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/lit/ - Literature

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8820962 No.8820962 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we share our story ideas and anons tell us whether it's worth pursuing or not

>> No.8820982


snakes in the toilet

western civilization cannot into indoor pooping

plz morgan freeman save us


>> No.8820996

Here's a couple I've been sitting on:


>small town florist, loves his job, prominent in the community
>car accident in town, someone he doesn't particularly like dies
>roadside shrine of bouquets is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
>finds the funeral thrilling, feels guilty afterwards
>some time later another death in town, this time a youngster he knows quite well drowns in the river
>this only magnifies the tragedy porn
>starts trying to encourage fatal accidents; icing roads, damaging lights, buying alcohol for teenagers etc.
>steady stream of funerals and graves to adorn wih flowers
>number of deaths attracts suspicion
>the net is closing, knows he's fucked
>police find him hanging in his shop surrounded by flowers with grieving messages from the townspeople all in the same handwriting


>MC is an antisocial, prospectless 18 year old who goes to work in place of his ailing grandfather
>he's a bingo caller in a UK seaside holiday town
>town is dying, only a handful of elderly regulars at the bingo each night
>MC is initially patronising to the old biddies but they take a shine to him
>hears through them all about the olden days and his grandfather's entrepreneurial youth
>MC gets a bit le wrong generation
>after visiting the hospital he comes to realise that his romantic view of his granda's past is as false as the bingo ladies' fetishisation of his own youth
>granda tells him life is a bit shit in any era, you just have to get on with it
>granda passes away
>they have the wake in the bingo hall
>full house
>moved by this MC resolves to take life's shit with a smile on his face and try to make a few friends along the way

>> No.8820997

A young map prepares to be the first person every to drink a hundred gallons of semen in one sitting by fasting, praying, and playing with his balls.

>> No.8821001

This is a bad thread. Telling people your story ideas has no useful benefits as how it's told matters more than the ideas behind it, but will release the same brain chemicals that are released when you actually write the thing, so you'll lose your motivation to do the work.

>> No.8821012

And in depth examination and ultimate condemnation of mankind for not wanting to have sex with me.

>> No.8821038

>MC is an unemployed 60 year old man living with his sister in downtown San Francisco
>he's one of those eccentric "street personalities," somewhat famous for always wearing a huge white fur coat and wandering around the financial district
>gets approached through his sister by a young film maker who wants to shoot a documentary about him
>agrees and begins to spend most days with the filmmaker
>filmmaker starts persuading him to act more interesting and eccentric on camera than he really is, worried that the movie won't be interesting
>MC complies and slowly begins playing an entirely different character on camera
>the character starts to seep into his day-to-day personality
>the book itself starts getting vague on what is actually the documentary and what isn't
>as MC's personality becomes so much more exaggerated, he conversely also becomes more militant
>begins having outbursts of violence
>ends with the filmmaker's collection of vintage lighters in his apartment catching on fire and burning half of San Francisco down

potential or no
feedback incoming

>> No.8821042

You get those same brain chemicals through masturbating so it's better off everybody on /lit/ masturbates instead of posting in this thread

>> No.8821059

i had an idea about a book about a man who has become addicted to sex with fish in nearby koi pond who puts fish food under his foreskin and makes them suck it off, mainly because i thought it was ripe for descriptive ability, i already have "his hot cock undulated with the gentle motion of the lake, leaving a smoky white cum trail which the large ornamental fish chased back and forth, in play"

>> No.8821067

Tell it from the perspective of his balls and you're good
why don't they just flush the toilet dummy
Made me smile, but you'd need a pretty heavy dose of irony to compensate for how ridiculous the plot is. Has potential
This is great, addressing the illusion of nostalgia well isn't done often enough. Could be really good

>> No.8821092

>MC is a high school teacher
>dating/fucking one of his former, graduated students
>she lives with him, it's over the summer
>he likes it at first
>then he gets depressed about it, starts acting weird, having a huge moral internal struggle
>she doesn't want it to end
dunno how to end it tho

>> No.8821116

Would read. Probably would like it (depending on the quality of your prose). Would definitely hate you for that shitty ending.

>> No.8821128

>some dude creates the Heavens and the Earth etc
>he has a son, born from a virgin lady
>some stuff happens
>son dies, gets nailed to a cross

>> No.8821151

Originally he was going to kill himself but I figured that'd be way too cliche. I don't want any real resolution, I just want something beyond his control to force him out of the vicious circle. The last image I have in my head is him carrying his sister on the other end of the Bay Bridge, looking back and seeing the city on fire

>> No.8821164


This plot is such modernist garbage.

>> No.8821176

This really made me think

>> No.8821220

Figured it was garbo
Oh well

>> No.8821280

There's a machine which can redesign the universe to an optimal state and for a reason unexplained it can be activated only by the self-willing sacrifice of the nihilistic protagonist's life.

>> No.8821301

> MC, early 30s, returns to the town he grew up in after a time with a lot of money, buys a nice house on a hill with a view, lives a normative male fantasy.
> He finds the city changed and it makes him melancholic.
> Remembers what it was like when he was a grad student, had a stable relationship with nice, wholesome girl since they were in high school, everything was perfect.
> His startup started taking off, he was travelling, wasn't in town often.
> He remembers the efforts they made to keep the relationship together, more melancholy.
> He moves to San Fran, works his ass off, makes money.
> The he sells the company and moves back to town rich.
I think at this point he should run into the ex.
> Probably expensive coffee to go, walking around the city together. More places described as irrevocably changed.
> Ex has a husband, two kids, white picket fence sort of thing. He seems extremely stable and completely boring.
> She seems to be missing the sensitive, smart, MC of back in the day.
> Like the city, MC has been gentrified and lost his character, he's a slick Silicon Valley huckster now.
> They part, MC goes back to his hollow life of pulling hot 22 year olds on Tinder. Ex goes back to boring family life.

No resolution, they just never see each other again.

The whole narrative should happen while he's wandering around the street and commenting on how the city has changed, gentrified, lost its character. I want it to be mostly just sketches of the background, a lot of focus on the physical setting contrasted to how it used to be when MC was young.

It would be set in late fall when the city I have in mind is most like itself. Bitter, cold rains all the time maybe some snow towards the end of the book.

I'm not sure how much exposition should go into chat with Ex and how much into solo MC wandering.

>> No.8821322

Would read if you toned down some of the meme parts, but I also love stories that don't really have a whole resolution

>> No.8821330

>loud mouthed reality tv star
>decides to run for president
>he actually wins

>> No.8821337

protagonist awake in cavern
cross the path of a nomad tribe that live in the caverns
he try to speak to the tribe but he doesn't manage to speak correctly and doesn't seem satisfied with the words that come out of his mouth
the tribe members hunt animals and use their skin as materials(toys, clothing, music instrument)
protagonist try to build small objects after watching the nomads but everything become jangled and twist in his hands the outcome is never satisfying and variant.
the nomads do not eat the animals for their meat isn't comestible, instead they boil the animal blood and drink it
hilarity ensue

also want to write about death rituals in eskimo communities with old peoples killing themselves once the tribe reach a particular number, very interesting stuff

>> No.8821351

Thanks. I've been sitting on this for a while.

I agree with you on stories with no resolutions. They seem so artificial to me. IRL people just carry on with their lives, slightly changed, there's never any resolution.

>> No.8821383
File: 157 KB, 839x1191, furmanp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the first page I wrote a few months ago, if you're interested. I think I'm going to get back into it and start writing again

Any feedback is really appreciated!

>> No.8821401

Both are interesting. Good prose can carry these a long way.

>> No.8821465

Oh, you know, the two protagonists go out into the world and meet some people much like the ones you'll find in real life, and go through some common yet troubling social interactions that make me feel like we live in a society where nobody has any reason to care about one another anymore.

Typical litfic garbage, I guess.

>> No.8821467

For every good there's a bad but not terrible

>> No.8821477

>tfw you'll never grow massive and fuck the opening to the San Francisco Bay with your massive 28214.643621889933' in circumference dong

actually did the math on that one

>> No.8821478

It's interesting. It's very ornate and without reading more it's hard to say whether that's good or bad. It's definitely a style, but without reading more it's hard to say more about it.

You use the word "all" too much.

>> No.8821487

I didn't even notice all those alls. I'll take out the ones I don't need. Thanks!

>> No.8821493

Setting: small mountain village somewhere in the Balkans
Time period: 1900
A bunch of kids are living their day to day life. The village they live in is secluded so it's full of interesting folklore and the world outside is chock full of dragon's nests and nigger's treasure hoard. One of the main cast is kidnapped by a vampire but the rest of the cast is too scared to seek help. There's no vampires though, a bunch of gypsies took her.

Think Stranger Things but in the 1890s and instead of pop culture we have folklore and there's probably no supernatural things. Am I wasting my time?

>> No.8821498

>short story where a man plans a camping trip with the pretext of killing himself focused mainly on the meticulous details of his planning
>ends with him chickening out

>> No.8821501

the struggles and triumphs of Boo Widdly, in his quest to become the world's first crack cocaine addicted Olympic triathelete

>> No.8821504

The monsters should turn out to be nice in the end please

>> No.8821513

I could see myself enjoying this, however I agree with >>8821116 that the ending isn't very good. How would he react to the documentary actually being finished and released?

>> No.8821518

Have you seen The Witch (2015)? I'd recommend it.

>> No.8821524

That's good dude. Would read.

>> No.8821525

I'd read that if it was a short story but I imagine it'd get tiring if it was full novel length.

I'd read the fuck out of that but you'd better have the right writing voice for it. Witty but not ridiculous.

I was thinking there are no monsters at all but that'd be a nice spin too.

Hey that's right up my alley. I'll probably watch it tomorrow, thanks!

>> No.8821528

That's the thing, I don't want the film to be released. I want all of the stored footage and the filmmaker to be lost in the fire, that's the only way I see the MC escaping the cycle the documentary ends up putting him in

>> No.8821535

Like Abed in that episode of Community right? xD

It's good though. I'm getting Birdman vibes from it .

>> No.8821572

Oh gotcha, that actually makes perfect sense. Yeah, I could definitely see something like that being enjoyable.
Also, >>8821535 mah nigga

>> No.8821601
File: 359 KB, 1018x728, 1457423650748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/ is good and would probably receive more praise if it were to be published but I'd be more interested in 1/ if you were to tweak the ending. Suicide is a very cop-out of an ending and having a desperate protagonists can really give wind to a plot's sails. Following this man-turned-psychopath should have me hooked and to just kill him off like that seems like a waste.

If this thread is alive by tomorrow I'll do everyone. If you post it I'll give my opinions on it. I've been told I have a shit taste though.

>> No.8821661

i like this, but I'd only read it if you included a part about chopping the end of every boys penis off

>> No.8821690

sounds like a bit of an undertaking, have you considered collaborating?

>> No.8821985

You should 100% write both. I'd say 1 interests me more, though. And don't feel like you have to abide by your outline -- you'll end up writing against yourself.

Hope they come out well.

>> No.8822041

Welll yes, I get that you want to make something he can't control get him out of his circle. However my problem with the whole city on fire is that it's just way to unrealistic and a bit extreme.
I like it so far. Seems like you have a style and it's an entertaining one. I would like to read how you write something human related. Do you have more anon?

>> No.8822057
File: 164 KB, 838x1191, furmanp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here's page two. I think most of it should be rewritten

>> No.8822099

Agree. Seems like some of the details you provide don't really add anything other than filler. Also seems like you did not put in same amout pf effort into this page. I think you should polish it. You have some talent anon. Keep writing and you could be onto something. Good luck anon

>> No.8822104

Thank you! That means a lot to hear
Yeah definitely not as much effort. I think if I can keep up the same tone from the first page it should be a lot better

>> No.8822147
File: 17 KB, 250x299, 250px-Joseph_McCarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A group of mature, civil servant-like friends have a monthly meeting at someone's home. Back in their uni years, which transcurred during something similar to May 68, they had a communist terrorist cell which didn't really ever manage anything. Maybe they almost killed some random police officer but chickened out or something. Now they all (except one of them) kinda want to reconstitute the cell and do some terrorist act, maybe the assassination of one of them who happens to have grown up to have a job in the ministry of policing or something. Every night they meet they plan on doing the terrorist act but they never do.
>some rich preppy communist young woman (maybe during the 70's in a Baader-Meinhof-like organization, maybe during the Spanish civil war) engaged with an equally young male communist lives in an ambient of revolutionary efervescence, fantasizes of her and her boyfriend being the vanguard for the proletariat and shit. They both have a lawful, asexuated Eumaeus-like companion/servant from the party/sindicate/organization, who may be a chauffeur or whatever. One night, as she fucks with her male partner, they find out that lawful proletarian servant looking through a hole in the wall and masturbating, she tries to cover her nakedness and her boyfriend leaves the room running after the masturbator.

>> No.8822295

I have an idea where a man decides to write about his life for his child in the form of music. Knowing the child won't just listen to stories about himself, he then creates 7 seven constellations in which he creates 8 stories (acts/albums)(7 different stories, and an epilogue revealing what the bigger picture of the stories was). Though each story follows a different character, several major themes and metaphors carry throughout the entirety of each story to ground them to each other. Each characters past and future will coincide with each other characters past and future, yet with entirely different settings, plots, stories. The 8th story reveals a secondary author who is different than the narrator and primary author for the rest of the stories.

I don't want to go too much in detail because I don't trust 4Chan, but I think it'll be a great story/series of stories.

>> No.8822306

how about a book about a NEET who's trying to escape from nihilism but he doesn't know how

>> No.8822313

cant tell if im faded or youre just fucking nuts

>> No.8822326
File: 10 KB, 246x200, excellent fam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he find God in the end? Or does it end badly?

>> No.8822356

The primary theme is dream-states and the stories all work on pushing the other major theme of how cataclysmic or pivotal events in people lives 'kill' them and 'rebirth' them as a new person.

>> No.8822471

Done to death.

>> No.8822516

Donnie Darko

>> No.8822522


>> No.8822524

Got a few ideas in my head of things I'd want to write. Mainly fantasy and scifi settings.

Fantasy I was thinking about making the MC an Orc or Centaur leaving/forced from his tribe/clan on a journey to find true strength, meeting various fantasy races along the way and learning about what makes that race strong.

After MC learns what he can he returns to his tribe/clan and forces them to submit to him and then he sets out to conquer the rest of his people and then the world.

I'm set on MC being an Orc/Centaur since they're the stereotypical strong guy race in fantasy and I'm sick to death of modern fantasy MCs being nothing but humans or elves.

For scifi I was thinking about either a series about space pirates doing space pirate things, raiding trade convoys. Pissing off authorities and partying all night long.

Or some sort of galactic treasure hunter travelling the cosmos and finding relics from ancient civilizations, pre-sentient species, and other things. Like space Indiana Jones.

Either one of these ideas would be fun to write.

I'm honestly sick of modern scifi novels since they all seem to be Military Scifi where its humans vs some incomprehensible alien force where we're outmatched in all ways but we're still winning somehow!

Just some basic ideas atm. Currently chiseling out the details on the fantasy one though.

>> No.8822863

>MC is pet dog
>Owner is mentally fucked up loser
>Dog thinks why he's such a little bitch
>Thinks more on that idea
>Damn, humans are fucking autistic
>As plot continues, owner has rises and falls
>Social reject owner eventually an hero
>Dog goes to shelter
>Adopted by large family
>Bullshit still goes on with new owners
>Questions human behavior
>Story ends with shit-tier 2deep4u lesson

>> No.8822871

>book is split into three parts
>first part is typical romance of this guy pining for this girl because she's different and quirky
>first part ends with him getting sick of her shit and killing her
>second part is a few months later
>he's covered up the murder as well as he can, fucking her grief ridden best friend and has generally become a paranoid chain smoking wreck
>second part ends with him being caught
>third part is set decades later, he's done his time for the murder, had a wife, had kids, divorced, lived his whole life
>not sure how to fully round it off

obviously i want to bring it back to the girl but i don't want to do some cliche shit like him breaking down in front of her grave

>> No.8823601

>College student's grandpa died
>Grandpa deposits a copy of himself into a virtual universe/simulation program so that she can visit him
>She does.
>The virtual reality allows the copies to look like and act like they did when they were young or old, whenever they felt they were best
>She finds out that grandpa is not as he seemed
>She meets old people who are amazing and interesting that she'd never have bothered with because they were old
>She falls in love with one of the simulations who is just data and realizes it wouldn't ever work.
>She feels odd about her grandpa who she was always close to
>She leaves the virtual reality alone, wondering if she should have left the past in the past.

>> No.8823660

Oh shit
Didn't watch that movie yet

>> No.8823717
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>tfw no one tell you whether your post is shit or not so you have to assume it's shit and boring.

>> No.8823788

>scientists discover dinosaurs in the centre of the earth.
>gets turned in to an atraction park for rich turists.

>> No.8823801

>he thinks i'm gonna post my million dollar idea so anons can steal it.
HA. How naive do you think i am.

>> No.8824174

Perfect 5-10 page short story material, don't go too long though, keep it short and sweet

>> No.8824192

If you had the right voice this would be a great 45 page short story

>> No.8825009

as a short story yeah i can see this being alright

>> No.8825048

Hey man, I really like your idea and the page you posted. If you're looking for some feedback, I can give you my throwaway email. It might take me a while to reply cuz I don't check it at all often.


I'd like to see how you handle the more active, character-based scenes, and if they're as good as your handling of setting in the extract you posted.

>> No.8825059

i like the concept, i love how you write but i completely hate the sound of that ending

>> No.8825077

>MC got sold down the river in his childhood, is now a pushover beta porn addict who undereats so has low test, is socially awkward, depressed and anxious
>MC tries and fails to do the things other kids his age are doing easily
>MC tries many ways to become better, to become a man, reads books, does gym, sees many specialists, therapists, practitioners and doctors, but nothing seems to work and he wastes a lot of money and time and hits rock bottom
>MC, by slim chance, discovers humble biologist online who highlights the need for high calorie, high sugar, high protein nutrition as a prerequisite to health
>said biologist teaches extreme easy and cheap ways to health and vitality and preventing disease
>MC found hope in this one geezer who's not asking for money, who's not asking for anything, who shares his knowledge for the good of all beings
>MC starts eating tons of food, doing some simple things taught by biologist. doesn't get hopes up, but just does it every day.
>surprisingly, many days in, there is change. after years of failure, there is change.
>MC quits porn whereas before this was impossible
>MC's anxiety is gone, his whole personality changes
>MC's dopamine and testosterone soar over old baseline levels
>MC returns to the world with love in his heart but also passion and anger
>MC shocks people who knew him, uses newfound ambition to do some shit a la Limitless film
>some other stuff happens, maybe he ends up in a desert car chase like a Breaking Bad scene
>dreams of MC would play into narrative, and influence his actions throughout
>eventual love interest for MC, akin to Oldboy where Oh Dae-su asks himself "If my lover had met me before my journey, would she even have liked me?"

>> No.8825102

forgot to put after MC tries many ways to become better but nothing works
>MC becomes a hermit, cuts contact with loved ones and friends, feels hopeless, then finds biologist
>the ensuing months are an isolated period of healing and regeneration before MC returns to world

>> No.8825107

Please guise somebody validate me

>> No.8825131

I feel ya man. Not good enough to rate well, and apparently to be rated either.

>> No.8825164

It feels like it's missing a third act. As it stands it reads like the whole purpose is to shill this diet.

>> No.8825184

First one could be fun. Reminds me of Four Lions.

Second one is gibberish. Nothing seems to relate to anything else. Make it 1000+ pages and /lit/ will have a meme tetralogy.

>> No.8825211
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>ITT: we let people steal our ideas

>> No.8825330

That is a primer for the story I would write. Third act would be the adventure, with a love interest and another conflict being overcome.

and it's not really a diet that can be shilled. MC eats lots of nutritious food to restore himself...

>> No.8825342


A robot crash lands on a planet still stuck in medieval times joins up with a girl who just goes from tourney to tourney, eventually gaining attention from a lord who wants them both in his army after seeing how invincible it is.

>> No.8825350

sounds like it could have a nice sense of adventure, nothing groundbreaking though desu

>> No.8825368


I wanted to try something with UFOs, and Ayys in a fantasy setting. It seems like it has potential.

>> No.8825374

Collection of myths from the post apocalypse told with the framing device of people sitting around a fire out in the wastes

>> No.8825397

> finish English literature degree
> get a job as a night shift security guard
> read
> write
> develop minor addiction to prescription opiates
> regularly catch venereal diseases from fucking prostitutes raw.

>> No.8825414

Short story
>A disturbed man is pursued by three phantasmal bounty hunters
>One hunter is blind, the second is deaf, and the third is mute. The first wears a blindfold, the second wears headphones, and the third is gagged
>Surreal spooky shit happens

>> No.8825675

Medieval monk goes mad and believes he is the king of Spain

>> No.8825695

Had an idea where a man spends his days scouring a wasteland many years after the world broke into war and entered a state of apocalypse. Any group he joins and anybody friendly he encounters, he always says the same thing: that he's searching for the regalia his father promised him he'd find, left for him in the wastes. He spends the story searching over the areas of the wastes his father explored- learning of his family's involvement in the war, how different life in the wastes is when you're alone, and his attempts to find love and family. All in the end, will be revealed that the regalia isn't really an heirloom, but a way of thinking and seeing the world by experiencing it. The way that influences him and changes him, he wears it everyday.

There was more to it, but I dropped for a much more in depth and involved story idea.

>> No.8826314
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Based in South Europe, 600 or so years after a CME that knocks out all electric devices, society returns to the dark ages and the plot is a struggling christian empire trying to defend europe from an arab invasion, and its all horses and swords and shit

>> No.8826323

At a (yet undecided) European court of 1604 a telescope is commissioned to observe Kepler's supernova which occurred that year

think pillars of the earth but with a telescope instead of a cathedral

>> No.8826325

>the real treasure was inside you all along xD

>> No.8826332

I start a nerd holocaust on the internet that will squash all of their hopes and dreams and ruin their sense of community.

>> No.8826349

hi irvine welsh

>> No.8826355
File: 56 KB, 760x505, OilPipeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright guys, this is my first idea so be gentle

>MC is a redneck from rural Alberta
>him and his brothers/cousins have been making a living by illegally tapping into oil pipelines and selling stolen oil to their little backwoods bog
>MC isn't the brightest, easily manipulated
>goes to tap a pipe one day
>a group of environmental terrorists are also there ready to break it down
>they see his tools, call him a vigilante hero
>decide to use him as their poster-boy for activism, offer him a top position, he buys into it
>MC gets propelled into infamy with the news calling him a criminal and the terrorists praising him as a hero

Not really sure where it's gonna go from there. I want to have some kind of satire on current activism and 'slacktivism' type stuff.

>> No.8826369

no one would believe it, though. Try to write something more realistic.

>> No.8826511

I'm writing something very similar to Le Horla


>> No.8826582

Man wanders around wilderness a long time, gradually loses notion of symbols/language, then loses 'self'. After ego death he no longer recognizes boundaries between own body and landscape: rendered being of pure sensorial/empathic input.
Some plot point would be about bowel movements only possible when sympathetically linked to volcano eruptions, exhaustion as entropy etc

proposed title: The Atrocity Exhibition pt.2: the Slothrop Chronicles

>> No.8826596

Cyberpunk caper wherein a common criminal steals a macguffin - either a phenomenally advanced power source or a "universal transceiver"

Setting is a space station colony under lockdown in the throws of civil unrest.

He is mistaken for the hero of the revolution - he is not.

A comedy of errors occurs culminating in a choice between profit and principal.

>> No.8826704 [DELETED] 

>kid raised TMZ and E! channel
>kid ends up following the TMZ camera men around
>knocks out a celebrity who messes with a reporter
>ends up an internet meme
>starts swarmed by TMZ cameras and kills himself on camera

idk, Iiterally just thought of this as I went along

>> No.8826765

Fantasy novel set in a fictional version of the Napoleonic era
Three nations reconstructing after a great war: a kingdom with an Anglo culture, a kingdom with a Latin culture, and a kingdom with a Scandi culture

Its still essentially a medieval world but the discovery of a ridiculously powerful fuel source which they still don't quite understand, referred to as 'blue rock'
This shit causes the skies to start to darken and all the flowers to grow withered and warped

Different POVs: the main ones being an anorexic teenage princess learning how to rule in place of her alcoholic father, a prince starting a civil war against his father, a boy king struggling against a corrupt politician, an immigrant woman fleeing a warzone, and an explorer discovering new lands.

The first book would be the build up to a great war, each of the nations heading that way due to the actions of the well meaning but inexperienced protagonists.

>> No.8826774

principle, throes

it sounds like the ensuing comedy of errors is where the story is supposed to go; tell us your idea for that

>> No.8826881

which is why it isnt written

>> No.8826927

Stream of consciousness as a man has an existential crisis in the shower
Obviously written in the proper style

>> No.8826954
File: 520 KB, 641x646, Gnome-Snail-Tank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snail wars

it's about artillery snails in ww1
okay that's all i've got

>> No.8827328

I thought of an idea a while back.
The prologue shows the MC as a kid playing in a forest, where he encounters a 20-something old man who appears to be a hermit.
They talk for a while, and the man gives the MC a key.
The MC comes the next day and the man is gone.
The start of chapter 1 details a grown up MC, who lives a wagecuck life, still lives in the same neighborhood.
He has a hobby of exploring, and he keeps the key as a good luck charm sort of thing.
One day he finds a trapdoor, and decides to go down.
There's a lot of rusty stairs, and the MC is tired by the time he gets to the bottom.
The entire facility is very rusted and old, as it was once a pipe maintenance area.
The MC eventually comes to a side door that looks recently opened, and the MC opens it to find a library of all things.
He encounters a few more things farther down that have been messed with, including a pissed in toilet and a stock of cans.
Now the MC really wants to see what's down here, and eventually he comes across a door.
It's locked, unlike every other door in the facility.
For shits and giggles, the MC decides to use the key on the lock. The thing is, it actually works.
The man from the prologue is in there, and the MC talks to him for a while, catching up and learning the man's identity.
He was a pretty content guy up until a year before he met the MC, when his parents died in an accident, leaving behind a fair amount of money and a key.
Since the man was now feeling edgy, he decided to quit his job and become a NEET.
He went walking in the forest, and found the same trapdoor that the MC found.
He eventually started exploring the facility, visiting it more and more often.
He found a set of keys that were the facility's standard.
He moved in fully, not needing society anymore.
When he met the MC, he hadn't talked to anyone in months.
The MC leaves after a while, and the story ends with the MC pondering if the man's decisions were good.
Please nuke my plot into nonexistence, /lit/

>> No.8827333

The and a key part is invalid, ignore it

>> No.8827392

>girl has depression
>father, out of work, thinks she's going through a phase
>a 'get over it, feel better' kind of dad
>father is descending into alcoholism/disillusionment with family
>daughter just thinks he's going through a phase
>somewhere down the line, father abandons family, dies in some alcohol-related death
>girl, annoyed with him for being dismissive of her depression, still thinks he should've just 'stopped drinking and felt better'

slight inspiration taken from The Depressed Person, but only with the selfish depressive.

>> No.8827438

One I had earlier
>town has to debate whether or not to submit to some great conquering foe, haven't decided whether or not to make it the Romans or maybe set it in a fantasy or post apocalyptic setting, with the debate in the town square unfolding, basically a following this one character as he witnesses the deliberation, might give it a shitty sad ending where they al die anyway of some unrelated illness or do something else with it
>not sure who the MC should be either but I'd like it to be a more neutral party, until he gets swayed to one side
Only problem is im having a hard time thinking of a decent conclusion

>> No.8827520
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A man is sentenced to death for plotting against the government, the moment before he is killed a USA government agent informs him that all people executed are told one state secret. The plot is contained inside an execution chamber, the agent has the potassium cyanide pill to initiate the execution and executes the prisoner at the end of the story, and all dialogue and descriptions are attributed to only the two characters.

>> No.8827523

MC is a young girl (18yo) who is pretty normal and well rounded but reads too many romance novels and has very few friends.

Antag: MC's first boyfriend who is kind of spergy and cold. He has no real feelings for the MC but he's in it for the sex and affection.

>The story focuses on how the antag manipulates the MC to become more desirable to him
>In most conversations, antag will talk about his interests and praise her for getting his references or insult her if she doesn't
>MC listens to all his CDs, watches all his shows/movies, practices games he likes when he's not around so she can pretend to be good when they play together
>Antag gets mad at her when she doesn't want to have sex, she starts pretending to be a nympho then develops a genuine addiction to sex
>MC slowly takes on some of the antag's mannerisms (his actions, his style of humour) while neglecting her own interests

Then I'm not sure where to go with the story when they break up. There's a horrible realisation that she's nothing more than a reflection of him. For the happy ending, I want her slowly recovering pieces of her former self but becoming someone more mature/honest and dating another guy who exemplifies these traits. I'm guessing it's trash but I need some practice.

>> No.8827531

Fuck you /lit/ I'm going to write it any way. Kiss my grits.

>> No.8827715 [DELETED] 

>Post apocalyptic setting, wasteland ravaged by nuclear warfare
>The remnants of the united states government manage to get a working time machine going
>Due to its unstable nature they decide to send in a bunch of red-shirt scavengers on a mission to change the past (MC is in this group)
>The mission is to ensure a certain presidential candidate never gets elected and doesn't end the world
>As soon as they are sent back in time, they start a new timeline in which they finish their mission
>In this new timeline, the world is also completely fucked because of the presidential candidate the red-shirt team got into power
>They send back a highly trained squad to get the OTHER presidential candidate elected
>Basically both teams are trying to get different candidates into power and unknown to them both cause the nuclear apocalypse in a roundabout way
>Eventually they learn this and those that are left on the teams must work together to figure out a way to unfuck the future

I'm not good at this

>> No.8827744

I fucking like it

>> No.8827746

nb good job

>> No.8827747

not bad

>> No.8827771

A man steals his (ex)wife's son and they run away to another country - evading the bull as though he was the Nubian God of the Hunt. The wife's son eventually becomes his son.

>> No.8827772

How about you take an unexpected twist with her realising, as she returns to her old self, how boring she is and that she was enjoying becoming "a reflection" or "more of" the man. That she liked the feeling of giving up herself. She wants to return to him, but he's still a cold asshole that doesn't like her and she wonders what she'll do. Perhaps she's torn and afraid of how others will look at her for not following boring, societal expectations (individualism, independent woman, etc)

>> No.8827778

A law student that spends a whole afternoon playing with a pen and staring at a library desk. Gets up to smoke a cigarette outside about halfway through. Doesn't say anything profound or thoughtful or even shower-thoughtful and just kind of rambles anxiously about irrelevant shit.

>> No.8827790

>then one escapes!

>> No.8827827

>alternate universe
>Future, but still noir
>America is authoritarian government
>two main characters, switching between first person pov
>one is revolutionary
>one is high ranking officer
>eventually one will die
>the twist is the authoritarian government/military is the "good side"

>> No.8827862

this is bad but I wanna read it.

this is bad and I don't

>> No.8827897

Sounds dreadful desu

>> No.8827962

I really want to post mine but I'm afraid of people plagiarizing it. Probably irrational, but I've been working on this for too long for someone to come and fuck it up.

>> No.8827966

Gonna steal some of that, thanks!

>> No.8829265

>teenage American girl gets a Korean penpal through cultural exchange thing at school
>thinks it's dumb to begin with but keeps writing to him to please teachers
>finds herself getting more excited every time she's woken up by the clatter of the letter box in the morning
>asks him ignorant shit like does he eat dogs, but he just responds by sending recipes for Pa Jun and the like
>as she learns more about him and his culture she grows sadder
>knows she's falling for him and that it'll never work out
>tries to find a way to tell him that being his penpal isn't enough for her any more
>"Ho Lee... I want more"

>> No.8829931

That's definitely an idea. She definitely does still crave the attention of the antag. She dreams about him, dates guys who look/act like him, changes herself even more to become like the girl he dumps her for. I'm not sure if I want her spending the rest of her life that way though. My original plan was for her to fully realize what she has become and develop a complete aversion to anything that reminds her of him. Even when she finds herself and dates new guys she distances herself from them to keep her personality unpolluted.


>> No.8830148
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>implying plot matters

>> No.8830155
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>> No.8830164

heck yes

>> No.8830169


top fucking kek

>> No.8830171

>actually thought this would be interesting until the meme
Am I a memester?

>> No.8830383


thanks anons. Im kind of stuck, not really sure where to continue the story

>> No.8830432

how did you think that was an original idea, have you never read a book or watched a film before

>> No.8830446

I'd never seen it done before but oh well

>> No.8830486

A good first step might be familiarizing yourself with what humans have been up to for the past 100 years or so

>> No.8830500

Where should I start?

>> No.8830509

what if you had a gun?

>> No.8830522

I'd have a gun

>> No.8830525

>an inexplicable entity tears the planet to shreds
>all life on it extinguished within 20 minutes
>the few surviving humans are on an evacuation ship launched from a space station
>only large solar system bodies are being targeted (the sun and larger planets are already gone)
>supplies will last them about a year
>they spend that time trying to make their ship a lasting monument to the world they lost
>blah blah how poignant

just a crappy short story idea

>> No.8830536

dark comedy about a white supremacist who falls in love with a self-hating black girl

>> No.8830763

I really like that idea. I can see a lot of good conversations coming from the survivors.
Maybe show the earth going into chaos as the entity slowly approaches the planet?

>> No.8832026

That would actually be breddy gud
t. /pol/

>> No.8832801

It's much more nuanced than what I'm about to write, but here's the gist.

The set-up
>Turns out the not!Devil is a real, tangible entity that feeds off of belief
>there is a millennia-old shadow war being fought between various demon hunting organisations and Spirits
>Demon hunters engineer a plan to destroy spiritual entities
>both sides agree to a pact wherein, every 1000 years, they cede dominance of Earth to one another
>starting with the demon hunters in control
>As soon as the pact is made manifest, via a ritual, the demon hunters initiate a Nuclear war
>90% of humanity wiped out in a day
>The Survivors are gradually conquered by the Demon Hunter's new unified state
>they destroy all records of Gods, spirits, etc.
>any form of faith or religious belief is outlawed under penalty of death
>Weakened by the lack of belief, spirits become easy prey
>over the next 1000 years spirits are gradually captured and culled until only the most resourceful and the strongest survive
>not!Devil waits patiently for his turn
>As the first cycle draws to a close, the leadership of the Anti-theist state work to somehow become demons/spirits so they can continue to rule Earth, ousting the not!Devil entirely.
>this takes the form of some really fucked up archaic-science shit

The story
>MC works for the anti-theist state as a governor/exorcist
>becomes aware of the pact and the fucked up shit his people have done to survive
>gradually poisoned into believing that the devil is really a good guy
>friends of MC are roped into a massive uprising against the state
>Numerous people question the wisdom of helping the not!Devil
>Get immolated by not!Devil
>MC eventually snaps out of it and destroys the pact
>thinks he's saved the world
>basically just restored a lot of the not!Devil's powers to him by revealing his existence to the world
>sequel ensues.

>> No.8834357
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Dude I remember you from like a year ago, you haven't changed anything from the original. I like it but it needs to be refined a bit

>> No.8834376

Yep, I pretty much forgot about it since this thread

>> No.8834379

*until this

>> No.8834422


needs a time travel subplot

>> No.8835611

Hey man what font is this? Feels extremely uniform but I don't recognize it unless I'm shitting the bed here

>> No.8835766

I have a few
>A mysterious plague ravishes the city-state of Celocombo for the period of exactly one year
>Its origin is never discovered, and any attempts at finding a cure invariably fail
>Eventually, the city is cordoned off, and its denizens trapped
>4 POV characters: a woman of an affluent family, a merchant impressed into slavery, an acolyte of the Ritualists (ancestor mages), and a sacred prostitute
>They try to survive, and more importantly, try and find a reason to live in a city doomed to die
>City itself is a character, and each POV expounds upon some element of its culture/society in relation to the Plague
>Themes include: man vs. an indifferent nature, the will to power, death, the notion of "the city", free will vs. determinism

>4 different plotlines with 4 different sets of characters at 4 different points in space and time
>All mirror each other and deal with the same theme: the conflict between free will and fate
>Brazil, 1814: The heir of a wealthy plantation family begins an affair with his older sister on the backdrop of a slave revolt in Bahia
>Russia, 1905: A young Moscow couple becomes involved with the October Revolution
>Japan, 1999: A graduate student takes his terminally ill fiancee on a trip to Kyoto
>Space, 162nd year of the Diaspora: The murder of a menial laborer on a generation ship incites a mystery that spirals into full-on revolt
>Takes a similar form to Cloud Atlas in that each narrative is written in a different style, but they are arrayed differently
>Each chapter skips backwards and forwards through time
>Space->Brazil->Japan->Russia->Space, and so on
>The narratives are fundamentally similar: a pair of lovers, revolution, and death play a principal role in each

>> No.8835795

those descriptions leave me cold anon but that doesn't mean they're bad stories.

>> No.8835823

>A young lawyer introduces his Colombian fiancee to his Georgian family
>Family owns an apple orchard in the Blue Ridge Mountains
>Father died seven years ago, leaving behind three daughters and a wife to run the orchard while letting his son pursue his career
>Things are not as they seem
>A disastrous dinner ensues in which the MC's fiancee pretty much gets roasted and runs away in tears
>MC castigates his sisters, drunk sister says he's just like his father
>She goes on to make a suggestive remark, which piques his curiosity
>Basically alludes to the fact that the eldest sister was sexually abused by the father and is not her mother's son; causes the eldest sister to leave in tears
>He's a child of incest between the father and eldest sister, who was repeatedly raped in the apple orchard
>All of the sisters and the mother had to help cover it up out of fear of the father
>All of their lives were irrevocably changed by their father's influence, while he was allowed to be ignorant and live his life
>Eldest sister is socially stunted, and says that "My life began and ended on that day"; second eldest is a drunkard and a slut; youngest renounced men altogether
>MC feels conflicted and guilty, as if he owes it to his sisters to help them, but also wants to continue his life in New York and with his fiancee; the play ends ambiguously
>Once again, the central theme free will vs. determinism; father is compared to a dark God, who gave him his lease on life while condemning his sisters
>Furthered by the eldest's Virgin Mary vibes and the allusions to the fruit of knowledge and original sin
>All takes place on one day and one night, like a Greek tragedy (not unique or anything but I thought it'd fit)
>Titled "In the Orchard: A Ghost Story"

I feel like this is my strongest idea

>> No.8835852

Not to be mean or anything, but not a fan of the first or second. I honestly do like the third, though.

>> No.8835862

>I feel like this is my strongest idea

Having read the other two I'm inclined to agree with you.

>> No.8835887

I love these so much that I'm straight stealing the cordoned off village setting

>> No.8836081

the prose is actually good

>> No.8837624

A PhD in physics and philosophy seeks a way to destroy all of existence or to sterilize all life at least due to his negative utilitarian principles while doing humanitarian work abroad to ease the suffering of others and coming across all the horrors this world has to offer while engaging in philosophical discussions with smart but optimistic characters every now and then.

Not something I'm working on, just something I'd like to read and Thomas Ligotti is too implicit to write something like this.

>> No.8838309

staring pajeet?

>> No.8838332

A Chinese letter-writer tries to survive the Japanese occupation of his country in the late 1930's

>> No.8838349

Ulysses except all references are to Bee Movie

>> No.8838735
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>mc is a norwegian boy in his early teens. Computer handy far beyond his own good
>Setting is medium sized town in Norway, ca2005
>Boy is fooling around with other boys
>Finds himself to be enjoying it more than the other boys
>Boy questions his sexuality and decides he loves both genders.
>The boy is in love with a girl, girl likes one the boys hes fooling around with after school.
>Boy decides to use his 1337 skills to mess around with Messenger
>Pretends to be other kids in his class and spreads rumors and learn about the social hiarchy
>While doing this the boy Realises how false and rotten the people around him really are.
>Boy stopped pretending to be other people and decides to just read & learn.
>Boy decides his friends are not really his friends
>Boy struggles to keep a good face, he starts avoiding school.
>Last day of elementary school and he starts highschool after the summer
>Facebook is the new chat of choice and the boy cannot read his surroundings anymore.
>Boy gets more and more paranoid by the da--

Oh wait a minute this is my life.

He ends up as a 22y old unemployed paranoid bipolar outcast living in his own filthy apartment. Forcing his missoury out on unsuspecting anons.

He pounders the idea of writing it down in hope it might bring him some peace of mind.

Sorry in advance

>> No.8838764

Do it, Jan.

>> No.8838766

>MC is riding on a train with an unknown woman
>he sees then that she's asleep, but her hand is in an uncomfortable position
>MC can't think of anything but that
>feels the need to put the hand in proper position
>overthinks this whole situation; starts to consider all the possible outcomes
>lifts it up just to clear his head
>she wakes up, asks him what did he do, and says (uninterested but) a friendly 'thank you'
>falls asleep almost immediately

>> No.8838848

Have him chop off the tip of his dick, then she wears it as wedding ring.

>> No.8838873

fuck off failed normie

>> No.8839032

>World without iron
>Bronze Age civs with generally low population countrysides cover a large portion of inhabited lands
>huge meteor knocks whole world back into stone age. Dark ages follow with the survivors living mostly in the stone ages for a long time
>a few pockets of bronze age civ have begun reappearing across the globe
>One such civ gathers their best and brightest for a quest that may bring them enough power to dominate and bring "modern" technology to the rest of their continent and overwelm the tribes and barbarians and smaller nations standing in their way.
>They are going after the iron from huge ancient the meteor that nearly wiped them out.

>> No.8839135

Sounds pretty good, honestly.

>> No.8839294

>A priest, a professional alcoholic and a serial killer explore the post-post-apocalypse in search of their old mentor, all on the word of a notoriously unreliable cat.

>> No.8840876

Some guy becomes obsessed with his quirky daughter and murders her.

>> No.8841692


>> No.8841716

Almost done with this

>late 1800's England
>an incestuous aristocrat couple wait for the results of their father's help after a fatal accident
>doctor, an Indian, a German couple and their baby, and an Irish constable flood into the waiting room with them and barricade it behind them
>their father, while undergoing surgery, was infected with a 'parasite' and has gone on a rampage throughout the hospital killing everything in his way
>the doctor keeps them all in the waiting room both for their safety and to diagnose them all given the close exposure
>becomes something like the movie Clue with all of its banter inbetween character mixed with casual racism towards the Irishman, the Germans, and especially the Indian.
>they all eventually turn out to be infected regardless

Goes a bit further and after its known that they're all infected, after a few have died, it goes into its more supernatural plot

>> No.8841743

An art critic begins his career reviewing paintings. Over time he becomes bored with just the visual aspects and moves on to other ways to experience the medium. He starts incorporating art history, philosophy, mathematics, and psychology into his reviews but he still feels they are incomplete. His solution is to buy a famous painting so that he can experience it more in depth.

He begins by by simply touching the painting and writing about how tactile expression allows him a deeper understanding but it still is not enough. He moves on to performing sexual acts with the painting and defacing it which gains him a cult following. The followers give him more paintings which he experiences in new ways by eating them, grinding them up and smoking them, as well as painting over them in both crude and highly technical fashions.

The act of eating a painting gains him special popularity and so people give him more paintings to eat so that he can describe the sensation. Soon he has his own television, web, and radio show where he eats old and new works and the people listen to his description of the taste, feel, and smell of his new diet. This inspires others to consume sculptures, carvings, even film (or digital microprocessors) which becomes a global movement until all art is sent to these critics who destroy and process all art.

>> No.8841787

It's always good to hit your audience over the head with your message

>> No.8841801

>casual racism towards the Germans

I'm no expert on British-German relations during the 18th century, but I do know that from 1714 to 1901 Britain was ruled by the House of Hannover, meaning German kings.

I feel like you would have to be very knowledgeable and skilled to get that right.

>> No.8841807

If you write it you should avoid using the word consume at all costs.

>> No.8841910

It's not really meant to be taken super seriously. The main aristocratic British characters regard them highly, more so than the Irishman and the Indian, but are a bit wary regardless due to their nationalistic feelings. BUT what makes it racist is that their, the German couple, surname is Kraut which is, at times, called at casually as a means of underhanded racism (I've had it up to here with your Krauts! (Speaking specifically about the two and their child)) I assume also that the derogatory word of Kraut came later but I think it still works.

>> No.8841973

bretty good anon. yo've got a strong author's voice. reminds me a bit of patrick süskind.

>> No.8842021

>hard dark fantasy
>follows group of young men; a doctor's apprentice, a page and a hunter
>brought together by the collapse of their kingdom
>travel from sacked capitol to northern agricultural settlement
>spend time their with the locals in their day to day lives
>eventually forced to leave
>split up throughout their adventures in the pursuit of safety and security amidst a deteriorating kingdom filled with poverty, the remnants of invading army, and other bands of people trying to survive

that's the basic premise. I want to work in themes on existentialism and the role war plays. Not anti-war though.

>> No.8842024

woah, slow down there Eliot.

>> No.8842027

would their relationship start while she was still a student? I feel like that could be a decent hook for the first part of the story

>> No.8842036

why not write a story about the guys who meme'd him into office? something like a non-realism play with the MC being a basement dwelling NEET who has issues socializing.

>> No.8842041

if the first idea was a tragedy where the MC eventually fails, i think that would be cool

second one, i think would be nito if you put a bit of a lovecraft spin on it. Kinda like is starlord from marvel encountered something beyond human comprehension. maybe would work.

>> No.8842046

allegory for Alzheimer?

>> No.8842053

>Adventurer and treasure hunter wanders around in an Indiana Jones- or Uncharted-esque fashion looking for cool shit with his young partner
>Unrealistically brave and selfless as they get into adventures together, never backs down from anything to the point of being cliche and stupid
>At one point the two finally get cornered, main Indie character is horribly maimed and killed
>Immediately returns to life without a scratch
>Explains nothing to partner, getting him out of danger then disappearing and never seeing him again
>Decades later, partner is older, curates a museum
>Witnesses museum being robbed of a single item from classical Greece, runs after robber, it's good old Indie, who hasn't aged a bit
>Confrontation: This is what Indie spent hundreds of years searching for
>An obol for Charon so he could pay his fare across the Acheron and finally die

>> No.8842068

It doens't have a proper conclusion yet, but the premise seems interesting

>> No.8842082

I want to write something similar to Lord of the Flies, but with monsters instead of nature.

>> No.8842087

>PIzzagate is real.

>> No.8842089

I thought it said hard dick fantasy. Your story might improve if you take it in that direction.

>> No.8842092

that's hilarious, will do well with all the enviro-nuts about to come out of the woodwork because of Trump and his Sec of State pick.

>> No.8842094

good point


>> No.8842122

>MC is a redneck from rural Alberta
>him and his brothers/cousins have been making a living by illegally tapping into oil pipelines and selling stolen oil to their little backwoods bog
>MC isn't the brightest, easily manipulated
>goes to tap a pipe one day
Very difficult to do this in reality.
>a group of environmental terrorists are also there ready to break it down
Anyone who tries to do this would all be immediately caught. You can not destroy infrastructure.

Alternatively, make him somewhat delusional and cunning and working alone initially. He could mislead the terrorists into thinking he is part of a larger group of revolutionaries. This deception gains him esteem with the group which he uses to become their leader. All along he is misleading them into amassing him a small fortune from the oil and the attention of an intelligence agency who has several informants within the group. In fact, all the group are informants or agents working for local law enforcement, national law enforcement, military intelligence, the oil transfer company, the oil refining company, and the local news station. All agencies and corporations spy on each other while in this group and serve to elevate the MC into a credible threat, which the agencies desire as they all benefit from a large enemy more than a small one. MC gains his fortune and manages to slip away with his gains as the different groups get bogged down when they each discover the true identity of all members.

>> No.8842143

I like his original story a hell of a lot more than this
Who cares if you can't really tap into a pipeline

>> No.8842269

Guy gets his roommate to go out of state for a trip which breaks his parole, he does this because his roommate is a lazy drunk.

>> No.8842294

MFW a smiling wojak actually cheers me up.

>Need to get off this hellforsaken Romanian origami forum.

>> No.8842300

is that your diary?

>> No.8842308
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Tomboy smut:
>a lone but cheerful hero from vaguely-eastern, fictional country is returning from a far off war.
>His home kingdom is going through a bloody internal conflict. the side he's loyal to is losing, so he hears.
>Ends up getting attacked (comically) by highwaymen frequently on his way home, leaving him horseless, restless and starving.

the story starts here-
>One group of bandits chase him into a lawless forest where he escapes them, but gets lost himself.
>ends up meeting a gamine woman who lives in the woods: the priestess to some race of nature spirits.
>short in height, short and ruffled black hair, sunbaked skin, almond eyes, a bit monkeyish in movement, slender and wiry in shape.
>she brings him to her shrine and helps him recover from his starved state.
>Doesn't take long for them to realize that the other is harmless and they become friends, both of them having good humor.
>he learns from her that a bandit group has been terrorizing the country side, and hunting for the shrine because of the riches they believe are there (erroneously).
>he promises to return and rid the land of this bandit gang, as payback for her saving his life.
>eventually he recovers enough to leave, and the priestess guides him out of the woods.
>Along the route they take, the sexual and romantic tension that had been building up in the shrine reaches a climax (bathing naked in a lake together and an awkward wrestling bout, for examples) and they end up fucking and more importantly in love.
>He leaves her at the end of the woods, promising to return not just to fight the bandits but also to see her again.

>over a year later, hero returns to the land where the woods were, having helped his side win the civil war, and with him he brings an army to fight the bandits
>the part of the forest where the shrine was has been burned to the ground. some of the trees look like they exploded from the inside out
>from a local village, he finds out that all the bandits, save one, are dead, and the survivor is insane, though harmless enough to be kept by the village as the town retard.
>the hero finds, from the madman's babbling, that after the bandits found the shrine and attacked the priestess, the woman said something that made 'the trees vomit their spirits', killing everyone but him.
>The Hero, depressed, decides to travel into the woods, into it's darker parts, to either die or find his love.
>He discovers another shrine in a mountain crag, and his priestess.

And they have a victory fuck, I guess. The ending I have in mind is that his country takes control of that area and the forest and the surrounding land become his fiefdom, and the Priestess his wife. Pic related is the image that inspired the story.

>> No.8842358

I writing a book called "The REAL Rights of Women" and its 250 blank pages

>> No.8842531

love the first one, probably because it sounds humorously gothic like a Flannery O'Conner story, though I think you should find another ending. Perhaps a complete, unplanned accident kills the protagonist?

>vintage lighters
sounds pretty excellent, but some of your language in the first page you wrote ('see this' for example) makes the narration kind of goofy. but then again, I laughed through the first quarter of Blood Meridian because the narrator sounded like a five year old with ADD.

Write it as a movie script and you'll win a sundance award probably

that weird sort of inoffensive bait

My only complaint is that's it's not entirely clear what's going on. Like in terms of the nature of the main character, nor the hilarity that ensues.

I'd read it, and I'm illiterate.

Your third story is the best I think, if only because the theme's seem self-evident

The world really needs some more Hard Dick Fantasy to be completely honest.

>> No.8842709

American Rust?

>> No.8843623

plz stop bullying, i didn't even spell dick ;-;

>> No.8843688

Modern-day Don Quixote but instead of making fun of medieval romance novels it parodies sappy YA fiction especially John Green

>> No.8844043

So, what makes this Quixote-esque? He sees curmudgeonly old bitches with oxygen tanks like 14-year-old girls with oxygen tanks?

>> No.8844581

>MC is in prison, obviously delusional from isolation and doesn't even know how long he's been there
>focuses on extremely trivial things with super specific detail like the squeaking of a rat which is actually just the wind and analyzing the dust falling on the ceiling
>ends the way it started, with the MC still in prison and still delusional

>> No.8844624

stopped reading

>> No.8845122

Can't it be both?

>> No.8845174
File: 83 KB, 604x422, IMG_0059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A "gonzo" coming of age story retelling of my teenage days in the early 1990's with sex drugs and rock and roll and loss of innocence in the suburbs of a small Kentucky town during the excess years under president Clinton with a curated soundtrack to the story

>> No.8845180

Needs a murder to spice it up

>> No.8845201

How about a girl who does when a candle caught her hairspray on fire and she fell into the bathtub and the shower curtain caught fire too and burned her to death? That happened

>> No.8845204

it's really ironic that she burned to death in a bathtub, a place which is usually used to be filled with water.

what a way to die

>> No.8845277

I am unique in that I actually need advice, and am not here solely so you may revel in the shining glory of my genius:

A book in two parts. The first part tells the rise and fall of a spy. The second part is a dream-like retelling of the exact same story, with the spy wondering through the bitter sweetness of his life.

The second part was the original story, with the main character's past expressed only through his fantasy. But I wondered if actually showing it might be more effective (obviously changing enough between the two parts to keep it from literally being a mere retelling).

>> No.8845390

>Miami, Summer of 2001
>High school gang of Orthodox Jews in the after school Capoeira club decide they want to go down to the hood and run the trap.
>Meteoric rise to the top and inevitable downfall based on hoes, drugs, money and clashing egos.
>The leader becomes a famous rapper, breaking off from the group and getting addicted to crack.
>His best friend rediscovers his faith in a crisis of conscious and leaves The Game forever.
>The wild card of the group gets really into underground street racing and dies in his Ferrari, creating a huge rift in the gang that eventually breaks them up.
>Months later, 9/11 happens.
>Al Gore is President so we don't do anything about it like a bunch of pussies.
>All the surviving members are inspired by the tragedy to do something about it, they pull all their resources together and fly into Iraq with Gold-Plated AK-47's on a private jet.
>They defeat Terror and come home as national heroes.
>A diamond statue is erected in the middle of Downtown Miami in memorial to their friend who died in the auto accident. Pitbull plays at the unveiling of it as the leader of the gang and his best friend reunite, celebrating in the only way they know possible: By hosting a city wide Capoeira competition.
>The rest of the story is a street fighting tournament, kind of like Tekken only every character is Eddy Gordo and Jewish.

>> No.8845402

why they gotta be jews?

>> No.8845410

Ideas are worth nothing, execution is all that matters.

A novel about a person trying to unplug a toilet could be a great work that changes human thinking forever as long as the the words spoken touch people in a significant way.

Stop trying to make up for lack of skill or lack of purpose in your writing with the assumption that good books are made from a good concept or idea. You might simply be to young to understand any insights in your life or have anything meaningful to say. Whatever the case, you won't have anything to say until you have something to say, all you can do now is keep writing and practicing so that when you have something to say you can explain, articulate, and structure your writing well.

>> No.8845425

That's really funny. I hope you were in love with her.

>> No.8845434

I small crush. I shouldn't have left my mixtape on the sink tho.

>> No.8845440

If they're in Kentucky in 92 then Spiderland is a must

>> No.8845469

That, but mostly NIN, all the early grunge bands, a lot of Gish by Smashing Pumpkins, and NWA

>> No.8845709

>A novel about a person trying to unplug a toilet could be a great work that changes human thinking forever as long as the the words spoken touch people in a significant way.

"Literary" Fiction.

>> No.8845847

Are you implying that a person couldn't go through a progressive story arch while trying to unclog a toilet?

>The toilet is clogged again
>He recalls his day and the luck he has had, or rather the luck he hasn't for the past few years.
>His wife left him and took his kids
>He's turned to drinking
>His life is at a standstill just like the clog in his drain
>The plunger isn't working, maybe the clog is in the pipes, just his luck.
>He undoes the pipes behind the toilet with no luck. Hes searching for a clog that isn't there.
>He recalls his father, how one time he descended beneath the house with his toolbox into the dark and dirty underloft repairing pipes that were leaking.
>His father drank too, though is mother was always silent, standing aside while his father growled and gruffed about money, or sports, or long nights at work.
>He always admired his father, how he would accept his circumstances and work to fix them immediately. His father was not one to doddle on idle things.
>He went out into his shed and grabbed the toolbox his father gave him and took it outside behind the house.
>He went below as his father had to try and see if the clogged drain was below his house. Perhaps he though, this was a problem he could fix in his life if he didn't doddle.
>He undid section after section, looking for the clog that wasn't there.
>It was messy, how backed up had the problem been? He found clumps of hair and refuse. One of his daughters dolls stuffed down the drain and papers that were not meant to be flushed.
>Eventually he found the deep clog, a tangled mess that could have once been many things, a mess that he cleared carefully.
>He connected every piece, one at a time, making whole that which had been taken apart in order to fix the mess inside.
>He went into the house and the rewarding flush of the pipes felt good inside.
>He sat sitting at the table alone with his glass of rum. Perhaps his life was getting taken apart to fix the problems within.

>> No.8846013

How does this change human thinking forever again? I must have missed that part behind all the pedestrian "wisdom".

>> No.8846043

Name a good book that doesn't have a good concept behind it?

>> No.8846061

>He sat sitting at the table alone with his glass of rum.
and the rum respected him for it

>> No.8846202

That doesn't but it could if it was written by someone with something to say. The set-piece, subject, or idea of a story literally doesn't matter.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

>> No.8846223

Stream of consciousness of a man locked in a straitjacket locked in a room. Begins entertaining himself by describing his scenario, the surrounding scenario, making self-conscious remarks about how he's ultimately just thinking because he can't not, about how he's desperately extending his thoughts to pass the time, he eventually begins repeating his points in a rephrased manner, interrupts himself by noticing this, brings to our attention the complete nooks and crannnies of the room, describes a couple of stains on the walls and floor, wonders on his situation, repeats himself, and so on for about a hundred pages.
Basically my diary desu and my thinking behavior desu but with a straijacket and locked in a room instead of just profoundly bored. Could just do it with a dude alone on a car ride, an endless nothing surrounding him, idk.

>> No.8846348

>a young white boy and a black man traveling down the Mississippi during the early to mid 1800s is as banal as fixing a toilet

>> No.8846417

Sounds boring and like a waste of time for both writer and reader. The point of writing is that you have something to say. Put something in there that actually matters and then go from there.

>> No.8846533

It's funny, because all you said was a bunch of vague nothings.

>> No.8846667
File: 113 KB, 600x600, 076ff46ec7ecc94eb2609b1a84fc0eeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a world where tanks are sexy girls who are 'commanded' by soldiers they are in love with
>follows the first tank of the Chinese PLA, a captured Japanese Chi-Ha, as she leaves her home in the Beijing Military Museum and goes south to try to see more of the world
>her narrative interspersed with the stories of various famous tanks in various wars all over the twentieth century, in narratives half-erotica half-war story
>she goes back to Beijing, unable to escape her subservient nature
>ends with the story of the Type 56 from the famous 1989 Tank Man picture

>> No.8846793

With good prose I'd read it.

>> No.8846814

This sounds masturbatory as fuck.

This is difficult. I think that the second telling needs to be extremely different from the first in order to have a point, and I think "Same POV but now nostalgic" might not be enough.

I think this premise could actually work.

It's gonna be hard as fuck to do though.

>> No.8847460


>> No.8847515


Not World War Two precisely, but old IJA tanks are how the PLA got started in '45. I don't write history, I just sexualise it .

>> No.8847557

This sounds pretty sweet, yeah

>> No.8847702

Holy...I want more

>> No.8847748

In the middle of a war this kid with runs away from his loving family and seeks refuge in a library. He's joined by a super asshole book nerd girl and her MTF sibling. They go on wacky adventures together

>> No.8847758

how do you even make the animu-tank connection?
weeb trash/10 btw

>> No.8847884
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1479434263501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, men have always sexualised machines from cars to ships, and the trend of stuff like Kantai Collection, which inspired me in concept, is a kind of fascinating, awful crystallisation of that. And in my teens as a lonely nerd I was a huge /k/fag for tanks, so it made sense to approach it from an angle I was familiar with.