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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 500x157, How+to+find+Latino+reads+on+goodreads.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8836114 No.8836114 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8837106


>> No.8837157
File: 50 KB, 458x419, IMG_3143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I have a good reads account to view these

Post some screenshots

>> No.8837180


>> No.8837208
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>> No.8837216
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>"As a single lady myself, I also love to put a ring on it. And shoutout to my homegurl Sauron!!! you go girl take over middle earth! Reach for the stars! With that balrog on your side you can do anything!
That main dude Frodo tho... reminds me of dat boi Harry... besides what does he need the ring for??
Anyways I gotta give it a low rating cuz theres 2 much frodo, not enough orcs (less)"
What the actual fuck is this site?

>> No.8837244


Just joined last month
I have no friends yet

>> No.8837291

new to /lit/ in general - no bully pls


>> No.8837464


>> No.8838133


>> No.8838150

Year in books is out.

>> No.8838151

Glad you're enjoying I, Claudius you sheep fucker

>> No.8838224
File: 98 KB, 738x1050, yearinbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year in books is out.


>> No.8838256
File: 1.51 MB, 726x7678, 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get a few more in

>> No.8838398

wtf is this? 889 books in one year, thats like 2.5 a day?

>> No.8838401

He reads lots of novellas in addition to the big works and is neet, and probably has a touch of the mental illness known as autism, if not something worse.

>> No.8838426

No this is bullshit. 2.5 books a day at an average legnth of 300 pages per book? Thats 750 pages a day.

A page has around 300 words on it so thats roughly 225,000 words read a day.

Assuming the guy reads at 400 wpm (double the average speed) it would amount to 9/10 hours of reading a day, everyday for a whole year? How is that possible. He might be neet but does he sleep? eat? does he leave the house? does he spend any time browsing internet image boards?

>> No.8838447
File: 15 KB, 594x528, choke2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't deal with the 5 star point system. Kick it up a notch to 10 stars, at least.

>> No.8838449

The other anon just said he reads mostly novellas. Those are ~100 pages.

>> No.8838453

Average length is in the pic

>> No.8838458


maybe new account and the person just uploaded every single book theyve ever read.

>> No.8838462


Is it Sebastien? Cause that guy just skims books so he can mark "read" on Goodreads, assign a generic 3-4 rating, and move on to the next one. He can't tell you a single thing about anything he's "read". Definitely one of the biggest autists on this board.

>> No.8838475

I think he once said he lives in a mental ward or something and he spends all his time reading.

>> No.8838528

5 is a great book i want to remember
4 is an ok book
1 sucks shit

>> No.8838580

>rating books in the first place

>> No.8838581
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1475241383807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not spending 16 hours a day reading breaking only for 8 hours to eat and sleep

>> No.8838585


>> No.8838586

I'm coming on 75 and I only read at bedtime for 30 minutes, in the bath every other day, and on vacations.

>> No.8838588

1-2 is not good, 3-4 is good, 5 is favorite. what more do you need? You think you're grading books like a damn report card or something?

>> No.8838598

Sebastian has some autistic serious means of rating books, I just mark 5 stars on books I thought were great and want to remember

>> No.8838600

sebastian doesnt rate as part of reading, he "reads" - in the loosest sense of the word - just so he can rate them on goodreads. it's pretty pathetic.

>> No.8838603

only person to who have rated "Blunt oder
der Gast" on goodreads is a man named Sebastian, who gave it 2 stars on feb 5th. It most likely is...

>> No.8838617

Your insecurity is pretty pathetic anon. Sebastian's fine.

>> No.8838620

shouldn't you be busy updating your goodreads sebastien?

>> No.8838623

nice try

>> No.8838628

Not sebastian but yeah I do need to update it actually, I've been reading Don Quijote for a while so there's been nothing but shitposts on my feed.

>> No.8838664
File: 12 KB, 295x179, reg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am interested in this mystery.
Is sebastian a mental case savant who reads 10 hours a day in an institution, or is he simply a neet skim reader ticking boxes for e-points?

I want to KNOW!

>> No.8838945

Take your rating autism to /rym/
Also, a moderator explicitly said that they won't add that

>> No.8839005

>Reading for quantity, not quality
Good luck actually understanding any relevant piece of literature/philosophy

>> No.8839102


>2600+ books read
>still a pleb
>reading ≠ intelligence

>> No.8839137

please take your samefagging autism elsewhere

>> No.8839152

I've never saw girls posting their profile here. Why ?

>> No.8839153

because you're new

>> No.8839241

There are no girls on /lit/.

>> No.8839242

Ever since the great imgur post of 2015 there have been tons of girls in the goodreads threads, though luckily they have not migrated over to /fit/

>> No.8839249


>> No.8839392

Hey old timer! What's your favorite book ever?

>> No.8839449


try again beth

>> No.8839477


>> No.8839517


An anon called me cute last thread and I never learned who ...

>> No.8839536

go rate the books you read

2.71 average rating? do you let your comatose aunt pick which books you read?


we r friends

>> No.8839552


>likes "anything with good prose"

my favorite albums are anything with good sounds

kek ur a cool
seem like a nice guy

>> No.8839562

Need more frondz.


>> No.8839844
File: 1.27 MB, 726x6104, shameful_display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine has been a life of much shame.

>> No.8839893

How´s La silla de Karpov?

>> No.8840047

Don't worry. Mine is far worse and seems designed to make me look as pleb as possible.

>> No.8840191

I'm oddly okay with this Alice in Wonderland cover.
What did you think of the book of tea?

>> No.8840203
File: 178 KB, 321x265, catbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only read 22 books this year

>> No.8840227
File: 111 KB, 924x776, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only patrician ITT

>> No.8840343

I've read the exact same number. It is a new record for me, at least since I was a kid.

>> No.8840405
File: 173 KB, 849x731, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.36.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8840414

I guess I can't appreciate reaction gifs in book reviews like you do

>> No.8840418

decent for a bus read, my main complain is that always is "DUDE HAVE TELL YOU THAT I LIKE BORGES?"
It was a pleasant read, i mean i literally expected an essay about tea cultivation for some reason, but it was more about the impact of tea in Japanese culture and aesthetics, so it was nice.

>> No.8840467
File: 29 KB, 1023x435, 12697158_119808915073457_4016976677392423047_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm always here.
Wasn't me but you are a good looking hombre.

>> No.8840481

>being this retarded

>> No.8840645

Last year I managed 33, so Im down

>> No.8841308

Ohhh, it was me. no one has ever said to you that you were cute?I would talk with you but you have read a lot and I'm pretty young

>> No.8841482


>> No.8841539


>> No.8841722


I'm sorry your crude thinking apparatus can't comprehend the capabilities of my Aryan-Überbrain made out of Kruppstahl.

>> No.8841860

Hey you too, and you're exactly two days younger than me, cheers to '91 and to Mothra


No fear, we're all just lonely /lit/izens here looking to talk books, just say hi!

>> No.8841983


Got myself bogged down with Complete Works of Plato, paused right before The Republic and started Vanity Fair, which I find even harder to read. I'll fight through them I guess, I always read less during winter.

>> No.8842002

pretty. Assuming it was you in the mirror photo.

>> No.8842321

come on cunts keep adding me, ive only got 11 friends atm...

>> No.8842340

pls no bully lads

>> No.8842444
File: 229 KB, 640x480, 1479886663372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8842464

>only counts them if you put down the date you finished them, when you finished them

>> No.8842494

If you move them from currently reading to read it does that for you.

>> No.8842509
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>> No.8843647


>> No.8843743
File: 102 KB, 306x329, 1461687152061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discourse on method
>3 stars

>generic guide to economy
>5 stars

>> No.8843785

outmoded philosophy < contemporary economic investigation

>> No.8843787


>> No.8843871 [DELETED] 
File: 928 KB, 756x4000, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covered all the books that could dox me because not many people has rated them, but you still can see the popular ones and the general statistics.