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/lit/ - Literature

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8844398 No.8844398 [Reply] [Original]

>current book you're reading and how do you like it

>> No.8844403


work, accessing lit on the cash register :^)

The Waves by Wooolf. It's so so so so good. Picked it up on a whim and it's spectacular, my first by Woooolf

>> No.8844407

A ton of Descartes for final paper

>> No.8844408

>Boston, MA
>Infinite Meme (it's actually pretty great)

>> No.8844410

>Thy Neighbor's Wife

Its okay. Makes me feel like I'm missing out on life because I don't have sex.

>> No.8844416


>> No.8844422

>finished A Happy Death by Camus today, it was 8/10. I'll start on Plato next.

>> No.8844431
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Journey to the End of the Night, I don't know why I didn't read this earlier

>> No.8844436



V. - it's alright

>> No.8844438

>The Broom of the System
I'm about 2/3 of the way through it and nothing has really happened. Pretty boring tbqf but I still like DFW's dialogue.

>> No.8844440

How is it so cold all of a sudden? It was so hot yesterday

>> No.8844443

Blood Meridian
It's pretty good but the long ass sentences wear me out

>> No.8844452

New Jersey bro, where do you study?

>> No.8844454

The Tao of Pooh
It's pretty good.

>> No.8844455

This is data gathering of 4chan users. Remember to fake all information.

>> No.8844459

Okay, I'll say I'm with friends then.

>> No.8844460

msu. you?

>> No.8844462

Im reading the Lies of Locke Lamora.

Its pretty intresting

>> No.8844465

Went to Stevens, live in Maine now, went to a bunch of shows in Montclair though.

>> No.8844487

>Its okay. Makes me feel like I'm missing out on life because I don't have sex.

Don't kid yourself, friend. You are depriving yourself of having a life by not having sex.

>> No.8844488

City of God
It's bretty good

>> No.8844490

it's not the best place but w.e

>> No.8844498

Shut the fuck up, faggot. You act like 4chan and the NSA don't already have terabytes of your personal life and search history, you porn-watching degenerate. Please end yourself.

reee, etc.

>> No.8844535

>War and Peace.

Really good. The entertainment I get out of it goes up and down in some parts but overall its a great book. Currently halfway through book three and hoping to finish by Christmas. I've got AK and Demons by Dosto to read next but i'm getting worn out by so many long ass books.

>> No.8844547

>The Iliad

I started reading for study purposes but I'm really enjoying it so far

>> No.8844554

War & Peace
It's accessible and engaging, about the opposite of what I assumed it'd be. I feel I have pretty much no reason to keep putting off reading when it's so fun.

>> No.8844558

The Count of Monte Cristo

It's fucking amazing.

>> No.8844563

Walker/Hammond, LA
Finishing Crime & Punishment, 5 stars
i have like 240 books and i don't know what to start next. What should i pick? something short preferably. just say a book and i probably have it

>> No.8844571

nine stories

>> No.8844577

>In search of lost time/by swann's way. I like it, reminds me of multiple memories all stiched together.

>> No.8844595

>Betrayer of Worlds
I really like it. The only book by Larry Niven I haven't enjoyed so far was A World Out of Time and the first half of Ringworld.

>> No.8844619

yeah hey might be la ninà

War and Peace
Its ambitious but his crystal clear prose and having already studied the Napoleonic wars make it easier

>> No.8844635


Almost Transparent Blue

>> No.8844653

Oh god I hope not last time we had a La Nina winter we had 2ft of snow on the ground and I'm in Kentucky. That's practically unheard of here.

>> No.8844681

>just finished Lolita, reading book about putin right now

dont now what to read next ,something prison themed maybe

>> No.8844707

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>Idk what exactly he wants to say, the characters also feel a bit illogical at times.

>> No.8844712

Bureau of Meteorology says its unlikely this year but we will see soon my man

>> No.8844715
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Russian Federation
The Death Of Ivan Ilych (just finished)

I have no idea why this is so good with critics. It's just an enjoyable, but not relatable chronicle.

>> No.8844749

Book of Illusions

>> No.8844804

art of the deal

waiting for my broker to get back to me about my 10$ investment in hentai images

>> No.8844821

>South Africa
Enjoying it quite a lot. /lit/ wasn't memeing about the quality of the prose. The fact that it manages to be uncomfortably sexual without any vulgarity is impressive too.

>> No.8844849
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Plato The Republic.

Socrates kind of pisses me off. I found myself sympathizing with the people that rage at him for being a little cunt.

>Ask someone what justice is
>When you do good to good man and ill to a poor man
>Rephrase question
>Dude Socrates what the fuck are you talking about? Why don't you answer what justice is if you're so smart?

It makes me angrier than it should.

>> No.8844852
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20 next week


Don Quixote part 2. First part was a relaxing read, even the monologues. I'm just hoping part 2 is as comfy and Sancho gets his insula. Getting some Gogol for Christmas so looking forward to going full russian lit for a few months after this

>> No.8844862

>The fact that it manages to be uncomfortably sexual without any vulgarity is impressive too.
Check out God's Little Acre if that's your cup of tea.

>> No.8844864

>south eastern burgerstan
>anthology of kierkegaards works
>its some cool shit, but so is blow and strippers
nah but for real though sickness unto death is a great essay with some insightful points
my grandfather would be rolling in his grave if he knew I was agreeing with the philosophy of a filthy proddy buttfuck it

>> No.8844871

>not vulgar in of itself

>> No.8844876

There my niggas at book club starts saturday
>Austin Texas
>War and Peace

>> No.8844882

>Homage to Catalonia

It's pretty good, I like Orwell's style in it, interested to read from where he has to deal with republican infighting.

>> No.8844884

Cambridge, MA
Moby Dick. About 300 pages in. Loving it so far. I was led to believe it was largely boring cetology, but even the cetology chapter was lively and beautifully written. The characters are phenomenal.

>> No.8844889

That's her best book.

It's all downhill from there. :^)

>> No.8844921


>> No.8844940

>finished hamlet yesterday, will start portrait today

>> No.8844944

Hmm. I'll wait a while before I read anything else then. Wait til I forget how good it is.

>> No.8844993

House of Leaves

It's a big ol' meme but I am really enjoying it stylistically. It is probably unnecessarily slow but I am really interested to see where it goes.

>> No.8845143

intruder in the dust

I feel like I'm rushing through it because of the length of the sentences. Wild Palms wasn't full of these, but I don't mind the style

>> No.8845147

>Tender is the Night

ilm feeling angry at these vain, soulless richfags

>> No.8845150
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>Ovid's biography
>It starts with an in-depth description of the wonders of childbirth

>> No.8845152

nj/boston (study in boston)
The Design of Everyday Things, just finished Cryptonomicon.

>> No.8845156

To the Lighthouse is also phenomenal. Much less ambitious than The Waves but still formally innovative and full of beautiful passages. I say give it a read if you are liking The Waves

>> No.8845158

>Cluj-Napoca, Romania
>Notes from the underground

Am I an edgy teen or a meme if I identify with the narrtor? The first part, at least, was pretty close to my own thoughts and experience.

>> No.8845161


I promised myself I would finish that book. Still couldn't, it was too painful.

I really just don't get hemingway. He obsesses over details I don't care for, and leaves everything else out of his jounralistic prose.

I tried to read Green Hills of Africa as well, and it made me want to die. He just rambles...

Can someone enlighten me? Am I missing something with Hemingway.

>> No.8845162

nice brodie heading over there to see senpai in a couple days. the city kills me though

>heidegger's introduction to metaphysics
I loved heidegger from reading What is Metaphysics, and this is even better. Psyched to read Poetry, Language, Thought and eventually Being and Time

>> No.8845192
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>The Iliad
The preface is like 100 pages of hexameter babbel, very informative but extremely boring at times.

>> No.8845194

sophist detected

>> No.8845238

>The Iliad

Is it worth reading for someone who doesn't really care about the ">start with the greeks" meme? Personally, I just care about reading well-written classics, so if you think it so, then I might consider it.

>tfw no Swedish gf

>> No.8845273

outer dark

Reading all of McCarthy, enjoying it so far

>> No.8845295


Reading the Iliad in translation is like listening to Beethoven's 9th played on a piano.

>> No.8845314
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The Consolation of Philosophy - Boethius

It's pretty decent, the prose is nice and well thought out. Decent poetry too.

>> No.8845316


>Kentucky, USA


Really good book, its my first read through.

>> No.8845319

>>8844398 (op)
The ingenious man Don Quixote of la mancha

>> No.8845320

Da. Acuma ieși acas', țâganule.

>> No.8845328

The left hand of darkness by Ursula LeGuin.
I hate it, it's boring sci-fi shit but I have to read it for school.

>> No.8845345 [DELETED] 

My house
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
I'm really really getting into it, don't think I've ever been this intrigued by a piece of writing before

>> No.8845353

You might want to delete this.

>> No.8845354

>reading poems and plays
>not performing them

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.8845356

>São Paulo
>God and the State

>> No.8845373

Montreal, but here studying Chem (originally from Leb)
- Can Love Last
- A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis
- Fatherless Sons
- Surviving and Transcending a Traumatic Childhood

They're all pretty good so far, got them from the library to try to make sense of everything I've been feeling lately.

>> No.8845397

>The Aenead is ok but I preferred the Iliad. Though the Aenead is more enjoyable than the Odyssey.

>> No.8845422

Les Misérables
The theme is interesting, The Victor Hugo's aphorisms and comparisons are really good too. It's been a great experience.

>> No.8845511

>Iphigenia in Tauris (Euripides)

>> No.8845518

the alchemist,
its great
>inb4 "this is a literature board"

>> No.8845523

Fort Collins, Colorado
The Courage to Act

It's pretty interesting. Reading about how the markets would freak out just because Ben added an adjective in the slightly wrong place is both hilarious and frightening.

>> No.8845536

Get well soon

>> No.8845556

The Jonson play? If not


>> No.8845559

> 19
> Atlanta, GA
> The Old Man and The Sea. loveli

>> No.8845591

Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien d'Alfred Jarry

I don't understand a fucking word but it's fun

>> No.8845603
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>To the Lighthouse

It's fantastic. It's like it's opened my eyes to what good prose is, because it functions on a whole different level to the other stuff I've read up until now.

>> No.8845615

>/r9k/: The Post

>> No.8845638
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>South Afrika
>The Stand

Pretty good, I wanted to read some post apocalyptic books, so I started with Alas, Babylon and moved onto this, any other post apocalypse type survivor books I should try?

I feel like reading some good horror type stuff set in new england, I'll check out some of kings other books too.

>> No.8845685

>same age, same book
central europe though

>> No.8845735


I liked the stand until he introduced some bullshit spirit stuff. I quit then, it just felt out of place with the rest of the book, Introduced so quickly.

>> No.8845754

it's so good

i fucking love pineapple

>> No.8845756

power through it dude, i think the protagonist basically admits to having no soul late in the book

>> No.8845769


Yeah man, it is pretty "symptomatic," to say the least...

>> No.8845770
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New Hampshire
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72

Nearly 200 pages in and I'm really loving it so far.

>> No.8845790


About 40 pages in and not enjoying it so far. Prose is flat and there's not too much going on. Might drop it soon.

>> No.8845890

well yeah unless you are dying of stomach cancer its not directly relatable but if that's your criticism then you are a certified plebian

>> No.8845898
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> cultural logic of late capitalism and Pope's Illiad

>> No.8845915

Aesthetics of Verbal Creation

Very nice phenomenology of stuffs (selfs, authors and characters)

>> No.8846065


Pretty boring but informative. Started to work my way through the complete Icelandic sagas. (As complete as it gets in Swedish at least) Expect it to get better once I get to the actual sagas as the ones I've read before are kinda cool.

>> No.8846076

30. Canada. C&P. Its good. Real good.

>> No.8846103

Yes the chapter with the nigger lady in nebraska was boring as hell, I'm at the part where everybody meets in Boulder, but the dreaming together shit is getting kind of dull, I just like the end of the world travelling and surviving stuff, I've read some of Kings other books before and some of them also had a way of getting too long in parts and having a shit ending.

>> No.8846126

>Some West Indian Island

Dunno, seems like the author's lifestory.

Not that I don't like it so far, the character is a bit relatable and I'm anxious to see how his journey ends.

>> No.8846187

>Electric Sheep; I like it, it's really good

>> No.8846241

Inherent Vice

It's a very enjoyable read. I understand why people call it Pynchon lite now.

>> No.8846264

My Antonia

It's so comfy

>> No.8846266

>A Confederacy Of Dunces

I'm enjoying it, only have 50 pages left.

>> No.8846539

>The Dead Zone
>Void Moon
>The Bell Jar
Liking them all so far. Bout halfway into the first two and only 3 chapters into The Bell Jar.

>> No.8846544

1984 by George Orwell
I like it a lot. I decided to start reading again just like i did when i was younger.

>> No.8846553
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Holy shit im actually also 18 from France and also rereading 1984 aswell wtf

>> No.8846580

Holy shit I'm getting too old to be here

>> No.8846587

Gone with the wind
Slavery from the perspective of whites is kinda boring. Also, does anyone identify with Ashley? As in the way that he succeeds in life, but his true passion is in the more humanitarian things in life? i.e. art, poetry, music

>> No.8846594

Piss off, gramps

>> No.8846596

I'm 21

>> No.8846598

Are you afraid to follow your heart because your heart itself is your greatest enemy and your worst friend?

>> No.8846610
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>tfw I read your post

What in Kek's name are you talking? You're too young if anything.

>> No.8846874

Nah, 18-21 are the most frequent ages of this board. I'm on my way out.

>> No.8846887

Meh, anons your age or younger in this thread: 38, anons older: 32

>> No.8846893

Goodbye To Berlin
Great observational writing, fun characters, but Christ I feel like a hack reading it in public.

>> No.8846894


>The Waves by Wooolf. It's so so so so good.

I didn't like it but it's one of the few books I'll occasionally be sitting on the bus and randomly think about.

I guess it had an impact.

>> No.8846901

>Birmingham, UK
>The Names (Delillo)

Only a hundred pages in but it's standard Delillo. All the characters speak in the same tones and could well be the exact same person if you weren't looking. Nothing's happened really.

>> No.8846918

>tfw I'm trying to move to Berlin

Teaching myself German and hopefully can go to grad school there within two years from now. Berlin truly is a /lit/ city.

Ich bin ein Berliner

>> No.8846925


Du bist nicht ein Berliner.

M-me too. Although probably not to Berlin because everybody moves there.

>> No.8846946


I'm coming to Kentucky in 2 weeks for a climbing trip and will be camping, I fucking hope it's not gonna be freezing

>> No.8846953

Every Twelve Seconds for my uni honors project.

>> No.8846955

I've got a bit less than a hundred pages left and it's already my favourite book, Nabokov better not punt the ending

>> No.8846963

Bijenhouden, hoe doe je dat? (Dutch)
Beekeeping, how do you do that? (Translated)

>> No.8846976

>my couch under a blanket with the Christmas tree lit up to my left, cold world drudging away outside the window
>Child of God by Cormac McCarthy, only the first couple pages but I know I'll enjoy it

>> No.8847013

Swann's Way
Really enjoyable. It's requiring some attention and concentration efforts tho, abilities I've let to get rusty lately. However, it's being worthy of everything it's taking by now.
Where u at amigo?

>> No.8847017

>Personally, I just care about reading well-written classics, so if you think it so, then I might consider it
Yes, it's a masterpiece but you might not appreciate it unless you have knowledge about ancient greek tradition.

>> No.8847018

Lol I forgot to say my location is Spain

>> No.8847059

>not wanting to move to Berlin

Casual detected.

>> No.8847064


>> No.8847079

>Faust, full of ancient greek meme references, pretty good

>> No.8847203

>On The Margin of Life by Stanislaw Grzesiuk, one of the very few non-fiction books I've read lately but it's interesting to get a look at the final years of a man that managed to survive 5 years in various concentration camps and in the end get taken out by fucking Tuberculosis.

>> No.8847262


Cape Town
Stoner - it's one of the best books I've read, it's grim and almost upsetting. I preferred the magic mountain as an allegory and as something that's also set in a rarefied atmosphere.

>> No.8847266 [DELETED] 

>The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, gives me the warm fuzzies

>> No.8847284

>>8844398 (OP)
>The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness
gives me the warm fuzzies

>> No.8847285

Asturias, muh frend

>> No.8847286

>somewhere in south balkans
>morning star - pierce brown
it's not bad i guess,the world seems more nuanced than in the previous two books,and the main character is less of a marysue now

>> No.8847299

Holy fuck mane, same here.
Asturias where? Do you Uniovi and shit?

>> No.8847304 [DELETED] 

oviedo, i'll go to uniovi next year

>> No.8847318

I'm from Oviedo too.
What do you plan to study?

>> No.8847319

Oviedo, i'll go to uniovi next year

>> No.8847329

don't know yet, maybe history

>> No.8847345

Nigga it's like you already know me y me estás vacilando. I'm studying history.
Where in Vetusta do you like to hang out? Do you write or shit?

>> No.8847353

i don't usually go out. i live near huca

>> No.8847361

22, Wisconsin. Gravity's Rainbow.

I don't think I'm smart enough to get the full experience. It's funny. Lotta proper nouns out the gate.

>> No.8847392

I think I may know you desu. Have you ever wore a mohawk-like haircut?
You want to meetup, change emails or something? If you write and want someone to betaread your texts, I'm up to it. I'm also lacking lit pals who can read and critique my drafts.

>> No.8847396

i'm shaven headed. i just read the greek classics and books about the greek myths. i'm not into actual lit

>> No.8847409

I went through Aeschylus and Sophocles during last month. Pretty cool.
Can you read ancient greek or something?

>> No.8847413

Ce fraier stai pe /lit/

>> No.8847424

i tried to learn ancient greek in
baccalaureate but i stopped. i read them in spanish and i'm still with euripides

>> No.8847441

Cool. Well, it was nice to find you here lad. Taluego, manín.

>> No.8847448

Swann's Way, love it but daunted by the immense size of the whole ISOLT. I might finish this one then have a break and read some Murakami or something before picking up the next one.

>> No.8847457



>> No.8847488

>Kingston (Ontario)
>Farenheit 451

I am going to school and Bradbury's dystopia seems more and more real on my campus. People just arent reading anymore. As a result every half baked feminist with greasy green hair is a self identified expert on everything and anybody who disagrees with them is racist. It is impossible to voice an opinion in liberal arts classes without some 4 foot she-troglodyte named Mildred causing a liberal stink.

>> No.8847551



Ender's Shadow. I forgot how much I loved this book.

>> No.8847564

vancovuer bc
the soft machine ... its alright

>> No.8847588


San Antonio

About a quarter of the way into the book of disquiet, but I also just started 1q84. BoD is pretty good but a lot of the time his vignettes just come across as self indulgent posturing. Regardless pessoa's prose is still admirable

>> No.8847770

Wanna do one of those trading-life-things trope from cartoons, where we learn that the grass isn't always greener on the other side?

>> No.8847777

Collected Poems of Robert Frost

It's pretty good. He's got a special taste of sadness to his work. It's perfect for wintertime (it's -4 degrees over here please send help)

>> No.8848768


Comfy read for a lonely youth.

>> No.8849347

Farewell to Arms
It's good but not as good as Sun Also Rises.

>> No.8849364

God I hate the South.

>> No.8849370

I assume you have a vagina, yes?

>> No.8849373

do you go to the university?

>> No.8849382

You go to /pol/ to much. Go outside.

>> No.8849777

Nice where are you from bro ?

>> No.8849852

>The concept of anxiety

>> No.8849950

>Goes outside
>Sees the world is shit

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.8850062


Nope. I live nearby and have friends who go there, though.

>> No.8850258

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

>> No.8850271

holy shit please kys

>> No.8850501

> 21
> Poland
> 1984

>> No.8850509

>Metaphysics - Aristotle

>> No.8850529

The Fountainhead. Fucking kill me.

>> No.8850551

Pigeons on the Grass by Wolfgang Koeppen

>> No.8850663

Syracuse, New York
Kafka on the Shore by Murakami

Comfy reread for somebody who often wants to escape this hellhole

>> No.8850689

Currently reading & re-reading King Lear for an essay.

It's possibly my favorite work of Shakespeare. It's certainly my favorite tragedy of his.

>> No.8850702

>he doesn't like Lizst's transpositions

>> No.8850706

>Light in August by William Faulkner

>> No.8850721

Georgia (US state)
Crime and Punishment: Raskolnikov is not the ubermensch that /lit/ made him out to be. But I'm enjoying the novel and am looking forward to the Punishment part of the book. The Porfiry-Raskolnikov scenes are really engaging.

>> No.8850735

Der Abentheuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch (Simplicius Simplicissimus)

>> No.8850745

>listening to /lit/

>> No.8850750

what's up atlanta bro, i'm this poster >>8850721

>> No.8850756

Just finished Farenheit 451.

Not too sure what to read next but I really liked this. Anyone have some recommendations?

>> No.8850758

>most people here are under 30

Kill me

>> No.8850779

Mexico city
Crime and punishment
I'm enjoying it a lot but i'm really anxious that maybe i picked the wrong translation

>> No.8850800

If you are going to make a plebby post bump your age up to like 25 so we would think you are such a child.

>> No.8850811

Keep in mind all
posters are 12-18

>> No.8852510

>West Europe
>The Demons by Dosto
It's great, I'm halfway through and the story is really gaining momentum. I'm not yet as emotionally involved as I was with C&P but discussions between characters keep getting tenser and more exciting and that's what I loved most about C&P.

>> No.8852604

Australia Cunt
Shadow of the Torturer - Tom Wolfe

>> No.8852632

Straya m8
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. It's good. The story about the depressed woman depressed me in turn, but only because I couldn't beat that bitch senseless.

>> No.8852952
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The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

It's pretty good so far. The part where they beat the fuck out of the cat caught me off-guard.

>> No.8853146

>St. Augustine's Confessions

really enjoying it

>> No.8853164

>Australia, Victoria
>Money, by Martin Amis

any amis fans on /lit/?

>> No.8854001
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38, Michigan

Read that book at the same age, found it laying about in the cafe at Borders. Read it without knowing about his past. I find Celine's cynical observations about the world really comforting for some reason. He spews bile but his character's actions are morally grounded. I also like the use of Robinson's character in the book, trailing him like a shadow.

>> No.8854019


That book made me laugh out loud and the end gave me serious feels

>> No.8854021

>Goodbye To Berlin

Oh god I remember having to read that shit for school. The pretentious hedonism. Painful as fuck. I hated it.

>> No.8854034


I had started reading it in September but then interrupted the reading with other books, and returned to it now.
Its a nice book, partially relatable, brutally honest on his analysis of isolation and hopelessness. The Treatise part was also a curious element.

>> No.8854043


Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Hariri

>> No.8854049


That book was so fucking good and hilarious. I really felt for the narrator as the relationship he was in reminded me of an old girlfriend. The way the tables get turned on him is masterfully executed.

>> No.8854051

I always feel like I'm using this phrase improperly no matter how I use it. But if you say "it's all downhill from here," aren't you saying you're over the hump and it gets better from here on out, i.e. the hard work is over and you don't have to pedal anymore?

>> No.8854057


The Imitation of Christ

Really good. Takes a minute to get used to the writing style, but otherwise it's very digestible. The version I have also italicizes the exact scriptural quotes and lists the chap:verse as a footnote.

>> No.8854060

>pedro paramo
so far i love it so much, holy shit
it's super short so i should finish soon but i want to really savour it and reread everything

>> No.8854062


I think it's downhill because you're heading for the bottom.

>> No.8854067

"It's all downhill from here" is in refference to the concept of "peaking" rather than the ease of the journey.

You/They have attained the greatest heights possible. And now...it's all downhill from here.

>> No.8854074

>Maui, Hawaii
>Infinite Jest
I'm actually re-reading it because I read it for the first time when I was 11 or so because I wanted to feel pretentious and superior to others
Absolutely did not understand a word of it
Now that I'm re-reading it I'm having a pretty good time, the narrative style is very similar to how I experience the world so it's always nice to have that

>> No.8854086


>> No.8854104

29, knocking on that goddamned door though.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Fun and moves along quickly. I don't understand the hating on Haruki-san meme.

>> No.8854403


turned 18 three weeks ago, uk, Plato's Republic.
Decided i had to do something with my life other than be a neet doing nothing. So far i've read the Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, 1984 and Stoner by John Williams.
Next book is a toss up between aristole's politics or Ceasars Gallic wars.

>> No.8854456

You're wasting your time. Only thing you are gaining is a certain degree of literary pretension.

28, UK, Blood Meridian.

>> No.8854626

Wow just finished that, and am now reading order od the phoenix.

>> No.8854867


New Jersey

Frankenstein: Lots of romantic language, I'm halfway through and liking it. But I'm pretty upset that Victor spent like two years creating artificial life just to abandon it all and never wonder where his creation went.

But I love the vibe I'm getting from the monster. Reminds me of Lucifer in Paradise Lost.

>> No.8855048
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Go to a university campus in Canada or Europe and tell me that young people are not ideologues. Not all young people, but enough to make it difficult to discuss contentious or even read subversive literature in classes.

>> No.8855642

Cat's Cradle

Haven't picked up a Vonnegut book up in a long time. Only 50 pages in but its a nice refresher to get me back into /lit/

>> No.8855655

>War & Peace
Nearly done with it now, it's been a great read.

>> No.8855856

Crime and Punishment
I empathise too much with Raskolnikov, make it stop.

>The Count of Monte Cristo
Mah nigga, story is baller as fuck.

>> No.8856214

>cherub series
just to reunite my nostalgia and nothing else.

>> No.8856427
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>The Castle

Just started, desu. It's the last of Kafka's novels that I have yet to read. I'm rather excited.

>> No.8856433

It's interesting and seems a lot more vulnerable than CoL49

>> No.8856437

>Los Angeles
>The Plague

pretty good thus far only about 90 pages in

>> No.8857917

I just finished Brave New World and I'm going down the book list made by JBP to help myself understand the world better.

>> No.8858689

Mexico City
The Grapes of Wrath: Holy shit we're okies.

>> No.8858813

>kafka - the trial

pretty engaging so far, read about 1/4. taking a break currently, maybe gonna finish it later today if it's interesting enough

>> No.8858850


Carlisle, UK

The Maimed by Hermann Ungar

It's pretty fucked. Somewhat psychologically interesting/insightful.

>> No.8858856

>Passion Play (Ruhl)

It's incredible. I've read most of it in a couple of hours since it's a play, and Ruhl never fails to fit complex ideas into every interaction and scene. No line is wasted.

>> No.8858863

my English student friends read that last term. sounds pretty weird. might nick a copy from one of them

>> No.8858904
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>pic related
It's ok

>> No.8858918

he just said he's going to school. that's pretty "outside"