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/lit/ - Literature

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8817293 No.8817293 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most red-pilled of all great thinker?

My vote goes to Joseph de Maistre or Julius Evola

>> No.8817305
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There can be only one

>> No.8817314

Get off our board, autist. We have so many of these threads every day. At least learn how to use the catalog. Saged and reported.

>> No.8817315

Where do I start with Comte Joseph de Maistre?

>> No.8817325

Karl Marx
This is the hardest red pill to swallow tbqh famalam

>> No.8817329

Bet you think we hate all women and all nonwhites. It's not like that at all.

>> No.8817337
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de Maistre is often peddled as some sort of hyper-reactionary, when in reality he was a hyper-Machiavellian and the king of Realpolitik. In terms of evidence, you could look toward his defence of Napoleon — particularly, the fact that he was prepared to overlook the fact that he was a despot, as well as the trouble he caused for the RCC, because he was able to restore order.

Berlin's lecture is pretty good:


Like Evola, he is completely misread by /pol/, assuming they read him at all.

>> No.8817342

>Karl Marx
>this is the easiest red pill to swallow tbqh famalam


>> No.8817344

I hate black people and women as much as the next /pol/ack but I don't shit up other boards with it and the semi-retarded """"""authors""""""" I appeal to in an attempt to make it seem like anything but emotional hatred,

>> No.8817361

If you genuinely feel that way about them then I advise you to come to /pol/ and join our ranks. We need as big of a movement as possible to save the white race

>> No.8817368

I don't think about you.
stop making so many identical threads.

>> No.8817372

who would you classify as being hyper-reactionary?

>> No.8817373

I go on /pol/ every day. Every day there are threads there about what a genius Evola is. Every day there are "What is some redpilled/fascist/traditionalist literature?" threads. But for some reason people come here every day posting anywhere from 2-4 threads asking for the same shit. I just want to be able to talk about books without having good threads 404 so Fascy Francis can read a substandard author like Evola and believe that because someone wrote a book that agrees with him, he is right.
The point of reading political philosophy is to try and find the ideal system and confront flaws in your own or preferred system, not to appeal to you.

>> No.8817378

>Like Evola, he is completely misread by /pol/
How so?

>> No.8817380

Moldbug or Carlyle

>> No.8817387

You sound like a falseflagging libcuck. How much are you paid to keep 'evil /pol/' off this leftist shithole of a board?

>> No.8817388


Evola was basically an esoteric neoplatonist.


Definitely Carlyle. "On Heroes and Hero Worship" is quintessentially reactionary.

>> No.8817393

Moldbug is more useful for his references to older writers than anything he came up with himself. Hs Maine, Froude, Carlyle, Nock, etc. THe people he constantly excerpts are all brilliant

>> No.8817406

My god, you got to the bottom of it! Is this the great intellect I have heard of? How could somebody try and find flaws in a philosophical system they are exploring so that they might improve it? I had no idea that such a person could exist. You are correct, such a pathetic creature must be a "cuck." Thank you - I am in awe of your genius.

Please redpill me on pizzagate and how some guy on youtube is a valid news source.

>> No.8817414

>anyone who disagrees with me is X!

You're not any better as the people you're fighting against, m8.

>> No.8817448

>Defending pedophilic trafficking
I wonder how you are going to feel if this blows open and realize that you were an indirect accomplice.

>> No.8817451
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>You're not any better as the people you're fighting against, m8.

>> No.8817660


Yes anon I agree both sides of the ideological aisle in the US are being pandered to and exploited by plutocrats for their own selfish gain at the expense of the nation.