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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 1080x1063, b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8871201 No.8871201 [Reply] [Original]

Do you people have websites where you put in things that you wrote to get advice?

I don't want to show anybody I know in real life because they would psycho-analyse me

>> No.8871209

Those eyes are damn terrifying

>> No.8871210

Nigga, you're already on it

>> No.8871228

You read each others' work?
I checked the catalogue a few times before and I never saw any threads like that

>> No.8871243

>ctrl + f

>> No.8871249

Yeah but only if it's bad sci-fi or foreign language poetry.

>> No.8871252

Here >>8858529

>> No.8871253

Her head is just small

>> No.8871258

Yeah I remember now I saw a poetry thread once

Ever do anything longer?

>> No.8871262

Or can you just post a link to anything
Makes sense

>> No.8871276

They make me aroused.

>> No.8871914

More like captivating and alluring.

>> No.8871918
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>> No.8871923

memes aside, you can get some solid feedback in critique threads. there are two or three guys who go through pretty much every submission, god bless em

>> No.8872058
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Hey, what do you mean "you people"?

>> No.8872085

wow her eyes are almost as big as her nose

>> No.8872088

she's ugly as fuck

>> No.8872096
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872106
File: 196 KB, 223x200, Obama - c'mon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump would judge her ugly.

>> No.8872114
File: 6 KB, 225x225, b9.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump would give her 10/10

>> No.8872119

she's ugly as fuck, but that's a cool trump gif you fuckers

>> No.8872133
File: 8 KB, 228x221, b9.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8872507

What's did Rilke say... all angels are terrifying?

>> No.8872523


This is exactly the kind of girl that numale betas love and wish they could have.

>muh Amelie Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Non-East Asian girls trying to be cute is just cringey. Now don't get me wrong, I like non-Asian girls and they can be pretty or "hot" but they're never genuinely "cute" and it's so gross when they try.

>> No.8872582

Seems like most people in the thread disagree with you. Also I've lived in Japan, she's be considered cute there too.

>> No.8872787

I agree, fuck!


>> No.8872820


What the fuck. She is ugly as sin. Get some fucking taste.

>> No.8872824


>> No.8872846

Sure is /b/ in this thread

>> No.8873298

You're retarded.

>> No.8873301

He's more intelligent than you

>> No.8873342


>my subjective opinion is objective fact

>> No.8873358

>my low tier degenerate opinion is a subjective fact

>> No.8873387


>the harder I argue and push the issue the more factual my subjective opinion becomes

>> No.8873388

Whom is this

>> No.8874364

>Sanpaku gan (三白眼?) or Sanpaku (三白?) is a Japanese term meaning “three whites,” which originated from a Chinese term. It is generally referred to in English as "sanpaku eyes" and refers to eyes in which the white space above or below the iris is visible.
>According to Chinese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain. Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. Stress and fatigue may also be a cause. In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.

Basically crazy eyes.

>> No.8874946

Her is Crispy from /r9k/

Being attracted to gooks seems like the ultimate numale beta behaviour. Saying European women are never cute makes you look like a fucking retard with a fetish.

>> No.8875310

I think you misunderstand what I mean by cute. White bitches can be pretty or hot, but they're never cute, and it's cringey when they try.

>> No.8875340
File: 5 KB, 284x177, b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably have a fucked in the head view of Asian women that says they are essentially children you can fuck
That's how they are quote often portrayed.
Whereas you understand that white women have a grown up intelligence

>> No.8876718

Maybe in Asia. White people normally have more visible eyes since they aren't slanted.

>> No.8877112

Wow this girl is perfect.

Is there somewhere where I can look at more pictures of her?

>> No.8877142

I've heard the phrase 'Manic Pixie Dream Girl' a thousand times but I still have no idea what it means.

>> No.8877163

Rilke was a faggot nerd, lol!

>> No.8877716

Just do a search for Crispy r9k and you get them
I don't know the story behind it. She could be an actual autist

>> No.8878118

it means "any skinny girl with tattoos who rejected me"

>> No.8878132

>it's another "fetishize women according to race" episode
it's the current year and you needta get with the times

>> No.8878176
File: 908 KB, 720x720, proof dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you have to hate and dislike everything? Just accept some love into your heart anon, it's Christmas.

>> No.8878199

please guys someone post her feet

>> No.8878200

i hate nothing but you

>> No.8878206


I think someone's getting coal in his stocking :^)

>> No.8879148

>but they're never cute
This is just wrong.
You can have your opinions of course, but you're flat out wrong.