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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 535x800, 33933781.SAULWILLIAMS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8844658 No.8844658 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ honestly think of slam poetry?

Saul Williams - Coded Language
Saul Williams - "Ohm"
Saul Williams - Telegram

>> No.8844660

It's the death of art.

>> No.8844667

>black "art"

>> No.8844674

Saul Williams is the only one I like

>hurr durr i'm racist and its clever
*sucks own dick*

>> No.8844677

Saul Williams is the only person I've heard do slam poetry well.
I'm sure there are other genuinely talented slam poets, but they are in a medium filled to the brim with pseuds, hipsters, and flat out awful poets.

I really like Saul's work, though

>> No.8844682

sometimes good, mostly hammy as fuck

its almost always been a soapbox for queers and colored people and women to complain

all slams seem to need some sort of shoe-horned political or moral message, which is fine in it's own right, but you'll never hear a slam poem about a beautiful woman or describing a scene

>> No.8844691

Slam poetry yeah right lol

More like

(Announcer: He's going for it.... He's going for the own...


>> No.8844701

>hammy as fuck
that word sums it up perfectly. i like your words. you have the best words.

>> No.8844717


>> No.8844726

Why are you starting a slam thread with an actual talented poet? This is supposed to be a shitposting thread about whiny teenage tumblrinas.

>> No.8844729

Also this is my favorite of his

>> No.8844733

I don't have much experience with it, but everything I've seen is corny and obvious.

>> No.8844753

Slam poetry is straight garbage.

>> No.8844774

slam is the crunkcore of literature

>> No.8844791

not poetry
has no SLAM
just a bunch of mixed-race gender queer evolutionary defects preaching their feelings

Although in a few years a rapper will win the Lit nobel

fuck off nigger

>> No.8844795

nice reference, fellow /mu/tant
who can say if the entertainment value is equal to that of BrokeNCYDE ; )

>> No.8844801

>awh damn, my dick done bruised
>vacuum? more like vac-came in my own mouth :))

>> No.8844811

Saul Williams may not be much of a poet but his music and lyrical musings are always smart and interesting. I hate this shit where /pol/lacks pretend this whole site is an alt-right hive mind and we have to stone everyone liking a black artist. (Let me predict your next move: you'll post the reddit marxist page and call me a cuck. Grow up you fucking faggot.)

>> No.8844855


>> No.8844858

hello senior redditor

>> No.8845052
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>its almost always been a soapbox for queers and colored people and women to complain

Sad but true...


>> No.8845053

You poor /pol/ browsers can't even spell señor?

God give me strength.

>> No.8845071

browsing /lit/ i see before me
three youtube links, 1, 2 and 3 -
I watch them...
a man as black scorched earth
speaking words
they sound like turds
completely unreserved
i SHIT post on /lit/ to express
my DIScontent with the cultural theory
the mechanical delivery
bla bla bla

>> No.8845075

There's a pretty strong community in my home city, thankfully I'm not American so the worst of the cancer is avoided. I go every now and then because you'll generally get at least a couple of ok poems, every now and then a good one or two.

However, the scene itself is dogshit, the majority of the performers are either in uni or haven't done anything with their life since leaving it, they all write the most cliche over the top shit, and not one of them ever has fun with it. Those are like the base-line offences which nearly everyone is guilty of, but at least once a night someone will jump on stage and either talk about cop-killings in America or the fact women get raped, and they always link it back to and centre it on themselves, even when you can talk to them after and they've clearly lived the tamest, most sheltered safe middle-class lives imaginable. The whole thing just becomes an excercise in sympathy porn. Still people snap whenever a line compares men to 'wolves' or finds a way to call cops pigs.

>> No.8845077

It's ash that should never be considered an art form, for the sake of civilization

>> No.8845078


>> No.8845079


>What does /lit/ honestly think of slam poetry?


>> No.8845080

>hating on Saul Williams
i bet you couldn't even tell me what he's talking about in the videos in OP. Ignorant pseuds.

>> No.8845084

Speaking of which, last time I went, ssome guy (who opened with how his poems were always biographical) started talking about how he was 'a self-described male feminist' coming to terms with POTUS Trump, at which point he staged a full on debate between himself as a radical identity-politics leftie and a slightly less radical identity-politics leftie. After, he turned to the audience and says 'i don't know which to choose, i don't know who is right, but we must stay together.' Then he puts his fist in the air and bows his head. And the whole thing was full of goddamn easy rhymes.

>> No.8845092


>but at least once a night someone will jump on stage and either talk about cop-killings in America or the fact women get raped, and they always link it back to and centre it on themselves

You endured this orgy of narcissism and you kept going back to see more of it?

I couldn't even do it for the schadenfreude.

>> No.8845121

Honestly it's really quite interesting to see how these people use and abuse art. I don't think they ever consider beauty or art or whatever, they pick a political topic that's hot in the media (I assume they don't pick it because it's hot in the media more they only know about things that are) and they write about it in what I believe they think is an authentic way.

I don't think it occurs to them that they're being narcissistic, it just comes naturally to write about themselves, and I don't think it occurs to them that chasing those big lines that people love damages the poem when it can only be read one way. Whilst I hate the word millenial I can honestly see nearly every critique leveled against a generation playing out in one night here.

And if its really bad I just go get another pint.

>> No.8845171

This is the only good slam poetry ever created.


>> No.8845193

Few things bring my piss to a boil like slam poetry. I dont care what the topic or theme is, even if its something I love, slam poetry is like verbal AIDS. It doesnt help that 99% of it is done by millennial leftists and indignant minorities.

>> No.8845300
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literally gay nigger faggots this time. literally.

>> No.8845340
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I want to throatfuck her

>> No.8845365

>It's been a voice for the disenfranchised that I despise

Much like 4chan is the soapbox for the whiny white boys.
>Wull, at least we're anonymous! [Like the Klan]

>> No.8845371


You're missing the commentators point entirely.

It would be nice if slam poetry wasn't ENTIRELY politicised, in the same way that it would be nice if 4chan wasn't ENTIRELY politicised.

You're on /lit/, the board meant for enjoying something (literature), how do you know the poster isn't ALSO against white people whining on 4chan?

Honestly I hate this "whataboutism". His criticism of slam poetry isn't invalidated by people on /pol/ talking about how much they hate X minority.

>> No.8845381
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She would look nice with slobber and cum all over her facet

>> No.8845490

it's like menstruation in auditory form

>> No.8845495

Every time I hear the "slam poem voice" (you know the one) I instantly try and find something to distract me from the utter cringe inducing garbage about to assault me

>> No.8846733

It's too easy to take slam poetry in a completely off-base direction.

>> No.8846853
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>> No.8846862

Slam Poetry is a predominantly a white girl field

>> No.8846923

>you can't dislike a black poet thats raycis

>> No.8846932

The guy that said she had blowjob eyes was a true visionary.

>> No.8846950

Niggers are so proud of writing down words. Just showing your scribbles is top tier.

>> No.8846986
File: 276 KB, 540x540, here he goes again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon, you saved my screencap, which I came here to post anyway hehehe

>> No.8847072

it's called Spoken Word

>> No.8847925

Is anyone else really irritated by her accent? She sounds exactly like those 'quirky' Americans who think that pronouncing the odd word with a poorly actualised English accent makes them cool. I've met Americans like this and it really fucking annoys me as a Londoner. "Ooh wow I'm more urbane because I sound 'British'" yeah lol my country did way more colonial shit than Burgeristan but go ahead and pretend that we're your tea-drinking quirky liberal paradise you sorority house pseud fuck

>> No.8848245

>blowjob eyes

What you did there
I see it

>> No.8848553

Doesn't matter; I still want to cum down her throat.

>> No.8848598
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she spelled 'attention whore' wrong

>> No.8848605


Sometimes when I'm driving I talk to myself literally to hear myself talk and sometimes I work myself up and that's what this is like

>> No.8848691

How can they honestly call it "slam poetry" when it doesn't even have dank slams!


>> No.8848692

nice reading comprehension faggot

>> No.8848709

does guttural literature exist? if so, i'm guessing there's no vowels in the text. just consonants.

if not, we just may have invented a new literary genre.

>> No.8848711

Affirmative action for poetry

>> No.8848790


>casually using racist slurs

since when did /lit/ go to shit?

>> No.8848820

>casually using 'shit'

since when did /lit/ turn to manure?

>> No.8849761

I'm so in love with her body

>> No.8849794

did some one say slam?


>> No.8849861

I don't think it's very good.

I went to a poetry slam once, had no idea what slam poetry was. Thought everyone was just bad at poetry. Whatever. I was in high school.
Got up on stage. Kinda nervous.
Read a (really bad) poem I wrote.
I know it's bad. Really nervous.
Finish. They all clap.
No one looks me in the eye.
Didn't go to another ever again.

>> No.8849877

I've never been in a slam poetry recital or opened your links but you posted a black person as your OP so I'm going to say it's shit.

>> No.8849901
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this cunt yet again.

>> No.8850688
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>> No.8851787

This is 4chan fit in or fuck off faggot

>> No.8852081

Why is everybody defending this guy. I think I have a pretty open mind but I think it's shit.

>> No.8852094

I tried reading this in my head as a slam poem at first

>> No.8852098
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Twice the First Time


>tfw hipster stuff
>it's ok tho

>> No.8852109

I didn't think anyone from the reddit """""invasion"""""" would still be here.

>> No.8852445
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bullshit for talentless pseudo intellectuals

>> No.8852535

Slam poetry is a spook for spooks

>> No.8852582

I normally wouldn't feel comfortable dismissing an entire artistic genre as utter trash, but I genuinely think slam poetry is incapable of being good. It's really a paradox. You'd think the absolute freedom of form that slam poetry allows would open the doors for exciting experimentation, but somehow every single one is so fucking derivative of the next. It's gotten to the point of giving the appearance that slam poetry is actually more formalist and rigid than traditional poetry, but it's fascinating because the rules are entirely implicit.

>> No.8852588

It's more poetic and weighty as 'ash.'

>> No.8852615

It's because he's so much better than the typical slam poet that it's worthy of praise, but that still doesn't make him particularly good.

>> No.8852627

______ cigarette _______
______ fridge ________
______ drink ________
______ vagina ________

Template for most of female slam "authors" I've come across. There's a pseudo-intellectual cult following the glorified displays of "daddy issues" and vulgarity.