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887185 No.887185 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading? I've never read any King books before, but /x/ highly recommended this as his scariest one.

>> No.887194

if you're looking for pop garbage, then yeah, that would be a good book to read

>> No.887205

You should start with his other books first to get a feel for his writing.

>> No.887209

It's alright. Especially if you want to learn how to (nearly) keep a long story going as a writer. And if you want to write about weird teen sex(once).

>> No.887214
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>> No.887217

oh my god, it just dawned on me

literature's dead and is never coming back

>> No.887220


>i only read /lit/core for mature faggots like myself

>> No.887226

how's stephen king's cock taste?

>> No.887231

Better than pretentious Russian cock, that's for sure.

>> No.887237

look at what you're saying

>> No.887238


Never said I liked King, just that you're a faggot if you think "literature's dead"

>> No.887245

say that to my face and not online, bitch, and i'll fuckin knock your teeth out

>> No.887251

What the fuck is going on here my eyes are melting

>> No.887255

Your ability to knock someone's teeth out does not make you right.

>> No.887260

since when are opinions incorrect?

and bitch, i hope you like gummy bears

>> No.887265
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>internet tough guys
>literature board

>> No.887271

I read it (when I was 16 though) and I liked it. It's entertaining all the way through, don't let the length put you off.

>> No.887273

you don kno me, u can't judge me, i bench 250

>> No.887286


What kind of monster doesn't like gummy bears?

>> No.887291

When I'm on the internet, I can bench double that. AND read War and Peace during my lunch break. I'm that awesome.

>> No.887293

sound like a bitch ass fag with no job to me

>> No.887359

Yeah, Steven King's a successful author - you don't want to read any of that drivel. OP, why are you asking opinions? Read the fucking insert. Does it look interesting? Then read it.

>> No.887374

U got me, I am a 'fag' with a 'bitch ass'. How did you know?

>> No.887378

gee i wonder how

i amaze myself sometimes


>> No.887405

It's a pretty decent book.

The story is pretty messed up, contains some awesome imagery, and a monster I'd be genuinely scared of.

There are a few WTF moments, random pre-teen sewer orgy to give an example, but it makes a lot more sense than most of his books. Plus he manages not to fuck the end up, at least not by his usual standards.

>> No.887445

Tons of pointless sex scenes. If you need to start with King, start with Christine, Salems' Lot, or The Stand.

>> No.887450


IT's true form being a giant spider wasn't a fuck up?

>> No.887584


Yeah, but not as bad as some of the other shit he's done.

I'll take a giant spider over a spontaneous sparrow attack any day.

>> No.887591

That wasn't its true form. That was simply the closest the human mind could get to it when it manifested in our world.

>> No.887600

>The Stand.
The ending is so goddamned awful it ruins the entire book. Read it if you're looking for awesome character development, a cool story, some crazy shit and THE WORST ENDING OF ALL TIME.

>> No.887613



I struggle to imagine an ending worse than the Dark Half, but I've haven't read the Stand.

>> No.887620

It ends by a nuke exploding. A gigantic 1200 page book, setting up a giant good verse evil conflict that just ends with a nuke obliterating the bad side.

>> No.887625


I see your The Stand and raise you the Dark Tower series.

>> No.887627

Sadly, King has a weakness in endings with quite a few of his books. Dark Half, The Stand, The Dark Tower...

That isn't to say that he doesn't have some great ones as well, however. Tommyknockers is pretty awesome, as is IT, and Salem's Lot, and Firestarter.

>> No.888012

I'll admit I was disappointed by some of King's endings, but it boggles my mind that people think the ending to Dark Tower is bad. It was foreshadowed and even a bit poetic. I don't see any other way it could have ended.

>> No.888023

Yeah I liked the ending to the Stand. It fit the character and it fit the tone and themes of the story. How did you all expect it to end? Happily ever after?

>> No.888024
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Why doesn't anyone ever mention the completely out of nowhere 12 yo orgy? I mean, everyone I know knows about the clowns, the scariness, and whatever, but nobody warned me about preteen sex in a sewer.