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File: 67 KB, 200x320, 9780814721353_Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8882008 No.8882008 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ black guy here. Lately I've been reading up on critical race theory and wanted /lit/ opinion it

If you don't know what it is my understanding of it(poorly) is that the actual racism thats going on is when a poc/minority gets hired its based on them filling a quota of being that race/gender instead of actually being right person for the job.

I don't agree with much i've read about it so far tho.

>> No.8882012

Just do whatever man.

If someone wants to give you money for being black, take it. Or don't.

None of this matters.

>> No.8882015

I don't care about your /pol/ shit
I'm here for books

>> No.8882023

I would not recommend a black person go to /pol/. In fact I don't recommend anyone go there.

>> No.8882036
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It's shit. Read this instead.

>> No.8882049

thanks Will buy it now.
yeah that is true money is money
oh I'm sorry if this came off as /pol/ tier Just wanted educated opinions from anons

>> No.8882062

>thanks Will buy it now
Don't waste your money.

>> No.8882099 [DELETED] 

Hey, POC here. Anyone else dealing with post-traumatic stress after cis white males oppress and body shame you according to euro centric beauty standards?
My white friends (allies), however educated they are, can never truly understand, any body-positive POC here working through the same trauma?

>> No.8882101

Hello /pol/

>> No.8882116

don't meme the thread pls :(

is it a bad book?

>> No.8882121

t. fat nigger

>> No.8882122

>black guy here
Nice bait. GTFO

>> No.8882125

>Hey /lit/ black guy here
>critical race theory

>> No.8882126

critical race theory is just a manifestation of white people's innate pathological self-loathing and guilt

>> No.8882134

It's about the heritability of intelligence. So naturally everyone's got a hot opinion on why it's either trash on the gods honest truth.

>> No.8882136

>I don't agree with much i've read about it so far tho.

guess i'll just pirate it thank you!

>> No.8882153
File: 1.11 MB, 595x763, rapeface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrap your nignog 9000psi lips around dis shiiieet, f.a.m.

>> No.8882157

Cultural Marxist hogwash.

>> No.8882162

I think people spend too much time on social media, and are given a false reflection of reality in which there are only two extreme sides, neo-nazis and literal social revolutionists. In real life things are much more tame, and seeing those stereotypes in a bar is fucking laughable.

>> No.8882171

>le Internet only gives you one side of le story xD
Why do Redditors always say this? Most people irl are bland liberals/moderates who use Facebook. It's a good thing that we have lots of spicy opinions on 4chan.

>> No.8882177

It's unfalsifiable pseudoscience based around minority resentment and white self-flagellation that seeks to correct an inequality of outcome rather than an inequality of opportunity. Think of it as an academic band-aid for economic incompetence and cultural mediocrity

>> No.8882187

>None of this matters.
>arm chair nihilist
Literally the worst kind of person. Fucking kill yourself

>> No.8882188

>Most people irl are bland liberals/moderates who use Facebook.
That's only because you live in an affluent liberal neighborhood.

62 million people voted for Trump. Blank liberal/moderates is not the average person.

>> No.8882189


>> No.8882191

Wow, you have bland liberals and bland cuckservatives, what diversity of opinion

>> No.8882192


>> No.8882195

back when sam was a cuck

>> No.8882201

He use to be a liberal? I thought he was making fun of himself in that vid

>> No.8882202
File: 15 KB, 233x267, sam hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, Sam "You Can Run But You Can't" Hyde

>> No.8882203


>> No.8882211

He hasn't changed at all. He has always been a lefty. You just aren't paying attention, or are too autistic to comprehend basic satire.

>> No.8882215

if you want a leftist critique of critical race theory, check out adolph reed

>> No.8882216
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the madman satires himself out of a job. thats some dedication

>> No.8882217

Did you read his book? Sam Hyde is alt-right.

>> No.8882221

So when he satires liberals hes actually satiring someone satiring liberals?

>> No.8882230

>is it a bad book?
It was funded by a white supremacist organization and is based on heavily biased data.

Tons of stuff has been written since it's been out showing how flawed of a book it is. And it's not just a matter of opinion. The book is based on bad, outdated research and isn't taken seriously by anyone in any academic field.

>> No.8882233

The book is flawed but it's conclusions aren't false.

>> No.8882242

Not according to the various geneticists, biologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists, and other scholars who have published critiques of it.

Intelligence is an incredibly complex trait; IQ is a terrible way of measuring, and a lot more goes into it than genetics.

>> No.8882243

can anyone rec any books that explore this subject without the faults of the one we're discussing? and by faults i don't mean some of these things i'm reading on wikipedia about there not being a way to measure intelligence, which reek of denial.

>> No.8882246

Read someThomas Sowell

>> No.8882248

>Intelligence is an incredibly complex trait; IQ is a terrible way of measuring, and a lot more goes into it than genetics.
How else do you propose we measure it? By accomplishment?

>> No.8882255

>Intelligence is an incredibly complex trait; IQ is a terrible way of measuring, and a lot more goes into it than genetics.
that's nice what do you purpose as an alternative

>> No.8882269

something that takes hip-hop and breakdancing into account probably

>> No.8882278

It's not my job to propose an alternative. All I was doing was pointing out that The Bell Curve is a biased book based on shitty research, which it is. No argument tactic is going to change that.

>> No.8882286

everything is bias. that's no an arguement the research was well done you just don't like the conclusion

>> No.8882304

black anon here. you seem new.
1. Don't ever fucking tell anyone here that your black.
2. Critical race theory is fucking shite
3. Don't start threads on topics with even a modicum of /pol9k/ memory
4. Learn a skill. Get a job. Don't give a fuck about what anyone has to say about it. No amount of opinionated diatribes can equip you or diminish you; the reasoning behind why an establishment hired you is outside your perimeter. The only thing you need to worry about is being the best at your job and there will be no questioning your position and why you were hired.
My dad was hired through affirmative action and 42 years later they didn't want him to retire.
Make damn sure you're doing your best. Anyone with a theory can go fuck themselves.

>> No.8882308

>/pol9k/ memory

>> No.8882309

Man discussing anything race related on 4chan sounds like a bad idea, even on /lit/

That being said, it seems like you're describing affirmative action. And that shit has been debated to the end of the Earth I feel like
I don't read too much about race but what about race related books are you interested in?

>> No.8882316

How can it be shitty research when it's empirically true?

>inb4 le evil racist white people oppresionz n' shieeeeeeetttt

Double dubs speaks the truth.

>> No.8882325
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>1. Don't ever fucking tell anyone here that your black.

>black anon here.

The Bell Curve must be pretty accurate after all.

>> No.8882361


Trump is fairly moderate. He said some bad words on tv but that doesn't make him some kind of fascist revolutionary lmao

>> No.8882391

no, they cant

they dont like that african children cant pass the mirror test, so they scream "muh culture" whenever someone mentions IQ.

and they might be right about that, the answers prob somewhere in the middle: both culture and genetics. but thry just reeee and call it biased.

we'll never know until we can 100% understand genetics in a few decades

>> No.8882421

How do you pair the rise in illiteracy with the Flynn Effect?

>> No.8882428

There is no right person for a job; only bad management in creating a job so defined.

>> No.8882432


You do realize it is you who fail the mirror test by saying it is you.

>> No.8882442

Moderate based on what positions exactly?

>> No.8882524

There aren't any reputable books on it, because anybody who studies psychology understands that it would be non-sense.

>> No.8882567
File: 63 KB, 762x456, Rushton & Jensen, 2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who tells you intelligence has absolutely no relationship with genetics is on the left end of both the political spectrum and the bell curve. At this point you're an equivalent of a climate change denier if you go around lying to yourself and others about how intelligence is exclusively a product of one's environment

This is a good, broad article written by a Harvard-educated PhD that outlines what people WHO ACTUALLY STUDY INTELLIGENCE think about IQ i.e. not sullen minorities with a chip on their shoulder and a lot of hot opinions or self-hating whites with an internet connection

>> No.8882575

You don't understand the concept of IQ and how it is applied in psychology.

>> No.8882579

Sam Hyde sticks up for Richard Spencer on Twitter, follows the hosts of The Daily Shoah on Twitter, refused to attend an event with Cernovich and others because they denied Spencer, constantly posts things on Twitter about leftists being fucking retarded, has expressed right wing opinions in his HydeWars serious videos, and made a huge ass Reddit post defending white nationalism.

Get with the fucking program.

>> No.8882592
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>he doesn't realize sam is deep in his performance art

>> No.8882593

I never actually see anyone "debunk" this book, they just keep saying that it has been "debunked" as if people will believe it has been without the evidence.

>> No.8882599

Sorry you think someone with opposing political beliefs is funny and that you have to use ridiculous logical leaps ignoring reality to avoid shattering your precious ego.

>> No.8882600

How so? Be extremely specific in your response

>> No.8882615


>> No.8882618

>he fell for sam hydes genius marketing

>> No.8882619

That's what I thought. Merry Christmas

>> No.8882621
File: 292 KB, 1600x2780, 1477871414640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, sorry I'm late we have people visiting.
>pic related

Merry Christmas you retarded faggots

>> No.8882629

Infographs and other sophistry belongs on /pol/, you have to actually argue your points here

>> No.8882630

>he wasn't willing to explain to a retard that he is retarded in extreme detail and therefore I feel validated
lmao kys

>> No.8882633

>The Mismeasurment of Man

>> No.8882634


>> No.8882646

That "debunking" was so blatantly ideological and botched that it inadvertently contributed to the Bell Curve's validity

>> No.8882656

can you briefly explain how?

>> No.8882673


>critical race theory

I have a scatological opinion of it. It's Christmas though and I promised I wouldn't shitpost until Boxing Day :^)

>> No.8882676
File: 45 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ is a terrible way of measuring
This is patently false. IQ is one of the single best predictors of life success and is highly correlated to field of work, field of study, and even life expectancy.

>> No.8882681

>they just keep saying that it has been "debunked" as if people will believe it has been without the evidence.
That's what liberals do with science that disagrees with their narrative. Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes the accepted truth.

>> No.8882684

>This is patently false. IQ is one of the single best predictors of life success and is highly correlated to field of work, field of study, and even life expectancy.

Except most CEO's have pretty average IQs, explain that, genius?

And that image is a meme, stop posting it, thanks.

>> No.8882692

or you know you could Google it to check the validity and integrity and it's role in academia, like you should with any other work

>> No.8882695

>boo hoo not everybody is openly racist in public

There are unsaid borders in an actual social setting. All the reasonable arguments and comments on the internet get drowned, because they are not as shocking or interesting as the extreme ones.

>> No.8882701

This is completely false. If you think the banal comments you get from normals in real life are anything special you're deluded. Also, being "le reasonable moderate man" is a meme for people who can't deal with actually having strong opinions.

>> No.8882705

>implying it wouldn't he rejected by leftist academics on ideological grounds
Can you give any sources actually debunking The Bell Curve? I'm legitimately curious.

>> No.8882707


>> No.8882711
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Academics believe a lot of stupid horseshit, I don't get how an appeal to academia has any force in 2016.

Protip: the social "sciences" aren't actually science.

>> No.8882714

IQ is great for one thing, determining the intelligence of an INDIVIDUAL.

You can't apply implications to the results by any genetic quality, or by any ONE quality for that matter, because that would mean ignoring every other possible factor affecting that individual or group. You have to observe every possible influence on the entity, a vacuum where the only differing quality between compared IQ subjects is race and race ONLY simply doesn't exist.

We've also found things that have a much higher impact on IQ, such as pre-natal/early development malnutrition, or breastfeeding of infants by mothers who suffer malnutrition or iron deficiency. These things have permanent demonstrable effects on growth of the brain, and they are more common among groups like sub-saharan africans. (interestingly, whites and asians generally have better diets and are more likely to do healthy breastfeeding, and the racial group with the highest IQ - asians, have the most iron-rich diets consisting of fish/rice/vegetables)
There's also things like education/culture, which is even more ambiguous and complicates it further.

All of the resources in those books (Bell Curve/Richard Lynn etc) are from previously distributed IQ tests, where race is often commonly "self-identified", so even ignoring all of the other ad hoc flaws you aren't getting any ACTUAL information about genetics

The point is that it's totally ad hoc, the IQ test doesn''t care about any of these different things, it only determines intelligence of a single person.
It's totally possible that race/genetics influences intelligence, but you can't use IQ to prove that, it's not the intended design

>> No.8882725

I've played the devil's advocate plenty of time just to get people to open up in public. Most people in their 20s have dumb opinions that they are self-aware about, and don't really like expressing them. In a large company someone is always gonna get offended on topics like race or social construct, so it's better for most to just stay quiet.

Places like 4chan and reddit, even social medias like twitter trough an algorithm, create an echo chamber that create a reality that's very different from face to face conversations.

I know the narrative that there is a huge civil war going on right now sounds very romantic, but most people just want to get along in a large social circle.

>> No.8882730

>Herrnstein and Murray were criticized for not submitting their work to peer review before publication, despite presenting it as a scholarly work.[4][7] Many scholarly reviews of the book arrived later. Richard Lynn (1999) wrote that "The book has been the subject of several hundred critical reviews, a number of which have been collected in edited volumes"
c'mon dude. if you're legitimately curious about a subject, step away from a 4chan discussion.

Start with the American Psychological Association's report they did just after the book was released

>> No.8882734

Places like 4chan [...] create an echo chamber
Are you retarded? We have arguments on 4chan all the time about every single thing. Because of Anonymity 4chan is anything but an echo chamber.

Most people you meet face-to-face have bland as fuck liberal opinions and don't actually think about politics beyond what the MSM feeds them. Very rarely will a discussion with them become anything insightful unless you're a psued who wants to pretend to be le rational Socratic method man.

>> No.8882735

>Jason richwine
>Anything other than another suit and tie racist alt righter

>> No.8882736


Most modern examinations of critical theory (not specific to race issues) operate under flawed assumptions and are not, in my opinion, academically valid works. Some are better than others, but the worst of them are horseshit peddled by charlatans.

This should never frighten anyone away from studying the school of thought (or any school of thought, really), but proceed with a wary eye.

>> No.8882760

4chan is an echo chamber, not as much as Reddit, but it still is one. 4chan is limited by its format. You will never have insightful, in-depth discussions here, simply because it is not the place to look for it. It's meant for shitposting and quick exchanges of opinions.

>> No.8882761

I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.8882769

This is likely a meme post but what you complain about is serious and deserves recognition.

>> No.8882773

>Hey /lit/ black guy here
> the actual racism thats going on is when a poc/minority gets hired its based on them filling a quota

Nice bait.

Literally learn your own history.

>> No.8882774

It isn't at all. And I suspect you are in fact a meme post.

>> No.8882776

No I'm being serious myself.

>> No.8882779

>Except most CEO's have pretty average IQs, explain that, genius?

I can explain it by you being full of shit. First google result:
>Among the Fortune 500, 39% had gifted or higher IQ, with an average of 124

>> No.8882793
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This. Social Sciences are as scientifically credible as the Flat Earth Society.

>> No.8882799

Reminder that critical race theory is literally social science minus academia

>> No.8882820

>someone who clearly doesn't understand basic math talking about intelligence

>> No.8882822

>Ever being serious
You seriously need to go back to TRS you stupid drone.

>> No.8882843

>he thinks top 5% is "around average"
Low IQ detected

>> No.8882853

How come you can always detect redditors through their feminine, emotionally uncontrolled writing?
What would happen if a redditor male had his testosterone levels fixed?

>> No.8882855

Anon 1 said that most CEOs have average intelligence, and anon 2 said that statement was wrong because 39% percent of them have above average IQs. Well under half is not most, and only proved first anon's point.

>> No.8882864

>and anon 2 said that statement was wrong because 39% percent of them have above average IQs.
Anon 2 said 39% were gifted. Just because someone is not in the gifted category does not mean they're "pretty average". 124 is not considered gifted, yet is still in the top 5 percentile, which is about the same as the average doctor.

>> No.8882874

Piggybacking off this

The average knowledge of genetics on 4chan is baffling, especially by people who parrot critical race theory and /pol/ infographics.
Some people are under the impression that races are like subspecies of human which evolved in totally different habitats without crossover or any type of fluidity. I've seen people on this website actually believe in polygenesis

>> No.8882877
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>when you accidentally expose your low intelligence while attempting to argue that IQ is a poor indicator of intelligence.

>> No.8882882

>One nig shows up and X hours later we've got this road kill of a thread.
Really makes me think...
Truly detroit makers.

>> No.8882886

>wtf I can't spot the difference between Europeans and africans now, and even if I somehow could I would now be totally convinced that any (purely hypothetical) differences were strictly limited to physiology!

>> No.8882905
File: 121 KB, 446x1406, pisa2015average.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental gymnastics: The Post.

>We've also found things that have a much higher impact on IQ, such as pre-natal/early development malnutrition, or breastfeeding of infants by mothers who suffer malnutrition or iron deficiency.
IQ is about 70-80% heritable. None of the things you mentioned have nearly as much of an impact on IQ.

>asians, have the most iron-rich diets consisting of fish/rice/vegetables)
Which means nothing as long as the individual is not deficient. This doesn't explain the gap between Europeans and Asians. And it certainly doesn't explain the difference between Ashkenazi Jews and everyone else.

>There's also things like education/culture, which is even more ambiguous and complicates it further.
Education and culture are a direct result of intelligence. We all started on the same playing field. Moreover, there are many examples of oil rich countries with Western living standards that still have very low average IQ's, and vice versa (e.g. China).

>It's totally possible that race/genetics influences intelligence
Possible? It is a scientific fact that has not only been proven empirically in numerous studies, but is common fucking sense to anyone with a brain.

>> No.8882915


>> No.8882953

You sound angry.

>> No.8883035

Threads like these are real funny to read because these are people that have committed dozens of talking points on IQ and race to memory but would give you uniformly blank looks if you asked them what a CDO or the Fed discount window is

>> No.8883042

Ah, nihilism, the laziest form of philosophy.

>> No.8883137

>IQ is about 70-80% heritable

Tell me; if we know that diet affects the development of muscle and bone at a young age, why wouldn't it also affect development of the brain?
We can also see direct correlation between how educated an individual is and IQ scores. (observed on a individual level, not by groupings of countries by educational standards) We can observe that test taking is a learned skill

Even the picture you posted shows a difference between people in Hispanic countries and Hispanic people living in America. If it is merely genetics, why is there a gap? There's also a difference between Asian Americans and Asians.

>Education and culture are a direct result of intelligence
Chicken/egg. Intelligence is the result of education and culture.

>We all started on the same playing field
Absolute bullshit. Read anything about anthropology and the origins of civilization and consider why ecology was the most important factor out of anything. Out of the six original birthplaces of independent civilization, why were they all located in the fertile crescent, asian river valleys, and the river/mountain valleys in Peru?

Native North/South Americans were essentially the same genetically, so why did the South develop civilization while the North remained nomadic hunters for a much longer period? Ecology and geography, flora and fauna. Areas have varying neolithic potential

>proven empirically
Nope, that's not what empirical means.
My whole point is that you can't determine what role genetics play because you aren't observing results in a vacuum.
Textbook selection bias.

>> No.8883146

k would you rather an average black or an average jew to be your accountant ?

>> No.8883160

IQ heritability is between 0.4 and 0.8, the rest is environmental.

>> No.8883162

Whichever one studied accounting.
If neither of them did, then neither.

Are you asking whether it's more likely for a jew to be an accountant? Of course it is.
It's also more likely for them to have a two-parent household who would encourage their children to study accounting. It's also less likely for them to be born into a poor home, and less likely for them to go to an inner city school. It's also less likely for them to have nutritional issues during early development stages, and less likely for them to have mothers abusing drugs during pregnancy/breastfeeding.

It's almost like shitty upbringing could create a vicious cycle of shitty parents.
Do you really believe that there is a cluster of genes containing the trait for "accounting", and that Jews are genetically predisposed to be better at it than everyone else?
Or is the abundance of Jewish accountants the product of many different factors, all with varying degrees of influence?

>> No.8883169

How exactly does one "inherit" an IQ? IQ is the result of a test.

Tell me, is the "IQ gene" recessive, or dominant? Is it in the same cluster as the gene that determines blue/brown eyes? Or is it in the cluster with the Mongolian Spot?

>> No.8883176

You know what I meant, dickhead.

>> No.8883179

when jews where literally holocausted and they do well why do black still do so poorly? to deny any racical compent is anti-science you can argue about what percentage it is nuture and what percentage is nature

>> No.8883182

Are you asking whether it's more likely for a jew to be an accountant?
He asked would you rather have an average jew, or average black be your accountant. The correct answer is obviously the jew, as on average, blacks are dumb as fuck.

>Do you really believe that there is a cluster of genes containing the trait for "accounting",
Occupation is heritable, to an extent.

>> No.8883189

I never denied a racial component. In my original post I said it's totally possible.

It's quite plausible that different groups of modern humans in the past selected for behavioral traits that we now consider vaguely related to "general intelligence"

My whole point is that you can't determine to any degree what is genetic and what isn't, especially not with demographic IQ groupings
Most demographic groupings don't even provide real genetic information

>> No.8883190
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Identity Politics is a Capitalist/Right-Winger's dream come true.

Literally self-imposed divide-and-conquer. All very bourgeois. Just dismiss me as another "brocialist" though, kek. Have fun never accomplishing anything.

>> No.8883196

How goes the raid, /leftypol/ comarade?

>> No.8883199


>That pic

Someone posted some nice pasta on /lit/ a while ago, about some sort of Tibetan/Asian having a hard-on for Western philosophy - taking the piss out of those stereotypical Westerners who love all things Eastern.

Wish I saved it desu.

>> No.8883201

I'm merely arguing to what extent it's heritable.

I mean at the end of the day I wouldn't really give a shit if we found the specific gene that determines spacial reasoning or linguistics or whatever. I have a high IQ and I'm not a minority, so this debate isn't something I'm emotionally invested in.
If we ever find the gene it would be awesome. Even if I don't carry it or only certain races carry it, it could pave the future for genetic-engineering-eugenics. We could potentially make future generations of smart humans by giving the gene to children of people who don't carry it.

The thing is though, we need to ACTUALLY do the empirical research on genetics for that step to ever happen. Looking at IQ results grouped by self-identified ethnicities doesn't do us any favors. We gain no true information out of it since the extent of nature vs nurture is so tentative

>> No.8883213

>if we know that diet affects the development of muscle and bone at a young age, why wouldn't it also affect development of the brain?
W h A t ? I guess all people till 1century ago were retarded because they didn't have proper nutrition? Kant, Neuman and what not other geniuses who were extremely short shouldn't exist because of your retarded ideas.

>> No.8883246


Upvoted because more people need to see this

>> No.8883254

>I guess all people till 1century ago were retarded because they didn't have proper nutrition

Are you retarded? You think people didn't have healthy diets until 1 century ago?
Like grain, fruits, nuts, vegetables, or roots don't contain iron and zinc and vitamins in them? Or fish or organs/livers of other meat?

Kant and Neuman didn't have mothers suffering from anemia, or malaria, or worms during their pregnancy. And they probably weren't breastfed on the tit of a mother with a mostly insect diet

>> No.8883280

>You think people didn't have healthy diets until 1 century ago?
They didn't have processed foods but proteins were lacking tremendeously.
>grain, fruits, nuts, vegetables, or roots don't contain iron and zinc and vitamins in them
>he thinks all had access to food like that and even more eating it every day
I know that this board is almost reddit tier but this is just embarrassing.
>And they probably weren't breastfed on the tit of a mother with a mostly insect diet
Do you realise that they were not always like that? They actually had access to better food(before it ended) and vitamin d from the sun which is really important for the development of the muscles and bones yet achieved nothing. Anyway there is a tribe of giants in africa and guess what, they achieved nothing.

>> No.8883295


>we need to ACTUALLY do the empirical research on genetics for that step to ever happen

It never will happen because people instinctively shy away from anything that reminds them even vaguely of eugenics. It might work in an Asian country where they barely remember who Hitler was, but the idea of investigating racial differences is permanently off limits in the West. That's why Herrnstein&Murray had to rely on data gathered by the Pioneer Fund or whatever it was, because nobody else would even consider doing it.

>> No.8883304
File: 55 KB, 607x608, Choke em dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It never will happen because people instinctively shy away from anything that reminds them even vaguely of eugenics.


Luckily, the eugenics taboo is beginning to fade. Until recently, for example, a lot of Brits didn't realize that practically every Downs Syndrome baby is aborted in some Scandinavian countries. This sparked a huge debate. Similarly, on the 'life' side of the spectrum (as opposed to death), we have 'designer babies'/etc now.

Likewise, euthanizing the sick/disabled/etc (depending on degree) is becoming increasingly acceptable.

>> No.8883357


>anon 1 said most CEO's have average intelligence
>anon 2 said it was wrong because the average among CEO's was 124
>average intelligence in any population is 100

Anon 1 is clinically retarded.

>> No.8883465

>tribalism/kin-selection that is existent in all types of life isn't relevant because muh antiquated social construct 19th century money autism ideology prevents me from looking outside the trashcan


>> No.8883538

It's a way for retards to shift blame on someone else

>> No.8883568


>> No.8883578

This troll thread is still going. 51 posters. wow.

>> No.8883580


Uncle Tom's a good lil nigga for massa

>> No.8883586

>the research was well done
It uses Lynn's research which is pretty terrible

>> No.8883591

how is it a troll thread?
everybody is posting good info related to the topic. do you think books on identity are not worth discussing?

>> No.8883595

>I cannot accept being right if it means finding no answers
>So I will invent some for myself, and call the others lazy

>> No.8883599

>Fred Moten
>Bell Hooks
>Frank Wilderson
>Cornell West

>> No.8883600

This is amazing and awful.

>> No.8883601

Correlation must surely mean causation.

The very fact that people get "better" at IQ tests proves they're not an accurate indicator of intelligence.

>> No.8883618

Hello, uncle Tom.

>> No.8883621

Well, I'm not surprised that leftists aren't more common on a board dedicated to not reading books.

>> No.8883624

>not being a degenerate nigger makes you an Uncle Tom

>> No.8883642

>do you think books on identity are not worth discussing?
No, not really, since most of the discussion is emotive and by its very nature combative.

The very concept of identity (as understood by most people today) is borderline totalitarian. From birth you are stamped with a series of labels that determine how you think, who you choose to associate with, and what lifestyles are considered normal and should be strove towards. Any attempt to publicly abandon this identity or mix it with another is considered treason of the highest order by literally millions of people, some of who will take it upon themselves to enforce group cohesion by intimidating or threatening you, destroying your property, assaulting or even killing you.

>> No.8883649

>Any attempt to publicly abandon this identity or mix it with another is considered treason of the highest order by literally millions of people, some of who will take it upon themselves to enforce group cohesion by intimidating or threatening you, destroying your property, assaulting or even killing you.

>> No.8883674

>Anybody who tells you intelligence has absolutely no relationship with genetics is on the left end of both the political spectrum and the bell curve. At this point you're an equivalent of a climate change denier if you go around lying to yourself and others about how intelligence is exclusively a product of one's environment
I agree with the idea that race and intelligence are linked, they probably are, but you'd have to be a complete and utter retard to trust any of the science surrounding it. If you look at science uncritically then you are a fool, especially psychology and sociology which are the most bullshit ridden.

The Bell curve is politically motivated trash. So is most of what Richard Lynn has done in his lifetime. That doesn't discredit the idea that IQ is inherited (it probably is) but if you use those as infallible gospel you will look like a fool. Jason Richwine is also trash. It is absolutely not comparable to climate change denialism.

>> No.8883677
File: 9 KB, 348x145, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fucking time lmao

>> No.8883852

>muh 4chan free speech

LOL this place has the lowest barrier to entry bc of anonymity, i.e. all discussions are deluded. Despite what you may have heard on pol (most likely helped propagate) the most in depth and detailed discussions still largely occur in academia. It is a bit harder reading and publishing in a peer reviewed journal than a young Republicans Asian cartoon forum though. And if you can't stand the American University system, there are many other less PC institutions throughout the world that will publish your paper. Or not. Stay shitposting here receiving your priceless information from cleedus who works nights at Walmart but watched cowboy bebop once when he was 14

>> No.8883881
File: 13 KB, 322x356, 1482680572618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw genetic race differences and racism bum you out so you want to side with the lefties but the righties actually have the science and truth on their side even though they're mean-spirited
>tfw more interested in truth for truth's sake, so lefties annoy me on a much deeper level because they're actively trying to thought-control people into thinking doubleplusgoodthoughts, using all sorts of insidious social engineering and herdthink reinforcement techniques
>tfw racism actually upsets me because I'm a nigger but I have to side with /pol/ every time, because /pol/ saying "lol niggers" doesn't really upset me nearly as much as the anti-racists who would surgically alter human consciousness en masse simply in order to make racist thoughts unthinkable
>tfw a bunch of racist nigger-haters on the internet come closer to equality of opportunity and enlightenment values and are actually less racist where it matters than the anti-racist """liberal""" mainstream

>> No.8883893

How do you pair The Flynn Effect with the rise in illiteracy?

>> No.8883899

this tbqh, newfag redditors who get unironically mad at /pol/ need to go back to their home sites. 4chan has always been edgy and iconoclastic.

>> No.8883908

>lying to yourself and others about how intelligence is exclusively a product of one's environment

Umm... literally all evolved traits are the result of one's environment.
If we consent that it was selected for in the past, that would be the result of past human environment. It would also mean it's currently being selected for based on our current environment.

Are you implying geographic, cultural, and epidemiological factors DON'T affect it? At what point in the past did intelligence suddenly stop being affected by our environment?

Are you aware of the Flynn effect?

>> No.8883913

He obviously meant that liberals lie to themselves and think that every person has the same innate intelligence at birth and that their intelligence is only determined by nurture/environment. The idea that intelligence is genetic is even more supported by evolution.

>> No.8883924

If it's any consolation, the IQ of minorities has been rising steadily with increases in nutrition and education

>> No.8883946

Technically it is only determined by environment, but that includes past environment of your ancestors, it's genotypic as well as phenotypic.

The point of contention is the degree to which it's heritable (g factor vs p factor)
Also the real debate is about the bigger implications of g factor results

>> No.8884012
File: 8 KB, 250x238, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw racism actually upsets me because I'm a nigger
>I'm a nigger

Yeah, I'm not buying it.

>> No.8884083
File: 499 KB, 480x228, tumblr_lx9jb1SPMr1qdrpdr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A nigger on /lit/.
Wow you made my day. Nice one bro