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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 469 KB, 1206x849, 1481794976103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8848385 No.8848385 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the verdict on Sam Hyde's literary work?

>> No.8848935

Do you have a book link?

>> No.8848945

wish i could download it for free
(i have no international credit card)

>> No.8849088
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here you go ;^)

>> No.8849102

thnks senpai

>> No.8849126

vertict is that it's a garbage level book for stoners watching late night shows on cartoon network, waking up after that about 2pm, going directly to their shitty jobs where they couldn't socialize with anybody, and blaming everythnig and everyone but themselves for what miserable pieces of shit they are and hence looking for some low-effort vent for their frustration and self-hatred.

>> No.8849173

>vertict is that it's a garbage level book for stoners watching late night shows on cartoon network, waking up after that about 2pm, going directly to their shitty jobs where they couldn't socialize with anybody, and blaming everythnig and everyone but themselves for what miserable pieces of shit they are and hence looking for some low-effort vent for their frustration and self-hatred.

the 4chan audience

>> No.8849176
File: 145 KB, 765x1044, Sam Hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But always hiding behind layers of irony

>> No.8849182

4chans love of MDE is purely political, they're objectively mediocre and are only entertaining when they're being overly edgy, which is pretty easy comedy to do.

>> No.8849185

What happened to Kyle?

>> No.8849671
File: 26 KB, 369x169, mdecomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a self described comic book and needs to go to >>>/co/

>> No.8849695

Damn, Holden could never let go of the past, could he?

>> No.8849927

It's not tho and it's not highfalutin literature either

>> No.8849958

>It's not tho
It is, though you're right if it's not literature regardless it just shouldn't be here.

>> No.8849970

the new music genres had me laughing pretty good just now

>> No.8850000
File: 513 KB, 1600x3000, samhydegotfacefuckedbyatranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty decent for someone who sucks tranny dick

>> No.8850007

What's the problem? She is kinda cute.

>> No.8850015

>believing tripfags
>believing trannies
>believing a transexual tripfag that posts on /r9k/ and /lgbt/
Also >>8850007
Nice digits though.

>> No.8850021

Okay Sam, you totally didn't get fucked by that cute tranny you thinks cute.

>> No.8850022

It's, at most, a novelty piece.

>> No.8850030

you don't think there's anything wrong with getting facefucked by a tranny?
>in denial

>> No.8850035

I think there's something wrong with moralfag Sam Hyde doing it and lying about it, but in general to each their own.

>> No.8850459

So which book will be removed from the Meme Trilogy to make room? My vote goes to IJ.

>> No.8850650

its good as a comedy book

>> No.8850659

nothing wrong sucking a girl dick, anon

>> No.8850665

ITs like he just copy pasted some /r9k/ thread into microsoft paint

>> No.8850666 [DELETED] 

>Favorite author: J.D. Salinger or D.H. Lawrence
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?

>> No.8850686

I can't tell if he's saying that as his own favourites or the guy in the picture.
Neither make complete sense

>> No.8850694

It's 4 years of collected content

>> No.8850766

I think he said his favorite author is Gene Wolfe.

>> No.8850774

So why does he think the nu-male would like "Gas the Cripples" Lawrence and JeDgy Salinger?

>> No.8850793

it's okay keep repeating that to yourself sam

>> No.8850991

Because he's illiterate and his opinions are rooted in feelings (read: resentment) just like the people he satirizes and fancies himself superior to

>> No.8851013 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 1422x1498, 345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the quickest and simplest way to get Sam Hyde to speak to me (this is urgent)

>> No.8851065

see >>8850000
Either be a cute tranny on OKCupid or email ccriztoff (although I think the e-mail is dead now).

Alternatively he's an hour out of Boston in Fall River or something like that, you can probably track him down fairly easily.

>> No.8851126 [DELETED] 
File: 2.28 MB, 1274x1496, 43905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he just meet up with anyone at any time or what's his deal

>> No.8851144

Subcribe to his patreon for 2 dollars and use an image of a believably attractive girl as your avatar then message him on there

>> No.8851201
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>and his opinions are rooted in feelings (read: resentment) just like the people he satirizes and fancies himself superior to

You understand that he is a comedian and not an academic or analyst, right? He isn't doing anything hypocritical here by doing so: that's how comedy works.

Sounds like he hit a nerve with you in the past, you triggered faglet.

>> No.8851203

I imagine he's pretty down, so any standards he may have had are likely p low

>> No.8851206

>He isn't doing anything hypocritical here by doing so: that's how comedy works.
That makes no sense Sam.

>> No.8851219

I haven't read it, and I can't trust the people who read it to be intelligent or discriminate. MDE fans are as intellectually compromised as weebs, I can't trust them

>> No.8851245

who the fuck is sam hyde
get the fuck out with your eceleb shit

>> No.8851250

Care to expand on this? I don't really understand what you mean. What I like about MDE is that it's sometimes genuinely subversive and critical of the collective delusions that inhere in America in 2016. But when Sam goes on a whole (unirionic) white nationalism bit I think perhaps he deserves to get called out. Not because I'm """triggered""" by it but because he's proven himself to be just as vulnerable to canned feelgood narratives as SJWs or whatever. I'm afraid he's a little bit stupid or paranoid or too full of himself because of his fans, and that this will ultimately kill his art (if you can call it that)

>> No.8851269

I'll add to this: inb4 there are claims he's more popular than some popular section of old media. This is a common claim from /pol/tards, but the actual numbers never match up, even when using new media's trumped up numbers.

>> No.8851291

He was on cable TV and has a print book

>> No.8851340

I think you've missed the point there Sam.

Plus self publishing doesn't strictly make you "old media".

>> No.8851371


Millennials who went to college expect everyone to engage in academic tier discourse and discussion all the time.
This is why education shouldn't happen for most people. It goes to their dumbfuck head.

>> No.8851387

>say retarded shit
>get called out on it
>lol its just comedy dude

>> No.8851397

To be fair, every comedian uses that excuse as a scapegoat


>> No.8851408

Just the really bad ones.

>> No.8851411

message him on his subreddit or dm him on twitter I guess

>> No.8851425

It's obvious that Sam's not an intellectual. The point is some people thought he was a genuine iconoclast, not a misguided ideologue

>> No.8851449


You haven't been watching HydeWars, obviously.

>> No.8851459

he could have just called him a nu-male cuck and saved 10 paragraphs

>> No.8851505

I considered watching but in honesty the whole cancellation fallout is boring for me and embarrassing for Sam. My impression is that it's going to turn him into another humorless altright vloggger for good and all. But maybe that's not what HydeWars is about?

>> No.8851522


It isn't. I mean, it isn't an alt right vlog yet.
Everything that's happening is a good reason to become one though.

>> No.8851544
File: 28 KB, 537x416, itsnotgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't think there's anything wrong with getting facefucked by a tranny?

ofc not

>> No.8851549

He's gearing up some new standup material

Very Norm McDonald like in delivery

>> No.8851558
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disgusting creep

>> No.8851561
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>> No.8851563

Look, I agree it's stupid that WP was cancelled because of Sam's politics, but I also think Sam's politics are pretty stupid. And again the discovery that Sam is some died in the wool ethno-nationalist is not encouraging. Good satirists are careful thinkers and also often humanists , and I don't see this kind of rabid investment in /pol/ memes leading Sam back to that

>> No.8851570

Is Sam going to get v& soon?

I say: yes.

>> No.8851610

Well that explains this...
>I'd go so far as to say just from looking at her that if you did something really awful/illegal she would probably help you cover it up as long as no one really got hurt majorly.

>> No.8851652

This is not a comedy book. It's a harrowing portrait of one man's psychosis

>> No.8851664

>comedy book
It's a comic book, not a "comedy" book.

>> No.8851672

>Good satirists are careful thinkers and also often humanists
all this fucking ideology

>> No.8851679

is there a torrent of this? I am not uninstalling some browser extension just to download it

>> No.8851735


That explains his homophobic stand-up piece.

>> No.8851768


Most comedians in the US are libertarians.

Don't expect comedians to be left these days.

>> No.8851778

>not left

>> No.8851781

Libertarianism is a dead ideology. the basement dwellers who were the base of their movement went full fash. A few others became leftists. The only ones who remain are bay area tech autists and dc think tank shills. Libertarianism was a shill based movement from day one.


>> No.8851790

My point is that Sam, by thoroughly buying into an ideology, will eventually compromise his abilities as a satirist. You don't have to actively dislike the altright (which I'll admit to) to understand this.

>> No.8851804


In America libertarianism is identified as a rightist phenomenon. People like Schiff and Jilette.
No one thinks "oh right those leftists!"
Get over yourself and the fact your esoteric fringe movement isn't acknowledged when the term is mentioned, you fuck.


Go tell the comedy store that.

>> No.8851805

Just because you never left the basement and started posting on trs forums doesn't mean all the Ron Paul 08/12 crowd did

>> No.8851813

That's fine. I'm not expecting Sam to forswear politics or be a palatable anarchist. But once MDE becomes a vehicle for tinfoil InfoWars/Breitbart trash I'm no longer interested

>> No.8851820


You're above fake news hu?
How many black atheletes and artists have you checked out today, well-adjusted man.

>> No.8851822

Jesus what a shit thread

>> No.8851828

Report it, it's against the rules.

>> No.8851833

The fact that you think this is a funny/effective reply only makes me worry more about Sam

>> No.8851841
File: 100 KB, 634x742, brainwashing-101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is humanist.

>> No.8851849

I like him because he approaches subjects that other comedians are scared to. That being said, he's a mediocre comedian who is edgier than the rest. A few MDE WP sketches were good (tripping wife, PUA, bachelor contest) but the rest gave me a headache.

White nationalism is the edgy ideology of today. Give Trump a couple years in the White House and most of these kids will turn to democratic socialism. We've seen it since the end of WW2, we'll see it again.

>> No.8851856


I find your fixation on your own self-perceived inadequacy to be embarrassing by association. Get a grip.

>> No.8851860

The 'libertarian movement' was a product of oligarch money from day one. Back in the 70s and 80s neo-confederates and christian dominionists where among reason mangazine's top contributors. It's kind of suspicious when your supposed anti-authoritarian movement has, for the most, part served as a vehicle for people with authoritarian agendas of their own. In practice, a 'libertarian' society would result in the unrestricted tyranny of property holders.

>> No.8851863
File: 26 KB, 330x395, 13177597_616868701814862_218654106730458721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is an example of a good comedian. One untampered by deh /paul/ memes.
She's also a humanist as any good comedian should.

>> No.8851864

Everything I say is code for "I'm a cuck," it's true, and I hope you keep calling me on it

>> No.8851876

>Muh period blood is thick like my favorite strawberry jam

pic should include how much she loves her menstrual cycle.

>> No.8851877


It's shit because /lit/ just mindlessly bashes the book instead of discussing it.

>> No.8851889


What an alpha dude, I wish I had the power to make 18 year old chicks adore me.

>> No.8851904

Again, I think Sam is moderately funny, but where does this political rabbit hole lead? He is becoming a caricature of himself for /pol/'s confused fever dream. I don't watch much comedy (& so I'll take your word for it that Schumer's a bad comic) but the second any self-styled cultural critic takes some specious and ramshackle constellation of values to be unassailable, they become apologists, which is pretty lame. I mentioned humanism because MDe is/was pretty humanistic. It's not a byword for whatever ideological bent you project onto anyone who criticizes MDE. The tragic thing is you're the kind of fan who's ruining it

>> No.8851921

IMO the only honorable thing sam can do by this point is blowing his brains out 'ironically' for the amusement and moral education of america's youth

>> No.8851939


haha cool now you don't have to address your own self loathing :^)

>> No.8852005

Hol up. Where has he prove. Himself to be " just as vulnerable as sjw or whatever" ?

>> No.8852007

What I mean is that he's emotionally invested in a mass of dumb abstractions that give him a sense of purpose, like SJWs

>> No.8852009

Sorry, you asked where. Most of this I'm getting from his Twitter and posts on the MDE Reddit I've only just recently seen.

>> No.8852012

It's a comic book, it's not literature. Take it to >>>/co/ If you're disappointed with the level of discussion here go to reddit.

>> No.8852023

I dont see it.

Hyde Wars are not political btw, not yet at least.
But yah he is hit and miss. Book's good

>> No.8852034

>I dont see it.
Now that's some spicy ideology.

>> No.8852061

Is he making fun of the guy in the picture because it seems like he is making fun of himself. But maybe he doesn't understand what a looser you sound like complaining about the cool kid you don't like getting laid and it isn't that self aware. I really half believe that he is just pulling the leg of the alt right fags. I always thought he was targeting people who are obviously products of exclusive in group reward mechanisms but now it seems like he just adheres to a pretty uninformed worldview.

>> No.8852111

>if you watch stefan molyneux's review of the movie frozen, you'll know what i'm talking about

>> No.8852151

Durr the truth isn't political brah

>> No.8852155
File: 16 KB, 311x148, Screenshot from 2016-12-16 23-30-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8852157 [DELETED] 

Ah so /lit/ is officially dead when great authors get no replies and this shite gets 100.

Really makes ya think

>> No.8852159

That's some imax display projection

>> No.8852180

He is assuming the favorite author of the man shown in the pictures

>> No.8852186
File: 41 KB, 480x360, 5497630005_a750c03b19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew laddo,

a tad bit presumptuous, no?

>> No.8852191

the ashleyj stuff is fake

but god, roccogate was amazing

>> No.8852197

Ok, so this is fact then.

I'll go down to my local comedy club and strike up a conversation about austrian economics with MOST of the performers.

>> No.8852198

> clearly emotionally charge response

>> No.8852202


>someone subscribing to an ideology is thoroughly well-read on all its thinkers

Not everyone is as autistic as you.

>> No.8852205
File: 218 KB, 300x417, 1455595133629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FB, he responds within hours

>> No.8852209

I was mostly trying to pick a fight. But suppose I actually was angry when I made that post. Would that change anything about Sam?

>> No.8852211
File: 254 KB, 864x627, 1474289360649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, but you don't think that it is sad that you are sending someone to reddit to have an actual conversation about a book/comic?

Even beyond the fact that it technically isn't a book, /lit/ is so shit that it openly admits that a literature based reddit page will harbor better conversations.

>> No.8852215

it's a joke obviously because /lit/ stands for literature and nobody here actually reads, also sam reads plenty

>> No.8852219

/Lit/ unequivocally blown the fuck out

>> No.8852220
File: 431 KB, 483x607, antitrump_prodick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No proofs, fuck off.

>> No.8852222

maybe 'Sam Hyde' doesn't actually exist after all

>> No.8852224
File: 33 KB, 799x736, 1474568033137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8852202 Sorry to break this to you, but Austrian economics is surface level compared to all of the other bullshit that is tossed around in libertarian circles.

You probably didn't know this because you are completely apathetic to the ideology. I would suggest, however, not to call people that have read a book or two on libertarianism "autistic" because that could hurt someone's feelings.

>> No.8852228
File: 59 KB, 960x720, ZFjIiFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8852229
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1455645737330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No proofs, fuck off

>> No.8852232

He sounds insecure and mentally unstable, which would be fine if there was any level of self-awareness to it. His retard followers may consider it a form of "honesty", though.

>> No.8852234

what's the deep libertarian stuff? Moloch Worship? darkweb baby markets? Friedman's adventures in Pinochet's sex palace? Summoning the TechnoKapital Antichrist?

>> No.8852241

This is the thing that everyone outside of /lit/ seems to understand, but for whatever reason regulars of the board can't grasp that half of the people who visit periodically may very well be unable to read, or do manage to finish a James Patterson book once a year.

>> No.8852243

They have John Maynard Keynes brain cryogenically stored at the libertarian HQ and are holding it hostage for ransom money.

>> No.8852244


You're the type of guy who will say "that dude ain't a marxist. he hasn't even read Gramsci yet."

>> No.8852251
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Well, cultural hegemony isn't exactly rocket science...

But I get your point, yeah.

>> No.8852259
File: 83 KB, 537x300, 1481490232135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long ago the /lit/ mods got booty bothered by distribution of fascist literature
>now /lit/ is basic bitch post-stalinist esoteric greens to "little l" libertarians who want muh personal freedom unless you're a person of money
>expecting them to like a book that kicks their whole ideology in the teeth and calls them a faggot while laughing at them

DESU most of the people who were in the Right Wing Safety Squad threads crying were probably from /lit/

>> No.8852263
File: 193 KB, 853x543, 1472275075715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


says you

go back to /r/the_donald

>> No.8852276


The long-post-anons on here ( regulars I bet ), are the most pathetic ones.
They love Zizek, but will rage themselves to a rectal prolapse like any ordinary liberal when f.e. a thread about Jordan Peterson because the bad professor doesn't wanna use the right pronouns.

>> No.8852292

>/lit/ is so bad it won't even discuss something that is neither a book nor literature
>isn't that sad?
No, what kind of retarded question is that? For serious reals, go somewhere more your speed and everyone will be happier.

>> No.8852295

Got any examples?

>> No.8852298


There's some in the warosu I'm sure. Every thread about Peterson has them derailing it because he's obviously critical of Marxism.

>> No.8852311

No, its because you people make the same repetitive threads and shitpost whenever anyone with a different opinion enters the thread

>> No.8852312

>There's some in the warosu I'm sure.
So fucking post them. I want to see what got your booty blasted.

>> No.8852314

I blame /v/. It's been for years that most were autistically posting "fuck off" over and over again to anything they disagreed with. Sort of funny for all of 5 seconds.

>> No.8852339

I'm waiting on a Tao Linesque twitter post.

How does Samantha even know /lit/ is literature???

>> No.8852359

It's not even about the "book" in question being a book or not.

You or someone else forwarded that individual to reddit of all places to have a better discussion.

We have moved past the fact that this is technically off-topic. This board's inability to humor a thread on something that is on the threshold between book and visual novel and lazily pass it off to that cesspool of a website is the real issue.

>> No.8852368

message him on facebook he replies pretty fast

>> No.8852376

Better is a relative term, you are not enjoying the discussion here so you should take it somewhere else. There is nothing magical about /lit/, you will not have a better life or more RPG points or whatever the fuck you think will happen if everyone spontaneously discussed the book how you want it to be discussed on /lit/.

>threshold between book and visual novel
1. /lit/ is not /book/
2. Visual novel is a term to make manchildren feel more mature

>> No.8852424

i like him even more now

>> No.8852431

Well why don't you go and facefuck him?

>> No.8852436

This is just what plebs (like Sam) tell themselves so they don't feel bad
>I'm not an idiot if I pretend everyone else is as dumb as me


>> No.8852454

To be clear, I am not the person that said /lit/ mindlessly bashes books. I typically enjoy discussions on /lit/.

Other than your unfounded presumptions on my enjoyment of this board, I understand why you would want something that is off topic to be removed from the board. You care about the the board and you want to keep it spiffy.


Given that there is quite a bit of contention over the definition of literature, you have to understand that a work of this nature can be argued for in regards to having a discussion of it on this board. Especially since all we have to go on as it being called as a comic book is the self referential reddit post that could be a gaf for all we know.

Give me your criteria on what literature is. While your at it, what differentiates the word book from literature? Is the answer really as black and white as you make it seem?

>> No.8852455

Ok, but do you know how to read?

>> No.8852456

The Peterson threads were derailed because they consisted of nothing more than illiterates insisting the relevance of an otherwise completely unremarkable psychologist they became deluded in thinking represented their interests despite never having read him, based solely on a petty identity politics spat they witnessed on youtube.
You in turn are a joke, you couldn't even be called an intellectual midget because it would imply you have any stake in thought. You're not chained in Plato's Cave you're a fucking shadow puppet, a willness non-entity fooling yourself that you have the slightest autonomy while not having a single thing in your head representing an originally devised thought or a personal reflection.
That's why your meme threads are dismissed.

>> No.8852459
File: 32 KB, 452x317, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.8852473


>gratuitously mentioning Plato's Cave to deride me

Wew. Nice try, pseud. I can see this was your first time trying to pull that off.

And he's not unremarkable. His lectures were liked well before the whole tranny bullshit.
Plus, most professors out there will never have any fame, but will do valuable work in their respective fields. We haven't heard of shitloads of them. I don't even know what you need to do to be considered 'remarkable'.
Not that your ass will ever be tenured. So you don't have to worry about any of that.

>> No.8852474

>To be clear, I am not the person that said /lit/ mindlessly bashes books. I typically enjoy discussions on /lit/.
??? No idea wtf you're talking about.

>Other than your unfounded presumptions on my enjoyment of this board, I understand why you would want something that is off topic to be removed from the board. You care about the the board and you want to keep it spiffy.
Nobody cares if you enjoy the board.

>Given that there is quite a bit of contention over the definition of literature, you have to understand that a work of this nature can be argued for in regards to having a discussion of it on this board. Especially since all we have to go on as it being called as a comic book is the self referential reddit post that could be a gaf for all we know.

>Give me your criteria on what literature is. While your at it, what differentiates the word book from literature? Is the answer really as black and white as you make it seem?
Double pseud. If you can't work out what /lit/ considers literature, you need to lurk more. Nobody is going to give your autistic ass criteria so you don't fuck up. Work it out or ship out bro.

>> No.8852492

>His lectures were liked well before the whole tranny bullshit.

Revisionist lie. I've asked idiots like you to provide me any threads discussing the man before the incident and there were none. Zero. The most that could be found were sparse mentions of his name.
A remarkable thinker (and its pathetic you need this explained) would be someone who contributes influential new ideas and frameworks in their fields. Of which Jordan evidently hasn't, not that I'd expect you to have a clue.

>> No.8852494

Too many pseuds in that thread

>> No.8852499

I'm still trying to remember that Glaswegian dude who had the Hume chair or something like that that had /lit/'s panties wet for a couple of years at the start. He was popular. There were Peterson threads before but you're right they were very sparse, he was nowhere near to being among the most popular.

I don't really care about his history here tho, it's the quality of the threads and posters. Hell, a lot of the Zizek posters are posting nothing of value atm and I love a bit of Slovenian cultural criticism.

>> No.8852500

Are people fighting about Sam Hyde here? Am I in the right place?

>> No.8852507

Sam Hyde is trying to be the new Tao Lin.

>> No.8852521

Why call me a Pseud when I have no intentions of being what you would call an "intellectual"?

And great cop out. I shouldn't have to sift through threads to find an answer to a question that is critical to the most basic function of the board. There should be a hard-line stance from the top as to what constitutes literature or not.

If finding out what constitutes literature means that I have to accumulate half- baked answers from people the like of you, what would the point be? I am willing to bet pretty fucking vapid if the average /lit/ user is like you.

>> No.8852524

>Why call me a Pseud when I have no intentions of being what you would call an "intellectual"?

Pseud please stop

>> No.8852527
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>tfw the Reddit invasion is no longer ironic or amusing

>> No.8852532

I agree, reddit needs to go back to /r/milliondollarextreme and /r/the_donald

>> No.8852537

If I have no intentions of being a self-prescribed intellectual. how can I be a pseudointelectual?

Oh, and don't strain yourself with an actual response. You have already showcased that you are either too lazy or apathetic to answer a single question. A question that was posed more to get your opinion than anything.

That's all you had to do. Answer a question.

>> No.8852538

>/lit/ complaining about redditors

this is literally THE reddit board

>> No.8852539
File: 46 KB, 640x480, this is fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, what can be done...

>> No.8852540

I disagree, I really like it and I lean left

>> No.8852541

No that's /tv/

>> No.8852545

LITERALLY /ourguy/

>> No.8852546

This image was proven fake years ago, yet this one obsessive autist keeps spamming it.

>> No.8852547

/tv/ is too but they're self aware to an extent

>> No.8852548

Oh damn, someone should have warned him before he made that post that there's an Anon around that leans left who likes them

>> No.8852551

>proven fake years ago

Where is this proof you speak of?

>> No.8852553

You need to go back to /r/ShitRedditSays

>> No.8852555

I refuse to believe that I am the only one

>> No.8852556

Kek, pretty much.

>> No.8852557

Woaaaah there might be more than one? On this website!?
Niggas just been BTFOOOOO

>> No.8852560

What has /s4s/ to do with this?

>> No.8852562

qt trap desu
props to Sam for fucking her

>> No.8852566

Its 2016, 4chan is pretty much reddit now. If you haven't been disgusted enough to leave yet, you're either part of the problem or very, very sad.

>> No.8852567
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1411959277856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is a very convincing trap.

>> No.8852576

It's reaching a breaking point. I can sense a freedom radiating from the cracks...

>> No.8852579
File: 46 KB, 620x417, 1481501035162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's just a faggot he wants teen pussy with no meaningful intellectual exchange with his braindead fuck toy
Is this satire?

>> No.8852598

Even if this was real, and I kinda doubt it is, Sam's admitted numerous times he used to be a beta cuck so this isn't really surprising.

>> No.8852601

>used to be

>> No.8852605
File: 40 KB, 392x395, 1479690439152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8852628

this is great. fuck.

>> No.8852670

>not forcing niggers to buy it

He literally can't afford health insurance

>> No.8852678

in Sam's defense "she" has some nice dick sucking lips

>> No.8852684

Is there a reason hipsters get the Muslim terrorist beard and shave their upper lip?

>> No.8852757

>that bit about tiny girls with junk food wrappers in their car

literally my fucking ex

>> No.8852767

He was asking about whether people would buy second run at $40 a pop.

>> No.8852771

>props to Sam for fucking her
Fucking ESLs confusing the indirect and direct objects.

Also fuck off Sam.

>> No.8852777

>self-prescribed intellectual
Holy... this is so pseud it hurts.

>> No.8852781

It's an image from last year that he actively tries to cover up where he can.

Also you can find the e-mail he uses there in old posts across the internet promoting early MDE shit.

>> No.8852799

i would do the same shit if i could

>> No.8852808

So would Sam

>> No.8852814
File: 338 KB, 854x480, Whoa boy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long as Sam keeps triggering this board so hard, I would die for him.

>> No.8853467

then kill yourself my man

>> No.8853712

I'm at my megaupload limit, do you have another link?

>> No.8853992

Sam hyde is 6'5"

>> No.8854304

Haven't read the book, but this passage is pretty funny and making me consider buying it. Pissed I missed out on the first round of prints.

What's with Sam's obsession with girls' breath? Is that like a fetish or something?

>> No.8854350

Have you read any of it? 80% of it makes fun of those exact people

>> No.8854374

where's your proof sam?

>> No.8854378

nice projection

>> No.8854397

How does it contradict each other?

>> No.8854398 [DELETED] 

>virgins mad that Sam "Million Dick Extreme" Hyde gets more poon than them
Sam Hyde creates glorious amounts of butthurt wherever he goes, dude is based

>> No.8854404

When a /pol/lack reads Sam Hyde's work he sees Mein Kampf 2.0 a book BTFOing communism with Facts, Logic and Satire. Everyone else just sees the demented scrawls of a really mentally disturbed man with self loathing issues. It's Ok, though.

>> No.8854407
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 743298472341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le angry virgin argument
hi sam

>> No.8854418 [DELETED] 

>tfw no smug Sam Hyde Pepe meme reaction image to reply to this niggerfaggot with

>> No.8854451

not an argument

>> No.8854461

>implying trannycocksucker is a good satirist

>> No.8854463

>implying sam isn't a faggot for niggers

>> No.8854502


>> No.8854534

yeah, someone do this pls

>> No.8854675

Here you go:

>> No.8854690
File: 512 KB, 1088x730, 1480969684145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest I have

>> No.8854692

this Sam Hyde is a true comedic genius

>> No.8854703

The feel dude looks a lot better than him irl there. V flattering for him.

>> No.8854753

Really make you think..

>> No.8854864

Libertarians hate Keynesian economics. They're all about Austrian school Hayek economics. Fix your meme please.

>> No.8855254

Then you probably shouldn't say it is "purely" political. Words have meaning.

>> No.8855273

I like Sam Hyde

>> No.8855274


>artists are not mentally disturbed with self loathing issues

I'd like to meet those well-adjusted creative people of yours.

>> No.8855286
File: 48 KB, 689x438, 1475576544520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Everyone else just sees the demented scrawls of a really mentally disturbed man with self loathing issues

Yes, after spending years shitposting on 4chan we are still terrified by racism and anti-semitism. Truly, this man should be locked up so he doesn't make us feel unsafe anymore.

We are all 100% sane and hold 100% politically correct, moderate, opinions.

>> No.8855299

Anyone know who these people are?

>> No.8855312

Sam Hyde isn't a white nationalist he is just being post-ironic. Which means you can't tell if he is or isn't ironic. It's humor that is only funny for himself and maybe someone else who can pick up on it (like me).

>> No.8855318

I'm convinced Charles has autism though.

>> No.8855350
File: 37 KB, 607x608, Ain't nothin' but a thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Impeccable facial definition/cheekbone structure

Worthwhile tradeoff desu.


>> No.8855405

He said they are holding Keynes' brain hostage. How is that in support of Keynsesian economics?

>> No.8855713


>le sex is evil

hi ameritard

>> No.8855777

It's not a comic book and no amount of your asshurt will change that

>> No.8855788


>[cHᴀRMs Gᴀʏ pRJde]

greatest MDE production desu he so fucking pretty

>> No.8856760


>> No.8856934

Thanks my man fuck all the ledditors that refuse to leak this.

>> No.8857109

I also thought he has been ironically method acting all this time but he really, genuinely is a giant alt-right baby.

>> No.8857112
File: 10 KB, 255x255, 7faed25876632abcf5da3db27a6bb7745b1b2349bd4727afa96be7409a23885a.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw sam got a book published and most of this board cannot

>> No.8857128
File: 48 KB, 542x441, 9342748923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le sex is just like taking a shit
hi desiring machine

>> No.8857139

doesn't he just sound like a massive cuck here?

>she always has a pen in her handbag

>> No.8857164
File: 977 KB, 640x360, hydewars-chinese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8857961

Sam needs to stop posting on this board and also /fa/. That dumb pseudo cuck

>> No.8858455
File: 20 KB, 480x448, dic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 gig pdf
I have made png-to-pdf rips in outrageous quality and they never went over 100 megs

>> No.8858645

what does that even mean

>> No.8858707

not that guy but since he buttfucked a trap and sucked the trap off it's almost like he wants to fulfill the role of the beta male and the evil bitch at the same time. essentially being both the cuck and cucker.

>> No.8858734

stop spamming the fucking board you fucking rat sam

>> No.8858818

sam is plenty self aware. it's just instead of letting it cripple him he's using it to his advantage. how can you read that passage and NOT see that it is as much or more a condemnation of the writer as it is the subject whose only transgression is looking a certain way. it's fucking SHOUTED at you with the davey havok bit at the end.

and you're talking about lacking self-awareness pfft

>> No.8858822

What's irritating is that if Sammy boy actually looked into someone like Zizek, he'd probably agree 90%. It's a sad fact that the modern americanized left has managed to alienate people who would almost certainly have been left-wingers 20 years ago.

>> No.8858865

sorry bro but people don't have the luxury of wrangling political theory when the demographic future is so dim. i'm sure you'd be happy to live in a 90% black and muslim country though as long as they followed some form of "marxism." but excuse sammy for opting out, please, he's just not as smart as you.

>> No.8858933

>I care more about the skin color of my neighbors than the political system I'm forced to live under
wow, what a sensible opinion

>> No.8858946

>race and religion = skin color

you're a fucking idiot. and i notice how you can't even earnestly say that you would rather live in such a "community," you just fling out some moronically sarcastic false equivalence. a small mind, disingenuous to the core.

>> No.8858971

thinks these things aren't tied together top kek as they say

>> No.8859308

More like boss nigga

>> No.8859528

>political system I'm forced to live under


>> No.8859679

this shit is heavy lots of all black pages

>> No.8859692 [DELETED] 

Humanism is explicitly ideological though

>> No.8859785
File: 66 KB, 1024x945, 1478517328411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>> No.8860355

>/lit/ doesn't understand post-irony: the thread

Jesus, I thought /lit/ was cultured.

>> No.8860387

kind of a misnomer on my part, MDE used to be basically sympathetic

>> No.8860883

semi-ironically believing in alex jones conspiracies is almost as bad as semi-ironic mao apologia

>> No.8861518

It's worse

Also readying for Sam to get his lazy ass out of bed and bump this stupid shit now it's on page 9 again.