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/lit/ - Literature

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8868548 No.8868548 [Reply] [Original]

ITT We share and rate each others bookshelves.

I'll start the thread with my bookshelf.

>> No.8868987

my god, never seen a man get meme'd so hard

>> No.8869038

you spend way too much time on this board, anon

>> No.8869050
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>> No.8869054

>no Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra trilogy
>no Hypersphere
You still have a long ways to go

>> No.8869073

>Only 3 copies of art of the deal
Shameful display. To the death camps.

>> No.8869077

>The I want to fit in on my favorite khazakstanian snowmobiling rumors webpage

>> No.8869147

> putting a possibly first-edition GR alongside three copies of Trump's shitty book now panned by its own ghost-writer

pig disgusting.

trump supporters memed themselves and now they have to pretend its cool to have a cabinet that jeb bush would have selected. trump supporters killed memes.

trump was the last meme

>> No.8869827
File: 3.68 MB, 3831x2316, bookshelves 2016-12-21 smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869901

>Sort books not only by color
>but by SHADE

How much of an autist do you have to be to do that

>> No.8869931

This unironically appeals to me.

I always love shuffling things in my bookcases after I've bought some new books at a second hand book store or market, will definitely give this coloured sorting a way some time next year.

>> No.8869941

>black lamb and grey falcon
>all that japanese lit
>box of irish tea, probably full of narcotics

incredible anon, absolutely incredible

>> No.8870432

It was pretty fun to do--I only did it since I'm about to put them all in boxes for a move anyway, but it did end up pretty.

>> No.8870437

i want to be your best friend

>> No.8870516 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 1000x1268, ArnoldBöcklinSelfPortraitWithDeathPlayingTheFiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to post in these threads, pretending that it was merely for the aesthetics; but then i actually started reading the books i only showed off and sorta became ashamed at that the whole conspicuousness of it

so basically i replaced one form of self-righteousness for another. it's odd to me: the more educated i actually become, the more i both leap to judge and hesitate to judge, all the matter convinced that my "transcendence" from posting in vainglorious bookshelf threads was really a matter of moral improvement, and that this entitled to certain forms of scrutiny.

but this all bores me, the deepening of my own narcissism, the endless cycle, etc. the great irony is that the further i distance myself from forms of vanity (like showing off books), the more i encounter a strengthened narcissism, where i feel that i'm finally "getting it right" and therefore am better on that front, etc.

is anyone else similarly bored? what do i look to/read to finally expunge this type of self-burden?

>> No.8870534

Is that your whole bookshelf?

>> No.8870549
File: 158 KB, 1000x1268, ArnoldBöcklinSelfPortraitWithDeathPlayingTheFiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to post in these threads, pretending that it was merely for the aesthetics; but then i actually started reading the books i only showed off and sorta became ashamed at the whole conspicuousness of it

so basically i replaced one form of self-righteousness for another. it's odd to me: the more educated i actually become, the more i both leap to judge and hesitate to judge, all the matter convinced that my "transcendence" from posting in vainglorious bookshelf threads is really a matter of moral improvement, and that this entitles me to certain forms of scrutinizing others that they are not privy to viz. me.

but this all bores me, the deepening of my own narcissism, the endless cycle, etc. the great irony is that the further i distance myself from forms of vanity (like showing off books), the more i encounter a strengthened narcissism, where i feel that i'm finally "getting it right" and therefore am better than anyone else on that front, etc.--and can on those grounds write judgmental posts in otherwise innocuous and harmless threads, signalling only a lingering desire for attention. like i'm aware of it all (kierkegaard might say: i live in sin, not ignorance), but it doesn't even matter...

is anyone else similarly bored of their own sanctimonious nature? what do i look to/read to finally expunge this type of self-burden?

>> No.8870561

>then I actually started reading the books

What about your claim that you had already read 90% of them? Was that false back then? Because you still owned in the thousands.

Also, you've pulled some silly shit that most people who post in the threads don't. Like when you pretended all your books belonged to your brother who just died and you wanted to know how great his taste was.

>> No.8870582
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Got a new shelf.
Pretts satisfied.

>> No.8870589
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oh yeah of course it was mostly false--all borne from the same insecurities (mixed with the appropriate amount of boredome/malaise). i can't imagine i've read 15% of it--and i teach at the university level as a grad student, so it's literally my job to do so. i think the brother thing was just a proxy to avoid having to answer specific questions--can't really remember. impressed anyone is still here from years ago.

>> No.8870601
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Not sure why I'm still here, but yeah. I've always loved bookshelves, and yours were always impressive.

I can't suggest anything for getting over your issues. You did always seem to go above and beyond with pretending to be someone you aren't. I'm still fine appreciating shelves for their aesthetics.

>> No.8870613
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I tried sorting by theme generally.
This is the chinese section.

>> No.8870639

Oh shit, were you that guy? I remember reading the story about your brother. I don't know why I still believe what I read on the internet.

>> No.8870644

Please shut up.

>> No.8870651

I have some genuine questions, not being a dick.
How long have you been interested in reading?
How much did /lit/ influence the books you bought?
Is this your only bookshelf or is it just the meme shelf?

>> No.8870744


god, those Continuum paperbacks are so ugly, but they publish some dank texts

>> No.8870753

How does he fucking do it

>> No.8870791
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haha love it!

Rate mine :)

>> No.8870900
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yeah--my capacity to invent/prevericate and then to dissassociate/sublimate has been one of my greatest qualities/most significant flaws as a human being; but, it has enabled me to change in some pretty significant ways, pull 180s and live out radically different lives. been interesting, and i ultimately enjoy being me.

out of curiosity, what is the self-profile of someone who keeps and catalogues photos of other bookshelves from years ago?

yeah i'm "that guy." dunno why you believe what you read; most of what i posted was false, as i assume it is from others...but maybe that's just to project an erroneous standard, i dunno

testy testy testy

>> No.8870926


So, where did all of your books actually come from?

>> No.8870935

Were you ever truthful about your graduate studies? Is it actually in Pol Sci, or what?

Haha, I'm a fairly regular person, I just love to catalog everything and keep things organized. I even keep track of specific teas I consume. I'm a Japanese lit graduate student that used to post more often (I did >>8869827, btw)

>> No.8871161

1) not long.
2) i buy books that i find interesting. So /lit/ influenced them a bit.
3) only shelf so far.
4) i dont see why a board that praises books like these cares so much if i read them.

>> No.8871171

i have never seen a meme-ier shelf in my entire life

>> No.8871236

>caring about colour coordination
He's something else.

>> No.8871242
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nothing particularly special: i just bought them. i actually don't even have a brother and am the oldest in the family; started reading seriously/collecting probably around 13-14; i'm 27 now, so been amassing for about 13 years or so. not much to note beyond that to be honest.

to make any lie even remotely viable there has to be some degree of truth: i'm honestly a 5th year grad student in poli sci. what year are you/what's your concentration? and is that earlier pic your actual bookshelf, or a pic you saved?

>> No.8871270

>all those unbroken spines and tidy white pages
either you take impressively good care of your books or few of those have ever been opened.

>> No.8871538

What Everyman's Library book is that?

>> No.8871704
File: 3.95 MB, 4257x2052, bookshelves 10-1-16 smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking a long time finishing just a Masters. Within Jlit I concentrate on book and reception history, particularly Meiji and Taisho periods. We're the same age!

That's my shelf, re-done by color temporarily since I'm moving house. Pic is more usual set-up.

>> No.8871868
File: 263 KB, 301x384, wewlad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected

>> No.8871890

I am pretty sure it is Notes from the Underground

Not that guy btw

>> No.8871899

Do people really like Rand, or only read it for the meme points, is it really worth a try?

>> No.8871901

My books have been boxed up in storage for two years now.

>> No.8871943

I also stack my asoiaf books like that on my shelf.

>> No.8871947

Is this actually just meme material or a decent read? I can't tell with /lit/ anymore

>> No.8871958

I once read Paul Ryan requires all of his staffers to read Rand.

>> No.8872431

>most of what i posted was false, as i assume it is from others

>> No.8872538

I don't know, I plan on reading it next month when I finish my current 2 books and maybe something enjoyable in between, but it seems that there are only 2 opinions of it; people that think its the greatest piece of literature since the holy bible and people that wouldn't wipe there diarrhea ass with its pages. I'll give it a try before I really comment on it but even jewtube reviews are very vague.

>> No.8872680

It's okay man. Read what you want. I was just interested.

>> No.8873552
File: 313 KB, 1279x727, kobo-aura-h2o-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This device has an eink display that looks and feels better than paper, has a battery that lasts two months of regular use, Costs as much as five books, weighs less than 1 book, and contains a whole library of books.

You guys are insane spending all that money.

>> No.8873610

I'm pretty sure most people who own a lot of physical books have a Kindle as well. Both have their positives.

>> No.8873757

That is the least original bookshelf i've ever seen. Do you ever wipe your ass without asking permission from /lit/?

>> No.8873799

Nigga I can buy 35 books for that and they won't run out of battery.

I can also impress people (girls) with them. People can look through them, start conversations about them and borrow them. They also make my house less of a soulless cube.

>> No.8873919

Not really a purchase or anything and its a weird feeling but I was looking for a bible to read and my mom handed me her bible. I thought she just meant that it was a bible she bought.

>it has her name embossed in it
>its from her home town Montana church
>its beat to shit and super flexible with hundreds of dog ear creases
>I live in Washington
>I had no fucking clue my Mom was this religious though I do remember going to Sunday school as a kid and I hated it.

I'm feeling so many complicated feelings. Not in like "HURR DURR I HATE RELIGION ITS EVIL I CANT BELIEVE MY MOM X". I mean I just feel weird because I never knew. Its like you start approaching your mid/late 20's and then all the sudden you start realizing your parents were/are people too. I mean you "hear" that before then and you think you understand but then its just like WHAM!

>> No.8873927

I legit hope this is a ironic shelf or some shit I don't even know anymore, Jesus

>> No.8873935

That is very sweet. Your mother seems like a nice lady, and you seem like a thoughtful son. Warmed my heart. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8874433
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1/3 main one

>> No.8874440
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2/3 stuff I've had since school and unread stuff (top shelf), opera programs, reference, anthologies, journals (bottom shelf)

>> No.8874443
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3/3 misc, drama, classics, reference, whatevs

>> No.8874533

It's actually really good, same with Ulysses and Gravitys Rainbow

>> No.8875060

Why the fuck are Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth giant books? The plays aren't very long.

>No Hamlet

>> No.8875159
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E-book master race

>> No.8875171

Macbeth was really boring imo

>some witches said I'll be king, better fucking kill Duncan instead of asking him who he chooses to be heir of his kingdom and if he says someone other than me, then kill him.

>> No.8875174

Why have you glued a purse to the bottom of a tiny shelf on a carpeted wall?

>> No.8875177 [DELETED] 

I made it in shop class years ago. I'm proud of it.

>> No.8875197

>2 copies of Trump's book

So you took a photo of an uni library shelf?

>> No.8875204

It's a bible my mom bought me last Christmas and the shelf is something I made in wood shop. Fuck you.


>> No.8875208

These bookshelf threads are so masturbatory. It's pathetic.

>> No.8875223

thanks for letting us know

>> No.8875237

you're welcome

>> No.8875271

Hamlet is on the shelf below the Macbeth and all of those are in the Viking anthology in the first picture, those little paperback editions are so big because the text of the play is only printed on every other page with 'textual notes' on the other pages, which is mostly just basic vocabulary. Hamlet is the shit

>> No.8875364
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>berber carpet

>> No.8875442

Just moved into the house. Planning on getting it removed.

>> No.8875483

Also fuck you

>> No.8876245
File: 2.98 MB, 6128x1760, 20161223_195200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved cities. Most of my other books are stored at a mates until I pick them up.

>> No.8876331

This is so embarrassing. A testament to loving the aesthetic of reading more than reading itself. Kill yourself.