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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 629 KB, 2500x1870, Jan_Matejko,_Stańczyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8873016 No.8873016 [Reply] [Original]

>Main character is depressed, isolated, deeply introverted, possibly autistic, alienated, and is probably a loser. Probably more odd and neurotic than you are.

>Find out he still isn't a virgin

>Every character in literature has at least fulfilled their instinctive goal as a living creature.

>Drop the book and think about suicide. Knowing no author knows your feel.

>> No.8873028
File: 58 KB, 850x400, 1482057536298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read book about depressed mediocre academic who isn't sure of his place in life
>this is amazing! someone out there GETS m
>character spends 80% of the book schtupping his hot wife that he got by touching her shoulders once at a party

>> No.8873076

>>Find out he still isn't a virgin
Fuck a prostitute then, that's what most of the characters in literature do.

>> No.8873304
File: 89 KB, 500x694, bae6ea7d366ab41a389f0ee638b287c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Main character is depressed
>Main character also happens to have stable job, secure finances, nice wife and kids, is surrounded by people concerned about his depression, is probably physically attractive and is able to articulate his thoughts (without any prep) into half-page speeches that would make Churchill blush

So much of literary fiction is just glorified YA

>> No.8873310

>le current year
>being a virgin

>> No.8873327
File: 17 KB, 388x222, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAlHAAAAJDMwZDEyZWU5LWE3MzUtNGEzOC1hZjI0LTBiNzk0NTQzNzBhMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main character is depressed
>because main character is married to college sweetheart to whom he has always been faithful except ONE damned past incident of adultery that is haunting him now (and the object of adultery behaves like a succubus in heat)
>everything inexplicably rectified by the end

Erich Segal. Not even once

>> No.8873344


That's the dirty secret that lit can't admit. Authors write books as their narcissistic barely disguised memoirs but lit will abuse you if you want to talk about your feels

>> No.8873894

>Main character is depressed, isolated, deeply introverted, possibly autistic, alienated, and is probably a loser
>but was clearly written by someone who has no idea what it's actually like to be any of those

>> No.8874745


>> No.8874978
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>Main character isn't depressed, isolated, deeply introverted, possibly autistic, alienated, and isn't probably a loser. Probably less odd and neurotic than you are.

>Find out he still is a virgin

what now mo-fo

>> No.8875011


>> No.8875023
File: 7 KB, 280x180, contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Main character is depressed, isolated, deeply introverted, possibly autistic, alienated, and is probably a loser. Probably more odd and neurotic than you are
>is also gifted, got high-grades in their higher education and has some kind of artistic outlet that they're great at

>> No.8875026

My diary desu

>> No.8875365

It still sucks

>> No.8875964

If you really can't get laid, then you just have a weak spirit. Sorry. It's very easy.

>> No.8875985


not the point of the thread, chad

>> No.8876004

i can but i don't care

>> No.8876138

im the biggest autist ever and i've fucked six girls before age 20. it's not hard

>> No.8876544

You're either a cute looking guy or you fucked ugly girls and fatties.

>> No.8876656

you can slay any girl if you have the right state of mind you pleb

>> No.8876663

seconding this nigger

i am insanely autistic and i used to be a full-blown hikkiNEET with literally zero friends who was afraid to use the telephone, and i've had weird sex with like dozens of girls because i just stopped giving a fuck and started trying to bang anything that moves

literally just stop caring. i just moved to a new city 3 months ago and i'm already fucking like two girls regularly and i have two set up for when they come back to town from christmas break

>> No.8876665

Sounds like self-help crap. Confidence only get you so far, you won't be bedding instagram models if you're a chubster or a skelly dude.

>> No.8876667

by "anything that moves" i should qualify that i mean anything ATTRACTIVE that moves, though i have gone for numerous thirtysomethings and one or two fortysomethings and one slightly chubby girl

but all were attractive, and probably 75% are outright way out of my league because i'm a strange retard who dresses really badly

>> No.8876678

but i dont even know what to do

i dont know what it means to go for it
what the fuck do you say or do?
every time i interact with a girl they try and get away from the interaction

>> No.8876717


>He reads literature in the hopes that someone is going to explain him to himself

Lol slave-morality faggot. I bet you'd slurp big D's dick too if you could.

>Tell me how to live daddy!

It's an art form and requires movement. They aren't virgins because it's impossible to write a novel about a loser who sits on the computer F5ing for 12 hours a day.

>> No.8877309
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>Why isn't art being made specifically for me? Why can't everyone focus on lives as pitiful as mine?
>No author knows your feel
Every fucking action of every fucking person on the planet centers, or should center, around you frogposting faggots, is that what I'm understanding here? You all disgust me.

Do you want literature written by somebody as worthless as all of you? Read Elliot Rodger, then neck yourselves when you realize it's absolute trash.

>> No.8877471


>> No.8877581

He said, very sure of himself, thinking back to that one time three years ago when he talked to a cute girl and got turned down.

>> No.8877606
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>> No.8877638

just say ridiculous things. It works for the guys on youtube at least.

>> No.8877757

This is literally No Longer Human

>> No.8877830
File: 162 KB, 600x817, beyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense but i don't know you so i can't make an assessment of your actual power level. your post is funny but it also kinda sounds like pic related

>> No.8877861

Yeah it is kind of like that except there's also a bunch of other holes in different shapes. It's not about changing yourself to fit the girl; it's about meeting lots of girls to find ones that you naturally vibe with.You just gotta keep trying till you find your hole.

>> No.8877870


>> No.8877873

what if the whole point of your being is that you arent anywhere near the wall

im sure there isnt a single girl or person on earth who would "vibe" with me because that would be like saying theres someone who enjoys injecting atomised dogshit into their testicles

>> No.8877886

People enjoy all kinds of bizarre and harmful stuff, and you probably aren't even that fucked up anyway

>> No.8877892

>im the biggest autist ever
t. normie

"autism" doesn't mean "haha I did something weird once im so socially awkward and depressed lol!"

>> No.8877897

/r9k/ got old in 2015, go back to where you came from, retard.

>> No.8877901

Why are normalshits so triggered by virgins? Is it insecurity?

>> No.8877904

Then focus on self-improvement. I found that obsessively making myself better was the only way I could stave off the depression that had been with me for years.
/fit/ and /lit/ are your friends. If you're experienced enough with the environment of this czech babysitting forum to sift through bullshit to find actual advice, both are legitimately good sources that can help you.
Half of the reason people don't want to be around you is because self-loathing as intense as what you're describing is very, very noticeable. But self-improvement has the helpful side effect of also increasing your confidence, which is also noticeable. You can still save yourself, anon, but only if you try.

Your other option is the /r9k/ route exemplified by this anon, where you keep wallowing in that self-hatred until you take pride in it and begin seeing life as the misery olympics. It is a poisonous outlook on life with no way out.

>> No.8877910

>Your other option is the /r9k/ route exemplified by this anon, where you keep wallowing in that self-hatred until you take pride in it and begin seeing life as the misery olympics. It is a poisonous outlook on life with no way out.
nah m8. Just pointing out that that anon is a retard. No "biggest autist ever" has fucked six girls before age 20 so he's probably just a sub-normie equivalent of girls who talk about how they're "so depressed xD"

>> No.8877912

Or maybe we want to use /lit/ to talk about books instead of it being your personal "why won't society pay more attention to the fact that I've never had sex" blog, faggot.

>> No.8877913

>"waaaaahhhh i cant get laid, i will always be a hikki, waaaahhhh"
>refuses to even acknowledge women who are less than 9/10 when he himself is no more than a 5 on a good day

Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.8877914

why does it make you so angry?

>> No.8877915

>tfw too nervous to approach even the chubby girls

Even they are out of my league.

>> No.8877923

Because /r9k/ is completely incapable of visiting other boards without shitting all over them, almost as bad as /pol/. Post all the misanthropic whiny horseshit you want, just don't do it on a board that is supposed to be about literature.

>> No.8877926

if i was capable of getting 0/10s i would happily go with that option

>> No.8877928

You know its true, faggot
Short answer: Stop being a bitch
Long answer: make more friends, make a couple non-sexual relationships with girls, learn how to not be an autist through extensive (and i mean extensive) trial and error. All of these things require you to not be a bitch.

>> No.8877929
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>> No.8877931


>Half of the reason people don't want to be around you is because self-loathing as intense as what you're describing is very, very noticeable. But self-improvement has the helpful side effect of also increasing your confidence, which is also noticeable. You can still save yourself, anon, but only if you try.

Seconding this.

Find something you like doing and do it.

>> No.8877932

>Why are normalshits so triggered by virgins? Is it insecurity?

He says whilst posting a thread saying "waaaah I'm a virgin"

Really makes ya think

>> No.8877933

>You know its true, faggot
Not really, but you can believe what you want to believe.
>you just haven't tried! Stop having unrealistic standards and be a man you misogynist!

>> No.8877935

not a virgin though, it's just funny how every redditor faggot needs to post in these threads about how they fucking hate frogposting virgins and wish they would die

Isn't that a bit of an overreaction?

>> No.8877937

Whiny loser

You ever sit back and realize you post memes on the internet about not having fucked a woman? Sad!

>> No.8877939

good argument

>> No.8877940

Pepe is a reddit meme.

Go back to where you came from, retard.

>> No.8877941

>my morbid obesity and my vapid personality shouldnt exclude me from having sex with the most attractive females which make up 0.01% of the population! I shouldnt conform to society, society should conform to me!
>w-why am i ronery ;_;

>> No.8877942

it may just be all in your head, you may be normal but you think ur not. even if you are weird af just talking to girls regularly will make you normal

>> No.8877943

>Pepe is a reddit meme.
>newfags actually believe this
see >>8877929

>> No.8877948

Lmao, nobody accused anybody of misogynism, but now you've fallen back on the "everybody I disagree with is just a [group I dislike] so I don't need to listen to them" way of sticking your head in the sand
Enjoy masturbating about how you're sadder than, like, anybody else and nobody understands the deep emotions of frogposters though

>> No.8877949

>implying I'm obese
>implying I have a bad personality
I'm not even a virgin but you people should have a bit more empathy. Some people are permaincels because of genetics. Robots would fuck any bottom of the barrel trash girl if they could, but they can't.

>> No.8877953

reddit-tier argument laddy

>> No.8877958

Mm yes, I'm sure I saw that image posted on Facebook *smacks lips*

>> No.8877959

>not obese and has a decent personality
>cant get laid

Pick one and only one. You are either incredibly lazy, incredibly pussified and mortified at the thought of rejection (oh no!), or are incredibly narcissitic and overestimating how physically and psychologically attractive you are. Probably a combination of all three. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.8877960

You can post that image as many times as you want, you still look like a retard. I bet you think pepe is an r9k meme originally.

>> No.8877963

So you'll pretend anybody that disagrees with you is a stereotypical redditor, preventing you from having to actually listen to what they have to say?
Have you ever considered that some people on 4chan live normal fucking lives, or have you gone so far into the cesspool of /r9k/ that you imagine everyone on the internet is either a normie or a neet pissing into bottles?

>> No.8877974

>You are either incredibly lazy
Could be. Maybe I should make sex my life goal and put tons of work into fucking a new girl every week. I don't get tons of sex but I'm not a virgin, but I think you should get the stick out of your ass. /r9k/ is caused by very distinct modern social conditions, it's difficult to blame them.
>incredibly pussified and mortified at the thought of rejection
>or are incredibly narcissitic and overestimating how physically and psychologically attractive you are.
Pepe is a 4chan meme, newfriend. Redditors steal memes from 4chan, not the other way around.

>> No.8877981

Daily reminder that this board, all boards, and the world that we live in would be vastly improved if all frogposters were hanged in public executions.

>> No.8877996

Mm really interesting post

* Smacks lips*

>> No.8877997

why do people with terrible personalities tend to be successful with women?

>> No.8878004

Lol, women don't not want you because you're a 'nice guy'

They don't want you because you're a loser who cares what they think

Protip, it's about confidence in rejection not being 'nice'

>> No.8878008

All you normies in this thread are fucking clueless.

You want to know why frogposting /r9k/ virgins exist? It's because of circumstances completely out of their control.

In Japan they call these men "herbivore men". Because of a combination of different factors, like the proliferation of escapism, feminism making women more promiscuous and dominant, and rising costs of living, lots of men in Japan just drop out of dating.

The same exact thing is happening here. It's not their fault, but our birth rates are going to keep dropping unless we figure out a way to fix the social bonds that are eroding. What about the Calhoun mouse experiment? The female mice became dominant and the men less aggressive when all social roles were filled and there was abundant food. /r9k/ is the beautiful ones. You need to get to the root of the problem at a social level and not hurl insults and vitriol at them.

Feminism made women promiscuous and bitchy and men feminized and weak. Capitalism made escapism more attractive than real life. If we keep heading down this road birth rates are eventually going to stop, unless we undo liberal "progress".

>> No.8878010

You're right though. Women would rather be with Ted Bundy than a boring nice guy.

>> No.8878013

>It's other peoples fault I'm a loser

Really makes ya think

>> No.8878016


>> No.8878019

By "you" i meant robots in general.

The most common thing robots complain about is not getting any sex. There are two reasons why someone wouldn't get sex: theyre physically and/or personally unattractive, or they wont try (either are too scared or too disdainful, or dont care, but if they didnt care they wouldnt complain about not getting sex). Contrary to popular belief, it is very possible to improve one's physical appearance: just take a gander at the sticky on /fit/ (but do not do GOMAD, for the love of god). It is also very possible to improve ones personality, although it is more difficult, since the heads of most robots are so far up their own asses that they cant make honest observations about their personality in order to identify flaws and fix them.

The more important problem is that they dont try. If you ask a robot why they dont try, youll hear one of the following:

>im too unattractive! (i already stated how this can be fixed)
>ill get rejected! (this can be fixed by not being a pussy, ie going through the worst case scenarios of rejection and realizing rejection doesnt really do jack shit other than hurt their fragile egos)
>everyone hates me already! (this indicates that the robot is an underageb& stuck in high school and has a severe narcissistic personality)

It all comes down to effort on the robot's part. There is no "genetic" or "societal" cause for virginity, and the people who try to propagate these myths ought to try out for the olympics in mental gymnastics.

>> No.8878020

Birth rates are dropping because of increased living standards, retard.

Try picking up a book before you drool onto your keyboard

>> No.8878021
File: 140 KB, 640x960, 1481372798111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you poor robot, nothing is your fault. Continue your life of waiting for mommy to bring home tendies as you piss in bottles and jack off eight times a day. Society just needs to learn to accept you and provide you with a qt3.14 to have sex with, those judgmental bastards.

>> No.8878022

literally my point

>> No.8878024

Yeah, you can't blame society for this. It is on each individual to chose how to act. You're condemned to freedom. It's easy to act like a bitch.

>> No.8878025

Really makes ya think

>> No.8878030

Men can decide to not be feminine and weak; thats what distinguishes men from women.

Youre a fucking cuck who wont try, through and through.

>> No.8878032

posts like these that are 100% hyperbole and sarcasm are literally exactly what you see in every reddit thread

really activates those neurons

>> No.8878033

Can you shed some light on the mechanism by which humans condemned to freedom break the laws of physics?

>> No.8878039

No, your point was about social bonds.

Anyone who has studied anthropology or evolutionary biology knows that people are more likely to have more kids if their chances of offspring survival are low whereas this has nowadays flipped due to our post industrial revolution age where supplies are abundant and we can invest more energy into each offspring maximising potential of spreading one's genes.

>> No.8878045

And while you spent your time making astute analyses of posts on reddit and 4chan and cross-referencing them to find similarities in their syntax, """""normies"""" spent their time putting effort at the gym to make themselves physically attractive and taking social risks by, *gasp!*, actually talking to women, even after getting rejected time and time again.

But, hey, its society's fault, innit?

>> No.8878047

are you trying to continue the joke?

>> No.8878049

That's the point... We can imagine ourselves breaking "free" of our physical constraints, this is the human condition. We are able to struggle to actualize our imaginations, that's life. We are free to do this or not.

>> No.8878051

Are you trying to improve yourself as a person and stop blaming society for your personal problems? Judging by your posts, the answer would seem to be "no."

>> No.8878054

Dropping the irony here, then. I am not a redditor. I've been on 4chan for eight years. I want you to leave this fucking board unless you intend to discuss literature.
You would be significantly happier if, instead of whining and claiming anybody who doesn't agree with you is a secret redditor, you took some of the posts here into consideration, reevaluated your life, and made some changes.
The reason the rest of 4chan despises /r9k/ is precisely because of this type of thread: it is unrelated to the topic of the board, it is a very thinly-veiled attempt to masturbate about how sad and misunderstood you are, and anyone itt who tried to talk to you was labelled a newfag and disregarded as you continued crying.

>> No.8878056

>getting laid breaks the laws of physics

Robots, everyone.

>> No.8878058

Whether one does or not follows from the laws of nature.
Do you have arguments or just poetry?

>> No.8878063

Please refer to >>8878019

You are choosing not to put in the effort required to get sex.

>> No.8878064

You're a pseud who has replied in questions the entire thread.

You are no doubt a teenager, kill yourself.

>> No.8878067

i do go to the gym, im not the person youve been getting angry at over for the whole thread
you seem to have extremely deep anger problems and your personality is significantly worse than any youve described so far, and nothing changes the fact that your posts are so bad they could be taken from a reddit thread

>> No.8878072
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1482234929001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Virgins on full damage control

>> No.8878073

I'm not someone who has a problem with not having sex and I've posted exactly twice before in the thread. What I'm saying is that the whole "we totally have free will you guys" narrative makes no sense.

>> No.8878078

Not an argument.
>...from a reddit thread
[Not an argument]^2

>> No.8878085

What external force is making you shitpost right now, other than your own free will?


>> No.8878088

You're replying to two different people. All I'm actually angry about is that sniveling whiny fucks like you shitpost on this board with nothing related to literature. Come to /lit/ when you want to discuss books, and leave if you would like to discuss the unbelievable difficulty of having sex.

>> No.8878090

Prove the world is determined.

You have 10 minutes.

>> No.8878091

is arguing what youve been trying to do? sorry i didnt realise
take some deep breaths

>> No.8878099

the thread was actually about books with a particular theme, until you began to post

>> No.8878104


This is a lit board you should expect poetry, and I expect you to think about it

>> No.8878105

what if whole point of being is being disgusted by idea of even trying to get through hole

>> No.8878116

No, it was a masturbatory way of some robot saying nobody understands the deep emotional conflict of his virginity. Op probably hasn't read a book in months.
And once again you are conflating posters. Do you think everyone that isn't agreeing with the frogposters here is one fedora-clad redditor?

>> No.8878121
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>> No.8878129

Every event is either causally determined or random.
No event is truly random.
Therefore every event is causally determined.

The important part is not coming up with a proof that looks like this or that but whether one already holds free will as a dogma. Nothing science has shown beyond some corner cases involving the movement of elementary particles and lack of better measuring equipment gives us reason to doubt things aren't part of a causal chain.
See above, free will would have to be power to break the laws of nature for it to mean anything, and the safe assumption is that no one has such.

>> No.8878193

Getting laid is disgusting unless you find a real nice girl desu.

>> No.8878253

>he's never read david hume


>> No.8878258

>i, i mean we, can't know nuffing, therefore stance is wrong
I have, just not convinced.

>> No.8878261

>Every event is either causally determined or random.
>No event is truly random.
>Therefore every event is causally determined.

Wow, really makes me think

>> No.8878272

That was a retarded summation of his ideas.

You clearly didn't get it. Embarrassing.

>> No.8878314

I'm sorry I have standards.

>> No.8878342

>oh no my namedrop didn't end the discussion
>b-better quickly claim he just doesn't get it!

>> No.8878362

>implying declining birth rates are a bad thing
>inb4 antinatalist
It's true

>> No.8878367
File: 18 KB, 500x359, Actually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've used this as an excuse too when my friends have ridiculed me for being a 18-year-old virgin
In the end I just made up a story on how I had a one night stand while drunk and that I regretted it and they believed it
The shame is still there, but at least the others haven't had any laughs on me with the subject

>> No.8878389

Most of my friends were virgins at 18. Different cultures I guess.

>> No.8878398

Except you literally didn't get it.

Hume never claimed we can't know nothing.

Do you know the different between a priori and a posteriori knowledge?

You're a pleb, kill yourself.

>> No.8878405

It's funny how mad girls get when you say this. I mean, granted, it's kind of like writing off all women, and them being emotional beings, it makes sense they'd get upset, but it still makes me chuckle.

Regardless, it's true. I'm not settling for anything short of a decent women, who is also virgin. In this day and age, I know I'm not going to find it and I've come to accept that. I don't dwell on it aside from threads like these and spend my time doing stuff I enjoy.

I also have no friends so no one makes fun of me. My parents try not to talk about it.

>> No.8878414

Where you at senpai?

>> No.8878417

Mexico. I was in a catholic school.

>> No.8878419


>> No.8878503

because authors are good at writing about their feels and you probably sound like an 8-year-old retard

>> No.8878518

I would settle for anyone, but she must to initiate conversation. I perceive myself as a misunderstood genius, and any failed attempts will be very painful for me

>> No.8878545

>My parents try not to talk about it.

damn dude, you've really gone down the rabbit hole
What is your wizard level?

Yeah, I'm from Finland and catholic Mexico is a long way from here
I've always been a bit jealous of religious people - I'm not in the church, not even the Lutheran
I've felt that being born to a belief in God would make things much simpler, but to me the idea of a God is now very difficult
If I was born a christian, I would probably pursue the career of a priest. I like churches and christian ceremonies, even though I don't care much for the people or the Bible as a literal work

>> No.8878577

Wiz apprentice, level 20

Feels a lot longer than that lol

>> No.8878613

ITT: Redditors.
The World is not a magical rainbow coloured place, the sexual revolution simply brought back primeval patterns of sex and dating, the top 20% alpha males get's 80% of the women, rest of the men are left to die alone in the wilderness. This is life on planet earth, and there's no reason to believe in fairytales of love and fairness besides to make your estrogen-addled emotions feel better. The only relief is death.

>> No.8878620


>> No.8878621


>> No.8878717
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1481096134258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But /lit/ isn't the stage for you to bitch about it, faggot. Go do it on your containment board. Stop shitposting unless you are going to say something about books.

>> No.8878727


I also have spent many years browsing /r9k/ on a regular basis, and despite being aware of the book for years, I've just recently started reading Whatever as well. The fact that the author/narrator has in fact "had women" or whatever the phrase was, takes the book down a peg for me, as it did for you.

(despite being very short I make a point of leaving a book at work for the 1/2 hour break time. I really only actually read for maybe 15 minutes at a time, so I figure it'll take me another 4-6 sessions with the book to actually get through it).

>> No.8878729


>> No.8878981
File: 561 KB, 2024x3144, Doctor Angelicus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8880288

>all this faggotry in this thread

>> No.8881464

this, might as well have a wank

>> No.8881499

then you're not an autisto

>> No.8881500

So what you're saying is you're basically a minority without representation?

>> No.8881660

>le current year
>caring about virginity


>> No.8881702

but a significant proportion of the greatest fiction works are whiny misanthropic horseshit

>> No.8881801

>Characters lost virginity
>Still miserable and lonely
So losing your virginity doesn't mean shit. Got it.

>> No.8881858

Let me tell all you losers something: I was the biggest loser of all. More autistic than anyone here, guarantee it.

But you know what? I hardened the fuck up and decided to just be myself and stop giving a fuck. Hit the gym, slew some pussy, got my head in the game. Now I'm engaged to a fucking 10/10 and clearing 150 grand a year with my own business.

All you /r9k/ rejects just want to feel sorry for yourselves instead of being awesome like me.

>> No.8881875

>The fact that the author/narrator has in fact "had women" or whatever the phrase was, takes the book down a peg for me, as it did for you.

His best friend Tisserand is a 28yo virgin though.

>> No.8881919

nope, never happened

>> No.8882016

Lmao, stay mad, beta.

>> No.8882025

its too idyllic. You need to make it more believable.

>> No.8882038

It's really not that hard. Be remotely interesting and fun to be around. Don't make the girl feel like her pussy is the most important thing in the world. She wants to be able to fuck without being disgusted with herself afterward and without you confusing her affection for a promise of anything in the future. That's all. Any significance you put on it beyond that is of course terrifying for her because she is more than damiliar woth weak pitiful manipulative desperate passive agressive men who can't just own up to the fact that they want to fuck. That's why chads are appealing. Monkeys are easy to control and emotionally safe.

>> No.8882042
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>> No.8882074

Circular reasoning buddy.

>> No.8882111

escorts exist for a reason

>> No.8882115
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>She wants to be able to fuck without being disgusted with herself afterward and without you confusing her affection for a promise of anything in the future. That's all. Any significance you put on it beyond that is of course terrifying for her because she is more than damiliar woth weak pitiful manipulative desperate passive agressive men who can't just own up to the fact that they want to fuck.
the woman does not exist and so on...

the reason why women are so intellectually mediocre is because they try and reject symbolic order

>> No.8882139
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>tfw pic related cost me less than $150

>> No.8882150

>able to make something of himself and successfully interact with people

Then you were never autistic in the first place. You may have thought you were, but you weren't.

That's the whole point.

>> No.8882179

>Paying a fuckton of money for terrible, robotic sex that ends in you getting an STD
Sounds great! #bugcatcherpride

>> No.8882180
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>> No.8882186

God damn you people are so fucking pitifully delusional. Maybe she just isn't into your ridiculous false dichotomies rooted in your failure to get your dick wet.

>> No.8882200

Was it good?

>> No.8882326
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i was just trying to invoke a bit of lacan you insensitive normie

>> No.8882595

>a fuckton of money
are you broke?

>terrible, robotic sex
just no

escorts aren't street hookers, they take care of themselves. you'd be more likely to get an std from a tinder slut than an escort. plus you will wear a condom too

>> No.8882686

Kek. The vast majority of top 20% alpha males are in monogamous relationships with the top 20% of women.

Protip: real life isn't like freshman year of college

>> No.8882739


Is it weird that I'm avoiding fucking my partner for as long as possible because I dislike the idea of losing my virginity? I don't want to feel my mortality as I get older in exhange for having cum in my ass

>> No.8882762

you have personal experience? legit thinking of losing my v card to a hooker in a few months. nevada ftw

>> No.8882786

Kind of weird, but not really considering everything.

The whole idea of a virgin being pure and all that is made-up bullshit that's deeply rooted in the Christian church. Losing your virginity is nothing special, the very idea of virginity causes people to overvalue it and eventually obsess over it, leading to big fucking dumpster-fires like r/foreveralone or the robots who do nothing but cling to this imaginary idea.

>> No.8882806

>You will wear a condom
>Plus she probably wont even let you kiss her
Sounds like money well spent.

>> No.8882912

I'm a depressed autist, been to psyche wards multiple times, attempted suicide, but I've still fucked about ten different girls. It's easy, but it requires effort and time (and it's not worth it in the end). You need to start going to the gym if you actually want success, not for the physical bonus but the mental self-confidence boost.

>> No.8882921


That's actually a cool post. I like that you used Japanese culture and the mouse experiment to support your claim.

That being said, I the point of feminism has been lost on you. As long as there's at least one UFC female that could beat you up, the difference between men and women is not really of consequence to you right now. Instead of getting mad about it, you should watch Eva and empathize with the female characters. That way when you get caught looking like a retarded idiot on the internet, you can say it's because you're actually a teenage beauty queen ~~~ desu

>> No.8884273

I am 21 and virgin, but i think reason may be outside of my will. Half a family are taking antidepressants me included. I heard i am quite handsome in various times in life but always fail to approach others than man. At the rare ocassions of conversation with female i am either shy, or incredibly autistic and pretentious. From last couple a months i remember discussing philosophy with guy i meet at bar, after that i asked girl that was with guy (vissibly intimitated) what interests she has. Her answer was like "uhh i just go to bars and drink haha". My family thinks i am crazy because reading is all i do and throw quotes or reference philosophers in daily situation. I barely believe in my sanity myself

>> No.8884282


>> No.8884287

what do?

>> No.8884776
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Sorry to say that, but you sound like an awful, egomaniacal person. I think that you should start facing a fact that what people say and do is merely a very limited function of their inner life. I don't want to project but I can bet that you are easily making a judgment basing on a very limited data when it comes to others, but finding justifications for yourself every time you need.

>> No.8884855

what you say may be true. I dont feel like changing myself, do you think there is no hope for me and i will always be lonely?

>> No.8884881
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You like to think of yourself as an misunderstood self-conscious outcast from the consumerist blah blah society, don't you? So does half of this board (me included)! Try to develop some substantial relation with some other people for more than a year without any assumptions. That's always a good starting point.

>> No.8885528


>> No.8885586

People get triggered by "frogposts" because it's a fucking stale meme, god this image is trash.

>> No.8885638

Name one book that does this
Protip: you can't

>> No.8885657
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>tfw I will die a virgin because my penis is 2.5in erect
My greatest fear is that I will show a girl and she will laugh. I'd kill myself right there. I also can't masturbate to normal porn because every guys dick is at least 3-5x larger than mine, and knowing that I will never be able to pleasure a woman with the only thing that makes me a man, my penis, induces an acute suffering that no one can ever experience unless they also had this problem. I mean, at least if my dick worked properly I'd probably be able to deal with it better, but because of a botched hypospadias repair, I have to catheterize myself once a day to keep my urethra from closing in on itself.

>> No.8886632
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Get into effective altruism. For sure you will find a meeting group in your city. Even if you won't agree with their philosophy or you will find the millennial aura around it a little annoying, then befriending some of these guys will still be a good idea. They are actually reading philosophy and ethics and trying to understand it, not namedropping, so it will challenge your views and will be intellectually stimulating. On the other hand they are pretty positive, productive but not naive, so it will help you mentally. Worked for me.

>> No.8887801

not OP but I just wanted to say I finally lost my virginity last night

its not a big deal t b h, in hindsight I wouldn't mind staying a virgin

>> No.8887824
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>tfw I will die a virgin because my penis is 2.5in erect

>> No.8887954

you have noticed that a large amount of books arent actually transgression or only appear to be or are praised for being so by the incorrect criteria of intellectuals, or people who have a voice to up hoist a piece of work. there is a reason a book like notes from the underground is so highly praised: it is truly outside of accepted narrative, so it's rare.