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File: 926 KB, 1994x1509, dystopia vs dystopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8846209 No.8846209 [Reply] [Original]

1) Which one scares you more?

2) Which one do you think was best at predicting the future?

For me it's Brave New World for both. The West won't fall into dictatorships. It will just never happen (apart from Hitler and Mussolini I guess, but forget about them).

Huxley accurately saw just how insidious corporatism and materialism were, and how they would distract the masses from caring about the things that are important in life.

The worst thing is that 1984 gets all the praise and attention. So every normie out there is obsessed with the idea of "HURR I DON'T WANT BIG BROTHER WATCHING ME, SO NO I DON'T WANT SURVEILLANCE, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT STOPS TERRORIST ATTACKS AND SAVES LIVES", while willing going on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instashit, et al., where their personal data is mined for profit. All so they can indulge in the "feelies" of posting inane pictures and waiting for the emotional reassurance of "likes" to come pouring in.

It really is no context for me. Orwell was a fool to think dictatorship would ever grip the entire West. He fundamentally misunderstood the individualistic liberalism that defined the Allied nations - Britain, the US, France. Huxley was much shrewder. He knew that the best way to control them isn't to try and keep them down, where they will ALWAYS fight back. The best way to control them is to distract them with hedonism so they don't even notice, or care, that they are kept down at all.

>> No.8846212

I bet this will get one tenth of the replies of some stupid frogpost.

>> No.8846233

You understand only the surface details of 1984. It is actually much closer to describing the modern methods of nation states. Corporate fascism is what Orwell was trying to expose. Fake news, 2 minute Hate, surveillance by media to compartmentalize thought all described by Orwell.

>> No.8846238


reddit post

>> No.8846254

>trying to talk about books

if you want (Yous)s post a picture of a philosopher, copy his main idea, dumb it down and greentext it.

>> No.8846263

Brave New World. 1984-style totalitarianism would inevitably create resistance and liberal movements, but people are too passive in BNW to give a shit about anything.

>> No.8846270
File: 5 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surveillance is good
>surveillance saves lives
>normies hate surveillance
oy vey, I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.8846279

Source : My ass

>> No.8846282
File: 22 KB, 220x325, hmhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8846293

Hopefully it will, because both of these books are pseudointellectual scripture lauded by dropouts and redditors.

Read any nonfiction by the authors and you will see how little they really have to say. Most notably Politics and the English Language

>> No.8846305
File: 96 KB, 241x228, 1394211924262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1984 is literally us
Where do we go from here? Is this the part where we become rebels and bomb shit?

>> No.8846316


>Implying Orwell's non-fiction isn't great

>> No.8846333

I remember being twenty.

>> No.8846340

This. But I have a feeling OP hasn't actually observed the world around him well enough to understand this.

>> No.8846345

I'm Jewish and can confirm. We always push for further surveillance at the secret meetings.

>> No.8846350

XD ebin post

>> No.8846351

Orwell's best work is non-fiction, you pseud