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/lit/ - Literature

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8848327 No.8848327 [Reply] [Original]

Are there minorities on this board or are we all 18-24 white males

>> No.8848344

I am a 27 year old white male, does that make me a minority?

>> No.8848347

that looked pretty painful desu

>> No.8848348

21 year old white male reporting in

>> No.8848356

i'm half black half Asian; there's a few other black guys but we never mention it for obvious reasons.
Quite a few South Americans.
There are more females here than you would think.
also a handful of old guys, that always strikes me as odd. Like 40+ years old.
some Asians, some middle Eastern folks.

it's never worth mentioning.

>> No.8848361

26 year old Latino male

Resident Patrick modiano enthusiast

>> No.8848365

I'm half White, half Mexican. There's a little bit of Indonesian from the White side of my family (Dutch).

>> No.8848367

how do you know all this?

>> No.8848368
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>> No.8848370

nonwhite bisexual 14 y/o grill reporting in.

>> No.8848374

hm interesting thnx for the info.

do you think anonymity affords the ultimate equality and thus we should preserve it, or that we should recognize our differences in order to provide metainformation for discussions (i guess you already answered this but..)

>> No.8848379

been here a while.

>> No.8848380

he's a big guy

>> No.8848382

i think it's more fun if we assume you like it up the butt from your bookshelves tbhw/upham

>> No.8848386

I do seriously believe that this board is full of girls and just the crossposters are men

>> No.8848388

for *gulp* me?

>> No.8848389

that's just your fantasy

>> No.8848391

/pol/ and /int/ have a feature that puts a little icon of every poster's national flag on each post. Ask them how that's working out for them.

ideally, I think it would be great to provide information in retrospect, maybe after a thread dies and is archived the discussion could be reviewed to reveal each poster's information after the fact.
Because if people know who they are talking to discussions get memed into oblivion. remember that we share a site with pol9k

>> No.8848394

No, its not my fantasy, most of my friends are girls and they are just here. Just that they don't shitpost or even post.

>> No.8848398

He hangs out a lot.

40+ lesbian woman.

I always see boobies in this pic. I shooped them on some woman once eons ago.
You gonna get the ban-hammer

>> No.8848401

right, that makes sense

>> No.8848403

>Because if people know who they are talking to discussions get memed into oblivion.


Hard to believe so many of you are attending college

>> No.8848408

im an immigrant

>> No.8848416

28yo cis white male reporting in

>> No.8848429

18 asian here though it's never worth mentioning because it's not like we talk about our personal lives often here. It's just not relevant for the purposes of this board.

>> No.8848439


thanks for the chuckle goofball

>> No.8848444

25 white male here

>> No.8848449

Hold them at gunpoint and make them promise not to get on 4chan ever again.

>> No.8848452

Do women count as a minority?

>> No.8848454

Who /glad to be white and male/ here?

Seriously, not having to deal with an inferiority complex is a huge relief. It's like non-whites and women only think about the fact that they're non-white and/or women. I'm glad I can just go to the park and look at some birds without thinking
>I bet those birds are calling me a nigger. I deserve free money. I hate all the things white people created that I benefit from every day!

>> No.8848456

Also apparently a retard. Good to know, enjoy your b&.

>> No.8848459

Since the most common person in the world is the Chinese male, yes I am a minority.

>> No.8848480

19 yr old white male, I own a fedora tho.

>> No.8848481

Asian men aren't a majority though, just a plurality.

>> No.8848482
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>thinking people fixate on such thinking
Sounds like you have a reverse-inferiority complex.

>> No.8848486
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What a beautiful bit of self-critical irony you've woven into this otherwise mundane and obvious bait. I appreciate your effort, anon. Cheers.

>> No.8848492

When discussing minorities and majorities, I always just assume the given demographics of the place in question.
Are women a minority on /lit/? Yes, I'm pretty sure they are. A sizable portion, but there's probably a lot of turnaround.

>> No.8848496

proving his point

>> No.8848499

>40+ lesbian women

>> No.8848508 [DELETED] 

>tfw black
>tfw constantly feel this weird elation that white society is privileging me out of some weird misplaced sense of retroactive moral correction
Being a minority can be great if you don't live in a shit-hole and are financially secure, I've had such an easier time finding jobs than people I went to school with (probably quotas), where I had scholarships they aren't even eligible for, and there's a definite sense of people being on their best behavior around me.

>> No.8848511

i have missing person, it seems like itll be really great

>> No.8848517

I'm more than one woman?

>> No.8848518

>tfw black
>tfw constantly feel this weird elation that white society is privileging me out of some weird misplaced sense of retroactive moral correction
Being a minority can be great if you don't live in a shit-hole and are financially secure, I've had such an easier time finding jobs than people I went to school with (probably quotas), where I had scholarships they aren't even eligible for, and there's a definite sense of people being on their best behavior around me, I don't even find it patronizing people tend to be impressed with me just for not being a vulgar thug. Low expectations are pleasant.

>> No.8848549

heh. same.
It's nice when you're "superiority" isn't sourced from abstractions like statistical trends or historical factors, but is demonstrable and measurable in your own capabilities.
Outperforming those who expect little of you is the comfiest feel.

>> No.8848554

>getting lumped in with the bad obvious counter-bait

Is this what discrimination feels like?

>> No.8848557

>heh, nothing personal whitey

>> No.8848560

Half Dutch half Aruban
My dad is brown but I turned out completely white.
Green eyes, very white skin.

>> No.8848568

27 yo mexican here.

>> No.8848575
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Odelay vato

>> No.8848594

bisexual arab girl here

>> No.8848599

post feet

>> No.8848606

Transsexual gorilla here.

>> No.8848612


As a white man who handles hiring you wouldn't even begin to understand how valuable black men who aren't complete niggers are. There are unspoken quotas and they make firing black people hard because they're very difficult to replace which lets them get away with a lot of shit like showing up late and taking a lot of sick days. When we finally get one that acts right the company will go the extra mile to keep them happy so keep that in mind if you ever find yourself negotiating your salary.

>> No.8848622

>tfw all black people need to stand out is normal speech and a decent clothing style
Lif on easy mode desu

>> No.8848627

I'm a white male but I'm 36 and from the shit part of Europe. Guess that makes me a minority, at least age-wise.

>> No.8848633

Very funny post my man 10/10

>> No.8848637

It must feel amazing to have the leftist-neo-capitalist-globalist-zionist machinery working in your favor. I'm jealous.

>> No.8848641

23 yo Spaniard Mexican Chinese female reporting in.

>> No.8848652

Diagonal pussy alert

>> No.8848666

18 y/o white straight cis male shitlord signing in

>> No.8848674
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>white straight cis male

>> No.8848675

Define "white".

>> No.8848680

pls be my gf

>> No.8848685


>> No.8848690

Hahah what the fuck

>> No.8848693


(I know, sad.)

>> No.8848694

top fuk'n zozzle

>> No.8848695

Exactly my thoughts, never heard that one before.

>> No.8848700
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This is an international board. Internationally whites are a minority. In America they're on the way of becoming one.

What you really mean to ask is how many of the chink/negroid/indian majority is on here. Unsurprisingly these races are not very interested in the western canon or high brow literature. Asians due to their higher intelligence should show up with more frequency than their """"minority"""" kindred however.

>> No.8848703

26 years old, sudanese

>> No.8848706
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>i'm half black half Asian; there's a few other black guys but we never mention it for obvious reasons.

You've mentioned it a million times and posted pictures of your arm so we could see the colour of your skin. It obviously means quite a lot to you.

>> No.8848707

Cacausoids, more particularly aryans.

>> No.8848710

Sure is /literature/ in here


>> No.8848714

Define "aryan"

>> No.8848722 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8848747

Do you also draw stickpeople on dA?

>> No.8848752

26yo non-asian LP, BsAs