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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 795x445, lit cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8843447 No.8843447 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ cringe ? This one made me ache

>> No.8843463

So that's Pynchon's youtuber name...

>> No.8843466

Everyone's a snowflake

>> No.8843467

The must cringe thing is your motivation to make this thread

>> No.8843475
File: 28 KB, 474x301, average stem major on lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843482

This is not cringe,
This is.

>> No.8843484
File: 958 KB, 2688x1520, 1476216627821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843490

Theyre both cringey senpai

>> No.8843492

Really. Bob Dylan tattoo?

>> No.8843493
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1461961456222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843497
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>> No.8843499



>> No.8843501

I'm a stem major and the only reason that's the "average" stem major is because stem is pushed as the cool, hip major that will make you rich, which attracts vain, moronic rabble.

>> No.8843502
File: 147 KB, 540x960, average lit user shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843504




>> No.8843506
File: 2.73 MB, 2098x2322, dude weed lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843509

I don't know, I gotta give him some props for just laying it all out there in the open like that not giving a fuck.

>> No.8843510

On The Road, classic nonfiction.

>> No.8843512
File: 524 KB, 859x360, femtip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843513

>getting a song about things changing permanently tattooed on your body
>this person will have children one day
>they will have children
>this person will make their grandchildren read these deep lyrics off of their wrinkly arm

>> No.8843514

Hold up

>> No.8843516
File: 325 KB, 396x577, infinite jest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not cringe, but when you see it, you'll shit bricks

>> No.8843517

What the fuck is 'On The Road' doing in there? It doesn't fit, nor does it deserve, to be lumped in with the rest of those.

>> No.8843520
File: 1.74 MB, 2448x3264, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843524
File: 144 KB, 518x614, newfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843529
File: 68 KB, 533x309, suicide candidate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843531
File: 12 KB, 1449x114, vonnegut lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843534
File: 1.19 MB, 2446x2545, worst shoes and books - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843536


>> No.8843540

>Korean flag
Yup, I cringed.

>> No.8843545


lmao who would post a bunch of cheap knockoff business shoes and dirty vans.

>> No.8843548

the same person who would buy a tyler oakley book and hebrew for dummies

>> No.8843549

Lots of people here revel in feeling better than others by reading "serious" literature. This is just an extension of that.

>> No.8843556

The shoes in the front right are pretty nice.

>> No.8843567

The flag hanging the wrong direction bothers me more than anything else

>> No.8843574

Jeez I bet they REALLY think they're an intellectual

>> No.8843587
File: 86 KB, 428x1524, 1465523199522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843592
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>> No.8843595

A lot of people here circlejerk by instantly approving of eachothers actions so that they feel good about themselves.

>> No.8843601
File: 24 KB, 570x312, 1470281743866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8843607
File: 85 KB, 594x1308, 1470282051430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8843620

>I knew them all. Because knowing is half the battle
>Phasers locked in target
>mastering Akalabeth

>> No.8843627

Holy ....

>> No.8843630

Lots of people here resort to ad hominem arguments when they don't have a good point.

>> No.8843653


What a fucking cornball, holy cow.

>> No.8843654

Thats not actually exceptionally common on reddit. They more often cite meme sites and statistcs, its like centrist pol.

>> No.8843695

>Sonic and the black Knight
Took me a while but I found the cringe

>> No.8843703

is this from ready player one or waht?

>> No.8843704

unironically where can I get more? I love this....

>> No.8843707

wtf i hate borges now

>> No.8843724
File: 915 KB, 180x195, 1479873893001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can be this brainwashed, I refuse to believe it

>> No.8843737

that Bill Bryson book though :///

>> No.8843749

You don't like Bill Bryson? He's a comfy non-fiction writer.

>> No.8843765
File: 45 KB, 590x624, 1470282693555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's Ready Player One

>> No.8843767
File: 725 KB, 1256x1164, 1470282542895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8843776
File: 33 KB, 960x609, 15267745_1186715374717352_5198640882645138769_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks for this post. i dont know if youre a native francophone but this inspired me to change my default language to french. everything now has the autotranslate function into french. i can now unto polyglot status which i shitpost irl.

>> No.8843777


would make pretty badass filler if they ever plan on getting more work done on top of the lettering. ive always thought text works well imbetween large tattoos

>> No.8843782


Who reads this garbage?

>> No.8843802

I did, no regrets.

>> No.8843806

But how?

>> No.8843853

>"haha fucking sex dolls is lame, now watch me wax poetic on the importance of masturbation, kids!"
Jesus christ, I'm triggered.


But did you read this?

>> No.8843896


the red docs and desert boots are good

Everything else is shit, except for the running shoes and the black dress shoes front middle

>> No.8843903

How is that cringe sprawling universal epics are the new-new?

>> No.8843906

>redditors will defend this

>> No.8843909


>> No.8843913

pas de probleme, camarade

>> No.8843929


>> No.8843930

... While wearing headphones.

>> No.8843937

So you don't like drugs, anon?

>> No.8844026

>text at elbow bend already blurred

>> No.8844041

That armpit looks like a dog's vagina.

>> No.8844171

Is it ironic? Please tell me it is

>> No.8844268

Reminds me of a bigger cringe as a kid. Once while everyone else was socializing I was sitting by myself reading a book called "How to Talk to Anyone"

>> No.8844273


I cringed.

>> No.8844277
File: 58 KB, 1417x1134, 1450499306614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy is too pleb to even bother cringing over.

who cares.

>> No.8844282

First paragraph is true desu.

>> No.8844286
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 3e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is this from an actual book?

>> No.8844289

I seriously thought I was reading a blogpost written by a teenager. Ready Player One can't be that bad, can it? Spielberg is making a movie about this shit?

>> No.8844292

>tfw a good guy like Cory Doctorow is an idol to faggots
He's not even a great writer, I just like his activism stuff.

>> No.8844299


This is quite remarkable, as I get the feeling this is a bad imitation of bad writing. There are several layers of badness here.

>> No.8844311

The Cringe is MInecraft Playstation 4 Edition

If you own minecraft on the console you deserve to be purged.

>> No.8844314

Drugs are gay.

>> No.8844315

out his ass

>> No.8844327
File: 175 KB, 970x545, Joust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have read RPO yet did not derive intense enjoyment from it, then you are indeed lying to yourself. Just let your pretensions go - life is so much better that way.

>> No.8844389

>And, of course, Kevin Smith.

>> No.8844480

You have to go back, Ernie.

>> No.8844585

cringiest thing in this thread

>> No.8844630

Tolkien and pot books. lmao is this Danny Sexbang's book collection from 10 years ago or soemthing?

>> No.8844652

I understand this reference
>tfw watch GG instead of reading

>> No.8844662

What does this sentence mean?:

"Who died and made you the king? Literature?"

>> No.8844689

Oh, the irony? I think?

>> No.8844692
File: 45 KB, 291x280, 1453239549402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gott....

>> No.8844696

wasn't that a prank video?

>> No.8844700

I thought reddit liked this guy?

>> No.8844703

>a guide to toking

>> No.8844706

I would like to see what /lit/ would respond to that


>> No.8844721


They don't like people to be so "blatant" about their nerdy and geeky hobbies. It's a secret club as well over there.

>> No.8844732

Makes sense

>> No.8844741

you know what OP? I deeply envy him. I envy that creative fecundity. I fucking wish I had as many cool ideas bouncin around in my mind as he does.

>> No.8844750

this is just depressing

hey man at least he can speak two languages


the real pain here is that you know this guy gets laid early and often all the time, everywhere he goes

I agree with this anon, you're just a salty conformist

>> No.8844756

>Spielberg is making a movie adaptation of this
Will there be subtitles namedropping the sauce of each referenced 80s thingy?

>> No.8844766

qt Olivia Cooke is in it, so there's one redeeming factor at least.

>> No.8844785

>Spielberg is making a movie adaptation of this

the thing about this is that from spielbergs perspective... a movie about this wouldn't be grotesque at all. it's the spectacle of a book worshipping lower media at the expense of literature that is truly disgusting about ready player one. a movie version of it is totally ... normal

>> No.8844817

That's pretty boss

>> No.8844818

John Lurie?

>> No.8844898

>owning minecraft at all

>> No.8844901

Thanks for all your remarkable and clever opinions fuckhead

>> No.8844904

Minecraft split screen is one of the comfiest activities possible in video games.

>> No.8844913

Kill you're selve

>> No.8844919

This is like Nabokov really taking the piss, I like it.

>> No.8844920


I want /v/ manchildren to leave.

>> No.8844926


>> No.8844935

So can we all agree ready player one is simply masturbatory self insertion material for 30-something redditors who worship pop culture references? I dont think there is anything redeemable about it whatsoever, feel free to prove me wrong

>> No.8844939


10/10 man, primo cringe right there.

>> No.8844966

Absolutely reminds me of a certain Zemblan monarch,

>> No.8844968

I go on Reddit and look at the front page every so often.
There never fails to be at least one thread where the top comment is an out of context quote from something, that's vaguely related to the OP, that has a few thousand upvotes.
Every post beneath it will be a follow up quote without any context, in an upside down staircase of less upvoted quotes you can follow down to a pool of unupvoted quotes.
They were all submitted by people desperate to be in the know, and even more desperate to make others who are in the know aware of them. And Internet points.

>> No.8845051

Your a funny guy

>> No.8845058



>> No.8845066

>>I go on Reddit
Inject HIV infected blood into your penis with a syringe.

>> No.8845104

Ugh. This one got me.

>> No.8845117

This isn't reddit

>> No.8845120

John Hughes movies don't really seem to fit with the rest of this stuff desu

>> No.8845144

>knocking a few protons off a hydrogen atom
Stupid and not funny.

>> No.8845203


> Code Veronica X on PS2

>> No.8845267

Wait. WHAT. This is ready player one?
Hahahaha holy shit I thought this was just some bad fan fiction or some shit.

>> No.8845348

Sascha Baron Cohen?

>> No.8845366


That's... actually pretty interesting and well written. Why does /lit/ think this is cringe?

>> No.8845394

>the real pain here is that you know this guy gets laid early and often all the time, everywhere he goes
fuckin doubt it. Women don't mind a guy who's funny, arrogant and knows it. They can smell a guy who just quietly thinks he's smarter than everyone because he doesn't have the balls to actually act like it from a mile away.

>> No.8845398

Because it's just smarmy self-satisfaction masquerading as modesty. You could argue that it's deliberately like that because a smarmy, self-satisfied character is talking but the way it's presented suggests otherwise.

>> No.8845576


>> No.8845584

>he doesn't go to the writing board to laugh at how terrible they are

>> No.8845585

>well written
It's not well written at all

>> No.8845590

Ready Player One is not as bad as it could have been, but it's still really, really bad. The entire book feels like "nerd culture" masturbation, with only the most simplistic plot elements keeping together a sinking ship made of pop-culture references. It's horrible on nearly every possible level.

>> No.8845592

>this guy gets laid
>a guy

99% sure its a woman

>> No.8845594
File: 260 KB, 1024x1267, Kojima library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metal Gear Solid
10/10 literature

>> No.8845604

>select all images with discernible talent

>> No.8845610

that woodstock dvd is lit as fuck

>> No.8845629


Hispanic detected

>> No.8845631

Will he ever recover from this?

>> No.8845641


now that it cringe

>> No.8846198


>>8843447 is just puppy-like vanity about a work that's probably going to be a piece of shit. It's not much different from the like-Joyce-but-wait-it's-Homeric-and-egoistic-and-Pynchonesque (and the MC is Don Quixote).

>>8843475 shows a dude who has encircled himself in a neat bubble of ignorance from which he will never, ever escape. Deliberately.

>> No.8846290

I phonepost because I'm at work on break. As opposed to sitting at home on a PC and just complaining, you nonproductive faggot.

He might be listening ambient music. I somtimes listen to Stars of the Lid while I read.

>> No.8846299

>not using social media on your phone
Do you want me to go to CVS and pick up more medicine for your osteoporosis, gramps?

>> No.8846301

no but do buy something for yourself to overdose

>> No.8846303

>""""social"""" media

>> No.8846468

>you non productive faggot

quite the spook, my dude

>> No.8846473

How do you know if someone is phoneposting?

>> No.8846482


>> No.8846604

fucking kek

>> No.8846632

>posting on 4chan

bro shut the fuck up

>> No.8846652

My school has two programs, Professional Writing and Creative Writing. The final assignment in fourth year for students in the Professional Writing program is to publish a novel that one of the Creative Writing kids put together.

They make official trailers.




>> No.8846658

Exactly what I thought.

>> No.8846778

I have a job.

>> No.8846897
File: 459 KB, 1920x1200, 1469366140168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8847082
File: 40 KB, 313x475, bleedingedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8847113

It feels like someone said "show don't tell", and they thought this meant
>another character says "you're a Byronic hero"
is better than
>I am a Byronic hero

>> No.8847143
File: 22 KB, 426x333, hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8847184
File: 8 KB, 211x193, disgusted lego man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up the source of this image
>all of the artist's images have the "mature content" warning on deviantart

>> No.8847223

The fact that so many people don't realize this is a joke makes me cringe
I'm surprised someone hasn't posted a photo from clickhole

>> No.8847237

stopped reading there

>> No.8847244

>Self-summaries require us to abbreviate and compartmentalize ourselves until 'the self' becomes something small and digestible; I find this process downright wearying, if not obscene. In lieu of a self-summary then, I would like to present this anecdote:

>On one of those nights when a fourth glass of wine had been drunk, and casual exchange had turned to the confessional, a close-confidant of mine described my character as "essentially, that of a Byronic hero." Although I earnestly resist rigidly defining myself, and knew full well the negative traits my drinking companions' description suggested, I could not disguise the wry smile forming across my lips as I nodded subtly in agreement.

>That is all I wish to write on the topic of myself.

It's really not that hard, even maintaining most of her verbiage, to make it way more smooth and way less pretentious.

>> No.8847247

Boy, you don't know Tails gets trolled?

>> No.8847255

This isn't cringe, it's fucking 10/10.

>> No.8847283

> this fuckwit is a best-selling author and you aren't even published

kill me

>> No.8847291


>First edition American Psycho


>> No.8847292

> few protons off the old hydrogen atom

Do you think he even knows the issue with this?


I seriously hope he knows this is a joke and put it in as an easter egg. That's the only thing that could hope to redeem him, remove even 1 tiny piece of the malignant tumor that is this faggots writing.

>> No.8847297

Goddamn it, this book actually seemed like it might be good when I read the back, but it's not even fucking readable, it's just a dense mass of proper nouns and cultural references.

If someone from the far future tried to read this book it'd be less comprehensible than Finnegan's Wake (a fucking terrible book, by the way, as is all Joyce writing).

>> No.8847298

I'm reading through it now. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.8847307
File: 108 KB, 400x533, 1471866373138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no new updates in years

>> No.8847309
File: 18 KB, 480x412, 1475982976827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all the cultural references to long-bygone works will seem esoteric and complex to the future
>tfw English PhDs will struggle to understand this arcane work of genius
>tfw this will be viewed as the 21st century equivalent of Shakespeare in the future

>> No.8847339

probably one of the greatest achievements in storytelling ever made

>> No.8847348

Daffy Duck's expression when he gets shot in the head had me in stitches.

>> No.8847354

Trust me, you haven't seen shit yet. The comic gets exponentially better until the eternal party, and picks up again after that

>> No.8847375

There is absolutely nothing "of course" about Kevin Smith next to those directors.

>> No.8847421


>> No.8847430

>american gods
le fuck?
this is by far the worst 300+ pages book i read on my whole life

>> No.8847521

a hydrogen bomb has more than one atom you sperg

>> No.8847550
File: 384 KB, 900x2049, lazerbotch1panel20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads Camus once

>> No.8847673


>> No.8847703

>That cigarette
It is just the giant straw from sonichu all over again.

>> No.8847716

Unrelated to thread but I didn't want to start my own for some trivial shit.

Is the word "sans" capitalized in MLA if used in a title (in English)? As in "PS3 Sans Games" or "Anon sans Hopes and Dreams."

>> No.8847718

Except the quote refers to a hydrogen ATOM, not a hydrogen BOMB, anon-friend.

>> No.8847789

>using an RX-78
oh shit nigger what are you doing
nu gundam master race


>> No.8847811

Good choice

>> No.8847820
File: 401 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20161216-035848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8847835

The titles of the books are in spanish.

>> No.8847857

i would hedge on no

>> No.8847860


Right after I posted that I realized Word was giving me a blue squiggle with it capitalized. So I am pretty sure you're right. Thanks

>> No.8847874
File: 54 KB, 765x588, University Writing Groups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8847948

lol nice

>> No.8847977

That's actually a real fascinating way to structure those majors. Bravo to your school for coming up with a unique yet structured way to give real world experience to those students.

>> No.8848011

>an RX-78 Gundam mech

>> No.8848017

Best in the thread imo

>> No.8848021

Wow, fucking rekt. I like tattoos in general but what the fuck was this asshole thinking?

>> No.8848027
File: 724 KB, 2448x3264, 1415095714154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8848031

I fail to see any cringe here. They are young and passionate enough to get on stage in front of some kind of audience, even if it's just their high school, and put themselves out there. Their skill level seems adequate for their age as well.

>> No.8848038

Wtf is this?

>> No.8848043

Camus quote and a horrible tattoo

>> No.8848107

Hey this is pretty good, not cringe at all ;0]

>> No.8848153

first of all the quotation isnt even correct, and it translates as:

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned
that on the inside I could throw
myself an invincible summer

>> No.8848180
File: 715 KB, 629x758, 1458268357186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I think that's enough 4chan for one night

>> No.8848185

ah, good old hobtzejerdk

>> No.8848195

>I wasn't some dilettante


>> No.8848202

I have those black shoes with three stripes. The team gives them out when you play indoor soccer and they last forever

>> No.8848291

is there anything worse than people who pretend drugs are anything other than escapism?

the romanticism of LSD really triggers me

>> No.8848304

this, that writing just screams female

>> No.8848314

im gettin a male vibe

>> No.8848326
File: 206 KB, 1344x597, Screen Shot 2016-12-15 at 10.14.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this absolute madman?

>> No.8848328


>> No.8848329

Quite the opposite actually for me. I agree that most drug users are escapists, but don't let the retarded twenty year olds you once knew define psychedelic users as a whole. Those people were retarded because they were twenty and because they only hung out with other escapists, not because they tried drugs. Tryptamines used properly aren't party drugs, but introspective catalysts and pathological deconditioners. They force you to look inwardly and face the reality of yourself, your motivations, your patters, and it does so vividly and in emotionally charged ways. For me, it's ego-maintenance to be done in moderate amounts and not often and never as a social drug.

Not LSD though. I've only been into weed and dmt for years.

>> No.8848332

Someone photoshop a tattoo of Ready Player One dialogue onto a person's arm.

>> No.8848337

there is no difference you memers

>> No.8848341

>I don't need drugs to have fun. I've transcended your animalistic desire to alter consciousness. Straight edge til I die!
You sound real dumb. Intent defines situations; drugs included. Even if it were solely for escape, would it really matter?

>> No.8848352

You missed the point, no lady could actually state a conversation with him because he has headphones in, which is basically the social way of communicating "don't speak to me."

>> No.8848357

>All those ps4 games
>No Bloodborne
Fuck the books, why have a Bloodborne machine and no Bloodborne

I am steamed.

>> No.8848396

that isnt even one song that sleeve consists of like 6 or 7 dylan songs. Im a huge fan, but that concept is retarded and poorly executed

>> No.8848427

This honestly

>> No.8848435

wasn't that a joke cover, i think they also had hairy hobbit feet.

>> No.8848437


>> No.8848515


You could say that for a lot of drugs ie amphetamines and weed. But psychadelics can help foster periods of introspection and reflection that last longer than the trip. I've done LSD a couple of times while surfing/bushwalking with friends and feel it's helped me appreciate life a lot more and move away from ego driven/hedonist life choices.

>> No.8848527
File: 471 KB, 723x483, gay_garfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking lost it

>> No.8848534

Stared at this for 5 seconds before I realized it wasn't a very elongated neck that that someone had photoshopped.

>> No.8848555

>Stars of the Lid
>SAW Vol. II

all great music for reading

>> No.8848615

Is this postmodern?

>> No.8848679
File: 339 KB, 512x481, 1480362962919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it was actually supposed to be an ironic takedown of the insipid nature of modern "nerd culture"
>tfw the pointlessly exhaustive lists were a critique of shallow collectors of nerd cred
>tfw the snarky self-aware narrative asides were an obnoxious parody of stereotypical atheism and degeneracy among nerds
>tfw the plot is the self-indulgent hero fantasy of nerd daydreams served back to them unadorned to show just how hollow it is
>tfw the protagonist is more or less a stereotypical trailer park weeaboo
>tfw the money and nerd pussy is too good and now he can never reveal the truth

>> No.8848684

evidence or else it's sincere

>> No.8848792

Yeah, it's interesting, especially the professional side. Just a little cringy when the books aren't that good and the professional writing majors have never done anything like this before.

>> No.8848864

Obviously. I don't think anyone on this board, given Joyce's and Shakespeare's and of course philosophy's obsession with science, are going to shit on the concept of STEM. Well, maybe TE (incidentally, the only parts of STEM that earn any notable money).

>> No.8848877

It absolutely does.

>> No.8848889

the authors dead

>> No.8848922

This, but unironically. Probably the best webcomic out there.

>> No.8848933

average /lit/ poster

>> No.8848957

I haven't read it but I want to hear why you think that

>> No.8848964

dude, just read the first two or three chapters
protagonist is cold steel the edgyhog, his gf dies and hes like "whatever"

theres so much shit on this book i don't know what i should talk about
the writing is bad, 85% of characters are bad, when the story starts getting good he just breaks out and make it boring again...
i remember in the end of the novel i was cheering the villains, because the protagonist is so shit

>> No.8849025

But his activism's 110% faggotty too. I mean, I liked Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom but let's not pretend there isn't a creepy totalitarian subtext to it.

>> No.8849081

Pls b in Chueca

>> No.8849140

Thats a shame, i wanted to read it but dropped it since i hated Adam's dark tea time of the soul.

>> No.8849258

Well, that's why they're in school. To learn and better themselves at their chosen trade. I wouldn't expect a student of writing to produce a worthwhile novel or a publishing student to produce a worthwhile ad spot any more than I expect a student of biology to find a new way of accounting for protein structures linked to cancer cells.

>> No.8849260

In all this thread, only you are the real cringe.

>> No.8849268

Nope. Mostly they hate him. People need to understand Reddit tries its very hardest to ape 4chan, even if it takes them a while to get round to it.

>> No.8849286

>implying because of the implication.
No, but it will be genuinely useful. It's the kind of thing I'd die to read, if I was five hundred years in the future.

>> No.8849991

Jesus fuck.

>> No.8850202

>the story was supposed to be dumb, because the point was to educate readers on the elements of a dumb story, which is why the story is secretly genius

>> No.8850220


>> No.8850231
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>> No.8850268

You seem like a nice anon

>> No.8850270

I always lose at that part as well

>> No.8850549

This is actually inspiring. I need to do this.

>> No.8850574

This actually wouldn't be horrible if the text and quotes weresmaller.. And if it was actually something meaningful

>> No.8850577

Maybe he got the idea from the book

>> No.8850583

He's not wrong.

>> No.8850601

Some of those books are good, though

>> No.8850618
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This man would like to have a word with you, drugfiends.

>> No.8850875
File: 538 KB, 497x576, 1481928535878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jonathon Green

>> No.8850915

the real cringe is

>> No.8850919

>Jonathon Green
lmao, anon

>> No.8851084
File: 126 KB, 750x578, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go m8s

>> No.8851110

10$ that he's a cuckold.

>> No.8851230

The worst thing about this is that it seems like they aren't even doing this because they actually think it's fun.
It seems like they're only doing this so they can score reddit points.

>> No.8851370

After a point there is no longer a distinction

>> No.8851400

>people cant speak other languages THATS A MYTH!

>> No.8851426


What's the point of even getting married if you don't believe in god?

>> No.8851430

why do i look at things that i know will make me angry

>> No.8851458

To get cucked, divorced, and then lose half or more of your property and money.

>> No.8851467

Spousal payment laws need to catch up with divorce laws. If you want a divorce because "you're unhappy," that's a-okay, but you shouldn't expect to get any money or anything.

>> No.8851484

Not going to happen. It's only another piece of the puzzle.

>> No.8851495


There's no good reason to even allow divorce. Vows should mean something.

>> No.8851497


>> No.8851502


How is that edgy?

>> No.8851507

how is "you shouldn't be allowed to divorce someone who've abused you" not edgy

>> No.8851509

Sativa was a hurricane, and indica was the rain, and all I wanted to do was roll it all up into one big spliff and toke it gently.

>> No.8851523


Perhaps you could actually get to know somebody before marrying them, and if all else fails you can separate. Divorce doesn't mean you have to live with somebody. It means you only get one shot at it so you better try your hardest to make it work after the little tingles in your loins wear off.

You're misusing the term edgy.

>> No.8851528

>Divorce doesn't mean you have to live with somebody.
Well, typically, no it doesn't, you're right. What?

>> No.8851531


Marriage doesn't mean you have to live with somebody.

>> No.8851543

The real solution is to marry within or above your income bracket.

>> No.8851548

And stay married within that bracket too.

>> No.8851555

Uh huh. Where are you going with this?

>> No.8851556

>you can always tell if someone is a future abuser if you stop being so distracted by "groin tingles"
>if someone abuses you you should "try your hardest to make it work"
nah pretty sure you're edgy

>> No.8851557

there's no alimony if you make the same money...

>> No.8851567
File: 38 KB, 660x396, welfaremasterrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a thing 2016

>> No.8851572


With proper courting you can tell if somebody has violent tendencies, and I'm not saying that if a spouse does end up beating you that you would have to stay with them. Being married doesn't mean you have to stay with them. You can separate and your spouse would be obligated to care for you financially. This was how it used to work. The only difference is that you couldn't divorce and remarry. This would stop a lot of bullshit and it would encourage people to work together so it never gets to the point of violence.

>> No.8851575

>With proper courting you can tell if somebody has violent tendencies
[citation needed]

>> No.8851576


Date somebody regularly for 6 months and if they don't beat you then they probably never will.

>> No.8851580

[citation needed]

>> No.8851582


It's common sense, I'm not claiming it's a scientific fact. Don't be dumb.

>> No.8851586

>It's common sense,
well then

>> No.8851619


I think you're being unreasonable. If you're with somebody and they exhibit any sort of violent impulse that early on in a relationship then there's a very good chance that they'll do it later on in life. Don't marry those people. I think 6 months is a good probationary period, if you're dating somebody that can go that long without getting violent in any way then they're probably not going to beat you during marriage. Do you have any reason to think this is wrong?

>> No.8851631

someone is "probably" not going to be violent to you regardless. eristic af wordchoice

>> No.8851654


Yeah there's always going to be outliers. This still wouldn't justify allowing divorce because people can always separate and maybe reconcile later on. As I said this was how it used to be and the woman could separate at any time and the husband would be obligated to care for the wife no matter what she did.

>> No.8851676

>and the husband would be obligated to care for the wife no matter what she did
Then this is the same problem as with alimony, except worse. And it also puts pressure on the woman who was in an abusive relationship to not get in a relationship with someone else, even though that is the logical and healthy thing to do.

>> No.8851707

Taking away the option of divorce will force people to make decisions with their brains rather than with there loins. People would be a lot of more careful of who they decide to get married with and once they're together the inability to divorce would serve as a motivator to make the marriage work, to work through problems because you're ultimately stuck with that person for the rest of your life just as you promised. The ability to separate is merely there because mistakes do happen and sometimes people don't act logically, it's not meant to be an attractive option or else what motivation is there to work things out with your spouse?

>> No.8851709


meant for >>8851676

>> No.8851716

This is the really dumb thing about marriage.
>Hey like we really like each other and want to stay together now, so lets enter into a contract that we have to stay together no matter what.

>> No.8851722

you still haven't given any reason why other than satisfying your precious autism

>> No.8851752

>Spent all that money on buying an audio book
>Didn't even take it out of the plastic wrap

>> No.8852064

Marriage should be an institution between a man and woman strictly for the raising of children. If the parents cannot successfully create a healthy environment for their children, the marriage is dissolved, and the children are placed with a new, healthy family. In this arrangement, there are no mandatory legal financial ties between man and woman.

>> No.8852090

Thank you. I just try to be open and not to judge things only on their face value. Life is hard, no reason to make it harder for people trying to follow their passions. They're just trying to dull the pain of existence in their own way. Kudos to them.

>> No.8852092

Where did that come from? Also, take your feminist bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.8852410

That's nonsense. I'm a phys/maths major and I read predominantly philosophy, poetry, and works in my fields that you guys aren't likely to have heard of.

If I read novels at all, it is the same kinds discussed here - Dostoevsky, Proust, Tolstoy, Kafka, Carroll, etc.,. My STEM friends are similar in their tastes.

What you've posted is actually the list of your average STEM Fanboy.

>> No.8852419

>If I read novels at all, it is the same kinds discussed here - Dostoevsky, Proust, Tolstoy, Kafka, Carroll, etc
The bar has lowered since a few years back. Similar to yourself I'm in STEM and posted similar shit and was called out as high school tier (rightly or wrongly).

>> No.8852439

What the fuck are you on about?!


>> No.8852447

>shit ton of kiddie mangas
>Adolf Hitler

Yes, I'm seeing it! A vision of the repressed child striving for an ideology which will give it power and identity. The will to power which will bring it out from the weaby shadows of it's Dorito-stained bed sheets.

He's here.

The Uberweab.

>> No.8852453

Good fucking grief, kid.

>> No.8852467

What was the /lit/ tier back then?

>> No.8852475

>allowing some modernist prick to dictate his own special orthography for his special special books
It's Finnegan's.

>> No.8852477

>implying any large fraction of divorces are from abuse

>> No.8852479

>if you hit a girl I shall never forgive you *tips*
>ps your edgy

>> No.8852487

Some stuff was a little weird, for example some of what are now the sffg fags liked Silmarillion and the Hobbit but not LoTR in a hipsterish kind of way (although for sure the Hobbit is better written). The trinity was quickly established. I think at that point an awful lot of reading was lit crit and phil though. But all sorts of crazy shit, a fair amount plebby, but quite a bit off the beaten track too.

Around that time
>implying authorial intent
Was very much a meme to give some perspective.

>> No.8852508


>The only difference is that you couldn't divorce and remarry

Bullshit, abandonment was grounds for divorce.

>> No.8852536


People could divorce in the time before divorce existed? Oh my bad.

>> No.8852554


Divorce has been around for millennia, as far back as the Roman Empire.

>> No.8852561


No it hasn't. You're confusing modern divorce with the concept of legal separation. The latter wouldn't allow for marriage to a new person which is what really separates it from contemporary divorce.

>> No.8852575


>No it hasn't

It literally has my dude. And "contemporary" divorce, by your definition, has been possible in Britain since 1857. You had to have a reason: either abuse, abandonment, or adultery, but people could and did get divorced and remarry.

>> No.8852584


1857 is relatively recent when the conversation is about the entire history of marriage, and that's not how divorce worked in the Roman Empire.

>> No.8852591


So in your ideal world, we would go back to the way things were before the nineteenth century? That's what it's going to take to save society from degeneracy? Okay bud, whatever you say. Seems autistically harsh and inflexible to me but I'm probably not an expert in marital issues like you are.

>> No.8853395

>Secret Wars

Fucking pleb