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8832924 No.8832924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is atheism the brainlet's intellectualism?

>> No.8832945

What is it 2010?

Fedoras have moved on from atheism to anarcho-capitalism, nationalism, christ-cuckism and the like.

The buzzwords of rationalism and logic have been replaced by "muh honour", "muh heritage", etc.

>> No.8832951

autists can be two things at once

>> No.8832952
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Nice try fedora

>> No.8832955

Atheism and psychology are the basis of pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.8832957
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>> No.8832959

the only atheist's that are brainless due to atheism are so because they still treat it as an -ism.
if you honestly believe anyone who is without religious belief is a brainlet, then I encourage you to stop being so silly.

>> No.8832960

Libertarianism is so 00s. Most of them went full fash, others went socialist. The only ones who remain are think tank shills or greasy subcon tech autists in the Bay Area

>> No.8832969

That's not true at all. There are plenty who remain, they just sit quietly in the shadows with their heads tucked into their hands peeking out at what is going on in disbelief and unable to do anything about it because politics is no longer left-vs-right, it's all about identity politics these days.

>> No.8832974

That guys life is more together than mine. Why use this board to make fun of people? This is lit for fucks sake.

>> No.8832983

The focus was on my question, not the image.

>> No.8832989

New Atheism was mostly Anglo ex-protestants who lost their faith in God but still needed Churches and Pastors to lead them along and provide them with a sense of structure. It's also related to the Bush era Zeitgeist, ie. the rise of the religious right and muh clash of civilisations. There is some overlap with neocon-ism, Harris, Hitchens and Dawkins still shill for the clash of civilisations to this day with the same fetishised 'muh enlightened REAL librul values' as bulwark against the irrational hordes of mahometanism narrative

>> No.8833024

The nu-atheists have moved on to the alt-right.

>> No.8833034

That doesn't explain the rabid atheism of the millennial left.

>> No.8833038

It does when you realize that alt-rightfags are leftists, and only call themselves righties because they're contrarian fucks

>> No.8833062

I get that you want to feel better about being an atheist but that doesn't answer my question.

>> No.8833069

No they're not. The alt-right formed out of identity politics rather than true political or philosophical beliefs.

>> No.8833081

It's things like this that really shows how little 4chan actually engages with the tumblr crowd.

Tumblr sjws, although certainly not rabid Christfags like /pol/ are either Christian or atheists who consider any critique of religion fedora tier. Watch how quickly American liberal feminists will jump on a woman if she has the audacity to point out how Christianity and Islam actively encourage the subjugation of women.

>> No.8833086

Yeah the "millenial left" switched sides since atheism stopped being cool about 2 years ago.
What? I'm not an atheist and I don't see how that post would imply that.

>> No.8833094

I don't know, try dating a 20 year old girl in college studying psychology who proclaims herself to be a liberal and atheist when you yourself are almost 30 and consider yourself to be agnostic and unable to fully comprehend the vastness and power of the universe and beyond and don't even feel the need to.

Of course, I don't interact with Tumblr, but I am on a college campus nearly every day. Thank god my major isn't filled with these types though.

>> No.8833100

>Yeah the "millenial left" switched sides since atheism stopped being cool about 2 years ago.
No it didn't. How far are you going to reach up your own ass to not have to associate yourself with fedora-wearing atheists?

>> No.8833105

They're libertarians though.

>> No.8833110

Pretty far, it's just a willful obfuscation of what is happening

>> No.8833112

"They" only exist in your mind. How about you try answering the OP question now?

>> No.8833118

No they're not.

>> No.8833136

It's your shit man, own it.

The left is plagued by obnoxious middle class liberals shutting down any genuine class based politics in favor of demanding greater representation of amputee-transgender poc in videogames and you guys have fedoras, polfags and meninists who get triggered by children's films like SW and GB.

>> No.8833142

Nice projection buddy.
The same people who followed Harris/Dawkins went to the alt-reich/intellectual fascism as soon as it became cool.

>> No.8833152

No they didn't. 4chan just got a voice and Pepe got nationally recognized. The alt-right wasn't formed nor did people move to become a part of it. A group of per-existing people were just given a new title is all.

>> No.8833160

Pop atheism and science worship, yes.

>> No.8833165

They did you're just in denial.

>> No.8833172

>the alt-right is real
Hello New York Times!

>> No.8833180
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Yes because true religion takes much study and thought.

>> No.8833187


Wtf is this 1930s Germany?

>> No.8833193

The 'alt-right' was at most a couple thousand edgy teens on twitter. Liberal media elites are retards who never met a moral panic they didn't like. Obviously they blew it all out of proportion. Trump's base was the tea party base- petit bourgeoisie, small business owners in wasteland america. If anything the Pepes' antics scared some of the more bourgeoisie republicans into voting for Johnson or staying home. Richard B Spencer's spergout in DC shows how utterly delusional these people can be. Dude pretty much thought he himself had won and was now America's fuhrer.

>> No.8833194

did you try going to the site?

>> No.8833218

No, conspiracy theories are the brainlet's intellectualism.

Atheism is nothing more than a lack of belief in a deity or the supernatural. There are no unifying characteristics beyond that. You're going to have to get used to it, religious mythology is dying out at a rapid rate among younger generations worldwide.

>> No.8833228

This is 100% accurate. The new fedora viewpoint is racial nationalism, radical traditionalism, etc. Atheism is mainstream now, very few young people are anything more than "spiritual." The edgy perspective is fascism and contrarian religious belief.

>> No.8833239

You're ignoring the alt-reich who don't reveal their power level. Of course Spencer is a sperg and any alt-reicher with a braincell knows to disassociate themselves from him.

>> No.8833262

>science and study of the mind, behaviorism and cognition
>non belief in deities that have no concrete evidence
>are both "pseudo-intellectual"
Why, exactly?

You just sound salty.

>> No.8833268

atheism is fine

fedoras are not fine

>> No.8833273

>rabid atheism
Just seems like a natural decline in interest for religions in an increasingly technological society. I really don't get the blanket hate some of you have for actual Atheism. I'm Atheist, I take it seriously enough but I'm not a fucking meme. And I don't cartoonify anyone to the point of a generlization, that goes for millennials, christians or conservatives.

So why do you? Unless you have a score to settle or a bias to confirm.

>> No.8833276

You just sound butthurt, desu. Next you are going to complain that kids these days just dont have good music.

>> No.8833283

My problem with atheism is the same as my problem with the structure of organized religions. They deal in absolutes. There is set of right beliefs, or there is no god.

Neither side ever seems to say "We're just god damn apes, what the fuck do we know about a higher power?"

And I can respect psychology for what it is, but it doesn't answer or replace philosophical matters and it becomes so sterile taking the humanity of the human mind as if it, too, is absolute.

>> No.8833284

>if you honestly believe anyone who is without religious belief is a brainlet, then I encourage you to stop being so silly

implying you're not a product of religious beliefs

>> No.8833287

They don't though

>> No.8833293
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Nah, that would be religious theology.

>> No.8833300

>They deal in absolutes.
Saying "I don't believe in a deity because there is no sufficient evidence any exist" is not an absolute, unless you are counting negatives as absolutes, or unreserved committment in a belief an "absolute". Atheism is not organized and should never be compared to a religion.
>There is set of right beliefs, or there is no god.
But that's not what it is...
>but it doesn't answer or replace philosophical matters
This is silly, why would you be opposed to any science giving you a concrete answer that replaces a philosophical question that had virtually none?
>it becomes so sterile taking the humanity of the human mind as if it, too, is absolute.
Not absolute, just not a mystical phenomenon that is unexplainable.

>> No.8833304

Every single generation has said that.

>> No.8833312

Just sounds like you're no different from every other liberal who wants to come across as nuanced on what is really a rather simple question.

Do you believe/act as if a god exists? If no then you are an atheist - simple as that.

>> No.8833314

I respect you digits

But I disagree. And perhaps you have a different outlook on atheism than the people I am referring to. Not all atheists are the same, nor are agnostics or theists.

That said, I respect the science but I don't think it is the end all be all when it comes to matters of the mind or explaining our existence. It's just a representation of our current scientific understandings and hold as much importance as we give it.

>> No.8833322

>Do you believe/act as if a god exists?
I believe and act as if a higher power may exist, I can't know the answers for sure.

I know, but that doesn't change my opinion lol. And that's all it is. My opinion shouldn't hold any weight on yours.

>> No.8833325
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it's the naive realism and scientism that triggers me. They got their head so far down the ass of their own ideology they don't even realise they have an ideology. This is exactly what Adorno and Horkheimer where talking about with their critique of instrumental reason.

>> No.8833327

When is "liberal" going to stop being the go-to generalized buzzword for every boogeyman on here? Do you get tired doing that? Can people just be PEOPLE, first? You choose to start engaging in identity politics by doing that.

>> No.8833333


>> No.8833336

>It's just a representation of our current scientific understandings and hold as much importance as we give it.
The earth is round not because my beliefs will it to be round though...

But because it is factually round.

>> No.8833341

>comparing real science to an ideology
This is an oldhat strawman.

>> No.8833346

Is it?

>> No.8833348

>I believe and act as if a higher power may exist, I can't know the answers for sure.
What does this even mean.

I also entertain the possibility a god may exist but I don't live my life under the assumption one does exist.

Similarly, I entertain the possibility my gf could be a lizard in human flesh who eats people but I don't live my life under the assumption she is one.

A lack of belief is not an absolute claim.

>> No.8833349


Are you the same annoying fuck from the psychology thread who abuses ellipsis?

>> No.8833350

Yes, Tila.

>> No.8833356

I am everyone from every thread. How sad are you that you assume everyone is the same? Does ellipsis trigger....you.......?

>> No.8833359

But I don't view my opinion on the possible existence of a higher power as a belief or disbelief

>> No.8833361

hahahaha he's trying to make atheists the scapegoat of intellectual midgetry as opposed to the reactionary nationalist-christians that he identifies with.

>> No.8833362

What's new?

>> No.8833364

How can you be 100% positive that our perception and understanding of the universe or even physics is entirely correct?

>> No.8833366


Are you retarded?

>> No.8833367

Materialiams and atheism is just a sign of decadence of a society. The west is just slowly dying while religion is actually growing. Not the other way around.

>> No.8833371

Either are equally as toxic as the other.

>> No.8833373

What is god, anyways? I used to be an atheist, but
I've gotten more into mysticism over the years. Extrapolating from the current trends in technology you realise something very different from reality-as-we-know-it could emerge within the next few years. Could be either something very bad or very good, who knows? To even conceive of something like that you gotta get mythical, you gotta get dialectical.

Humans have a very limited view of the noumenon. I believe we can't perceive the whole of reality and science is but an imperfect model of reality. The map is not the territory. If we reduce everything to data and rationalitey, that which makes us truly human could get rationalised out of existence. And I would rather not have that happen

>> No.8833378

I am not sure, but I am also not sure if I'm really a brain in a tube. See, since I woild have no physical means to ever possibly ascertain those types of retarded philosophy for dummies though experiments, I have to go with the logic of the world around me and the tools at my disposal.

With those, the earth is round. Now, I want to hope this doesn't become an autistic argument for presuppositionalism. Because WEW, LAD! Nothing is easier to btfo.

>> No.8833380

>while religion is actually growing
Denial is a hell of a drug.

>> No.8833383

Not an argument, kiddo.

>> No.8833386

Actually it's a Hell of a river.

>> No.8833387

>atheism is just a sign of decadence
KEK nice bait.

>> No.8833390

both are toxic but one side is definitely more toxic

>> No.8833394

>doesnt get that I was insulting you

Are.....you.....upset....? Aspie....?

>> No.8833396

>I woild have no physical means to ever possibly ascertain those types of retarded philosophy for dummies though experiments

So science is limited in construct and ability by our means to fully understand the universe as it is beyond how we may or may not perceive it. While I do rely on science, particularly in my field, I entertain the ideas of other possibilities that we may not be able to fully comprehend.

We've built a world around what we perceive and understand to be as it is. But that doesn't mean it is right. My problem, and what you are taking personally, is the issue I have with people who cannot entertain such possibilities beyond what science can answer.

But he's not wrong.

>> No.8833412

Atheism is actually shrinking while Catholicism and Islam are growing this is objective data mongrel dont answer me with .
>My friends...
An atheist society can't really compete with a religious group. Atheist societies just lack the unity or the birthrates to compete with relgious communities.

>> No.8833419

>the issue I have with people who cannot entertain such possibilities beyond what science can answer.
You can entertain all the possibilities you want, it doesn't mean they are automatically real.
>he is not wrong in saying atheism is decadence
Maybe if you are some uber-traditionalist religious aspie from a few centuries ago, it is a stupid statement. And it isn't correct. There have been atheists for hundreds of years.

You wouldn't know much about them, since a lot of them tend to get killed and all that. The sentiment that "not believing in dieties without evidence is a form of decadence" though is extremely ignorant.

>> No.8833424

>atheism has existed for hundreds of years
>decadence hasn't

>> No.8833425

This is so wrong.
>more Christians are breeding so therefore there are more christians so therefore atheism is declining

People are abandoning faiths at an alarming rate. Show me your data, then I'll show you mine. Where's yours? You are making the initial claim.

Prove it.

>> No.8833430

nü-atheism is a very specific ideology which can be traced back to the anglo liberal tradition

>> No.8833432

Because decadence isnt a real thing, much like degeneracy, its a /pol/-tier meme.

>> No.8833436

That was all a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.8833439

No one is denying the existance of atheist in the past. Generalized atheism is just the result of a complacent society that just really doesn't see a point in morality and social norms as a whole. Europeans are just getting replaced by muzzies for this very same reason.
>People are abandoning faiths at an alarming rate.
But this is false. Most Chinese converts come from China. The west is dying demographically and culturally.

>> No.8833446

>decadence isn't a real thing
>posting from computer or smartphone

>> No.8833447

>decadence isnt a real thing
If you want to believe this...>>8833439
>Christian converts

>> No.8833452


is this real or is the joke writing itself.

>> No.8833453

I mean only christians are dumber than fedora tippers

>> No.8833457

Also how do you define religion? Even secular ideologies can't escape metaphysics. Dialectical Materialism makes eschatological claims, for example, while Liberal Atheism is full of spooks regarding epistemology the nature of ethics/values and ultimate reality

>> No.8833459

It's true tho.

>> No.8833464

What did you expect out of a pusilanimous non-movement that rabidly defends the status quo?

>> No.8833468

Shut up, Muhammad. You're NOT welcome.

>> No.8833474

>Generalized atheism is just the result of a complacent society that just really doesn't see a point in morality and social norms as a whole. Europeans are just getting replaced by muzzies for this very same reason.
Not that guy but the solution isn't to make Christianity a relevant talking point again, it's to bring Islam down to same level that Christianity is at.
Once we get rid of religion as an institution we can start talking about God as a phenomena.
>Most Chinese converts come from China.
This is just fucking hilarious.

>> No.8833480

>No u Muhammad
Such is the solidity of the christian's argument

>> No.8833484

what if i told u the status quo is actually Marxism, Cuckoldry and White Genocide?

>> No.8833495

>it's to bring Islam down to same level that Christianity is at.
This wont happen. Muslim kids are more religious than their parents and they are alredy outnumbering european kids in lots of places. Atheists birthrates are around 0.9 which is leading to a demographic suicide. Europe is literallu dying.
>This is just fucking hilarious.
I just corrected it in the post below moron

>> No.8833498


man what status quo you have huh

>> No.8833502

>Generalized atheism is just the result of a complacent society that just really doesn't see a point in morality and social norms as a whole.
Is this bait? It is too retarded to not be bait.

>> No.8833503

>Muslim """"theology"""""
>Muslim """philosophy""""
I have read deeper things in my Kellogs box

>> No.8833510

I don't think you know what words mean.

>> No.8833511

Yeah well, that's pretty much everything you read.

>> No.8833512

>He thinks I'm a muslim
How cute

>> No.8833518

Possibly larger numbers of Christians having their boring missionary sex and having ten kids does not mean the number of athiests is not increasing, which would mean that people of faith are leaving their churches...which has indeed happened more over the last 20 years then any point in US history, or western history for that matter

>> No.8833519

I don't think you understand the level of decadence in which you live.

>> No.8833522

'rationalists' are lambs marching towards the slaughter precisely because they so blinded by rationalised 'progress' they refuse to even consider the possibility of disaster

>> No.8833528

Mate, I keep trying to explain that decadence isn't a real thing. Otherwise a fucking horse and carriage is """le decadence"

When you just apply it to a time period arbitrarily, it loses any meaning. If it even had that to begin with.

>> No.8833531

Nothing has any meaning outside of it's perceived and experienced context. But to say that we aren't living in the ultimate age of decadence is laughable.

>> No.8833534

M8 it is not happening currently it won't happen later. Christianism is growing in China,Africa and Asia overall not in Europe. Atheism will shrink in the next couple of decades and most polls project this.If you just want to deny it so be it

>> No.8833535

>Bortherline suicidial birth rates
>Endebted society
>Rising unemployment
>Stagnant wages
>But decadence is a meme XD

>> No.8833539
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>that we aren't living in the ultimate age of decadence is laughable
Again, saying this is retarded and arbitrary. You could assume that of any epoch or era of human history.


>> No.8833546

>muh white genocide
Maybe stop victimizing yourself and trying to advance white christian nationalism by joining the cool internet fascists and instead focus on making Islam level. People like you joining the alt-reich and promoting christian-nationalist views will only intensify Islamist views.
>I just corrected it in the post below moron
Where? Either way it's a hilarious quote from an unsurprising retard like yourself.

>> No.8833547

I mean, fedoras are pretty cringy and annoying but can you blame them? Christians are fucking stupid, do they really think the second cumming of christ or whatever is likely at all? Shit's arbitrary as fuck yo. Even le universe is a simulation sounds much more plausible than their levantine OT fanfiction.

>> No.8833548

>things are different than the past
>it must be le decadence!!
>some things are bad
>some things are better

Your argument is fucking autistic.

>> No.8833556

M8, you're failing here and it's sad.

>> No.8833565
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>you're failing
Fucking how so, aspie? You want to take a chunk of human history (not even that, more like a small snapshot) ironically one that you just happen to be a part of, and because "da tecnhologies be different" from the past, THIS is some end times ridiculous, orthodox Christfag autism of "decadence"?

Why not 1990?
or 1890?
or 1790?
or 1690?
or 1590?

What about in ten years from now? Twenty? Fifty?

The argument is retarded, kiddo.

>> No.8833568

>atheism and decadence aren't correlated is undeniable
>resort to denying the existence of decadence
>muh relativity

>> No.8833570

I am not a fascist never I said that. europeans becoming the minority in Europe is self evident.
>People like you joining the alt-reich and promoting christian-nationalist views will only intensify Islamist views.
>Dont be mean to muslims or they will become even worse!!!
Moron. This fucking stupid tactic has never worked and never will. Just looked what happened to Lebanon because it is what is happening to Europe in a massive scale

>> No.8833576

>atheism and decadence aren't correlated is undeniable
Hi, samefag. Yes, you are falsely correlating things that make no sense to correlate. One isn't even a real tangible concept outside of your feelings.
>resort to denying the existence of decadence
Because it's a meme, you clod.
>muh relativity
Call the kettle black then you dumb faggot. You are using relativism to say that there is some time period that falls under the category of "decadent", without even providing any real definition or meaning to that word or WHY that even fucking matters.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8833583

Wew lad! I can't believe how worked up you're getting. In the end none of this matters.

>> No.8833585

>This fucking stupid tactic has never worked and never will
I believe his point was don't push otherwise non-combative youths into radicalization by polarizing their options.
>it is what is happening to Europe in a massive scale
We doing this boogeyman, again?

>> No.8833590

Not an argument, fucko. Yes, autism of this magnitude triggers me.

>> No.8833594

>This fucking stupid tactic has never worked and never will
Neither does escalation, friend.

>> No.8833598

meant for

>> No.8833607

>In the end none of this matters.
Prime defense, what other platitude are you going to hit us with next. no wait, let me guess it "hurf reality is subjective".

>> No.8833610

Not everything has to be an argument. Like I said, none of this matters beyond what you make of it.

>> No.8833611

Seriously I'm waiting, why not any other time period? Why not ten years ago? Why not ten years from now?

Why is it now?

>> No.8833612

>non-combative youths into radicalization
They are getting radicalized by themselfs.This dumb tactic has never worked and never will.
>We doing this boogeyman, again?
What boogeyman? Some European countries may be rulled by islamic parties in 4 decades and some of you seem to be fine with it.
>Neither does escalation, friend
I am pretty sure that a European chimp out against muslims would work better for our future than just letting hordes of them replace the local population.

>> No.8833622

>Some European countries may be rulled by islamic parties
The greatest western power is controlled by a christian elite, to the point where secular lifestyle is understood as some sort of godless christianity literally why should anyone worry.