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8880584 No.8880584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women lack the drive to archieve greatness?
It's biological?

>> No.8880585

wow. fantastic thread

>> No.8880587

Most men lack it too

>> No.8880590

yeah, but males tend to be naturally competitive, look at sports, esports, or intelectual debates in academia and so on.

>> No.8880594

there are womens sports teams and plenty of women in debating

>> No.8880599

yeah, but women seem comtempt with mediocrity, all their best examples simply reach the level of a male professional, but almost no female reach the level of male geniuses.

>> No.8880601

Why do men have the thinnest skin possible?

>> No.8880603
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>sports, esports

Yeah and girls actually read a ton more than guys, even reading John Greene is an infinitely more worthwhile than video games and ball sports

>> No.8880610

>the argument is that males naturally are competitive
>give examples of that
>who cares sports and games are trash
wow, women logic.

>> No.8880615
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>Hey Anon did you know women in their 20s now are on average achieving better academically, earning more money and far less prone to crime and irresponsible activity?
>Kind of blows a hole in you being superior to women doesn't it?
>And I must be one of them

>> No.8880619

>the argument is that males naturally are competitive

No it isn't you retard, the argument is that men strive for greatness more. Being more likely to devote your life to League of Legends is a direct indictment to that claim

>> No.8880622

What's a Virginia Woolf?

>> No.8880629

explain to me how are women sports trash and amateurish, or how women suck at bussiness without male control or how women earn shit women genders majors, if you want to stretch the goal to average people.

>> No.8880630

It's evolutionary. In ancient times, men needed to have creativity to be able to hunt for food, women needed to be able to pick berries, raise children, and socialize.

>> No.8880637

>what is affirmative action
Women suppressing men's drive to be great for feminist points is going to be the downfall of the West. If anything, it proves that women are good worker-drones.

>> No.8880639

You can shitpost about everybody once in a while, the thing is that there's crossposters and literally they take seriously any word you write here. Manage your shitpost.

>> No.8880640

>it's a /pol/ has to sperg out and blather on about their shit outside their containment board

You cunts do realise this only pushes people away from your ideology?

>> No.8880645
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>he doesn't know that /pol/ is always right
Go back to your containment sites, nu-anon

>> No.8880650

Daily reminder that this board, all boards, and the world that we live in would be vastly improved if all frogposters were hanged in public executions.

>> No.8880654
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Somebody's butthurt.

>> No.8880661
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, fuck off retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8880662

I wish you were dead.

>> No.8880673

Posting an image claiming everyone who disagrees with you is a newfag redditor does not make this thread on-topic or you correct. This thread should be deleted.
Nobody is offended by your opinions. Nobody is triggered that you say nigger and dislike muslims. This is 4chan. But this is fucking /lit/, and the op has absolutely nothing to do with literature.

>> No.8880680

How did women go from being utterly dominated to now having society tilted in their favour then?

Clearly women are the more intelligent gender to orchestrate this grand reversal

>> No.8880681

Women are achieving better academically because they are organized, don't skip classes, take notes and so on. In my classes at least, I see 100% of the women doing this and maybe 25% of the men. They don't lack drive to achieve what they want at all.
But, also from my point of view, I think men are much more curious, while women tend to focus on the thing they like, men can get interested in a variety of topics, which doesn't mean they'll get good at it.
I truly believe that this is why women suceed, but men just seem more intelligent to me. This is my class example.

>> No.8880682
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1478309154761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an ironic post?

>> No.8880685

actually a lot of the safe space left wing redditors are really offended by that type of post and voice their discontent in a passive aggressive fashion, much like you did in your post

>> No.8880686
File: 49 KB, 502x460, gay_away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Not even barely /lit/.

>> No.8880689

You talk like a redditor. Did the image hit too close to home?

>> No.8880690

>being so new that thinks 4chan isnt mysoginist
how's your first week here anon?

>> No.8880691
File: 140 KB, 555x409, tfwtosmartformetaphysics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit now means "intelligent and reasonable" to /pol/tards


>> No.8880692

Progressive, liberal men were the ones who affected the change, not women.

>> No.8880697

Reddit means "passive-aggressive and pretentious".

>> No.8880698

Women are doing better academically because they only pursue meme majors. Real majors (STEM) are still dominated almost entirely by men, and it is harder to do well academically when you actually have to think instead of shitting out essays for your social science classes.

This is also why, despite more women going to college and "doing better academically", men still make more money on average.

>> No.8880699

Nothing in my post was passive aggressive. I was directly telling you to fuck off. I'll do it again: fuck off.
Did you fucking read what I said, or are you so non-/lit/ that you're illiterate?
The post says we ARE largely misogynist, but /lit/ is not the fucking place for masturbatory threads that don't even attempt to be about books belong.

>> No.8880700

So either men are retarded, or women are geniuses. Point remains

>> No.8880702

? The fact that women could manipulate the system doesn't make them "geniuses". Dumb point.

>> No.8880703

Just report this thread and hide it and move on

>> No.8880706

Tell me what phrase in my post
>>8880673 was passive-aggressive or pretentious, because I'm convinced you don't know what those words mean and have been conditioned by /pol/ to just say it whenever someone disagrees with you.

>> No.8880707

Lol, fucking start with the greeks how many times does it take to people like you to understand such an easy quest

>> No.8880708
File: 703 KB, 475x637, good night alt right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing in my post was passive aggressive

not true

>fuck off

looks like I hit a nerve

go to reddit for your upvote fix, any time

r/socialism is your favorite right?

>> No.8880709

what a reddit answer

>> No.8880711

women didn't changed the system, it was cuck males.

>> No.8880712

Without the higher powers of the imagination and reason, no eminent success can be gained in many subjects. These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,– that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection,– from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty, and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities. Thus man has ultimately become superior to woman. It is, indeed, fortunate that the law of the equal transmission of characters to both sexes prevails with mammals; otherwise it is probable that man would have become as superior in mental endowment to woman, as the peacock is in ornamental plumage to the peahen.
>Charles Darwin

Women have been discouraged from genres such as sculpture that require studio training or expensive materials. But in philosophy, mathematics, and poetry, the only materials are pen and paper. Male conspiracy cannot explain all female failures. I am convinced that, even without restrictions, there still would have been no female Pascal, Milton, or Kant. Genius is not checked by social obstacles: it will overcome. Men's egotism, so disgusting in the talentless, is the source of their greatness as a sex. [...] Even now, with all vocations open, I marvel at the rarity of the woman driven by artistic or intellectual obsession, that self-mutilating derangement of social relationship which, in its alternate forms of crime and ideation, is the disgrace and glory of the human species.
>Camille Paglia

>> No.8880713
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>The fact that women outsmarted men doesn't make them smarter

Same cognitivie dissonence I see alt-righters talk about Jews.

Face it, Jewish women are literally the Ubermencsh.
You had your chance, llost the ball, and they're bringing it home

>> No.8880714

They didn't "outsmart men". Men were cucks and legitimately thought women's rights would be good for society.

>> No.8880718

Just because it didn't take much to outsmart you, doesn't mean it didn't happen

>> No.8880720

> Men were cucks and legitimately thought women's rights would be good for society.
because a women told him that dumbass
Anyway men achieve greatness because they get inspired by trying to fuck every women on sight
I honestly can't wait for women to take over so my wife can work all day and I just stay home and write.

>> No.8880721

You and the other /pol/ack literally do not know what passive-aggressiveness is. Define it, faggot.

>> No.8880723

Hide /pol/ threads

Ignore /pol/ posts

Do not reply to /pol/ posters

Remember to sage

>> No.8880724

>I honestly can't wait for women to take over so my wife can work all day and I just stay home and write.

This, we're moving in the best of all worlds, its only brainlets who fear the oncoming femnist utopia

>> No.8880725

Dumb image but some truth to that. I don't use any of those boards. /pol/ is just the same shit over and over ("IT'S HAPPENING thread #3213, Are X white?, fake sjw question to trigger /pol/ thread etc), I'm to normie for /r9k/ and I don't use /v/ because I don't play vidya.

My main boards are /lit/, /fit/, /tv/ and sometimes /his/.

>> No.8880726

Men held women down for thousands of years while women have had equal rights for only a few hundred. Who's the superior sex here? Women's rights are only allowed to be a thing under industrial capitalism. If we went back to actually having to work for things (ie a war) society would revert back to traditional gender roles, because traditional gender roles are efficient.
Go to reddit cuck

>> No.8880729

People like you are what's wrong with the world

>> No.8880731

>/pol/ is just the same shit over and over
t. someone who doesn't browse /pol/

>> No.8880732

>Men held women down for thousands of years while women have had equal rights for only a few hundred. Who's the superior sex here?

Eh women obviously, once we moved past the period where you got your way by hitting things with a stick

>> No.8880733

t. wage slave
anyway if you had a brain and actually left the house you would know the average western woman still wants men to "rule" so they can stay at home all day spending his money.
thats why feminism still hasn't taken off besides what you see on the internet.
Anyway keep being muh alpha while your wife stays at home teaching your kids shit and ordering shit off amazon

>> No.8880734

It's because of systemic oppression.
That's why women are beginning to out-perform men now.
Men are not 'naturally competitive,' that's socially enforced masculinity.
you're a fucking idiot

>> No.8880735

>everything is because of le society
Wow, then where did these "social roles" come from?

>> No.8880737

There was never any evolutionary pressure to do anything great. 80 percent of women throughout history managed to reproduce, but only about 40 percent of men did

>> No.8880738

>t. sociology major cuck numale

>> No.8880744

Nice bait, /pol/

>> No.8880747

mental gymnastics

Feminized men are going to be the downfall of the West.

>> No.8880748

this means those males have to outsmart the 60% that didn't reproduce.

>> No.8880749
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Not falling for this bait, no one is this retarded

>> No.8880750

>if you say anything bad about /pol/ you must never have never have browsed /pol/.

It's a boring board anon. The topics aren't discussed with enough depth to warrant using it as a political board and the shitposting is mostly just the same memes over and over again.

>> No.8880751

Competitiveness is what precludes people from achieving greatness.

>> No.8880752
File: 362 KB, 1106x1012, Pepelit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>55+ replies

This board just can't help itself.

>> No.8880753

Do your fucking job, mods

>> No.8880754

You're only seeing the shills. /pol/ has been at the forefront of electing Trump and numerous happenings. There's one that will come to light soon enough.

>> No.8880755

>Feminized men are going to be the downfall of the West.
Dude you need to get out of the house. feminized men are SMALL minority.
gold diggers are destroying feminist on the daily. but stop trying to be the save of West on 4chan

>> No.8880756
File: 678 KB, 2400x3600, 1482493741520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is this website's entire reason for existing now.

Why are Redditors even here if they don't like /pol/? Not liking /pol/ is what Reddit is FOR.

>> No.8880758


>> No.8880760
File: 28 KB, 605x400, 1406220946691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?
I guarantee if all those man apes in ISIS stayed at home to write and read again like the Middle Easts golden age and left running the countries to Arab women the whole region would be fixed in a day.
The same applies to Western Countries in a more subtle fashion.

Men are just too irrational to be given responsibility in the real world, they're best left to creative and theoretical outlets

>> No.8880761

Nope. If you don't like in bumfuck nowhere you'll see a majority of men being feminized nu-males, and even the "masculine" men being only masculine on the surface.

>> No.8880763

Your bad moood is already in here.

>> No.8880764

Reminder: 4chan is an anime imageboard

>> No.8880766
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>You're only seeing the shills. /pol/ has been at the forefront of electing Trump and numerous happenings.

>> No.8880768
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>Make a misogynistic thread
>Start getting BTFO by Femipatricians

>> No.8880769

What you're talking about seems like a good idea to stupid women, but it only leads to cultural, intellectual, and social stagnation and degeneracy. Stop believing in reddit-tier liberal utopianism.