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8851204 No.8851204[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to improve my chances with the ladies?

>> No.8851207
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>> No.8851210

>le ruseman face

>> No.8851421

If you aren't yet in your late 20's then you're stuck reading shitty YA if you want to connect with them.

Sorry, pal.

>> No.8851424

Art of Seduction

>> No.8851454

Notes From Undergound
White Nights

Bitches love Ol' Dusty britches

>> No.8851491

Forget it

>> No.8851500

I Capture The Castle - Dodie Smith

No idea why, its a serviceable read but nothing special but its ubiquitously read by young women who all think they've discovered it. Elitism for the terminally Basic.

Casually drop it into conversation, Simpatico-a-go-go - this must surely Mean Something - and if you can't sort yourself out from there, you are beyond redemption. Good luck Anon.

>> No.8851547

>What should I read to improve my chances with the ladies?

Try 1 Corinthians 7:7

>> No.8851573

Alice Munro and Virginia Woooooolf

>> No.8851585

>just looked up and read that passage

Hey that's pretty good

>> No.8851593

>1 Corinthians 7:7
Fuck, Paul was such a little bitch. I can't get over how much of a little bitch he was. Fucking lunatic who ruined Christianity.

>> No.8851600
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undialectical hipster trash you are

>> No.8851885

Twilight/Harry Potter

>> No.8851940
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>> No.8851982

Was about to post this. Either improve your looks or become wealthy. I'd recommend How to Get Rich by Felix Dennis.

Otherwise, you're doomed to lit-poasting in the squalor of your virginity

>> No.8852003

It's really verses 7-9

>> No.8852011


>> No.8852024


-Women that read Vonnegut are more physically attractive than the average woman
-can dialogue at a higher level than the average woman
-usually have a taste for some form of fine art

-they'll think they're way smarter than they actually are
-these women are inevitably self-righteous sluts
-you'll have to read and discuss shitty Vonnegut books