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8863558 No.8863558 [Reply] [Original]

So I read "On Women"

Are you fucking kidding me? This is the most bitter, MRA, virgin autist bullshit I've ever read. Not even a feminist, but this might make me one. I know he hated his mom and was turned down by a 17 year old, but is there any reason why he wrote this? Is there a reason for his taking the time to vomit this onto a page?

Please tell me no white person today actually thinks like this.

>> No.8863561

Sounds like this guy was on the right track. Might have to give him a read, hey thanks for the rec OP!

>> No.8863564
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Women and nonwhites are simply inferior friend.

>> No.8863568

anon never seems to bring up that Schopenhauer called his intellectualism fetish a desperate attempt to get laid in that essay. it's like anon doesn't want anyone to bring that up or found Schopenhauer's criticism of males to be unmentionable. it's like the reaction of someone who doesn't care about the whores Schopenhauer blames them for except that we not call them whores while they die of syphilis. killing yourself might not be so futile, OP

>> No.8863575
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This really. Take the redpill, OP. They are simply inferior to you and me.

>> No.8863579

I donno man, I don't hate women but I buy some of the stuff he says. It's a 21st century taboo to think that it's possible for there to be a cognitive/emotional difference between men and women, but there absolutely is. Women are more inclined to harmony and stability than men, but are also less inclined to greatness because they have reduced ambition and competitive drive, which in a way is also a pejorative against men.

>> No.8863584

Even if he was just a sad old fuck I'm more shocked at the logic he used to draw conclusions in that essay. The mental gymnastics required to make such simple reductive statements are beyond my imagination. Honestly I can't believe that Schopenhauer wasn't a faggot and that everyone who rides his dick isn't one either.

>> No.8863586

>I don't hate women but

We're proud to be against women on this board. Don't be ashamed to share the redpill among like-minded intellectuals

>> No.8863590
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right you are, comrade!

>> No.8863595


>> No.8863596

You sound hysterical like a woman and as if your emotions are talking, sweetheart.

Either that or your brainwashed by liberalism or mentally ill (same difference)

>> No.8863600

yes, I caught that your smugness was getting in the way of seeing his distribution of approbation as non-dichotomous. in a world where one sex of the two necessary sexes must win, i'm sure it takes a lot of mental gymnastic to maintain the two sexes are necessary or could even form a complement, or, the unimaginable, such a complement might be necessary to the propagation of either sex.

>> No.8863602

The are cognitive/emotional and physical differences between women. But for someone like him to see that and come to the conclusion that disregarding the differences between men and women is dragging down the West? That's literally Muslim-tier logic. He refers to women like they aren't even the same species as men. what an MGTOW.

>> No.8863604

Did Schopenhauer really fuck the poodle?

>> No.8863606

>women are what stop us from killing ourselves with dumbass pointless dreams and ambitions of super space lazers

>> No.8863615

Yeah I don't believe in instituting legislation based on perceived psychosocial differences either because that restricts rights and also makes it impossible for outliers in either gender to resemble the other mentally, which they should be free to do. But I do agree with a lot of his differentiations in terms of generalities

>> No.8864275

People called the poodle Mrs.Schopenhaur for a reason anon

>> No.8864380

Virgin-shaming is an extremely harmful form of misandry, OP. Don't do it.

>> No.8864382


God forbid people care about men's human rights, am I right? You must be a very sick sociopath.

>> No.8864395

Sigh, this stuff again. You poor, poor virgins.

>> No.8864397

>Don't be ashamed to share the redpill among like-minded intellectuals

That was one of the single most reddit tier cringy edgelord sentences I have ever read. I take my hat off to you. Or, I suppose I should specify, fedora.

>> No.8864402

sounds like the right kind of guy to be reading in the age of easy divorce and alimony

>> No.8864405
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>Please tell me no white person today
whats that got to do with anything you racist piece of shit

>> No.8864416
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>tumblr pepe
you are a fucking disgrace

>> No.8864418

tf is this alimony stuff. where I am the system of post divorce payments has way more restrictions, and it doesn't bankrupt you. It's literally only to help the non breadwinning partner back on their feet after a divorce, and it's got a limited timeframe.

>> No.8864423
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>saving pepes on your phone
hahahahahaha you loser

>> No.8864424


I disagree with him too, but fuck it, let's dance.

Name the five greatest works of art and inventions women have made.

>> No.8864456

to this day history was patriarchical, what you call "great" doesnt include women in it by definition

>> No.8864458
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I try very hard to resist any kind of misogyny, but it has genuinely been my experience that I have yet to find a truly intelligent woman. I go on dates from time to time, but any time a relationship starts it feels as if I have to stupefy myself in order to interact with what is essentially a big baby who happens to provide sex/etc.

I'm not even MGTOW or anything like that. I just want an intellectual equal of the opposite sex. Most men I encounter are stupid as fuck as well, don't get me wrong. But even then, 'most' men is a step-up from 'all' women.

>> No.8864470

>to this day history was patriarchical
and it's still patriarchal so what's the harm in pointing out that women are literally subhuman

patriarchy exists ergo women are subhuman, that's literally what the title of the second sex is about

>> No.8864475

Did that hinder women from doing anything in every single society ever? No, most of them fought for their place so that you could cry on a laosian finger painting bulletin board about them.

>> No.8864483

>Did that hinder women from doing anything in every single society ever?

women have contributed nothing to civilisation.

civilisation is a male construct

>> No.8864489

>not renaming all your uploads image.jpg to annoy people

>> No.8864501

>ITT OP projects all his (her?) insecurity on Schopenhauer

>> No.8864510

Where are you looking?

>> No.8864515


My country (UK).

>> No.8864519
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women are not pathetic enough to dwell in men's fantasy of rationality and intelligence; only men are nihilistic enough to care about ideologies and reason.

>> No.8864522

You're either a kid, a complete retard, or even worse, a woman.
Why is that worse? Because that means that a whole new level of self-delusion and pseud-ism is available to you.

>> No.8864529

feminism gives free contraceptives to women, while they do nothing for those for men, especially they never fought for them to be free of charge
and they never encouraged free drugs to fight against the erectile dysfucntion, as you must have a boner before even putting a condom, while they advocate sexual jouissance for every woman on earth

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household

feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father

feminism does nothing against coerced paternity

feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game

feminists actually do not promote intellectual independence as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions

do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?

>> No.8864535

lol shut up you pussy

i can hate women without being an MRA mangina

>> No.8864541

>Please tell me no white person today actually thinks like this.
>no white person

soo you didnt hear about hip hop huh?

>> No.8864548


>feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game

This isn't a male/female divide, this is a winner-genes/shitty-genes divide.

Guess what part of the spectrum you're placed on in order to have this problem.

>> No.8864566
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Honestly, I've given up on ever finding such a thing as an intelligent woman. Maybe life is just too easy for them, they're not left on their own to ruminate on life for long enough to contemplate anything. I've met countless women who believe they're incredibly deep and intelligent, but they're really just as shallow as the common airhead bimbo you walk past every day. They have so much male attention no matter how attractive or unattractive they are, that it's a constant distraction from any kind of thought. They also lack any kind of principles when it comes to men, they'll gravitate towards looks, money and intelligence equally, and appear fluid in their tastes because they really don't care about anything other than having a man who they can submit to emotionally. They prefer conforming to their partner's lifestyle and thoughts than being an individual.

The brotherhood and camaraderie between men is a far deeper kind of love, it doesn't even need to be stated, you can spend all the time inventively insulting one another and yet you still have an unsaid understanding of a kind of bond together. I don't even wish I was gay because to sodomise someone who you share that kind of connection with would frankly be disrespectful.

>> No.8864807

t. obvious kike

>> No.8864818

>implying top genetics high earner males don't get fucked over by feminism

>> No.8864868

Just think of women as pets (cats in particular) and you will go far in life and have a good time.

>> No.8864889

To those saying they haven't been with an intelligent woman, have you considered the possibility that maybe they're too smart to go out with you? I mean, if they're in theory as intelligent as you, why would they choose you over some 6"2 chad with a Harvard degree?

>> No.8864898

Only if they are dumb enough to marry or trust that their partners use birth control. If they don't marry and use their own condoms/have a vasectomy i don't see how feminism can fuck them over.

>> No.8864902

Actually does reflect pretty poorly on Schopenhauer as a thinker

>women aren't allowed a higher education and are condition for servitude
>why are they so dumb

Demonstrates a pure "muh feels" style of thinking.

>> No.8864906

laugh my ass off you small minded fool. of course people think this, if you weren't trapped in your echo chamber liberal safe space then maybe you'd see the truth, cuck.

>> No.8864933

Would an intelligent woman choose a 6'3" Jerome with a Stanford degree over a 6'2" Chad with a Harvard degree?

>> No.8864937

Those guys are the ones who do the choosing. So they fuck a million girls who go around then calling men unfaithful cheaters and evil.

>> No.8864941
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>> No.8864951

It depends on how much she wants to piss off her parents

>> No.8864953

>I can only think in memes, the post

/pol/ style thinking really has shit up this generation

>> No.8864961

There is no hope for our generation. I have long stopped caring.

>> No.8864965

Class is a meme. Racism is a meme. Sexism is a meme.

>> No.8864970
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>There is no hope for our generation
Thanks to the modernists fucking everything up.

>> No.8864979

>Class is a meme
We're social animals that form social hierarchies. What part of this simple fact is a meme to you?

>> No.8864980

>most bitter, MRA, virgin
>Not even a feminist (!)


>> No.8864996

Education =/= Intelligence

Would you send a mentally disabled teen to Harvard med school in the hopes of making him smarter?

>> No.8864999

The idea of class is the meme. I do not dispute that there is a hierarchy and that there are indeed social positions within it. Marx's ideas about class is a meme though, it redefines the higher caste as a bogeyman that must be opposed by the lower castes. The concept of class warfare is incredibly silly upon deeper consideration and it falls apart mainly due to the class meme being used as a foundation.

>> No.8865003

>and are condition for servitude
We got a live retard here! Someone help me reel him in, he seems big.

>> No.8865005

>Racism is a meme.
What is average IQ?

>> No.8865006

>Hasn't read Marx.
Class refers to a concrete relationship of one group towards the means of production.

It's not simply liberal reductionism such as "these are the goodies and these are the baddies".

>> No.8865008

Really what it's saying is that there is conflict between the social hierarchies. Denying this is the meme.

>> No.8865017

The idea of class and alienation is literally the only thing Marx said that was right.

>> No.8865064

>patriarchy exists ergo women are subhuman, that's literally what the title of the second sex is about
and it's still patriarchal so what's the harm in pointing out that women can be equal?

>> No.8865069

>Raised and socialized in the current patriarchy
>It has given you food, shelter, learning, high-tech gadgets, and political liberty
>It has given you an university education which is supposed to instill critical thinking, knowledge of history and the humanities of the West

>The result of all that is that you want to destroy it completely

Feminists are pathologically resentful.

>> No.8865077

Race is not a meme, racism is.

>> No.8865080

Ownership of the means of production doesn't necessarily mean what he thought it meant.

>> No.8865081

>women can be equal
if all of human history has been patriarchal, as you said here;
>to this day history was patriarchical
then women have never been equal ergo women can't be equal

>> No.8865096

You're going to have to say more if you want your post to be more than "nuh-uh".

Better yet, read Marx. Investigating a writer is always beneficial.

>> No.8865106

I actually made that post you're calling /pol/ style thinking as a satire of pol style thinking, to make fun of it. I guess you can't see that though because of poe's law.

>> No.8865122

I disagree with his fundamental assessments and the basic assumptions he operated on. Can't be arsed to articulate my stance more than that at the moment due being rather busy but I didn't particularly care for that debate to begin with. I simply wanted to point out that modernism is built on memes and that this wasn't something unique to this generation.

>> No.8865128
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>> No.8865154
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>tfw reading 'on women' at a bus stop
>old lady comes up and sits next to me, starts chatting
>asks me what i'm reading
>Show her the cover
>"Oh Schipenhauer. He's a women hater, you know?"

>> No.8865169

That's what you face looked like?

>> No.8865223

Was the poodle male of female?

>> No.8865246
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>> No.8865257

>women are literally subhuman

You don't realize how reproduction works do you? Making females your enemy is a bad idea, not because they can hurt you per se, but it really lowers your chances of getting laid regularly. Even rich chauvinist motherfuckers secretly admire and worship women, they just make a show of their own power in the process.

Goddamn it, you just don't know how Power works, son

>> No.8865268


Goddamn that dude went beyond friendzone into brotherzone... though come to think of it, that might really increase his chances of pseudo-wincest

>> No.8865285

that's what mfw would imply, yes.

>> No.8865290
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In my experience, women don't like to think but when they do, they completely and utterly out-think men.

You also have to remember the roles that women have taken throughout history, assigned to them by social and economic contexts.

>> No.8865291


you mean post-modernists, anon

>> No.8865293

>putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.8865296


>Nouns are memes

You could have said spooks but it seems you really wanted to go for that championship dunce hat instead of coming in second place

>> No.8865301
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yes i admire the "thoughts" of women

>> No.8865304


How do you think any of us got here? People craving pussy that's how. No big mystery

>> No.8865315

you can crave pussy without putting it on a pedestal

>> No.8865319

Holy shit moar for the love of god

>> No.8865326

It's just a fat ass, anon. They litter the internet like the grains of sand on a beach.

>> No.8865349

Because I'm sensitive, retard.

>> No.8865361


All of you "red-pilled" assholes need to grow the fuck up. Everyone here (on 4chan for fuck's sake) knows 98% of alt-righters on this site have never had a real conversation with a woman, nevermind gotten laid. Your opinions with regard to women or any of the people you hate don't mean goddamn anything because you've never interacted with any of them. You're just narrcasists who hate anything you're not (i.e. normies (people who get laid -- you're jealous), women, blacks, muslims, Asians, literally anyone who doesn't LOOK like you (do you not see the self-centerdness?). But you've finally found an ideology you can get behind, a group of people you can talk to about stuff, you've finally found the idealogy that let's disregard everyone but yourself, so, here, now, you sit in your house (or is it your mother's?) speaking to people who think just like you, who believe the same things you do, who are terrified of anything but themselves (you aren't scared of yourself, you just hate yourself). And you feel connected, you really do. It's finally a way to be cool, to be wanted to be liked and the be the best. But all you've found is the loneliest group of ideologues you'll ever interact with, and really, this whole time, you've been talking to a bunch of incredibly lonely people, sitting in their homes, by themselves, grasping at the only way they've ever felt validated in their entire life (through validation by YOU, because you're the same person), and one day (17th birthday?) you'll wake up and realize that every person who is "red-pilled" (just personified memes who repeat banal crap about trump or race or walls or muslims) is exactly like you. And don't you remember? You fucking hate yourself.

>> No.8865368

i only just realised that you were copying what i said because this reply came like 4 hours after i wrote my post

"women are literally subhuman" is a fact
"women can be equal" is not a fact because women have never been equal

>> No.8865380
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Actually I've had many conversations with women, and I've been laid twice. Women are grossly overrated.

>women, blacks, muslims, Asians

Sub-Humans, you mean.

>just personified memes who repeat banal crap about trump or race or walls or muslims
>Unironically not hating Muslims

>> No.8865391

>All of you "red-pilled" assholes need to grow the fuck up. Everyone here (on 4chan for fuck's sake) knows 98% of alt-righters on this site have never had a real conversation with a woman, nevermind gotten laid.
i've never had a real conversation with a woman and i don't consider myself part of the alt-right
>a bunch of incredibly lonely people, sitting in their homes, by themselves, grasping at the only way they've ever felt validated in their entire life
what so if i'm a lonely basement-dweller i have to believe in le white genocide le redpill OR whatever progressive prolefeed nonsense the leftist establishment shits out every two decades

>> No.8865403
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That's quite the intricate strawman you've built yourself there. Sounds just like Rick Wilson. A lot of projecting of your insecurities too, nice.

>> No.8865416

also misogyny existed before the redpill, as evidenced by this thread so suck it i don't have to believe in "men's rights" to despise women as inferior subhuman creatures

that's what i dislike about MRAs, they hate women and thusgive women agency; women have CHOSEN to be BAD not women are inferior, they accept feminism as being inevitable

>> No.8865424

>bitter, MRA, virgin autist bullshit
MRAs do not think like schopenhauer

the underlying issue MRAs have with women is that women can be good but they have chosen to be bad; feminism is women choosing to free themselves

schopenhauer believes women are naturally bad without a man to control them; he would see feminism as being a failure of men to control women

schopenhauer takes responsibility for the wickedness of women; MRAs do not

>> No.8865435

It means exactly that. The scientific facade of Marx's work is meant to cover up the fact that it is based in fundamentally a flawed moral position.

>> No.8865468

>Is there a reason...
He knew the truth.

>> No.8865504

women are socialized differently and have various biological differences expressed especially in social settings. the way people socialize someone can have a massive effect upon the outlook and the actions of that person. question mark

>> No.8865524

There is a difference on average but it is small and dwarfed by the variation.

>> No.8865535


>ITT: Autists who blame women for their own inability to have intimate relationships and appreciate someone else as a human being without condescending ego-driven shit.

I know plenty of intelligent women as well as men and have had tons of engaging discussions with both genders. The myth of "there are no smart women because i'm a man and my brain is just too big" needs to go back to r9k

>> No.8865544

No (projected) insecurities here. Top-tier school, been with 12 women, in a relationship that's coming up on one year.

I'm tired of /Pol/ invading /lit/ is all. It's just the same thing in every post. I honestly understand distrusting certain groups of people, but I've never heard of a decent argument for it anyway. Nice use of a meme refutation, btw. Saying "strawman! Strawman!" doesn't mean dick.

>> No.8865545

You sound like your emotions are talking. Are you afraid someone is going to make you wear panties and heels and call them daddy? Or more realistically afraid that you would like it?

>> No.8865552

>these arguments don't convince ME so they're invalid

>> No.8865559

The last time I tried to have a conversation with a woman it was like watching daytime television. Absolutely mind-numbing.

>> No.8865561

>So I read "On Women"
>Are you fucking kidding me?
calm down cunt
rest assured the current political atmosphere is doing its best to put men in their rightful place on the bottom where the belong

take a break and go read some Solanas, im sure you'll feel better afterwards

>> No.8865570


All /pol/acks please return to your containment board at once.

>> No.8865579


Glad I'm not the only one who sees it.

>> No.8865582
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Why is that women just have like, this mental filter that makes them COMPLETELY unaware of their own flaws?

It's actually incredibly disturbing. They're literally incapable of addressing or acknowledging them.

>> No.8865586


>> No.8865600
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Yeah, it really is quite disturbing how unaware they are of themselves. They always have some excuse to justify their actions that they wholeheartedly believe. I've always pondered what would happen to the universe if every woman in the world became self-aware.
>probably pic related

>> No.8865602

I am also interested in this, does anyone have an answer?

>> No.8865611

>All /pol/acks please return to your containment board at once.
all redd|tors please return to your containment site at once

>> No.8865612

>they completely and utterly out-think men.

What could possibly drive you to think this?

>> No.8865639

Dumbass newfag frogposter

>> No.8865643


>> No.8865680


>implying that there aren't men who lack self-awareness

>> No.8865697
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>women are stupid
>b-but some men are s-stupid too!!

>> No.8865709

The only people who get all up in arms about women being terrible are men who are in complete denial about their own motives and those of their fellow men.

Humans are awful, selfish, narcissistic creatures rife with hypocrisy, denial, and petty cruelty.

Our better tendencies are very small parts of us, excepting some truly special people.

Schopenhauer was actually fairly sophisticated in his thinking about the sexes. Completely unfounded and speculative but he wasn't just being bitter, he had an actual framework.

>> No.8865740
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>You must realize what a trivial and frivolous fool I appear tot these young clucklings, over brimming with their womanhood in the gaiety of their youth.Keep to mind I am always shown the reverence due me, yet it must weary and blister one so to go on as long as I have, being seen as I have--as a knave, a card!, an unctuous fool, a damned bobbn! When others were scarce set up against the heady winds of the world, that I, no worse than they, no older--by all accounts an able and virile specimen, a prime one, with ample letters introducing and a promising post to the academy--should have been received and then reviled by those women to whom I were proper.

>And that is just what these... heady young women are possessed with--fools-sense. Yes, as I aged and matured and with me my stations and fortunes in kind, woman have paid their due deference but none seem charmed by my conduction that possess any vestiges of that heady, flighty, country maid's manner. At each turn of world in its orbit of immediacy I suspected that this--this next revolution--would be the one under whose orchestrations I should at long last see the injustices of my past sure-righted. But even as each new pass of the celestial mechanization that strode silently over me--drumming in terrific, distant, furry--saw my fortunes compound themselves in an ever-greater manner, forever stronger did the fancies of my youth elude me.

>Finally, I have come to sense what it is that keeps them from me. It is the very thing which attracts me to them--their dizzy irreverence and faith in the power of their beauty to provide all things worth having. The only women who make a habit of seeking my introduction at parties or who clack their shoe horns loudly on the planks where I follow, all share one commonality; they have been dispossessed of their beauty, many of them never having had possession in it to begin with. A fools-sense, do you take me Johan? It is their providence alone, but one that sooner or later will leave them wanting and unprovided. And when it does I shall find myself dispossessed of my want for them. Ha... ho-fo, bitter irony of the burbling flesh that only do they hitherto when the hithertoward no longer becks, and never a mo. before.

>> No.8865742

>t-tu quoque

Every fucking time.

>> No.8865770

>Every fucking time.
it went over your head again

why are /lit/ psuedointellectuals incapable of understanding irony, is it genetic?

>> No.8865776
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It's simply /pol/tard shit written in good prose. I have yet got to Schopenhauer, but from all I read about his philosophy he sounds based as fuck, so too bad he actually verbalized this nonsense into being.
Yes, it's legitimate to criticize the social behavior of certain women, and yeah there are biological and maybe cognitive differences between the sexes, but on the bottom line humans are individuals, and they're not chained in an unbreakable bond to a sort of personality and behavior (to a certain extent). Not all women are childish neurotic bitches, like not all men are anti-emotional dead brains interested only in sports and fucking.
To condemn women as inherently inferior is an infantile conception belonging to males of the degenerate kind who suffer from sexual frustration or self-esteem problems caused probably by traumatic encounters with the opposite sex.
The same goes for anti-men feminists. Both sides are equally stupid and senseless. But what can you expect from people living in a memereality that don't want to think and realize that life isn't black and white and instead just take the short road and tag themselves to either this or that narrow-minded ideology?

>> No.8865788


>Humans are awful, selfish, narcissistic creatures rife with hypocrisy, denial, and petty cruelty
>Our better tendencies are very small parts of us, excepting some truly special people

I feel like it takes a lot of isolation and/or detachment from other humans to actually believe this.



You still haven't explained why lack of self-awareness is specifically a female problem, not a general human problem.

>> No.8865859

>I feel like it takes a lot of isolation and/or detachment from other humans to actually believe this.

Exact opposite is the case.

Way to prove your own social isolation kek.

>> No.8865866

>schopenhauer believes women are naturally bad without a man to control them
other way round m8, and he doesn't think feminism is a failure of men to control women, he thinks it's a failure for women and men not because men don't control women, but because it feminises society and makes it too short sighted.

arguing Schopenhauer is pro "men to control women" ignores that he thinks both sexes have checks and balances: women are what stop us from starving to death when we get fixated on starships or raiding, and men are what stop us from stagnating in the present; one is long sighted, on is more short term focused. what you're basically trying to do is say Schopenhauer didn't want balance but to weigh the scales to one side, a criticism he levied against feminists. you're actually so dumb you can't read straight. get someone to make you a sammich quick.

>> No.8865885

>one is long sighted, on is more short term focused
so one is in control and one does the day-to-day grunt work?

it looks like you're the one who didn't understand schoppy there champ, this only works because you've willfully misunderstood what i meant by control

>> No.8865902


you have to go back

>> No.8865918
File: 48 KB, 543x803, tfw to smart to use my hands when reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw to smart to give this stupid post a proper response

>> No.8865924
File: 129 KB, 900x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know plenty of intelligent women as well as men and have had tons of engaging discussions with both genders.

Women can't be intellectually engaging.

>> No.8865935


>> No.8865936

Do you genuinely believe that feminists are actively seeking to end society as we know it, rather than simply wishing to be treated as equals?

>> No.8865940

oh shiet, now everyone will know I'm a special semi-fluidpotatohalfvaginamann gender from tumbler and won't take me seriously

>> No.8865941

so you think that the long sighted don't do day to day grunt work?
that would seem like you have neither read Schopenhauer nor been outside. kek, idiots are always such a joy

>> No.8865943


>wishing to be treated as equals?

This is the problem.

>Do you genuinely believe that feminists are actively seeking to end society as we know it

Not all of them.

Some are probably too stupid to realize that their short-sighted quest will result in that, however.

>> No.8865948

feminism encompasses radical feminism

feminism is about elevating women, not men

feminism calls for the destruction of patriarchical society in order for it to be replaced with matriarchy

>> No.8865949

>he didn't recognize the irony
Holy fuck you literally have Aspergers

>> No.8865952

>rather than simply wishing to be treated as equals
society as we know it doesn't treat women as equals, so yes feminists are actively seeking to end it
>so you think that the long sighted don't do day to day grunt work?
i think that men were in control of women in a pre-feminist society

why are you fighting with me on this one unquestionable fact, triggered that i called out you MRA manbabies?

>> No.8865956
File: 134 KB, 500x371, IMG_0563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women and men are exactly the same despite demonstrable biological, social, and evolutionary differences
>people actually believe this

>> No.8865961

Feminism's main ideological weakness is that it thinks that the "patriarchy" started oppressing society and keeping them from doing things. "Society" is the big boogeyman but it doesn't hold up.

>> No.8865969

>i think that men were in control of women in a pre-feminist society
that's pretty much limited to the european primogeniture systems, which gets really hilarious when Beauvoir lovers fail to realise she criticised women who had divorce and all the freedoms French women wanted from non-primogeniture systems for not being feminists. lrn2 history, you'll find yourself less likely to argue that the French Third and Fourth Republic applies to all humanity history, or that the only real women are French women with oppression fetishes.

>> No.8865981


Checkmate, misogynists.

>> No.8866009


Shut the fuck up. Holy shit.

>> No.8866020
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mistook some butthurt redditor ironically roleplaying as a /pol/ frogposter for an actual /pol/ frogposter
This just keeps getting better

>> No.8866044


>> No.8866120
File: 33 KB, 540x583, 1475809937072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu, senpai

>> No.8866139



This thread really brought them out of the woodworks.

>> No.8866156


Have you ever read ANY first-wave feminists?

>> No.8866174

>ooga booga my right to vote

>> No.8866205

Yep, it's pretty fucking pathetic. But most philosophers were deranged losers, so it's hardly surprising.

>> No.8866347


>"feminists never fought for equality with men, they just want to enslave all men!"
>feminists literally argued for equality under the law
>"hurr durr no"

How does someone with your reading comprehension wind up on /lit/

>> No.8866426

i dunno m9, the guy you were arguing muh first wave to seemed to be distinctly talking about developments from the third wave and current feminism. it's similar to responding to someone talking about brexit being bad for britain with "BUT THEY USED OWN THE USA"

>> No.8866743

>pic is Utena
>post is good

like pottery