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8846075 No.8846075 [Reply] [Original]

The way I see it, materialism is inherently reductionist regarding the mind, consciousness etc. Since after all consciousness isn't matter, you can't assert that there is only matter and that consciousness exists at the same time. Likewise you can't say that consciousness is matter without discarding the immediacy of it, because you are looking at it from without.
So then what's the deal with "non-reductive" materialism? All I see are people asserting these things which simply can't be due to the inherent nature of the matter, which is total incommesurability between consciousness and the material world.

>> No.8846086

dude tldr... i dont have time to read a whole paragaph full of philosophy words

signed, god

>> No.8846104

Kys, friend.

>> No.8846107

>consciousness isn't matter
Are you going to support that claim or what?

>> No.8846139

Literal brainlets.

>> No.8846141

If it's true that philosophy is language games, then how can this problem be solved?

Consciousness isn't material, true, but then consciousness might not actually be a thing that requires its own word.

'Runningness' is not material, and yet people run.

People perceive, but perhaps 'perceivingness' isn't a word that has any kind of literal meaning.

>> No.8846157

Philosophy is only a language game in as much as words can change meaning.
Words signify things, the word consciousness signifies a thing as well.
The reason consciousness requires a word is because it is intelligible to us, even more to the point it is the very first thing intelligible to us, it is the principle of intelligibility itself.
So the word consciousness I take to mean this eidetic phenomenon of intelligibility which is the first and foremost of all our apprehensions.

>> No.8846285

>Since after all consciousness isn't matter
prove it.

>> No.8846295

>Since after all consciousness isn't matter

>> No.8846329

More brainlets.

>> No.8846342

Do people still talk about this? wew

>> No.8846346

>The reason consciousness requires a word is because it is intelligible to us, even more to the point it is the very first thing intelligible to us, it is the principle of intelligibility itself.
Wrong. If something was intelligible to us, it wouldn't be philosophy.

>> No.8846357

>consciousness isn't matter
haha what a dumbass

>> No.8846363


Materialism is a symptom of disgusting capitalism. People feel the need to consume because of marketing, even unintentional marketing.

One day we may be rid of it.

>> No.8846365

They're like cockroaches.

>> No.8846369

>consciousness is a thing
wew, "consciousness" is a linguistic abstraction. It's an incoherent concept, which is why retard philosophy nerds love to debate about it.

>> No.8846397

"Consciousness" is not an abstraction you loser, abstractions are abstracted from something, hence mathematics is abstracted from matter. Consciousness is clearly known to us, and what is known is real in as much as it is known.
Take your virgin brainlet shit back to /sci/ please.

>> No.8846419

At least going to try and defend your spooks OP or continue having a meltdown

>> No.8846445

Read whitehead you fucking brainlets.

There is no substance, only process. Consciousness is a complex process interacting with many different entities and nexus.

>> No.8846461
File: 167 KB, 1001x502, 1448871488166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I literally not just fucking say "materialism is inherently reductionist."
If you seriously can't see why then kys.

I didn't come here to explain basic shit to memers.

>> No.8846502

The conceit of man never ceases to astound me

>> No.8846508

>I am incapable of seeing myself as anything other than the completely unbiased observer and everything that seems intuitive to me is objective reality
eating from the trash can

>> No.8846530

lol, name one thing that exists removed from experience.

>> No.8846537

>Materialism is a symptom of disgusting capitalism. People feel the need to consume because of marketing, even unintentional marketing.
>One day we may be rid of it.

My sides

>> No.8846550

>literally can't fathom that people might disagree with me
wew lad.

>> No.8846562

the world

>> No.8846713

Why isn't consciousness matter? It seems like you're excluding consciousness from the realm of things called 'matter' for no real reason. Consciousness is energy, isn't it?
However, I suppose a chemical reaction isn't really matter, either, by your line of thought.

I can't say that I'm a materialist. I don't run around saying 'everything is just atoms'. But I don't see why consciousness has to be considered immaterial - I actually just don't know what the word 'immaterial' even means, in a real-world sense.

In fact, since existence is an idea, and ideas come from consciousness, then it could be argued that, by definition, the existence of the material world is predicated on consciousness.

What is stopping us from considering consciousness a part of the material world?

>> No.8846785

You didn't even make a point, you just words.

>> No.8846845

yo is that from an anime, it looks nice