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File: 140 KB, 618x423, comics-alan-moore-fashion-beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8832210 No.8832210 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential works of Alan Moore? What obscure things that he's written should I seek out?

I enjoy his popular stuff and am fascinated by his theories on magic and spirituality.

>> No.8832247

So this is what a fedora core's final form look like.

>> No.8832257
File: 137 KB, 717x880, c exists you daft eejit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme persona

>> No.8832261

If a Bulbasaur never saw any Venusaurs, wouldn't he too think that Ivysaurs were his final form?

Keep on training, my friend. You've much ahead of you.

>> No.8832904

Voice of the Fire
Swamp Thing
From Hell
A Small Killing
Lost Girls

>> No.8833577

>implying Moore does anything fedora tippy

>> No.8833615

>suede jacket
>snakehead cain
>superfluous rings
>le epic beard

I love it when an author reveals how shit they are before I have to read them to find out.

>> No.8833627

His spoken word pieces.

>> No.8833635

>le ironic snek worship
>not peak fedora

>> No.8833657

the lost girls is the best thing he has ever done and ever will do. you can jerk off to almost every page. loads of incest . animal fucking. fucking Little kids. 3 chick's making a pussy eating ring. opium smoking and lesbian fucking. little boy brothers jerking each other off till they cum all over their sister and Peter Pan. Dorothy from the widest wizard of Oz fucking all the dudes at her farm. so many nuts busted

>> No.8833686

If you haven't read Promethea you don't know shit about Alan Moore

>> No.8833769

Saying he worships it to make a point about the concept of Gods while not actually worshipping it

>> No.8833799

Are you 12?

>> No.8833977

This is like an Americanized view of it. I think most people view it as quaint, he's a nice guy tbf(rank) and not trying to be edgy at all.

>> No.8834069

Are you bongs completely impervious to disgust? "The tribunes at the realistically sodomized the underclassmen. Just being cheeky is all."
"The toffs at the hellfire club accidentally strangled the sixteen year old maid they were raping in a satanic ceremony at the ruins of the old Abbey. It's a quaint ritual."
"Moore's a good chap. Write fantastic erotica involving children. I was just reading it under the statue of Jimmy Saville passing the torch to Stephen Fry."

>> No.8834080

How the hell did autocorrect translate boarding school as realistically?

>> No.8834094

Unearthing, and his other spoken-word pieces
Voice of the Fire went somewhat unnoticed and is great
For comics Promethea isn't obscure but rather underrated too

>> No.8834108
File: 45 KB, 545x511, 1478922694836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can fuck right off

>> No.8834128

I'm talking about the blonde snake. He was worshiping that for ages.

Lost Girls as "an erotica involving children", yeah sort of. It's more nuanced than that, and the way you've put it makes it sound like the shit people say goes on in the deserts near Hollywood, which it isn't. It's fictional with fictional characters.

As for Saville, I'm way more concerned about the MPs that keep accidentally shredding evidence in relation to their own pedo scandals. Saville we know about and isn't going to be abusing anyone else.

>> No.8834142

Boarding school is where all the rich and powerful go, you know that right? Like they're just doing embarrassing shit with each other mostly to strengthen the old boys' club later. It'll be shit like power showers rather than sodomy too, you might be thinking of fagging which is different.

>> No.8834304
File: 709 KB, 996x705, blake_and_moore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It also furthers his Blake fetish.

>> No.8834322

Voice of the Fire > Jerusalem

>> No.8834334

lol bless you, anon

>> No.8834347

What that guy is saying in the speech bubble on the right is the basis of a huge chunk of Jerusalem. Religious people don't like the concept but I think it's pretty interesting

>> No.8834355

I've read Jerusalem is VOTF worth it how people refer to Hobbs Hog kind of puts me off tho

>> No.8836048

>Jerusalem is VOTF worth it
what did you/they mean by this

>> No.8836577

I should have had a comma after is my dood

>> No.8837198


>> No.8837309

>Ctrl + F "birth"
>no result

The Birth Caul is one true masterpiece

>> No.8837372
File: 37 KB, 534x532, CrN-zhhWYAIAFGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Alan 'cucked by a lesbian' Moore


>> No.8837374

Voice of the Fire is frickin' dope.

>> No.8837380

It's definitely a struggle to get through that first chapter.

>> No.8837428

>reading the occidental 'whity white faggits' observer

>> No.8837481

fucking kek. This place is alright.

>> No.8837960

Sooooooo read it or not senpai? Bearing in mind I had no trouble reading Jerusalem

>> No.8837969

Too slow on the uptake, too deep inside to see what's really going on, totally lame, left in the dust three years ago, you think the kids you hang out with are popular, believe me, they're nobody.

>> No.8838048

First chapter best chapter. He was only a quarter serious when he said he syntaxed it retarded to repell retards.

>> No.8838341

If you liked the Lucinda Joyce chapter (personally I didn't, felt like he reached a little too far for that Finnegan's Wake style and didn't quite manage it) it probably isn't much denser than that. Even then, you can just skip it - Voice is structured more like a collection of short stories linked by theme than an actual novel.

>> No.8838712

Thanks will czech

>> No.8839535

Are you talking about Dostoyevsky?

>> No.8839559

>Are you bongs completely impervious to disgust?

we've been without Christianity since WW1, everyone is morally decadent

>> No.8839763

>fascinated by his theories on magic and spirituality.
If you haven't already, you need to read his defining talk on magic, Fossil Angels.

>> No.8839886

are we just gonna not address this

>> No.8840436

The Glycon comic is also good