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8830022 No.8830022 [Reply] [Original]

If the multiverse theory turns out to be true, does that mean that everything imaginable is in fact actual at some place and time, and that therefore the works of fictions we read are non-fiction elsewhere?

Did Gregor really get the old right there fred with the apple?

>> No.8830042

The multiverse theory is dumb.

>> No.8830045


>> No.8830048
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Saw my B Bears post, eh? ;)

It means there are infinite layers of universes, stacked on each other like pages of a book, where anything that can happen happens. So if you said "Yes" to some thing, you said "No" to it in another universe.

>> No.8830057

I'm sure I just posted about looking into the medieval version of essence v existence. P much some used to think that if you could describe it, somewhere or when it would exist.

>> No.8830062

>Saw my B Bears post, eh? ;)
I did not, please link.

>> No.8830065
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It also means some groundbreaking insight into noumena if you transferred over. Universe overlap is rare though, and infintesimally-similar ones are the only ones that are likely to overlap according to that theoretical physics professor's book I posted.

>> No.8830077

Beautiful synchronicity, anon bro. It's the Jung threading in the water I reckon.

>> No.8830080

Fundamental misunderstandings of multiverse theory. A set can be infinite without including all possible sets, e.g. there are an infinite number of even numbers, but there still exist numbers that are not even. Likewise, there may exist an infinite number of universes, but that does not imply that all possibilities actually exist.

>> No.8830084

Are there any good introductions for laymen into the subject?

>> No.8830091

Yes, and in some of those universes a novel about you is an international bestseller

>> No.8830098
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Nice. Thanks for clearing that up, hadn't thought of that.

>> No.8830105
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maybe in the one where puppers are our benevolent rulers and we are their pets

>> No.8830115
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>> No.8830117
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>tfw there is a timeline where /r/literature makes fun of us

>> No.8830163

>Universe overlap is rare though, and infintesimally-similar ones are the only ones that are likely to overlap according to that theoretical phy

I remember swallowing the multiverse/mandela effect redpill and being in a week long state of torture and the abyss thinking about the implications. Nice to know that only similar time lines cross over desu

>> No.8830175

You are narcissitic as shit if you think that trash comment inspired OPs post.

>> No.8830185

Please elaborate none of the evidence is solid enough to be considered a redpill.

>> No.8830186

this picture really bums me out

>> No.8830190

Multiverse theory has some connections to set theory, which is a mathematical concept.

As for theoretical physics, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov (nonfiction, some short stories), pretty much anyone who is a famous scientist has some great introductory books.

>> No.8830194

Why? Looking at that environment it's not hard to acknowledge that they may very well summon more interesting things on their pocket computer.

>> No.8830199
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It was a 9 minute difference in posting time on the same forum, and hadn't been thinking of the multiverse or seen it mentioned in a while. Was just playful, curious banter. chill

>> No.8830205

>some (You) lives in a universe where you suckle her thighs

nice one m8

>> No.8830214

Whoa guys, keep in mind that multiverse theory - though heavy in its philosophical implications - is at it's base a scientific theory. We have no more of a reason to believe that it is fact that we do to believe that it is not.

>> No.8830231

People that have distinct, *specific* memories of how they remember something (jokes about pronouncing it 'sheek' fil a, for an example), and then later finding out about this stuff with no outside influence negates confabulation and confirmation bias theories. The fact that it is so prevalent and misses a few psych checks from being considered a delusion (from what I've heard from phD guys interested it) is also noteworthy.

You can also google (and later ctrl+f) "berenstein bears eidetic memory" (aka photographic memory) for another anecdote.

Occam's Razor is a thing, and so are people misremembering/falling for confirmayion bias, but I was fine to shrug off my memory as just being faulty for Berenstein Bears. It wasn't until I consciously noticed "Chick Fil A" -- after eating there every damn day after high school -- that my mind and world view was collapsed.

>> No.8830233
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>when you combine multiverse theory with the simulation hypothesis and its infinite simulations within simulations in all directions


>> No.8830245

Also google scholar (and case law google scholar) "Berenstein Bears", "Chic Fil A", and "Chik Fil A". Keep in mind these are academic works and law writings with heavy editing rigor.

Getting redpilled on the mandela effect (if you were subject to it) makes you very attentive to detail afterwards. It's kind of beautiful and ominous at the same time when traveling about and thinking of it whilst looking around.

>> No.8830275
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not sure if i wanted to know about this

>> No.8830277

But have you noticed these changing over time?

>> No.8830305

I remember feeling some cognitive dissonance years before finding out about the mandela effect when google maping chic fil a and it auto-correcting/being spelled chick fil a as the actual establishment, but I just didnt thinl much of it and I guess it was like my unconscious protecting me or some shit. And you never really consciously focus on a store's sign after lnowing it so long.

Then I found out about the mandela effect with the berenstein/berenstain bears example and thinking "huh, I thought it was berenstein bears too. *shrug*" and never thought past that. (An 'e' and 'a' are easy to mix up I figured)

It wasn't until I saw the picture of the two Chicx fil a logos here that I had a kind of mental breakdown for a few hours, where I just shook my head and yelled "No". Chic Fil A was a huge part of my adolescence. Followed by a week of questioning if anything in the past could be real or "changed", and researching anything I could about it beyond weirdos thinking it was because of CERN or extra-logical people laughing it off.

Really made me think sempai.

>> No.8830333

It took assuming a food place's sign was stylized differently when you were a teenager to consider the problem of induction? To each their own.

Did you also know the sign isnt actually painted red, it's painted rellow, a color that most of its life appearing to be red before shifting to yellow at a random time.

>pls keep trying to prove me wrong I desparately want to believe in the mandela effect

>> No.8830361

What I want to know about is the blue K-mart signs. I'm sure I've seen one in downtown LA. It wasn't a big K or anything like that either, it was a fairly small K Mart and for sure the K was blue. Maybe I misread the Mart bit or something?

>> No.8830379

Check the picture here

It's cursive, and easy to overlook. But as a high schooler, "sheek" fil a made some aesthetically delicoous sandwiches...

I'm sorry, but the redpill fucking hurts man.

>> No.8830381

This is a giant load of bullshit. Honestly! The world is strange and interesting enough as it is, there's absolutely no need for these "theories".

These are like layers of fat and grease ruining a perfectly good burger.

>> No.8830387

Two different establishments. Trolls/paid universe shills feck off

>> No.8830397

>Two different establishments.
What's the deal there then? If I look up K mart and blue I get a load of red K mart crap.

>> No.8830399
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I know it sounds bullshit, but I will die to the core believing in it. The way I see it, its scientific backing in the many worlds hypothesis makes it less of a "delusion" than believing in x religion. Nothing you can say outside of some major breakthroughs proving or disproving it will convince me.

>> No.8830408

My bad, I thought you meant Circle K for the other, 'smaller' building, besides K mart.

After a quick google, K mart had logo changes in graphics design. But never changed their name:


>> No.8830418

^that comment meant for you >>8830397

>> No.8830430

I'm wondering if it wasn't a fake K mart, like someone just called their store K mart. Or if it was like new, the K was blue but also thinner. Maybe the stick a red K over the top later or something?

If I google maps it I can't find it, but I'm really not all that bothered.

>> No.8830520
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That seems unlikely in America, where copyright infringement gets you fucked. China, maybe, but not here. Was it really called "K mart", or just some store with a blue "K" for a logo?

Do you have a distinct, specific example of the memory? 80% of shit in our eyes' perceptions is just filtered and established by the Mind from what Ive heard IIRC that from some intro to psych class.

Did you see a picturesque example of the logo you had in mind in that youtube video I posted?

After my multiverse redpill, and sensing that you might be legit, I'm not about to assume you're delusional, or have shit memory. Only way to know the truth if you can't find it in a past K Mart logo example is to truly introspect.

>> No.8830553
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I looked into it a while back, and it best fitted the 70s-esque logo. The K didn't overlap the mart. The only thing is I wasn't there all that long, I'm not used to the signage, so I was just like "Huh, the K is blue", so the mart might have been some similar looking word I guess. But for sure the K was blue.

It might have just been there for like a day or two even, I never saw it since. So someone could have made the sign up and then been told to take it down or something.

>> No.8830595


If it's possible to happen, then yes, there's multiple universes in which a given work of fiction took place exactly as so
Even in our universe, in which it didn't happen, we can speak of it as being absolutely faithful non-fiction, from a certain point of view
Same with any inaccurate non-fiction that could possibly happen
Also, with multigalaxy theory being what is and this universe being so dark, I'm off this site now I think until after I see Rogue One

>> No.8831042
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I can't conceive of a blue K being used on a long-term basis. One would have to cross over to another universe for that
>tfw we live on the red side

>> No.8831055

Which multiverse theory?

>> No.8831064


OP is looking for possible world realism. If that's what you mean, OP, yes, but we have no relation to these other possible worlds except that we're counterparts; they aren't real to us in any important way

nevertheless, it's fun to think about

>> No.8831070

I've been to downtown LA pretty recently, don't recall seeing anything of the sort. Do you remember what intersection it was near?

>> No.8831105

It has no scientific backing. It has a "philosophical" implication. The many world's problem never has and never was about macrosized interactions. You saying yes or no is not what makes a new branch. A particle's wave function collapsing into possibility A instead of possibility B does. The many world's theory is exploited by people for writing, in fiction and popsci, who either do not understand it or don't care to properly enumerate it in its actuality. This has lead to general misunderstanding and psueds who think they're smart because they know what it is and think it sounds like a "really cool idea" without any actual understanding of it. Science is not decided by how "cool" or "interesting" an idea is. The sheer fucking idiocy of the thought that there are people who think it's not their small fallible minds that are wrong but that the entire universe has warped around them to keep up their subconscious selfimage of importance is sickening.

>> No.8831171

It was within sight of those old radio towers that look like they're Russian when you look at them both at the same time. They were pretty far off though.

>> No.8831260 [DELETED] 

It might have just been there for like a day or two even, I never saw it since. So someone could have made the sign up and then been told to take it down or some

Theoretical physicist here,

If you only saw it that example for that long, than your story seems relatively bullshit. I am not not saying anything beyond the null hypothesis of the multiverse hypothesis, so do not take it as a disregarding of what you might have observed.

>> No.8831267 [DELETED] 

>It might have just been there for like a day or two even, I never saw it since. So someone could have made the sign up and then been told to take it down or some

Theoretical physicist here,

If you only saw it that example for that long, than your story seems relatively bullshit. I am not not saying anything beyond the null hypothesis of the multiverse hypothesis, so do not take it as a disregarding of what you might have observed.

>> No.8831273

>>8830553 #
>It might have just been there for like a day or two even, I never saw it since. So someone could have made the sign up and then been told to take it down or some

Theoretical physicist here,

If you only saw said example for that long, than your story seems relatively bullshit. I am not not saying anything beyond the null hypothesis of the multiverse hypothesis, so do not take it as a disregarding of what you might have observed.

>> No.8831301
File: 157 KB, 830x949, tmp_18844-1481485524581783720843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in the timeline where
>/b/ gets v&
*fast forward*
>/pol/ is #TeamFBI

>be ket
*kek'd forward*
>this timeline has you Bein-in-the-World

T H I N Kabout it

>> No.8831317

>If you only saw said example for that long
Not even that, I was only near it for maybe an hour and a half I guess. I was p jet lagged at the time. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about it, since I thought it was weird at the time, but then I shrugged it off because I thought maybe small K Marts are blue or I was mixing it up with the Circle K or something.

I tried looking for it on google earth but no luck, but again I'm not really all that bothered.

>> No.8831319
File: 95 KB, 690x690, tmp_18844-watts_alan_2839666152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The many world's theory is exploited by people for writing, in fiction and popsci, who either do not understand it or don't care to properly enumerate it in its actuality. This has lead to general misunderstan

Duly noted. I think that anon meant this rather than "multiple worlds hypothesis":


>> No.8831522

but if we assume there is some variable of randomness, ie we will always see changes in the result, and this is applied in both an infinite number of universes but also over an infinite span of time as well, we would eventually experience every possible outcome. infinite times over, in fact.