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File: 10 KB, 220x225, 220px-Russell_in_1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8828190 No.8828190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>nine women out of ten would get the whip away from him, and he knew it, so he kept away from women, and soothed his wounded vanity with unkind remarks
was bertrand russell correct? is your philosophy invalid if a woman can beat you up?

>> No.8828194

desu if how can you stand up for your beliefs if you're a little bitch

>> No.8828201
File: 196 KB, 800x800, Marcus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knew that his wife was slutting around and accepted it
Should I trust anything a cuck says?

>> No.8828223
File: 86 KB, 992x744, Feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was beyond caring what women do.

You should be too, anon.

>> No.8828250

he was talking about freddy you moron.

>> No.8828253

where in my post do i deny that you illiterate

>> No.8828259

>is your philosophy invalid if a woman can beat you up?
>thinking russell meant that
you should stick to engineering manuals you fucking autist

>> No.8828263

>is friedrich nietzsche's philosophy invalid if a woman can beat him up?
that's exactly what he meant

>> No.8828278

that's what YOU think russell meant.
refer to previous post.

>> No.8828285

Russell is saying something like that though. He's misreading Nietzsche and then doing the equivalent of calling him a girl.

>> No.8828291

>daily reminder that you'll never make it as a philosopher without sexual abstinence

>> No.8828292

>“It is obvious that in his day-dreams he is a warrior, not a professor; all of the men he admires were military. His opinion of women, like every man's, is an objectification of his own emotion towards them, which is obviously one of fear. "Forget not thy whip"-- but nine women out of ten would get the whip away from him, and he knew it, so he kept away from women, and soothed his wounded vanity with unkind remarks. [...] [H]e is so full of fear and hatred that spontaneous love of mankind seems to him impossible. He has never conceived of the man who, with all the fearlessness and stubborn pride of the superman, nevertheless does not inflict pain because he has no wish to do so. Does any one suppose that Lincoln acted as he did from fear of hell? Yet to Nietzsche, Lincoln is abject, Napoleon magnificent. [...] I dislike Nietzsche because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die. But I think the ultimate argument against his philosophy, as against any unpleasant but internally self-conscious ethic, lies not in an appeal to facts, but in an appeal to the emotions. Nietzsche despises universal love; I feel it the motive power to all that I desire as regards the world. His followers have had their innings, but we may hope that it is coming rapidly to an end.”
no he's not.

>> No.8828297

Are you reading what you're quoting?

>> No.8828299

>why can't all guys be nice like me?
that's even worse

>> No.8828312

are you?
see >>8828259

>> No.8828317

no please tell me what i'm missing lol

>just overcome fear bro

>> No.8828322

>He has never conceived of the man who, with all the fearlessness and stubborn pride of the superman, nevertheless does not inflict pain because he has no wish to do so.

>> No.8828326
File: 82 KB, 650x500, 1465829894124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. buddhist

>just have your every earthly desire taken care of bro

>> No.8828327

Russel confirmed retarded

>> No.8828337

>thinks you have to either be a new-age moron or a masculinity-obsessed faggot
try getting out of your room sometime
nah you're just too autistic for the arts and perhaps too stupid for STEM

>> No.8828341

>thinks you have to either be a new-age moron or a masculinity-obsessed faggot
analytics literally don't know how to read

>> No.8828344

>i'm going to mindlessly drop the word analytics into my post to show how you're definitely wrong

>> No.8828351

i'm pointing out that
>thinks you have to either be a new-age moron or a masculinity-obsessed faggot
is a non sequitur response to
>He has never conceived of the man who, with all the fearlessness and stubborn pride of the superman, nevertheless does not inflict pain because he has no wish to do so.
the only reason bertie got away with thinking this is because he never faced real hardship or opposition in his life

>> No.8828379

and that makes no sense. i was responding to you saying i was a buddhist when in reality you're just projecting your need for a god in the form of an absolutist philosophy to empower you as opposed to getting out there and actually toughening up.

>> No.8828386

you didn't actually respond to my post where i called you a buddhist

i called you a buddhist because buddha was an overprotected princeling just like your idol bertie

>> No.8828394

Too autistic for the arts? What the fuck are you talking about? Russel is retarded because he didn't understand Nietzsche. He is even wrong in the first sentence- almost none of the men Nietzsche admires were military.

>> No.8828404

>As an undergraduate, I was once directed in a Turgenev play by her husband, the chinless actor Miles Malleson. I was bold enough to ask if he had liked Russell. "The cuckold," he replied, "enjoys proximity without pleasure."

>> No.8828424

my bad, was a misclick. still applies.
bertie isn't my idol, i just think he was way more of worth for mankind than schizo neechee was.
>Too autistic for the arts? What the fuck are you talking about?
you'd be better off doing something STEM-related, or in a factory line.
>He is even wrong in the first sentence- almost none of the men Nietzsche admires were military.
that's just untrue.

>> No.8828428

> that's just untrue.
Then who?