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File: 241 KB, 548x794, shiggydiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8851036 No.8851036 [Reply] [Original]

>not being communist

How can you justify your absolutely pleb ideology? Capitalist "artists" produce only garbage like Atlas Shrugged. Fucking amateur hour

>> No.8851045

epic spam
now change your IP and post redpillz

>> No.8851055

>implicando que capitalism didn't invent spam

>> No.8851074

But I am a Communist already

>> No.8851088
File: 61 KB, 301x300, Folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constraining art to economic systems

>> No.8851096

This is probably bait but communism is unironically the best ideology.

>> No.8851098

post some sample of this guy

>> No.8851106

>still engaging is politics

Politics is just shitposting irl. Find a decent hobby and devote your time to that. Politics is really just a hobby for most people, and it is an addictive and shitty hobby that doesn't produce much good.

>> No.8851107

>not supporting fascist mixed-market economics
>being economically fundamentalist

>> No.8851108

Threepenny Opera

>> No.8851116

Communism doesn't work.

>> No.8851122
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>refusal to acknowlede ideology is constraint

>> No.8851124

I don't really agree that communists are the best artists, but I think it's becoming more and more clear just with the automation of labor that communism or some at the very least anti-capitalist system is the way to go.
Capitalism is just so fucking manifestly retarded

>> No.8851128

Und über uns im schönen Sommerhimmel
War eine Wolke, die ich lange sah
Sie war sehr weiß und ungeheuer oben
Und als ich aufsah, war sie nimmer da

>> No.8851132

i wish i could kill you

>> No.8851139

looks like somebody's feeling a little bit alienated!

>> No.8851142

fuck off OP

>> No.8851146

The issue is materialist ideologies. Both capitalism and communism view humans as workers and means for "economic growth".

Fascism has a focus on the human and the human spirit over pure materialism.

>> No.8851152

English doesn't do the German version's impact justice.

You gentlemen who think you have a mission
To purge us of the seven deadly sins
Should first sort out the basic food position
Then start your preaching, that's where it begins

You lot, who preach restraint and watch your waist as well
Should learn, for once, the way the world is run
However much you twist, or whatever lies that you tell
Food is the first thing, morals follow on

So first make sure that those who are now starving
get proper helpings, when we all start carving
What keeps mankind alive?

What keeps mankind alive? The fact that millions
are daily tortured, stifled, punished, silenced and oppressed
Mankind can keep alive thanks to its brilliance
in keeping its humanity repressed
And for once you must try not to shirk the facts
Mankind is kept alive
by bestial acts!


>> No.8851154

Your anger shows how close you are from breaking from your false consciousness

>> No.8851156

I feel secondhand embarassment for this leftie cuck

>> No.8851159
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>> No.8851160

>Fascism has a focus on the human and the human spirit over pure materialism.
fascism is bad anon

>> No.8851163

>communism is concerned with economic growth

o i m laffin

>> No.8851170

You're swimming so deep in pure ideology that it's giving you brain damage. Sad! Low energy!

>> No.8851172

>Fascism has a focus on the human and the human spirit over pure materialism.

Fascism is the worst of all worlds, Capitalism reduces people from their reality to resources in a market, Fascism goes a step further and disconnects even their material reality, concerning itself with pure symbols, imagination.

>> No.8851179

To live means to finesse the processes to which one is subjugated. -Bertolt Brecht

>> No.8851191
File: 10 KB, 300x300, lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Us, we should have a nice ... British Socialism."
John Ilyich Ulyanov Lennon

even pop stars are commie now. what's your excuse?

>> No.8851195

That's one position to have -
I agree with the notion that the elites can't expect the starving masses to act in any way guided by ethics. Morality is a luxury good, and a lot of people can't (couldn't) afford it.

>> No.8851246

>tfw even jesus was anti-capitalist

>> No.8851253

>believing that some shit tier modernist judaic "philosophy" has a chance at producing meaningful art that won't be destroyed by history

>> No.8851258

it worked for Christianity

>> No.8851274

>hehe i read adorno once

Fascism/Far-right is concerned with racial realism and racial identity, i.e. blood, the furthest thing from abstract symbols and the most deeply ingrained realistic sense. I like how marxists try to make fascism seem like the ideology that is pure concept meanwhile they have thousands and thousands of pages written on minutia topics splitting hairs about nonsense symbols: muh "worker" , muh "natural state", muh "Hegemony"

tfw Hitler was anti-capitalist too

>> No.8851281
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>i.e. blood
>the furthest thing from abstract symbols

Sure is getting real memey in here

>> No.8851292

implying the catholicism of europe was modernistic or judaic and wasn't pure celtic-germanic world-feeling expressing itself through its own language & implying that christianity in its earliest and more juduaic period didn't produce the most horrendous shit ever

>> No.8851294

When the houses of the great collapse
Many little people are slain.
Those who have no share in the fortunes of the mighty
Often have a share in their misfortunes. The plunging
Drags the sweating beasts with it into the abyss

>> No.8851298

can you communicate without sounding like a freak

>> No.8851301

Hitler was pretty far from being a leftist

>> No.8851308
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>> No.8851315

enjoy your spooks kiddo

>> No.8851319

indeed, my point was that one can critique capitalism and have it say nothing about their other political convictions

haha u read marxist shit all day and cant even think of an answer haha muh jewish verbal iq lmao truly pathetic

>> No.8851321

>blood, the furthest thing from abstract symbols

>> No.8851325

>haha u read marxist shit all day and cant even think of an answer haha muh jewish verbal iq lmao truly pathetic

Ok now be honest and tell us what you really think

>> No.8851330
File: 30 KB, 720x720, 1481516351529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a communist in 10th grade, then I stopped being an edgy little faggot and grew up.

>> No.8851337
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when ur so kike pilled that you believe physicality itself is abstract

>> No.8851341

How's 12th grade going?

>> No.8851347

I think you're a small dicked low test sob story but you could fix that

>> No.8851349
File: 504 KB, 454x600, 1463827736143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you believe physicality itself is abstract

Dohohoh, where do you begin with this guy

>> No.8851352

nice jew nose on that guy

>> No.8851354

ITT: OP replying to himself

>> No.8851361

Nice false flag OP

>> No.8851362


>> No.8851365

Nope, I only am posting in favor of FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY SPACE COMMUNISM.

>> No.8851366

im a big dicked high test sob story desu

>> No.8851369

this is the verbal equivalent of saying "hold me back bro" for 5 minutes

this triggers the jew

>> No.8851378

>implying that jews aren't the master race

Pshht, kid, I can see you're new here. I remember being a chump once.

Nothin' Personnel, kid.

>> No.8851383

TIL having a propensity for neurosis and genetic diseases are master race material

>> No.8851386

>TIL having a propensity for neurosis and genetic diseases are master race material

Indeed, they're very /lit/ qualities

>> No.8851389

TIL disproportionately contributing to the development of science and art is shit tier.

>> No.8851391

then just read some manly shit and workout and start a family

you are literally a fan fic fat xer from tumblr

>> No.8851396

>you are literally a fan fic fat xer from tumblr

I prefer the term "A writer"

>> No.8851398

"contributing" to art in the form of degenerate modern art and music

"contributing" to science all of a sudden in the 20th century after centuries of inactivity all having to do with abstract shit that is awarded by other jews and happens to serve their political goals

*tips flat cap*

>> No.8851407

*tips flat cap back*

>> No.8851412
File: 1.16 MB, 480x358, 1481485992724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communists are literally
>i want to be edgy to impress my friends lol but not alt right, I need an ideology that is actually basically acceptable and I won't suffer consequences for fight da powah xD
compulsively political people tend to be extremely insecure

>> No.8851416

fuck off OP

>> No.8851422

>hurr blood relations are a social construct and not the fundamental backbone of all human societies since the Paleolithic Era

>> No.8851423

>I want to show how intelligent I am so I'll psychoanalyse simplistic origins for people's political beliefs while neglecting to apply the same process to myself

>> No.8851427

not political here, didn't even vote :^)

grow up though

>> No.8851428

>hurr blood relations are a social construct

Ugh yeah obviously they are. Are you going to refuse to call your old man Dad if you found out you were adopted?

>> No.8851431

This. Jews are literally the master race, that's why they're able to oppress and subjugate whites.

Alt-righters are basically pasty dindus

>> No.8851432
File: 376 KB, 1332x1000, Zizek Triptych.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not political

P____ I________

>> No.8851436


>> No.8851437

>being a Communist
>not being a National Socialist

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.8851438

>All / the majority great artists are communists.

Quantitative analysis please. No? OK Kewwwl

>> No.8851439
File: 19 KB, 500x386, deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8851440

Politically Incorrect?

>> No.8851447

>banning the best art because "degenerate"
>forcing the most brilliant scientists to leave


>> No.8851450

>Quantitative analysis please

Let P = Writers
Let Q= Communists
Let R=Good Writers


There done

>> No.8851473 [DELETED] 

Jews can only infiltrate societies and take over their banks and their press; they are incapable of any real leadership or vision and essentially hijack civilizations only to drive them 160 mph into a wall. Whites create all the political organizations, technology, conquest, art, architecture, music, wealth only for them to poison for their own parasitic survival.

Whenever Jews swindle a society, the society usually instantly figures out and executes them, often with the will of the people themselves and not the leadership mandating it (see pogroms of the middle ages). They have been able to rise in modernity due to enlightenment principles of toleration that have resulted out a decayed and degenerate understanding of Christian morality, and they have been able to nearly take over due to democratic society and its reliance on the mass media which brainwashes the masses while the leaders are forced to lick the boots of the Jewish bankers that worked their entire lives just to screw over the goyim.

Nothing of this is masterful, nor sustainable, nor diserable, for anyone of any race, except for the Jews themselves and only for a short while. Their neurotic greed and hatred for the healthy outweighs any rational patience.

>> No.8851485

>implying "everything I don't like is degenerate" isn't the best way to run a country
>implying the most brilliant thinkers didn't stay in Germany

>> No.8851492

this fag actually likes cubism and einstein lmfao

>> No.8851493

>this is your brain on retarded bullshit

>> No.8851510
File: 72 KB, 850x400, quote-race-it-is-a-feeling-not-a-reality-ninety-five-per-cent-at-least-nothing-will-ever-make-me-benito-mussolini-255138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8851514

Wow, did you come up with all these ideas by yourself?

>> No.8851521

>Mussolini changed his mind
>all of this was before the discovery of genetics

>> No.8851532

>he thinks biology has done anything but refuted the existence of "biologically pure races"

>> No.8851546

Mussolini was referring to the biologism of the National Socialists. He believed in spiritual racialism (e.g. Evola -- whose racial doctrine had the main influence on his racial policy) which basically teaches that one can look fully nordic or Mediterranean but have a semitic soul and thus behave as decadents-- race is something to be practiced, not received upon birth into a certain physical make up. Italian fascism was also anti-semitic.

My views on the Jewish Question come from books, data, and observation as well as personal philosophy and outlook

>> No.8851552

Capitalism is serious shit. Anyone that argues against communism is arguing against the state capitalism with some socialism that was actually practiced.

Fucking McCarthy actually ruined something great to idiots who are basically illiterate.

>> No.8851562


>creepily staring at Jewish people at the store


>> No.8851568

Capitalism is the best thing to happen to the human race so far. If art is left behind b/c of it so be it, there's enough great art to be consumed for infinity. If anything a new art is being realized through technology, seeing how far it can go for its own sake. The ironic part about you people complaining about an element missing from modern life is purely motivated by a demand to consume in itself. Always people wanting to be told about themselves by someone else, this is all that this thread proves.

>> No.8851595
File: 415 KB, 500x340, http___67.media.tumblr.com_5459df93c25111f7bcceba50cdabca57_tumblr_ngmzerG0FT1tes8zmo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh communism
>muh capitalism

I don't feel like crusading for narrow ideologies without having any ability to affect what's happening. People rash to categorize themselves under two strict groups and think it's the absolute truth and fight with the other side. No thanks.
It's much better to use your precious time in life on worthwhile interests and hobbies.

>> No.8851598
File: 201 KB, 720x1109, VUU1zn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism is the best thing to have happened to the human race

>> No.8851609

Better for you maybe, but what about the people who can't bury their head in the sand and ignore what is happening in the world around them?

>> No.8851692


>> No.8851706

Observance = current events and college professors; daily dose via commute to the megalopolis and Jewish acquaintances

>> No.8851725

>narrow ideologies

You're a weeb, you have your own ideolgy tightly packaged

>> No.8851732

All the great patrician artists from History have been White Europeans. Therefore, White Nationalism/ Fascism is the most patrician political alignment. Imagine what would our White Forefathers, men such as Socrates, Aristotle, Caesar, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Bach, Beethoven, Kant, Nietzche, General Robert E. Lee, Orwell, etc would think if they were to see throw it all away in exchange for Sharia courts, 'twerking' and transgender sex change clinics. truly a pity. Even the great leftists of times past would join the alt right if they saw the sorry state which has befallen the West.

>> No.8851749

That info graphic is like a case study in how to manipulate by selective statistics.
How many of those poverty-related deaths occurred in capitalist countries?
The figure on hunger pretends as if logistics just aren't a thing, the debt stat pretends as if debt is an objective evil and not a tool that can be used in family budgeting, and what does pursued by a debt collector even mean in this context? Are there bailiffs kicking down their doors, or are they just being sent increasingly irate letters by their creditors?

>> No.8851763

What ideology is all anime selling?

>> No.8851770

Permanent adolescence

>> No.8851818

There's like 2 or 3 state socialist states left at most and even they exist within the global capitalist system. The latest large scale famine is unfolding in Yemen, product of Saudi imperialist aggression fully backed by the capitalist american military industry. Usury is a huge business. Just as often debt works as a system of control, as with lots of third world debts, un-payable by design.

>> No.8851845

>only capitalism can advance technology

>> No.8851853
File: 125 KB, 480x347, http___sirenvisual.com.au_media_img_shortdescription_aria_animation_shortdecription_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It provides me escapism from this existence

>> No.8851873


>> No.8851880
File: 87 KB, 307x400, fig lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redpill me on sliperry wet dog poop

>> No.8851882

Anime is like suicide, just more drawn out and ultimately far more painful

>> No.8851887
File: 57 KB, 360x360, epin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books about ballsacks?

>> No.8851893

Who invited /s4s/

>> No.8851895

tis is nice board XD

>> No.8851902

aIl me btw

>> No.8851909

this is a slide thread

>> No.8851916

tell that to Tito.

>> No.8851923

enough sliding

>> No.8851968


>> No.8851973

tracing your IP now, you'll go to Hell for this forum sliding commie

>> No.8852116

>not being monarchist

>> No.8852126

who are you quoting and what are you sliding

>> No.8852857

>being this le petit bourgeoisie

>> No.8853819

Breaking: islamic gommunism is still the only acceptable ideology.

>> No.8853827
File: 15 KB, 505x335, Marcel-Reich-Ranicki-ist-tot_ArtikelQuer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imblyng brecht was gommunist.

Murrican amateur hour

>> No.8853828

Politics is the process of taking decisions. I'd rather have a say in what happens to me instead of having oligarchs and technocrats choose for me

>> No.8853848

Ranicki literally was never wrong. He's the best.

>> No.8853860

>being apolitical

This meme has to die.
Not caring about politics means to support the status quo, which is a political standpoint.

>> No.8853885

>Implying Atlas Shrugged is shit.
Go to your DIY bed made out of wool you surely got out of your common shared sheeps.

>> No.8853890

>Materialist ideologies of any kind

>> No.8853909

>communist art
they ruined art by saying the "hero" myth was no longer applicable and raising victims and the deplorable as the only possible heroes.

>> No.8853926
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>> No.8853928

>>implicando que capitalism didn't invent spam
>Venezuelan nigger still praising the left

>> No.8853939
File: 28 KB, 412x257, physically removed quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communist will be physiclly removed soon

>> No.8853980


lmao pls go

>> No.8854032

Well it's difficult for a member of the ruling class to truly be a hero

>> No.8854081

>getting mad at someone critiquing babby's first philosophy.

lolololol. try to avoid stepping on any sidewalks on your way to your doomsday prepped shelter.