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/lit/ - Literature

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8873954 No.8873954 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, we need our best and worst writers on the job. We're writing a new novel to insult and pander to YA literature. Working title: And Every Bomb Drops

The story so far:

An unnamed US president who will obviously be Trump has sent the world into catastrophic war

17 years later, our hero (who was born on the day the wars started) lives in a society in which novels are currency, and being a writer is the most highly regarded profession in the country.

Only white men are allowed to be writers, but writing in secret with the help of her aunt (she's orphaned) our young latina protagonist begins to harness her writing skills and begins to show exceptional promise.

The writers have always talked of a prophecy foretelling an author so perfect at his job, he ends the turmoil the world is in through his writing.

Our young protagonist realizes she is the writer the prophecy told of (she has a birthmark in the shape on a pen, just like in the prophecy) and has to overcome adversity to establish herself as the greatest writer in the country and save the world.

Talk and discuss the story here, write here:


>> No.8874082

>the font of the title

fucking kek

>> No.8874087

why don't we just make a YA doorstopper about all our favorite classic authors except they are all teens/ early adults and somehow all exist in the same world at the same time together

>> No.8874089

This is gay. You should stop.

>> No.8874099

Add it in. She meets famous authors on her journey

>> No.8874102

Joyce can be the latina's love interest and he should help her overcome her fear of fart shaming by letting her fart all over his oppressive white male face while he masturbates.

>> No.8874104

Perfect. Write the scene and we'll write our way towards it

>> No.8874112
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>Her name was Payisha.

>> No.8874116

this is terrible..

think we should go with YA postmodern doorstop including the young versions of our favorite authors. I'll start on the graduating class of 2016 with young dave and young Franzen hanging out shooting the breeze and then the crazy fartknocker james joyce shows up, God I hate that guy dave.
don't look at him. he didn't see us.
how didn't he see us? we're the only ones in the hall.
goddamnit Jonathan I dunno let's just hope he doesn't walk this way.
he's coming. fuck. your bandana looks really cool today.
shut up Franzen.

>> No.8874128

*static crackles on the PA*

*AHEM ALL STUDents and staff please proceed to the cafeteria for a mandatory assembly immediately*

hey, hey, hey dave, Dave, hey, dave you listening? hey dav-
HEYDAVE HEYDAVE HEYDAVE DAVEHEY YOU LISTENING? yes yes I'm fucking listening what is it?
oh nothing. what do you think all this is about?
I dunno Jon. I guess we will find out in a minute.
did you see Sylvia this morning?
nah why? you tryin to get Smart on her?
oh, oh-no dave no. just just wondering. she's been really down lately with all that online stuff going on.
I told her. I'll tell her again. cyber bullying isn't real. she should just turn her computer off or stop using social media.
yeah, yeah that's probably a good idea. it's pretty hard thing to do though.
HEY FAGGOTS! sit over here. I saved 2 front row seats for ya.
oh oh fuck it's james. you think he saw us?
shut up and go sit down Jon.
Hey big dave looking good. went with the black bandana today huh?that's probably the coolest color you own.
thanks james..... I think this things gonna start soon.

Students and faculty it is with great regret that I must inform you about the passing of one of our own. Sylvia Plath has taken her own life.


Classes will be canceled toda--


QUIET! will be canceled today as well as first period tomorrow. first period tomorrow will be dedicated to an assembly about cyber bullying. if any students feel the need to talk or requires a councilor we will be here all day for you. Go home and think kids. think very hard.

>> No.8874157

I do not like what is being written right now

>> No.8874162

Our idea of a young novelist fanfic is better than where this is going but fred not, I have the solution. Let's merge them together. Obviously for it to be a YA novel we need a dystopian future so let's keep the post-trump horrible dictatorship to hook in the yareaders who are obv leftists but lets make some twist where the good guys are the new establishment or the right wing.

We insert young characters who are old writers like Dosto, Kafka, Hemingway, Cervantes, Bolaño, etc... Let's have them be in two factions: The Young Authors Club, an underground society of rebels who write to overtake the government and our MC, who MUST BE. black/latina is supposedly the CHOSEN ONE. Meanwhile the MLRA (Mkae Literature Right Again) is the top lit society whos hwead is non other than youngish Ayn Rand . She has Stirner, Huxley, etc... as right hand men (or right hand writers if you catch my drift) and they are the bad guys on paper but in reality they are the most brilliant ones in society and end up being the good ones and midway trough the book we start shifting this diea thaat the bad guys are really the good guys and we show a young Virginia Woolf, the TRUE CHOSEN ONE who was put aside because she was white and was too privileged to be in the club. This shit writes itself. However /lit/ dont forget our aim. We need to lure in YA readers to uytterly destroy them. This is gonna be like Moby Dick, we are on the hunt for the Giant Genderfluid Whale boys. Subtelty is the name of the game here.

>> No.8874169


But first I need to know what James Joyce has in store for poor little Payisha

>> No.8874174

Why did you start another doc? Why did you start a who different story? What the hell?

>> No.8874175

lost my shit at "beaner"

>> No.8874177

Lets establish the ground first. Ill get on it. Meanwhile you guys can discuss how you are gonna portray each young author.
Either they are gonna be the elite or the underground. What they gonna write. Who are they going to fall in love with. If they end up switching to the other side, etc...

>> No.8874183

We already have something started https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JvFccly-ZcyJHHuQAI4hUlTEEgmG-pjQ8VkmuncAB0w/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.8874190

This is going down the route of Dreamscape. It ahs to be coherent and read like a YA novel.

>> No.8874204

It can be both like totalitarian was
We just need a single doc people are writing on instead of a new one coming out of the blue. There is only one person writing in OP's doc anyway

>> No.8874224

>Bookworm now means the Stalker of books

Fucking loving it.

>> No.8874225
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>thinking you can outdo totalitarian or hypersphere

>> No.8874230

*snaps fingers*
*snaps fingers*
*snaps fingers*
Jonathan. hey bud you there?
wtf is wrong with him?
dude chill out, lay off him for a second.
*snaps fingers*
Jon? you okay man?
I. i-i I saw her yesterday... after class... she seemed fine... she said she was going home to write.
how, why, people let things get so out of hand. they don't realize there's a life behind each screen.
you gonna be okay little buddy?
I heck, I don't know dave. how did this happen?
I told her to loggg-
I know you told her to log off. it's not that easy.
is this pussy crying?
James another word and I'll fucking sock you.
sock. me. he thinks he will sock me. big guy. I couldn't possibly take him? could I. no better not. shut your mouth James. is that pussy crying? why? probably because they were part of that club. the YA. faggots.
Jon let's go home. I'm starting to sweat.
yeah what ever James. we're out.
I hate that guy.
I know bud. everyone does.

>> No.8874246

Dreamscape has a story for the first 80 pages

>> No.8874273

Great work so far guys

>> No.8874306
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I'm following the creation of both of these books and I think these books would be a fantastic double-bill together

What do you guys think? A two-piece postmodern young adult masterpiece that encompasses the moods and ideas of the beginning of the 21st century?

>> No.8874311

Already on it, fampai

>> No.8874316

Oh nice, only now noticed they were already together

>> No.8874326

oops i accidentally changed the font size of the entire novel to 48


>> No.8874334
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So that was you huh?
Honeslty I was pissed but seeing how you apologized and probably were all like "shit shit shit" made it worth for me.

>> No.8874339


>> No.8874359

So how does this Nora business tie in with Payisha

>> No.8874373


Aren't they all rebels? Nore is probably with James, so Payisha is cucking her.

>> No.8874418

I've named the aunt Margolitanita, just so you know :)))

>> No.8874420

OP here, can someone please explain the burrito story to me so I can write it in?

>> No.8874430


Anny Round dines at a mexican restaurant and leaves in order to avoid paying the tab. Since restaurants have a thin profit margin, this kills the business and the proprietor (Payisha's aunt) with it. That much is already in the Anny part.

>> No.8874519


>> No.8874540

There's an anime that just finished that is basically this. Lots of nip authors though

>> No.8874541

Too bad /pol/ has ruined this, like everything else.

>> No.8874550

How has /pol/ ruined it?

>> No.8874579


This is just an ironic YA novel you're witnessing
The content is the same, only the tone is different

>> No.8874584


>> No.8874593


>> No.8874601
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this is too good

>> No.8874608

/pol/ ruins everything

>> No.8874622
File: 318 KB, 655x977, Only a Sigg Mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on behind the shitposting line

>Trans-muslims in Denmark
>trans-boy and rapist inspector in somewhere and a sickle sex-change (???)
>John Green and cheerios

>> No.8874634

To fully understand, you must first stop asking questions

>> No.8874637

it sounds pretty decent desu, except maybe
>Our young protagonist realizes she is the writer the prophecy
it should be someone else to point out this fact

>> No.8874640

Yes, preferably a liberal and 'different' english teacher

>> No.8874651

I just don't see anything explicitly /pol/ other than lightheartedly poking fun at a latina character

>> No.8874654

who always sought this writer from the prophecy, he is sceptical at first and test our protagonist giving her some tasks to do, or maybe just passes her some really old pen and than something happens, like in Harry Potter when he chooses his wand

>> No.8874666
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>>trans-boy and rapist inspector in somewhere and a sickle sex-change (???)

it was actually pretty good

>> No.8874674

>all those jew references
>not /pol/

>> No.8874709

Proud author of the "chapter 6.9"

Any questions in particular you gents have regarding the text?

>> No.8874722

This book stinks, how do it feel knowing that while constantly berating authors like stephen meyers, you are not even as good as them

>> No.8874727

can we have a preface by john green?

>> No.8874739

Fucking yes

Once it's is finished, send it to John Green and ask his opinion and a preface for the book

>> No.8874757
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that's pretty edgy

>> No.8874807

This is the only reason I have that email

I fancied myself a comedian when I was younger

>> No.8874825
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>I fancied myself a comedian when I was younger

>released August 27, 2015

>> No.8874828

You were younger in 2015 too, believe it or not

>> No.8874834

>it's one of those freak dust accidents

jesus dude

>> No.8874838

Do you have a lisp or are you faking it?

>> No.8874848
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It's real
it's a bit better now

>> No.8874858

>Are you a veteran?
>Not in any recognized war

That was actually pretty fucking funny

>> No.8874902

Godspeed overcoming the help helpper syndrome!

It's almost like an erotica, but it has the strong social commentary that separates it from the mainstream and in the end prevails over the erotic content
One might even argue that your brave style makes 'I want more...'

>> No.8874986

What is your first assumption about someone with a lisp? I have one too

>> No.8875033
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It's nothing serious and I take it as a polite gesture if you kind of control (suppress?) it

It's completely cool by me

>> No.8875260


>> No.8875637

>the scribe people rule everything
This story seems familiar to me somehow.

>> No.8877042


>> No.8877862
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>"my little exotic quesadilla"
>Jesus Rainbow Socrates

>> No.8878202

The only part I liked was the scat. The rest isn't funny at all.

>> No.8878222

>55 pages
>Shitposting line on page 14

Wonderful work lads

>> No.8878226


if you faggots are going to write YA you need to shoehorn some sexy vampires/wizards/chad jocks otherwise it's not real YA

>> No.8878246

What about sexy this is true, how much of the Harry Potter series should we rip off and be able to get away with it, legally speaking?

>> No.8878279


>> No.8878615


>> No.8878624

Heh. I found the Ancap-bit to be the fun part of this deal.

>> No.8879176

Thanks I did that

>> No.8879183


>> No.8879324

Fundamental aspectd of YA fiction:

>pretentious teens
>black and white morality
>rebellious teen who ate obviously right
>glamourization of romance
>pop culture references
>young, white female protagonidt that is "pure"
>opposing factions

It must take itself seriously as well.

>> No.8879484

It just feels really edgy and tryhard like /b/-level shit.

>> No.8879591
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Not even just the normal kinda autism that comes out there. This is trying too hard with just the right amount of pretentiousness and feigning an above-it-all perspective as some weird validation and justification for their autism.

>> No.8879704

Write the end so it ties with the beginning of The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a

>> No.8879733

Should I contribute more while out of my mind on edibles?

>> No.8880110

>James Joyce and dostoevsky both turn out to be transgender

>> No.8880216

Honestly a good idea

>> No.8880241

I honestly think we need to be more subtle, take away the dogs and pancakes. This is not TIT/2 Miami, we need to go through a different approach in humour in order to make "anon" in the canon.

>> No.8880245

Has anyone here read the whole shit?
Beyond the shitposting line too?

>> No.8880260

I have an idea, why don't we play it straight for the first 80 pages, but then we make it darker and more satirical as the story advances.

>> No.8880276
File: 71 KB, 1920x712, Näyttökuva (193).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay who the fuck cucked this book

>> No.8880415

Exactly. Otherwise ya readers will throw it away instantly

>> No.8880436

the 4chan advertisements are fucking brilliant

>> No.8880463


Obviously, part of the story is that her work has to be published under the name of a Chad white dude at first who gets all the money and credit but has an arrangement with her to provide for her family. He's a potential love interest. As the novel continues you slowly come to find out that behind every single successful white writer is a PoC author churning out the material being published. WE

>> No.8880503

I think the whole anon writes a book parlour trick is over. The first few times had some original energy, but this is just stale nonsense. Also, your book has literally been shitposted to death with Cucks, so you I hope you have an earlier version saved.

>> No.8880514

Let's create a new file, and do it straight while we see how that goes.

It needs to have a moderator, to rid of all the cucks.

>> No.8880520

I'm removing cucks at the moment, if we get seven people to bust 100 cucks each we will be done in a few minutes

>> No.8880529

We need to start over, to test the different philosophy. Create a new doc first

>> No.8880540


Did it

>> No.8880545

It's not open without an account?

>> No.8880554

I opened it with mine

>> No.8880557


>> No.8880561

that's better

ps. I removed every single cuck from the previous doc

>> No.8880563

hopefully it will work this time...

>> No.8880565

good, keep up the good work.

>> No.8880567

Anons can't still write on the doc though, we can only view it ATM

>> No.8880571

How to make it editable?

>> No.8880577

it been updated, no worries.

>> No.8880793

Bungou Stray Dogs