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8856484 No.8856484 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most "human" book you've ever read?

>> No.8856498

Hows high school?

>> No.8856511

>I don't have any original thoughts on this matter, but boy do YOU have the wrong opinion

>> No.8856512

That's not v human of you man

>> No.8856517

I donno man. When you start writing on people I don't think that makes them much of a book

>> No.8856587

I don't have a particular book in mind, but I think biographies have a human touch to them. It's very interesting to read the biography of a romanticized figure and learn who they really were as a person as opposed to the myth/legend surrounding them.

>> No.8856613

Anna Karenina
substitute any Tolstoy, he just knew how people thought and what they feared and hoped for

>> No.8856618
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This. The memoirs of an Irish farmer who lived in such an isolated part of Ireland that he didn't learn English until he was in his 50s

>> No.8856813


>> No.8856815
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No Longer Human

>> No.8856909
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>> No.8857258
File: 24 KB, 278x400, The-Complete-Illustrated-Poems-Songs-Ballads-of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burns' poems. There's no writer with a deeper well of humanity or both love and sorrow for the human condition.

I'm truly sorry Man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle,
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
An' fellow-mortal!

>> No.8857273

All Quiet On The Western Front.

>> No.8857285


>> No.8857290
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I loved every part of this book, which is impressive considering its 900 pages.

>> No.8858376


came here to post this

>> No.8858425
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Pic related. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one here who read this.

>> No.8858640

Books are all the products of the human mind's workings in one way or another.

With that in mind, is any book really "more human" than any other?

>> No.8858650

I've seen the film. Is the book better?

>> No.8858759
File: 307 KB, 292x551, oh_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incest rape
>most human story

Whew lad.

>> No.8858768

How's Report to Greco? Got it sitting on my shelf

>> No.8858820

Wilfred Owen's War Poetry.

>> No.8858832

the book that comes to mind is Annie John

>> No.8858835
File: 381 KB, 829x568, hamlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll assume that by human you mean a book that you connect to the characters, plot, language etc. on a personal and (importantly) intuitive level.

In that case, I would not say Catcher in the Rye - I always found Holden insufferable and non-relatable. Maybe some people relate to his experience, but I don't AT ALL.

As heady as most of the work is, I would have to say that Hamlet is a great encapsulation of the Human experience, and I have always related very strongly to Hamlet. I know that isn't the answer you're expecting, but I don't know why the sublime and the absurd should be considered any more human than the coarse or the angsty.

>> No.8858844
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The Iliad, undoubtedly. It portrays more than any other work I've read the widest range of human emotions.

>> No.8858845

Human, All Too Human


>> No.8859164
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>> No.8859794

Kokoro by Natsume Soseki and Rayuela by Julio Cortázar

>> No.8859813
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>> No.8859823

Hows being a pedophile anon?

>> No.8859955

Savage Detectives. Felt Like I knew Lima and Belano by the end and it was all interviews/accounts

>> No.8860196

does anybody else find that almost any person's life is interesting if you go into enough detail. this is why biographies are so popular and why every man and his dog has one. you could get me hooked on the life story of any lame fucko whos done shit all if its written well enough.

>> No.8860200

>hasnt yet realized catcher in the rye is patrician

>> No.8860219

>widest range of human emotions

>yo homie, better go out blazing am i rite??

yeah dude. sure.

>> No.8860233

Isn't that the case for any novel, too?

>> No.8860243

Off the top of my head it has:
Suppressed homosexuality
And then Hector dies and it's sad

>> No.8860247

Moby Dick

>> No.8860253

Mrs. Dalloway.
Woolf always makes me feel so exposed, like naked down to my soul.

>> No.8860258


ayo bb pls b in london

>> No.8860261

I'm an American male, pull your pants back up

>> No.8860267

this desu, it's kind of its schtick

I guess the meme subsided in the last two years but this is the most prominent answer of the /lit/ canon

>> No.8860329
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>suppressed homosexuality

I hate this meme
Are pseuds just projecting their own insecurities and shallow relationships?

>> No.8860345

Of Human Bondage

>> No.8860356

>needing to relate to feel "human"
Yes, many people relate to Holden, but I think you're missing the point.
You're supposed to feel bad for Holden, because he is so on the fringe of society.

He's afraid to grow into a world he so much despises. He doesn't want to be "phony".

I don't fault people for finding him insufferable, he's supposed to be.
He's witnessed horrible things and has dealt with them in his own ways that have done more harm than good.

>> No.8860361

I'm always blown away by how accurately she portrays mental illness (even just common, everyday anxiety) for a book written ~1925. Like it wasn't thaaat long ago, but considering how much of a stigma there still is around mental illness its really impressive and really very 'human'

>> No.8860371

>I don't fault people for finding him insufferable, he's supposed to be.

man I see this all the time, but desu I don't even find Holden that insufferable. And it's not because I'm an angsty teen and I agree or relate to everything he says/does, I just don't think he says or does all that much stuff that could be considered angsty in the first place. He really acts quite reasonably throughout the book. He even talks a few times about even though he thinks all these negative things about people and 'talks the talk' so to speak, when it comes to actually living out his day to day life he is forced to acknowledge that he is wrong.

I think its a case of people not having read the book in a while, then remembering only the most angsty aspects and then mischaracterising the entire book that way. Maybe it's because I was expecting someone truly insufferable, but I just didn't find him that bad of a dude, I mean especially considering he was diddled as a kid.

>> No.8860381

>I hate this meme
IDK, don't you think patroclus and achilles are more than just dudes who are in (platonic) love?

>> No.8860389

Holdens just a fucking dumbass. That's all people mean when they say he's insufferable.

>> No.8860394

Eh, maybe. If you were super tight with a dude and society didn't give a shit if you boned him would you? Hard to say. What's clear is that Achilles and Patrols were tight. Anything else is guesswork

>> No.8860518
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This was an OBE. Loved it.

>> No.8860537

>diddled as a kid

he's not entirely a dumbass, as much as he whines about things, he thinks up deep (for his age) stuff about life.
>the museum
>the ducks
>the childhood innocence
>catcher in the rye

>> No.8860560

>>diddled as a kid

Maybe not literally physically molested, but certainly groomed and attempted:

>I could hardly get them on I was so damn nervous. I know more damn perverts, at schools and all, than anybody you ever met, and they're always being perverty when I'm around.

It's implied that the reason he's so scared of Antolini, despite Antolini not doing anything specifically outrageously sexual, is because he's been in that situation before. Plus there are plenty of references made to how attractive he is meant to be.

>> No.8860563

you could argue what the 'human' quality is in many ways. i like robert frost. obviously not a novelist, but his simplistic pragmatic way of conveying beauty is worth a mention.

>> No.8860594

lol what a pleb

>> No.8860817

Agreed. Also, when someone says he's just an edgy teen or a dick, they lack empathy imo. It's clear through the book that he misses Allie and can't accept his death. He doesn't understand how Allie could die and all those assholes are alive (including himself).
He isn't being an edgy dumbass just because he thinks is cool. He is in deeply in grief. Imagine how it would be to be loss your cool and smart brother during your adolescence.

>> No.8860857

angsty bullshit

>> No.8860960

stupid samposter

>> No.8860964

The Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.8860966

nice post right there

>> No.8860973
File: 9 KB, 264x400, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbFwChGIi32zKvZTYN2qfGbTLu2KismlD8DJh2Ss6k5bS_lz-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books are all the products of the human mind's workings

>> No.8860988

>Implying religious texts are anything but

>> No.8861010


>> No.8861018

The holy spirit revealed to the Jews what to write.

>> No.8861049

How do you not get that saying No Longer Human is the most "human" book is an obvious joke?

>> No.8861059

>believing that deities were anything other than instances of folie a deux that empty people decided to take seriously for thousands of years while the manipulative perpetuate it for their own gain

>> No.8861071
File: 570 KB, 1273x1640, %5E084FE251D3D4565A38FDD5469F2E4A259B9C4708C02892D646%5Epimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking that because god didn't kill the liars, he actually is fictional.

>> No.8861073

In modern society we hide our emotions lest we look like women.

In ancient greece people would openly cry at the theatre. Completely letting their emotions be expressed.

The Illiad is chaste, I don't remember any sexual scenes at all. Do you think Priam fucked his sons too? I legitimately think people who have created the Achilles was a faggot meme are just projecting.

>> No.8861086

my diary desu

>> No.8861112

Is that a thing now? Samposter?