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8838361 No.8838361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Public Reading

What's socially acceptable and what is douchebag-signalling?

Is reading a book at a bar okay?

Is reading an ebook-reader at a bar okay? Does it make it less okay if I have a case-cover for my reader?

>> No.8838364

>Is reading a book at a bar okay?
Not unless it's before 5pm. But then you shouldn't be at the bar anyway. Go to the coffee shop.
>Is reading an ebook-reader at a bar okay?
>Does it make it less ok if I have a case-cover for my reader?

>> No.8838367

You can do whatever you want. Bars are usually loud though.
I read in a pub when it's quiet on weekdays sometimes.

>> No.8838370

>What's socially acceptable and what is douchebag-signalling?
Actually reading the book is acceptable, sitting around being paranoid about reading and douchebag-signalling is being a douchebag.
>Is reading a book at a bar okay?
if it's during quiet hours
>Is reading an ebook-reader at a bar okay?
again, during quiet hours it is.
>Does it make it less okay if I have a case-cover for my reader?
considering how autistic you are otherwise, it's probably an embarrassing cover which will keep people away from you, so, yes, make sure you take it with you.

>> No.8838372

My stomach turns when I see someone reading pleb books. You know the kind. The ones who are simple to read, have flashy covers and have no material that could ever be used in a quote

>> No.8838379

Stop being a neurotic bitch and read where you want. Social norms are a spook.

>> No.8838384

>judging a book by its cover
m8 i've read masturbatory female porn YA and it's had quotes from Goethe and McLuhan and all kinds of shit mixed into it. the only one that worries me is someone reading the secret or some other such self help shit

>> No.8838386

>have no material that could ever be used in a quote


>> No.8838391

Who are you to smile, eh? :^) You didn't like my idea?

>> No.8838505

>sitting around being paranoid about reading and douchebag-signalling is being a douchebag.

How? How does sitting by yourself and being self conscious harm anyone else?

>> No.8838568
File: 351 KB, 213x222, 1439994429341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's looking at you, /lit/.

Please stop with the exhibitionism.

>> No.8838572


Whenever I see anyone reading in public I make a point to glare at them. If they ever look up and catch my eye I'll just give them a look of disgust until they look away.

>> No.8838591

that will show them

>> No.8838593


>> No.8838596

I do this too but is because they still staring as if someone is going to talk to them which I'm not going to, not because is a public bus but because giving or trying to give a false appearance.

>> No.8838624

it indicates you think the world is obsessed with you, and you would prefer to fantasize about that instead of reading a book

>> No.8838676

>implying a book is only worth it's quotability.

>> No.8838752
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Nobody gives a fuck, just do what you want. I read almost everywhere on my e-reader while visibly using earplugs. I probably look 300% autistic, but who cares?

>> No.8838774
File: 290 KB, 600x435, derrida-heidegger-porno1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care anon, I always cared about you

>> No.8838790

Whenever I see anyone glaring at me while I'm reading in public, I make a point to kick them in the dick.

>> No.8838793

what do you guys think of this concept?


>> No.8838796

I always bring a book to read at parties and events I'm invited at to show how intelligent and cultured I am

>> No.8838802

>Is reading a book/ebook at a bar okay?
Done it many times, people actually come up to you way more, especially girls. Lower Manhattan is a great place for this at happy hour.

On the subway or in a coffee shop or lounge I would say its expected

>douchebag signaling
not even a thing

>> No.8838811

If no one mentions books (I will then take my copy of Infinite Jest out of my bag) I'll pretend to leave and ''drop'' the book from my bag, hoping someone says something about it.
If they do I'll stick around for a few minutes talking about the book, even if no one else has read it.
If not I'll pick it up and quickly leave

>> No.8838837
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pic related: what I do when I am among normies

>> No.8838855
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Do whatever the fuck you want to do

>> No.8838885

I read in a bar, not on weekends and never after 6pm, other than that, buy a beer and relax with your abomination YA novel

>> No.8838897

I don't mind waiting for dentist or doctors appointments because I can sit and read for a bit. But increasingly there are fucking TVs spewing their garbage out at a loud volume and it's hard to read when Matt Lauer is telling me some secrets to use at the dry cleaners. I'm considering bringing ear plugs next time I go somewhere like that, but I'm afraid to look like more of an idiot when they call my name four times and I finally respond.