any glimmer of personality or indipendence?

>> No.8883732

Sidney Monas is another possibility for you

>> No.8883734

Merry Christmas anon, thanks for the shitpost.

Made me chuckle.

>> No.8883737

The Oliver Ready translation is certainly worth waiting for.

>> No.8883738

Im a new reader myself and have found that going with the classics rarely disappoints me. Surely Id give almost anything a try but Id just rather rely on some research and see how I like the generally highly valued books.

That is probably the most pleb way to do it but if it works it aint broken.

>> No.8883741

OHHHHH. what's wrong with that?

>> No.8883746

Going with the classics... Do you have an idea how many classics there are? Hundreds, even thousands. You probably do not just choose classics, you choose what the majority picks from the group of the classics. Sadly, trends affect even literature

>> No.8883748

Nothing. /pol/ is leaking.

>> No.8883758
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Plz no bully
Epic Fragments
Loebs if you can't see

>> No.8883760

Fuck you

>> No.8883769
File: 40 KB, 500x294, 1455071243546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> getting gifts from other people

Why haven't you isolated yourself from the rest of the world, anons?

>> No.8883770

>judging a book by it's cover

>> No.8883775

I recommend:

Tacitus - Histories
Tacitus - Annals
Ceasar - The Gallic Wars
Ceasar - The Civil War

>> No.8883776

> not judging a book by its cover

Sorry you have low standards, anon.

>> No.8883782

Is that the new edition of Gargantua edited by Huchon? What is the text like, old French or a modernized translation? What's the text-to-note ratio on the page count?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm really interested in this subject.

>> No.8883785

I already have a ton of books I haven't read so I didn't ask for any/get myself any

>> No.8883789

Thanks. It is a cheap one but thick af so it looks impressive from the sides. My go has suffered recently due to much reading. I think I can only obsess over one thing at a time.

>> No.8883791
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>tfw I can read White Nights on Christmas

the only thing I ever wanted

>> No.8883795

Thank you for the recommendations anon, I will put these next on my list.

Merry Christmas

>> No.8883796
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>best of

>> No.8883802

Merry Christmas to you :)

>> No.8883805
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1) Yea, it's by Huchon.

2) Old French, check it out.

3) Haven't read it yet, but there seems to be a good number of footnotes and general notes. However, if French is your second language, you're probably going to struggle a bit with the grammar, even with the notes.

It's better to read the Old French version though.

>> No.8883815

whats wrong with that

>> No.8883820

I'd recommend

Polybius - The Histories
Cassius Dio - Reign of Augustus

>> No.8883828

Battery life, weight, and e-ink say you're wrong.

>> No.8883831

We all got meme hardcovers bro, you are not really missing much. Go to the shop, get some vodka, some second hand paperbacks and have a good Christmas.

>> No.8883836

Pretty cool. She has a nice smile.

>> No.8883843
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There's also a reprint series of an old editions du seuil modernization edited by Guy Demerson that has the Old French and the translation on opposite pages. Screech praised it in his Note on the Translation, but I'm wondering if the notes are as good as other Folio Classique editions I own. I know Huchon edited the Pleiade edition of Rabelais, but the rest of the Folios in the series aren't edited by her specialfically.

>> No.8883844

I vastly prefer philosophy. Fiction is a waste of time. Just a tad less wasteful than videogames.

>> No.8883855
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Also got a Fire tablet - anyone know how reading is on these things?

>> No.8883858


My version is in Old French only, with notes.

>> No.8883862

Also, thanks for the photo, anon. Very helpful.

>> No.8883864

you should read something other than YA, dear brother

>> No.8883876
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Unsure if honest...


>> No.8883880
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>> No.8883883

Huysmans is definitely something else. I would not say i enjoyed reading à rebours, but it is interesting for this time period and you understand why oscar wilde was inspired by it for dorian gray.

>> No.8883884


>a bunch of dead white men chasing false premises posited by an ancient pro wrestler and confessed boy lover

>> No.8883887

>implying they werent on your wishlist
>implying patrician mum
>implying non-slut mum

>> No.8883897

IJ + quijote book 1 in spanish
divine comedy in my first language and in italian + quijote book 1 in spanish + ulysses english (currently reading ulysses translation, will read original later on)

>> No.8883909
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>> No.8883932
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>How the Irish saved Civilization

>> No.8883937

Yeah that one was my mom because I asked for Irish literature.

>> No.8883938
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I didn't get any books this year, because I've still got books from years ago that I haven't read. No new books till I get through all my current ones, which is probably like 25

>> No.8883943

Anyone know how are those by Dumas? Only read Montecristo and the Three Musketeers and I loved them.

>> No.8883945

I meant it sincerely. I wanted to look at the language and type.

>> No.8883999
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>> No.8884010

If you'd like to complete the trilogy of the decadent aestheticism, I recommend you The Child of Pleasure by D'Annunzio

>> No.8884020

I'm Irish and thats my face rn the Irish couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery

>> No.8884025

>How the Irish Saved Civilization

>> No.8884027
File: 84 KB, 692x519, SAM_0604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look here, boys

>> No.8884031

Look what? Your new collection of memes?

>> No.8884040

yes, now I'll fit here

>> No.8884050

Contento tu, contenti tutti.

Scherzo, buon Natale

>> No.8884052

The meme trilogy

XD lol so randum

>> No.8884060

in realtà ho preso solo l'ulisse perchè lo vedo sempre associato agli altri due qui. Adoro non ironicamente gli altri due quindi ho provato a prendere pure lui. Buon Natale

>> No.8884092

>Purgatorio bands are different shades of purple

I know this feel and it is a bad one

>> No.8884094

He was just being autistic. Any selection of Dostoevsky's short stories is good.

>> No.8884096
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>> No.8884114

None of those were on my wish list

>> No.8884127

>he thinks he well belong to /lit/ reading the 2016 meme trilogy translated

>> No.8884167

Fuck I wish he were more fun. A & G are probably the easiest to read out of all his works, though.

>> No.8884173

lit reads almost exclusively fiction. Some readers have only fiction, and those who branch out still usually prefer fiction.

It always freaks me out how little history I see in bookshelf threads.

>> No.8884179

very good books

>> No.8884198

>this books are better in their original language
English is piss easy and boring

>> No.8884207

The 6 volume bible looks great, would have never known about it if not for now, thanks

>> No.8884208


>> No.8884267
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This is what I got.

>> No.8884286
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I'm feeling real cozy this morning

Tell us how ISOLT is!

>> No.8884289

My Dad got me a Folio Society copy of The Stranger.

two weeks before Christmas, we'd had a conversation and I had said that of all the paperbacks he'd given me in the past to read, I probably enjoyed Camus the least.

He'd already bought it and now I feel really bad.

>> No.8884290
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>> No.8884305
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1/2, posting 180° flipped next.
Slightly cheating because I brought some of those with me from home, but all of the German books are bought here (by me, couldn't trust anyone else to get me stuff).
Don't really care for covers honestly, it only shits me that all German books are flipped, it really fucks my bookshelf looks up.

And yes, I like Camus. So what :^)

>> No.8884307


>> No.8884309
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Zarathustra and Sisyphus are both in German and English for better understanding, since I had a little bit of a hard time wrapping my head around it the first time through, so just to make sure I got the German ones as well. Don't mind it, honestly.

>> No.8884310

DEMONS: or, How I Survived High School

>> No.8884314

Yea. I asked for the Garnett translation, figuring they would buy the P&V version. The quality of the book is pretty low but it's still the same story.

>> No.8884317

I can not believe someone clicked "send" on the email approving the manufacture to make thousands of books with that cover

How does this even happen

>> No.8884320
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Family knows I read but the books they usually pick are meh. Hate Vollman but the Gass Man and Obscene Bird of the Night make up for that.

>> No.8884385
File: 241 KB, 500x375, hemor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily the worst German publisher I've ever come across. Riddled with typos, often with little or no editorial information, and the books feel fucking cheap as fuck even though they're hardback.
I'm embarrassed to have Anacondas on my shelf and so should you.
>inb4 they're cheap
Not even the jewest of jews would be justified in ever picking up an Anaconda. It is a shit publisher through and through, and I even have that very same Zarathustra on my shelf.

>> No.8884392

You're goddamn right it was cheap, 4 bucks for a hardcover made me look twice, but i shrugged, thought "why the fuck not" and picked it up. Better than spending it on shit food, and if it really is that unreadable I'll git gud, read the English one again and use the crap translation as kindling.

Thanks for the heads up though Anon.
What do you think of the rest?

>> No.8884426
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Bretty good.

>> No.8884449
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that bag on the side is moon cheese.
voyage of the beagle was from my gram, dead souls from my mam.

>> No.8884466

looking forward to reading it

>> No.8884472

Suhrkamp is ace-tier, I have the same Steppenwolf and many more in the same series, and typos are almost non-existent from what I remember. Their students' editions are great as well and I prefer their system of annotation over that of Reclam's (for example) because Suhrkamp makes a note on the respective page whenever there's an entry for it in the comments section, though I admit it can potentially disturb your flow when reading. However, for philosophical works, Suhrkamp is definitely top-tier because of their extensive editorial history and the key word index they always include in the back.
Rororo books are pretty middle of the road in my experience. As a publisher they have a nice selection in my personal opinion, they're cheap, and I don't remember them as having many typos or other blatant errors. If I were to criticise them, it'd be for their sometimes Wordsworth Classics-tier covers (Anaconda has this problem as well, except they're worse), but that's a minor point. The only rororo books I've read were literary fiction, so I'm not able to comment on any of their philosophical works or anything else.

But Anaconda are on a whole other level of incompetence, like in my Anaconda edition of Zweig's autobiography, where they have periods and commas inside words and just blatant misspellings in general. I was gifted an Anaconda edition of Kafka's Das Schloss but I threw it out because I simply didn't trust it and I got myself one by Fischer instead,

I don't think I've ever come across Arche, though, but if I were to recommend another major German publisher it'd be dtv (aside from Fischer, obviously).

>> No.8884475

These are the only four books you ever need to read, coincidentally

>> No.8884486

Suhrkamp is great, yes - many of the books we used to read in school were from their collection.

The RoRoRo books I got because I was having a really hard time finding those books in Australia, where I live (and I've looked in plenty of places), so I was really just going to settle for anything (rookie mistake, I know).

dtv is also great, I second that.

But my question wasn't necessarily directed toward the publishers, but rather the works themselves. Do you/have you read any of the books I've posted? What do you think?

>> No.8884497
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Yea, if you see this version, find a different one.

>> No.8884500


>> No.8884533

Its just somebody cheaply publishing a public domain classic.

>> No.8884539
File: 1.04 MB, 1519x2344, This gon' b gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real. And I'm giving it 100 pages to capture my interest or it's going straight into the recycler.

>> No.8884552

>that ink saving
>that lack of space for thumb
mother of god

Better to just download a txt version, print it on regular paper and clip it.

>> No.8884553

highly decent haul, esp french press

>> No.8884554

>reads on a smartphone
Plebs must go

>> No.8884558

ulysses IS better in italian

>> No.8884560

>native son by Richard wright
>the adventures of kavalier and clay by Michael chabon

Good stuff?

>> No.8884574

Nietzsche was a genius and he said something about EVERYTHING, and what few things he didn't cover were covered by Goethe in his collection of aphorisms. Zarathustra is probably the one book I've reread more times than any other in my collection, though I won't pretend that it's the greatest (i.e. most beautiful) poem as such. I've always had a soft spot for Camus because I liked his straightforward style as well as his themes, although I haven't read The Rebel/Der Mensch in der Revolte. Haven't read a lot of Sartre because it seems to me like it was all either covered by Nietzsche or Goethe or Heidegger or Stirner either before him and/or better than him. The only Vonnegut I ever read was his Bluebeard but I liked it a lot. Haven't read any Suskind or Huxley. Conrad is brilliant and displays a keen understanding of the English language that often gets ignored even by native speakers of English.
Hesse is probably one of my favourite German authors but not because of Steppenwolf. Instead I recommend his Narciss & Goldmund because of what seems to me like a simple yet aesthetic and so timeless prose not unlike that of Stefan Zweig at his best, or maybe his Glasperlenspiel if you don't mind the somewhat dense format of the Bildungsroman. Siddharta is good but I suspect it's mostly popular because of its proto beatnigger thematic.

>> No.8884586
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How did I do, /lit/?

>> No.8884622

Cat's Cradle kept me occupied while waiting for my flight. It made me laugh a few times, which few books manage to do, as well as get me thinking. Bokononism mightn't be so bad, who knows.

Süskind's Perfume was on the curriculum in high school, and I quite enjoyed his writing. The Pidgeon was hilarious, sad, riveting and strangely relatable as well as a great read when short on time, as it could easily be finished in one sitting if need be (if that is what one judges books by).

Huxley's Brave New World was...interesting, but I don't see why it is so popular/hyped. I liked it but probably wouldn't read it again, it didn't do much for me.
Doors of Perception, however, is a great read because it is a non-fictional account of his mescaline consumption, which has interested me for a while. I recommend it if you are similarly inclined.

Thanks for your opinion, Anon! Merry Christmas.

>> No.8884628

You too, Anon, I'll definitely consider Süskind for the future, and a happy new year as well

>> No.8884630

Don't kill me for the typo; whoever finds it, shut up.

Reading Heart of Darkness now, and so far it is quite interesting to say the least. Wondering where this goes, but I quite enjoy the way it is written, even though the page-long quotes are a bit silly, if necessary for framing.

>> No.8884646

Süskind's got a certain way with words and he doesn't mind being a little vulgar and unconventional for great effect. He can write a whole page about a splotch of bird shit (and he does) and make it absolutely hilarious in my opinion.
That and the way he describes smells and crafts this mad genius of a protagonist in Perfume make him a very enjoyable read, and proves that semi-modern fiction isn't all dead, contrary to popular belief.

A happy new year to you too!

>> No.8884666
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>> No.8884672
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tfw when Santa didn't visit you because you're a poor fuck

>> No.8884686
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>> No.8884694

my mom bought me hypersphere lol

>> No.8884714
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This. And I was told not to buy any books before christmas, because "you'll never know what you will get". Tough tits, I got nothing.

>> No.8884719

same desusenpai

>> No.8884729


>> No.8884735
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>> No.8884736

You'll need at least a year to fully understand all three.
Very Patrician.
Much wow.

>> No.8884738

I don't care how ironic this post is, you need to kill yourself

>> No.8884742

>The Dark Spire
patrician af

>> No.8884754

twelve caesars is patrician as fuck

tell me about the hamlet parallels

>> No.8884888
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>> No.8884909

My dad got me copies of the Illiad and Odyssey this year.

>> No.8884912

Penguin Hardcover Classics?

>> No.8884922
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>> No.8884926

Books..... For christmas?

What the heck

>> No.8884927
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>tfw you get a tacky B&N Leatherbound Classic



>> No.8884942


The paperbacks.

>> No.8884945
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20161225_171819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the third volume of the vulgate cycle, the Lancelot part. It's very hard to find at a reasonable price so thank God for that.

>> No.8884952
File: 200 KB, 1278x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all the ones on the man booker prize 2016 shortlist from my mum. Want to save the winner (the sellout) for last out of these lot (I have a horrendous backlog besides these new books) but no idea which to start with.

>> No.8884955
File: 50 KB, 599x354, trumppic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad he has gotten more books published than you ever will

>> No.8884974

Being bought hardback versions of something you want that you wouldn't shell out for yourself is an amazing feel anon.

>> No.8884998

Commies not even once

>> No.8885016

>that Norton

Jinkies. It's the thought that counts though, right?

>> No.8885019

>our band could be your life
holy shit dude this is the good shit

>> No.8885020
File: 2.59 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were the books I got.

>> No.8885021


Does it count as "getting a book published" if you didn't write it?

>> No.8885022

Me too...

>> No.8885036

>thinks most books aren't ghost written
lol try working in publishing kid

>> No.8885045
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between vouchers and money and my own christmas purchases, i managed to compile the books on top of the shelf for the xmas season.

>> No.8885056

Yea, the letters aren't too bad, unless you read it really close to your face.

>> No.8885085

do you buy everyman editions for most/all the books you buy? Seems expensive to me.

>> No.8885088
File: 419 KB, 1776x852, Screen Shot 2016-12-25 at 6.04.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked up the computing book on top because it looked slick
>see pic related from the same series


>> No.8885091

You didn't get these for Christmas you lying cunt

>> No.8885099

Whats that edition of voyage like?

>> No.8885119
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>> No.8885141

how is that swann's way so incredibly thin

>> No.8885151


>> No.8885168

I prefer the Stoics to whatever tf you're talking about.

>> No.8885183

Didn't give anyone a list so they had to guess.
>Life: A User's Manual by le meme man
>The Nix by Nathan Hill
>Axel's Castle by Edmund Wilson
My brother is coming in later today so we'll see what he gets me.

>> No.8885245


>> No.8885256
File: 17 KB, 500x281, Pilkington-Hostel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a T-shirt with this picture on it

>> No.8885304
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Looks like Sir Raleigh from sly 1 more than anything.

>> No.8885312
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Foundation trilogy was a nice surprise.

>> No.8885340
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Really happy with my books this year

>> No.8885344

yeah wtf

>> No.8885354

It's actually really thick, all of those books are just over 2 feet across

>> No.8885373

Pretty great taste, anon.
Kerouac is my favorite author, along with his contemporaries.
You ever pick up Ginsbergs poetry?

>> No.8885399

what edition of ulysses is that my man?
looks sick

>> No.8885405

Not him but a facsimile edition
I've got one too

>> No.8885418
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Unabridged Shakespeare and company edition.
I've never had the pleasure of reading Ulysses and I've heard this is the best edition to start with.

>> No.8885420


>> No.8885464

Just pray you don't end up liking it too much; Ice Never F is rare as fuck, and he never got to finish the trilogy, so the ride, fun though it may be, inevitably ends in disappointment.

>> No.8885475

Cool to see some Kerouac love on /lit/, I never see him (or any of the beats for that matter) mentioned.

I've read a couple Ginsberg poems but I guess I'm just not a huge poetry guy. It doesn't resonate with me the way prose does.

>> No.8885500

I was thinking the same. Kerouac is seldom mentioned.
I don't know if it's due to obscurity or distaste for his work.

For me, poets must also be adept at prose as well. I think Ginsberg can do prose, which makes most of his poetry acessible.

What would you say is your favorite of Kerouacs work is?

>> No.8885529


Nice bait kid

>> No.8885579
File: 158 KB, 1080x720, shiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's shit

>> No.8885622


>> No.8885647

You're right. I got these last friday. Im just so alone.

>> No.8885854

>Ice Never F is rare as fuck
If I ever get my hands on it I'm scanning and uploading it to as many sites as I can. Ultra-rare OOP books should be shared/seeded as much as humanly possible.

>he never got to finish the trilogy

>> No.8885944

Kerouac is mentioned a lot, you guys just don't lurk enough.

Not him, but I really liked The Dharma Bums. I'm also a big Ginsberg fan, Sunflower Sutra is my favourite of his that I've read.

>> No.8886202

>I've heard this is the best edition to start with
it isn't, the 1922 version has all the errors before they were corrected for subsequent printings. Not a glaring amount of errors, but it was typeset by a french publisher where nobody knew english.

>> No.8886285

That's probably true. In don't participate in many threads that would regard him.
I'm mostly in the threads oriented around philosophy and such.

My favorite of his work would have to be Big Sur and on the road.
Big Sur feels like a perfect hangover to OTR, as well.
While OTR was hopeful, fast, full of youth, Big Sur was the crash.
Sad, isolated, old.
Kerouacs alcoholism and insanity really makes the book authentic. Probably in my top 5 books.

>> No.8886287

What edition do you recommend, anon?

>> No.8886362
File: 32 KB, 480x454, sweatingpete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys tell me

Should one read Ulysses in English only or can I read a translation? I usually read in English but I was wondering on getting Ulysses in my mother language, which is fucking mongol speak but anyways.

>> No.8886537


I could not have said it better myself. EXACTLY how I feel. This would be my answer to >>8885500

>> No.8886564

It'd depend on the individual translation
For example, the German translation published some years ago is critically acclaimed, but I don't know any mongspeak translations
In general, though, it's probably alright to read a translation, and the >translations meme mostly stems from compensating monolingual 4chinners who aren't even able to understand Ulysses in their native language anyway