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/lit/ - Literature

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8859897 No.8859897 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of all the pedophilia in Gravity's Rainbow?

Is it to emphasize just how depraved war is?

>> No.8859908

cheap shock value

>> No.8859941

No, it's Pynchon trying to emphasize how sexy children are, obviously.

>> No.8860029

Like most "wacky" recluses, Pynchon is a pedo. Pedophilia is positively portrayed in V., Mason & Dixon, and most prominently in Gravity's Rainbow

I'm dead serious, by the way

>> No.8860064

>pedophilia in Gravity's Rainbow
Kind of worried. I literally just gave a copy of Gravitys rainbow to a friend of my sister in law, who asked me who my favorite writer was, in an effort to prove she was smarter than me, which was part of an effort to prove that GMO foods were actually harmful.
I told her my favorite writer was pynchon, because I knew she wasn't capable of actually reading pynchon, doubted she had even heard of him, and because my brother just happened to have a copy of Gravitys rainbow just laying about in his kitchen.
Now I'm worried she'll somehow actually read it and be convinced that I'm a pedophile. I had pretty much forgotten about the pedophilia, it's been 10 years since I've read it and the shit eating and castration I guess made the pedophilia seem tame by comparison.

>> No.8860084

If she's stupid enough to believe GMOs are harmful then she'll probably tap out early

>> No.8860107

If the three of you think the problem with GMOs is a health one, you're all retarded.

>> No.8860110

I'm certain this will be the case.
GMOs were the least of the stupid shit they believed in, it was just the only topic I thought I could discuss without causing serious offence.
For example, I didn't say a word when she mentioned that her child was an 'indigo child'.

>> No.8860119

You people sound so white I bet you're actually a character in Jonathan Franzen's next book, who the fuck even has indigo children and gmo as themes on their conversations, this shit is so fucking middlebrow. You're clearly better than the proles who talk about sports and daily life and yet talking about actually meaningful things takes too much work and makes everyone angry. People like you make me want to be edgy, Jesus

>> No.8860120

To clarify, I don't claim to know much regarding the environmental impact regarding GMOs crops, but I'm pretty sure that I'm safe claiming that GMO corn doesn't make holes in your intestines because of 'unnatural randomness' as was claimed.

>> No.8860128

Enviromental and economical impacts are the real issue here. I'm on my phone right now but take a look at what Monsanto's cotton seeds did to indian farmers, it's disgusting.

>> No.8860142
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>You people sound so white I bet you're actually a character in Jonathan Franzen's next book

Going to use this in the future, thanks anon.

>> No.8860154

I'll definitely check it out. These people friended me on Facebook the next day so I guess I acted normal enough to possibly have a chance of speaking to them again.
Belive me, these aren't topics that I would normally discuss under any circumstances.

>> No.8860175


Indigo Children are fertile ground for humor, more so because my Cuban boyfriend was labeled as such by his mother.

>> No.8860294

the entire novel is about how each generation destroys the next

they literally fuck their own children over to perpetuate a culture of death and war

>> No.8860529

>Indigo Children
I was going to look this up, then I realised how fortunate I probably am for never having heard this phrase before.

>> No.8860747

good metaphor

>> No.8860749

She's probably right, you sound like a giant pseud.

>> No.8860752

>americans didn't have THAT kid in their class who kept saying he was an indigo child
It's hilariously retarded, I suggest you to google it.

>> No.8860756

that's the dumbest shit i have ever read

when the kid makes it up - sure.

when the fucking parents make it up? """no"""
take that child away, off into a military academy/ orphanage you go

>> No.8860759

>You're clearly better than the proles who talk about sports and daily life
nah, highbrow>lowbrow>>>>>>>middlebrow

>> No.8860767
File: 453 KB, 280x207, is this pleb serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ has yet to take the final redpills


>> No.8860929

I'm far from being an American (literally, heh). So it's not an American thing?

>> No.8861012

lel, good job mr. inferiority complex.

She'll have to get about 400 or so pages in.

>> No.8861656

Why continue associating with this person?

>> No.8861678

this desu