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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.59 MB, 800x1200, C0NHXTZXcAE-o-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8876428 No.8876428 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read this book yet?

Definitely made me think, personally.

It's a good book.

>> No.8876537

the shadow wouldn't actually look like that with the swastika and all

>> No.8876539

Oh shush

>> No.8876540

I like the part where those two cartoon guys walk down the street

>> No.8876551

since OP is a homo, I found it for you all


>> No.8876564

does the big one fuck the little one

>> No.8876565


Wow....that has to be some of the clunkiest, unedited writing i've ever seen. Then out of nowhere, they start using colored text for no apparent reason.

Lost all interest after one paragraph anyway.

Nice try to shill for your badly selling self published work though, op.

>> No.8876566

looks like prurient trash to me

>> No.8876584

the cover makes it look like a gay romance

>> No.8876593


Basically what it is, after reading a sample. Should just change the title to, "A Fascist Pounded My Ass and Turned Me Gay."

Bet OP is monitoring the thread, updating every second, thinking, "Ok...the positive comments are going to start rolling in any second now."

>> No.8876602

T. Libcuck who hasn't even read it

It's unironically a good book. What can you expect from communists though.

>> No.8876606

can someone point me to the gay sex part

i scrolled down to the bottom and found
>Knowledge is Power in Our Struggle for Racial Survival
so now i just want the part with the butt pounding thanks

>> No.8876607


>quick quick, they're fucking killing me man!
>Post something positive myself! And be sure to use words like unironic which is is huge with the hipster audience on /lit/!

>> No.8876611

Stop samefagging

>> No.8876612
File: 2 KB, 184x72, 595ec3f1cd00427e471f36038cd9030e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted an image with a big manly man and an effeminate twink, tell me where the butt pounding is

i'm not even gay i just want to know

>> No.8876616
File: 13 KB, 247x248, 1454190312909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T. butthurt OP

>> No.8876617

That's not the point just focus on the literature.

Ignore sodomite orders for a moment and focus

>> No.8876619

i want to know where the literature about buttsex is

don't tell me the nazis didn't know what they were doing with that image

>> No.8876620

I'm also interested. Fascist butt pounding is a big turn on

>> No.8876625

>That's not the point just focus on the literature

what literature?

>> No.8876628

>the short one is the squire and has to polish the knight's lance
wow fascism is a lot deeper than i used to think

>> No.8876630

You realize there already is a fairly well known and bestselling book called, "A Squire Tale?"

Good move on the name, OP.

Oh well, at least it's not as bad as this local joke of a YA writer around me who named her book, "Alice In Wonderland."

>> No.8876632
File: 2.86 MB, 480x271, 1452364670514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“I’m a follower of truth, first and foremost. Truth is my religion,
truth is my guide, my master. And truth doesn’t come from any
man-made ideology. If it’s an idea that someone dreamed up, then
it’s a definitely a falsehood. Truth comes from nature herself,
from the universe. It just is.”
>“That all sounds very interesting, but what does it have to do with
>“My friend, that is fascism.”


>> No.8876635

>tfw you realise how much hitler polished up the turd that is pre-nazi fascism
he truly was the greatest genius of the 20th century

>> No.8876638

I'm just waiting for the

>CRASH! Fascism made pancakes!

>> No.8876640

It's quite beautiful.

>> No.8876642


That's such a stupid, nonsensical comment it had to be written by OP.

>> No.8876646
File: 1.73 MB, 200x293, 1452454963443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know why people think you are fucking worthless and ridicule you?
Read your posts word by word and think it all over for a second
Then, if you still think you're a swell guy that people on the street would agree with, read them again and think again
It is a sickness of the mind that you can heal yourself out of. And no, I am not talking about politics
If you still can't figure out what is wrong with you, I suggest getting professional help

>> No.8876647

Not even gonna meme but what's wrong with this?

It was written well. This book is great and if you guys would stop memeing and give it a chance ...

>> No.8876649

you seem to have accidentally included my intellectual, well-though out post in your takedown of the neofascists


just pointing out your mistake there champ

>> No.8876650

>People on the street would agree with

That's how you know what you're doing is wrong. Why attract mindless lemmings?

>> No.8876651
File: 46 KB, 620x400, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even gonna meme
>if you guys would stop memeing and give it a chance ...

holy fucking shit is this the actual r/JustNaziThings fanfic club in this thread right now?

>> No.8876653

>It was written well

Where are you getting that? The opening paragraph was a nightmare of one finger typing clunky word salad.

You fast forward a little bit and find out, great, it's some 20 year old who got a B- minus in philosophy 101's take on what fascism. This is sure to be a fucking thrill ride.

>> No.8876655

OP won't deliver. Where the fuck is the buttsex?

>> No.8876660

What is with you, nazis and your self persecution complex?

Get over yourself faggot this isnt your antifa meetup we're here to discuss literature.

>> No.8876664
File: 15 KB, 266x245, 1452362132975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was allright as a parody of YA novels with the same style and underestimation of the reader but now that I see that people take this seriously I don't know what to think of it
Was it written seriously? With the intent of creating actual literature?

>> No.8876673

Yeah sorry it's not your doctor Seuss

Nonetheless I think it's a great book as an introduction. There's better ones sure, but this doesn't require any pre-texts.

>> No.8876675
File: 2.27 MB, 403x297, 1452263196095.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're hitting autism levels that shouldn't be even possible

>> No.8876676

tell be where the buttsex is you dumb fucking nazi

don't tell me that cover was unintentional, let's face it those dudes are either pre or post coitus, look at them unable to look each other in the eyes because of the secret illicit thrill of buttsex they have/ are going to enjoy

>> No.8876681

This is all ironical right? This whole thread?

If not, capping for future cringe threads

>> No.8876687

>People will samefag this hard

Just go away commie. Engels might be more at your mental capacity.

>> No.8876690

>telling a commie board to go away

>> No.8876691
File: 2 KB, 210x54, 718b6b136ee8f68ea3844f20187ec497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homos on suicide watch

>> No.8876694

>posts from his phone and desktop at the same time to make it seem like he's not samefagging

You're really taking it to the next level aren't you

>> No.8876695

>Posted within seconds from each other

Hello, you must be new to 4chan
May I be your guide today?
Where do you come from?

>> No.8876696

The only poster more autistic than you I've ever seen on /lit/ was the vore guy. Better stop posting, fampai

>> No.8876698

No shit you thought that, you wrote it.

It's garbage with a shitty, uninteresting premise to everyone else.

>> No.8876699
File: 3 KB, 210x54, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been caught

>> No.8876701
File: 392 KB, 2242x1320, 1478003969503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these people saying completely different things are in fact the same person putting in a ridiculous amount of effort to troll me
i just don't like gays who appropriate the work of great men like adolf hitler AND don't even tell me where the buttsex is

>> No.8876707
File: 129 KB, 500x731, about-cover-ver-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>About this blog
Oh my.

>> No.8876719


>> No.8876724

are the shadows supposed to be don quixote and sancho panza?

>> No.8876725
File: 453 KB, 1576x1209, saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We want to help you, OP
Get help and read the bible to process your frustration and energy in a more helpful and healthy manner
You are not alone and I'm sure people would be nicer to you once you reach a mutual understanding with others
Discourse and dialogue - the most important things a man can have on earth. Choose life, my friend
May I suggest yuo take an honest look at the following text. If you recognize yourself, get in touch with professional therapists to talk to
Don't take medication, read the bible

"Paranoid schizophrenia manifests itself in an array of symptoms. Common symptoms for paranoid schizophrenia include auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) and paranoid delusions (believing everyone is out to cause the sufferer harm).[4] However, two of the symptoms separate this form of schizophrenia from other forms.
>One criterion for separating paranoid schizophrenia from other types is delusion. A delusion is a belief that is held strong even when the evidence shows otherwise. Some common delusions associated with paranoid schizophrenia include, “believing that the government is monitoring every move you make, or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch."[4] In all but rare cases, these beliefs are irrational, and can cause the person holding them to behave abnormally. Another frequent type of delusion is a delusion of grandeur, or the “fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth."[7] Common ones include, “the belief that you can fly, that you're famous, or that you have a relationship with a famous person."[4]
Another criterion present in patients with paranoid schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations" --- "Early diagnosis is critical for the successful treatment of schizophrenia."

>> No.8876727

didn't even catch that. Adds a whole new level of pretentiousness to the shittitude

>> No.8876736

See, what we do is write a YA novel with a great fucking story and hook, and homoerotic undertones, because you know, everybody is a closet homo just bursting at the seems to be molested by a stronger, smarter, father figure type, just like I am. Once they're hooked on that shit, then we reel them in with the new age nazism shit! It can't fail!

>> No.8876741

>"Would you truly consider him mad, one who’d want to revive chivalry?"

>> No.8876757
File: 3 KB, 210x54, 1482504823076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says OP

this thread is one magnificent shitshow

>> No.8876772

>They too did not know his true name but only the name by which he preferred people refer to him: Don.
>Later that same day he smiled brightly at me as he said: “Well, it’s nice to finally have a name to go with your face, Sancho.”

and there's how it ends ... the quixote allusion is treated like a plot twist. can you imagine if the final page of Ulysses we find out Leopold's birthname is Odysseus?

>> No.8876779

Mind fucking blown.

This was self published in 2015, how hasn't this won the Nobel yet!?

>> No.8876790
File: 65 KB, 1099x581, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP stopped replying to feedback

Is everything alright?

>> No.8876805

He's working on a the sequel; a retelling of the metamorphosis, with the main character waking up as a russian oligarch.

>> No.8876813

Probably the best thread on /lit/ since memoirfag spilled his spaghetti

>> No.8876825

>since memoirfag spilled his spaghetti

story or a cap?

>> No.8876872

I think he's talking about this guy who was on here retelling the story of how he was shopping his 700k word memoirs to agents, and acted all arrogant and pushy with them.

Was kinda funny, but was obviously a creative troll.

>> No.8876894

>Was kinda funny, but was obviously a creative troll.
he was talking about disguising himself as the pizza guy to sneak into a publishing firm, it's called a joke you miserable fuck

>> No.8876908

>two militant looking white guys casting shadows shaped like Don Quixote and Sancho, creating a swastika of sunlight between them
I don't mean to judge a book by it's cover but holy fucking shit

>> No.8876918

>casting shadows shaped like Don Quixote and Sancho

oh I'm a fucking idiot I thought their shadows were supposed to be the uniforms of third reich soldiers

>> No.8876923

imagine instructing the artist on the cover you want

also the artist has a spice name which is funny

>> No.8876926

I didn't notice it either, I just skimmed over the pic and some opening paragraphs.

Yet, somehow I was still able to accurately see how shitty it was. Does that tell you anything OP?

>> No.8876973
File: 193 KB, 343x385, finland_triggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the very last page:

>(Information that should be shared with as many of our people as possible — do your part to counter Jewish control of the mainstream media — pass it on and spread the word) … Val Koinen at KOINEN’S CORNER

Val Koinen? Valkoinen literally means white in finnish
These fucking people, appropriating mongolian culture

>> No.8877041

like a socratic dialogue with the anti-hagbard celine

at least the form is being kept alive

>> No.8877069

>wait so you want a swastika? on the cover of your book...
>yeah, but it's like between the shadows of two really masculine men, they're walking really close to each other
>oh so it's like homoerotic fascism, I could draw them shirtless if you want
>it's not gay
>they're not gay?
>fascism isn't gay
>Not even a little bit?
>just draw them with shirts
>so this is like actual, unironic fascism
>oh and their shadows are Don Quixote and Sancho
>from the novel Don Quixote
>no, yeah, I know who they are and I also know that they are Mexican and also not Nazis
>it's symbolic
>I don't know if I'm comfortable drawing all that
>I'll give you $500
>...I'll make up a fake name

>> No.8877079

Don Quixote was an anarchist, not a fascist.

>> No.8877080


I am kind of blown away by the very overt homoerotic elements to all this....that OP was apparently completely unaware of.

This could seriously be a SNL sketch, if SNL wasn't unfunny now.

>> No.8877081

>I also know that they are Mexican


>> No.8877097

>Main character is a VERY wise man who befriends a VERY emptyheaded man and tells him his thoughts on the world
>Ending twist: he was a delusional romantic, a modern Don Quixote

How is this book pro-fascism?
It literally says that fascists are loners living with their books, tip-top-tier ruse from the writer

>> No.8877098

welcome back OP

>> No.8877099

>I also know that they are Mexican

Anon, I...

>> No.8877114

or rather OP just didn't understand Don Quixote (likely because he hasn't read it, it's not exactly subtle)

>> No.8877119

lol when you're from SoCal, everyone from a Latin country; mexico, central America, south America, and Spain, are Mexican

>> No.8877127

#just SoCal things

>> No.8877136

I imagine the Spanish are not too fond of Californians

>> No.8877161

I imagine the Spanish don't care any more about California than any other European peoples care about any given US state.

>> No.8877166

Are americans truly this retarded? Spain is "latin" as in "their language comes from latin". The french are latin to you too? The angolans?

>> No.8877170

i still don't see the point behind having the one character's dialog in blue.

Was it just that OP was such a untalented writer that he couldn't figure out a way to transition between the two character's dialog?

>> No.8877178
File: 308 KB, 298x491, f0a77894e38b6f44b4fbc079b375b9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two militant looking white guys
oh that's not how they look at all
>two really masculine men
it's one masculine man and his twink friend

>> No.8877179

They don't know there's a difference between "Latin" and "Latino"

>> No.8877225

>inb4 it's experimental

>> No.8877267

Well, it reads about as shittily as you'd expect it to based on the cover

>> No.8877268

that's not a twink

>> No.8877275

t. twink

>> No.8877281

It's honestly a pretty fascinating work. The unity of vision if nothing else is impressive. The delivery of /pol/ propaganda is creative and sincere. People don't write philosophical novellas like this anymore.

>> No.8877302

Not sure who baits whom anymore.

>> No.8877304

Thanks for your review, OP.

>> No.8877310

I thought they were Spanish, god I feel like an idiot.

>> No.8877319

Nope, whole novel reads basically like this actually:


>> No.8877322
File: 459 KB, 940x940, toonvectors-10063-940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sancho is a full-on beaner, dude

>> No.8877331
File: 39 KB, 600x460, 014-Don-Quijote-de-la-Mancha-de-Cruz-Delgado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not far off. It's no surprise the Don Quixote cartoon adaptation went so well.

>> No.8877348
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, confused pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading first paragraph
How the fuck did you think this was a good idea?

>> No.8877639

wtf i hate liberalism now

>> No.8877980


>> No.8878011
File: 2.40 MB, 4537x5906, Sy8zeHa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Holy fuck there's an audiobook. I know what I'm listening to on my next trip to the military surplus store!

>> No.8878026

this is unreal

im lovin the adventure quest level artwork too. very fitting for a nazi pamphlet

>> No.8878029

>Sun behind head
Dude, you're such a deep thinker with all that symbolism, how do you do it OP?

>> No.8878069
File: 37 KB, 500x366, 1440961224812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay nazi fanfiction with highschool level symbolism


>> No.8878077
File: 318 KB, 655x977, Only a Sigg Mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This awful fucking thread
Just keeps going on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

>> No.8878087

>adventure quest artwork


>> No.8878098

OP, are you Alexander Slavros or Charles Chapel?

If I had to guess, I'd say you are Charles

>> No.8878127

im going to guess noone itt is the author
doesnt change how funny this id

>> No.8878139

If OP wasn't either one selfpromoting this shit, this thread would become much sadder than funny pretty quickly

>> No.8878160

If modernity is a fat frumpy women I'll take death please.

>> No.8878203

I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a big robe, à la stylized images with liberty as a goddess

>> No.8878230

that pic is actually a rather accurate, yet biased, view on things

>> No.8878475
File: 37 KB, 500x216, 1433985712546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wasn’t rare that we got visitors all the way out here as customers from the city would often come by to check in on their goods or deal with the boss when his job demanded he stay here, but they all arrived by personal vehicles, whereas this stranger that approached me was traveling [sic] by foot, moreover he wasn’t approaching from the direction of the city – exactly how long has he been walking?

>> No.8878495


Welll.....i pose the question, what the hell is he actually promoting? It can't be the book because the dumb fuck gave it away for free in several different mediums itt.

I guess he's just promoting nazism? Or old style greek teacher/student man on man love? I really don't know. His motives are gloriously confused.

>> No.8878504


I tend to think english isn't his first language just by the clunkiness of the sentences and the odd phrasing to everything.

>> No.8878533
File: 861 KB, 960x720, 1472471474901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I draw all my intellectual and political know how from a japanese cartoon about gay space dictators.

>> No.8878543

now post the image of them fucking

also who the fuck comes up with the idea of don quixote + monologues on fascism AND then thinks that idea is good

>> No.8878549

> So yeah this is based on actual conversation I had with someone, and then me and Zeiger worked on the log for that convo to turn it into a short novel / greek dialogue, it has a number of allusions to real places, historic figures, other literary work.
>This is meant to be as much of a basic redpill as possible, down to earth broad concepts and basic language. We'll next work on having this published with an alternative cover (no swastika).

>By the way, fun story, we gave Ben and Siegfriend the story to read early for feedback and their reply was that the story jumps from a supposed fantasy setting with Fascist pirates to a full on serious real world ideological dialogue so they both proposed we re-write the whole thing to fit the fantasy style. I said "fuck that" since there is nothing "fantasy" about this story, implying you can't have fascist pirates in this day and age.

>> No.8878591

$10 on Lulu. Here's the description:

>"Encounter of a lifetime comes around exactly that often - only once in a lifetime, and it can change everything. Some people miss their chance completely, perhaps without even realizing what it is that they have missed, while others waste no time in seizing the moment and enjoy the rewards. And can there be any greater reward than realizing that there is a whole other horizon stretching out before us all, that lays obscured by a bleak man-made scenery?"

I defy you to read that out-loud, speaking more than one word per second.

>> No.8878605
File: 20 KB, 258x245, 1462556238461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ this really doesn't have an end this meme does it?

>> No.8878854

>I tend to think english isn't his first language just by the clunkiness of the sentences and the odd phrasing to everything.

That would be correct.

Alexander is Russian.

>> No.8878914

kek, underrated pic

>> No.8879120


>> No.8879122

so this is the power of autism

>> No.8879132

I blame single parents, somehow

>> No.8879970

And here he is.

>> No.8880910

This is the best thread I've seen on this board since the trolley dilemma one. This alt-right meme becoming real has given us a lot of stupidly great things.

>> No.8880921

My rational mind tells me OP has to be some leftist false flagging to mock the author, but my heart wants to believe it is actually him.

>> No.8881183

Even if this thread is somebody mocking him, that fucking book mocks itself.
And I don't think anybody outside of /pol/ would be capable of unironically making something like this shit, so there's a good chance op is the real deal.

>> No.8881201

I actually liked it. Kinda reminded me of the Republic for half-wit Amerilard sister-fuckers but with a little dude being totally destroyed by the sailor-looking guy's uncircumcised cock

>> No.8881591
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1432264202711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascism isn't from the past, my friend, it is eternal. Fascism predates humanity! Failed, you say? Does nature ever fail? No, though we might fail her – and that would be the end of us

Holy. . .

>> No.8881917

What's so funny faggot

>> No.8881966

It's great to have you back, Alexander!

Or is it Charles?

>> No.8881973

You're really a goner OP, huh

>> No.8881989
File: 2.79 MB, 375x476, 1456206871706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H O L Y . . .

I want more...

>> No.8881991

>35 unique IP's
ok this is cringe now guys

>> No.8881993

It was cringe from the very beginning

+ Half these posts are OP

>> No.8882645

What is wrong with you shitstains

Someone produces a literary work for the times and you all meme about it? Have some courteous to an artist. Bunch of degenerate scum here.

>> No.8882667
File: 41 KB, 660x513, 15327383_372857509731733_8148444845372181424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy... I want more...

>> No.8882698


It reads like a teenage boy's attempt to be deep and "philosophical". It's pretentious in an immature and amusing way, like carrying a swagger stick to the mall.

>> No.8882727
File: 16 KB, 337x449, 337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a teenager to you?

psssh nothin personnel kid.

>> No.8882746


>> No.8882755
File: 258 KB, 960x720, 1449050350027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what are you Greek?
>Implying his white.

Only americans, Australians! and ENGLISH MEN ARE WHITE LOL
fuck off back to

>> No.8883314

>This alt-right meme becoming real has given us a lot of stupidly great things

The Fascist community and the alt-right have very little in common, in fact the website on which this book is popular regularly laughs and mocks the "alt-right".

>> No.8883430

"How did you even come to this country?”
“I traveled by sea with a band of fascist pirates.”
“Fascist Pirates?” this was getting absurd. He went on to explain to
me that there were fascists calling themselves “The Poets” who
traveled in a couple of small ships and apparently raided anyone they
wanted and somehow managed to avoid capture or even large
coverage by the media. He had traveled across the continent to the
shores of their native land and they took him aboard – they made their
way to the port city from which he traveled here"

Is this seriously fucking real OP? Please go back to /pol/, you're all a conglomerate of equal minded idiots. You know what's most funny about fascism? It's a philosophy of insecurity, primarily, sexual insecurity here. Even Hegel argued that there was something worthwhile in pooling your ego in a group, a kind of secure identity you can use to protect yourself. And there's nothing wrong with that, but what I consistently notice is that those with the least amount of love in themselves become fanatic about their group identity, to mask up all their own personal flaws. It's doesn't matter if your a unloved virgin if you see yourself in a lineage of white vikings, and what's more, you begin to care about that image and worth so much you become explosive to any kind of threat to it. Why do you think /pol/ are so focused on cuckoldry and BLACKED? It's because your forced to compare your own lack of male accomplishments and retreat into this hollow group identity that has no real bearing on you.

It's no surprise your nazis look fucking gay.

>> No.8883441

Not a fascist but I really hate it when people just try psychoanalysis on political movements. You can literally make up anything about any movement so that it sounds like a bunch of insecure, pathetic and sad people.

>> No.8883442

>Please go back to /pol/,

/pol/ isn't a fascist board though.

I think you're judging a book too early.

>You know what's most funny about fascism? It's a philosophy of insecurity, primarily, sexual insecurity here

>sexual insecurity
In what way is it sexual insecurity?

>Why do you think /pol/ are so focused on cuckoldry and BLACKED?

/pol/ isn't a Fascist board, once again. It's a board of alt-right retards, and other degenerate white nationalists, libertarians etc. It's basically a mishmash of a bunch of ideologies, but it is CERTAINLY not fascist.

>It's because your forced to compare your own lack of male accomplishments and retreat into this hollow group identity that has no real bearing on you.

I think you might be judging a little too early. Try reading/listening to the audiobook slightly longer before you make this conclusion.

Fascism is about an ultimate truth, the natural hierarchy and organic order of society.

Of course Fascists do not consider all Whites to be equal, like say, White Nationalists (a la stormfront where even worthless drugaddict scum considers itself 'superior' to blacks). The whole point of Fascism is that people indeed are not equal.

>> No.8883443

Europeans have clear biases towards certain states and areas of America and most can easily recognize a particular accent where as an American would struggle to separate an Irishman from a Scot.

Californians are narcissistic but at least fun, and people from New York are basically the only other ones worth taking seriously. I don't think American realize how little respect western Europeans have for them, considering how opposed we are in political outlook, and how incredibly retarded your mercifully infrequent tourists are.

>> No.8883447

It's not even psychoanalysis, it's a complete misrepresentation and fundamental misunderstanding of what fascism is.

If he even listened to the audiobook for a brief 20 minutes or so he would have at least a basic understanding of Fascism is.

>> No.8883451
File: 391 KB, 497x453, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally free trade Laissez faire society with fascapital socio-politics.

Massive birthrate due to domesicated females literally MADE FOR BREEDING or Child Rich.

No problem with resources since trade barriers are non existent so capitalists can easily get the materials they need to start business.

Trickle down economics make most people wealthy and since the entire society is all one ethnic group, Charity and community is abundant. Government welfare is seen as pointless as the community of this nation cares for it's own, no one is left behind. The poor, middle and upper classes all work together to make a strong, free and happy nation.

If you don't like Fascism you don't like anime, go back to ...

>> No.8883491

I think your misunderstanding me OP. Fascism isn't linked to race, I never said that, it's about nationalism and holding a very strong group identity within that. My argument is that people who feel the need to have that identity often lack their own, and I think it comes from an insecurity that I've seen in many facists, and it's normally from a deep loneliness. Look at the life of Hitler here, >>8876701, a clearly troubled and artistic man unable to connect with people and reacting violently, ultimately blaming his problems on easy scapegoats.

And aside from my anecdotal evidence which I admit is a stretch, I think your book is just bad. Fascism isn't some "eternal" ideology, the idea of a nation state wasn't even really a concept until the Treaty of Westphalia in 1618, and if there's some ancientness to it, it's in it's primivity. And on that note, competition isn't the natural way of man, nothing particularly is. We've had all kinds of societies spring up through the ages, it's just that a militaristic one was likely destroy them until recently, when, after two global wars, the groupthink kind of shifted away from mutual destruction.

And on that note, if fascism is about an organic order in society, then why was it even toppled? Surely then, it's hypocritical to argue for a survival of the fittest when actually your ideology and a policy of total aggression only desolated the countries that tried it, and wasn't effective enough to succeed in war anyway.

And on the book, I listened to the audio for twenty minutes. It's clumsily written, both your authors are so deep in the closet they're might as well be writing Narnia fan fic, and it's just an incredibly poor piece of art. Why don't you just stick to Pound? He's much better propaganda.

Also, I think /pol/, facism, and the alt-right are all a case of No True Scotsman with you anons. Granted, there is a great mix of all kinds of ideologies represented on /pol/ but the most vocal of them is the far-right on /lit/, and I'd say their policies certainly overlap with your own more than they don't. You're certainly easier to talk to than White Nationalists, I'll give you that.

So you want global facism? With separate fascist states all glorifying war and competiton? And mass inequality within those (yes the Victorians tried chairty as a welfare system and it worked so great)? Are you insane?

Also, Rei is best waifu.

>> No.8883508

> there were fascists calling themselves “The Poets” who traveled in a couple of small ships and apparently raided anyone they wanted and somehow managed to avoid capture
>not diamond dogs
this shit reads like a really long metal gear solid cutscene

>> No.8883514

>it's about nationalism and holding a very strong group identity within that.

A common misconception.

Fascism is about truth. And the truth is that Humans are naturally nationalistic and tribal. So in that sense you're right, it is about nationalism because nationalism is a truth.

>Look at the life of Hitler here, >>8876701, a clearly troubled and artistic man unable to connect with people and reacting violently, ultimately blaming his problems on easy scapegoats.

That's irrelevant. The personal life of Hitler means very little, because Hitler did not invent nature, nor Fascism, as it is a part of nature.

>And on that note, if fascism is about an organic order in society, then why was it even toppled? Surely then, it's hypocritical to argue for a survival of the fittest when actually your ideology and a policy of total aggression only desolated the countries that tried it, and wasn't effective enough to succeed in war anyway.

You can't topple nature, you could deny it, sure but in the end it doesn't work out very well.

>Also, I think /pol/, facism, and the alt-right are all a case of No True Scotsman with you anons

/pol/ is a board on an anime imageboard, there is no set ideology or membership granted. Literally anyone can post on /pol/.

Socialists, marxists, white nationalists, libertarians, homosexuals, transsexuals, non-whites, whites, everyone posts on /pol/. Does that make /pol/ a Black Mexican Marxist - Transsexual board?

And the alt-right is a joke, mostly because it has no set objectives, views or ideals. It's people from all over the spectrum and that's why it fails.

>and I'd say their policies certainly overlap with your own more than they don't

Saying "Nigger" and "Kike" doesn't make someone a Fascist.

>> No.8883523

stop giving me (you)s if you're not responding to me, christ

>> No.8883534


Also further, your arguments on the totalitarian nature of the modern state versus the totalitarian truth of fascism is totally skewed and very circular. Firstly, in most modern states, fascism is freely allowed to be spoken about, and you have a number of places to do so even online, so it's not even totalitarian. People are culturally averse to it because of the extreme violence fascist states have committed against "inferior" people (let's just assume, for the sake of your argument, AT LEAST one million people were systemically killed in Nazi Germany) and rightly, don't want to associate with an ideology that glorifies the murder of the weaker. However, in a facist's state, like Nazi Germany, a modern state would never be allowed to be discussed and free speech would be violently oppressed.

Of course, you justify this totality with a truth you hold self-evident, just like a religious fanatic would justify their own. But are human beings naturally nationalistic? The nation, again, is a fundamentally European ideal, it's as much a modern invention as democracy. But I'd concede that there are tribal elements within humanity, but tribes change. Culture is homogenous, it's a mix of different peoples. Why were the Greeks so successful? It's because they lived in a unique place between East and West and we're able to learn from a huge variety of sources that taught them to question and expand their knowledge. If the Greeks - who weren't even a collective national or tribal idenity anyway, but just alienated cities - behaved like true fascists, we would have lost something very great. And further - why follow nature? Should we shit in the woods for fascism? Why does nature make something right? And in that nature, is it so clear? Why do human beings cooperate? Why do we sacrifice ourselves? Why does a mother throw herself in front of a weak child?

Fascism is simply a cry to go back to our caves. And it's that exact primivity that focuses on elitism which makes it no different to the weakness you despise.

>> No.8883778

>wake up
>It's christmas
>this fuckign thread is still alive
Thank you, /lit/. This is the best present.

>> No.8883783

I thought the fescists read Evola and Junger, and all the other pathetic clowns were the alt-right. It seems I was wrong.

>> No.8883798

>P-please respond!
Contain your autism, OP, for fuck's sake...

>> No.8883821

>He thinks that was op

>> No.8883832

Of course you're not, OP.

>> No.8883837

>We'll next work on having this published with an alternative cover (no swastika).

That is literally a 5 minutes edit. How difficult must it be for these guys to not put swastikas on things?

>> No.8883870
File: 29 KB, 500x394, 1407118603606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh natural state

>> No.8884140

or rather don't quote me

>> No.8885105


>> No.8885120
File: 51 KB, 450x359, 1478201124951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascism is about an ultimate truth, the natural hierarchy and organic order of society.

>> No.8885148


>> No.8885181

Fucking lel. Has anyone that isn't a fucking first grader philsophically ever made an argument for fascism? Except Heidegger and maybe Rosenberg and Spengler.

>> No.8885198

this one time in prison...

>> No.8885634

Pound, but more of a romanticized one.

>> No.8885664

You have a very shallow understanding of /pol/ if you think the book is anything like something a /pol/ack would make.

>> No.8886011


It's uploaded for free and not hidden from sight.

Some things are about more than money.

>> No.8886017

/pol/ would make more of a book saying "nigger" and "kike" every page and inadvertently revert to discussion of cuckoldry.

>> No.8886029

Wow, this is embarassing

>> No.8886053


>> No.8887521
File: 732 KB, 500x500, fashwave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the best threads I have seen on here.

You guys might like the other books from this series "Ironmarch Originals"




>> No.8887643
File: 1.94 MB, 235x180, 1453916954497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the real life

>> No.8887662

>Some things are about more than money.

Jehovas Witnesses do their shit for 'a higher purpose' too and they are despised for it just like you are, OP

>> No.8888573

All great people were and are despised while living. How could one expect lemmings to understand concepts before their time?

>> No.8888595

desu i am kind of jealous of the certainty these guys have that allows them to commit to their art and publish
i cannot produce art because i am a confused indecisive postmodern nobody
if i believed in anything like they believe in fascism perhaps i would be able to see clearly in my art and achieve something with a clear goal in mind and something to push up against

>> No.8888610

and uncertainty is hard to write about because it is something anybody can
there is always someone saying more about uncertainty than you are, more seriously uncertain, uncertain about more

>> No.8888648

delusions =/= greatness

>> No.8889125

You're right, the huge military success of fascism in world war two is entirely because people didn't understand it, and not because it's crazy.

>> No.8889129

Do you live in an alternate universe where the Nazis understood logistics and didn't get assraped by the Allies?

>> No.8889131

Do you live in alternate universe where you can't understand sarcasm, or don't equate Nazism with fascism?

>> No.8889855

>Assraped by allies
>LITERALLY took the whole world to defeat a few (relatively) tiny countries
>TO THIS DAY people cry about "muh evil nazis", almost 80 years later

Oh yeah ... totallyyyy assraped.

>> No.8889953


samefag detected

>> No.8889959
File: 68 KB, 768x872, _20161227_034746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8889962


>Does this look like a teenager to you?

No he looks like a beaner.

>> No.8889964

When someone uses a photo to try and 'prove' they weren't samefagging it's even more embarrassing than if they were.

>> No.8889971

Then what do you want

"No I wasn't samefagging" - yes you were

*ignore post* - Ah so you concede you were same fagging

"I was not, here's a screenshot that provides some proof although not being concrete" - lol that's embarrassing xD

What is the correct response here? How can I win?

>> No.8889975

If you're setting out to win in an anonymous feud you've already lost.

>> No.8889980

Is this dude still around?
He was right.

>> No.8889985

If Russia hadn't turned heel, the axis would have won WW2

>> No.8891396
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>> No.8891459
File: 246 KB, 1024x624, GermangrossraumandtheUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt about it.

>> No.8891897

>Ignore sodomite orders
i didnt know mexican jews browse lit

>> No.8891900

what a shit reddit meme
You need to go back.

>> No.8891930

Prove it