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8867048 No.8867048 [Reply] [Original]

How did I do?

>> No.8867063
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>> No.8867066

I know, just download those books brah, save 60 smackers.

>> No.8867077

you could have bought the entire works of shakespeare in hardcover for $60 but you blew it all on boring crap you will regret reading (if you do you prob wont) in 5 years
id say you did TERRIBLE

>> No.8867087


have you read capital yet? read capital before any of that stuff.

>> No.8867104

last i saw none of them were on tpb (except A Companion...but i wanted a physical copy)

- ive got the harvey stuff to try and make it trhough my copy of capital : )

>> No.8867125

You don't actually have to read that stuff dude, just spout off a bit about the bourgeoisie and you're fine. It's a fashion statement

>> No.8867150

that would be a relief and i could drink more, but i keep rolling in circles/academia that really talks this stuff

>> No.8867416

So you just want to fit in...

>> No.8867479 [DELETED] 

oh know i want to be successful and publish in the field. i think i was being sarcastic to that guy who think you can just fake it

>> No.8868169
File: 16 KB, 335x272, IMG_20161008_170111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys are not your friends, anon.

>> No.8868178

Please don't become a worthless whiny leftist anon. It's bad for you.

>> No.8868191
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Those are ridiculous prices. If you have to buy that commie filth at least get used copies on abe or amazon. Kind of ironic that some guy is making a fortune off these lefty books, isn't it?

>> No.8868197

>- ive got the harvey stuff to try and make it trhough my copy of capital : )

i would plow through it cold first. you won't understand shit, but between the introduction in the penguin and a cold read, you'll start to wrap your head around how marx works, how repetitions are actually re-examinations—you'll start to develop a dialectical sensitivity. then read it again with harvey (use that book and his lectures) and proceed through the volumes 2 & 3. good luck, it's a wild ride, and with a lot of concentration you'll really start to feel the world's gears turning.

>> No.8868850

ill consider that, i don't have unlimited time tho : S

>> No.8868859

>i keep rolling in circles/academia that really talks this stuff

You should be careful about doing that too much. If you gaze too much into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you anon.

>> No.8868868


>> No.8868873

itt: obeseicans think purple haired sjw's and Das Kapital are the same thing.

>> No.8868882

No, they aren't the same thing, but the people who talk about related topics like it usually are purple-haired, or Jewish professors.

>> No.8868886

>$60 for 4 books

c'mon breh

>> No.8868893

Not on planet earth. Its all in your head/the internet

>> No.8868894

Get the german ideology OP

>> No.8868898

Buy from AbeBooks, retard.

>> No.8869494

with shipping to canada, the prices really aren't that much different

>> No.8869528

betterworldbooks from that bargain bin when they got 50% off flash sales