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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 460x276, peter takeahitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8814750 No.8814750 [Reply] [Original]

>only debates retarded 20 year olds, media hacks and dumb politicians
>has never debated a proper intellectual
>any time he has come face to face with an actual intellectual or historian he gets btfo

When will he be known for the hack he is?

>> No.8814764

I agree with Christopher's opinions on religion, but he got BTFO by Peter on everything else.

>any time he has come face to face with an actual intellectual or historian he gets btfo

>> No.8814777

Copy and paste the link;


>> No.8814795

He is correct though.

>> No.8814806

Brilliant exegesis.

>> No.8814813

Yeah Peter Hitchens is like that guy who is 32 and has a degree on literature or economics but still goes to /lit/ or /biz/ to see 21 year olds get basic things wrong and feel smart.

>> No.8814814

He needs to spend more time writing about things he actually understands rather than some of the shit he seems obsessed with. From reading his books or his Mail on Sunday column you would think that you couldn't walk down a British street without being mugged by some cannabis crazed 13 year old with 3 kids.

For an intelligent man its pretty sad to see how allergic he sometimes is to reality.

>> No.8814822


>> No.8814859

I think that his plan is to make these 20 year olds and media hacks look retarded by stating his most simple positions as plainly as possible and then letting them shout spooks at him for ten minutes. I can't confirm that this is the goal behind his tv appearances but if it is he's successfully made me hate virtually everyone on political tv but him.

Not a hack if you ask me, what has he ever been wrong on? He's hard as fuck on drugs but that makes a lot of sense to me. Try living next door to a trap house for a year and then see how tolerant of the lesser drugs like pot you are afterwards.

>> No.8815005
File: 20 KB, 220x293, 19-26-57-220px-Socrates_Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only debates retarded 20 year olds, hacks and dumb politicians
>has never debated a proper intellectual
>any time he has come face to face with an actual intellectual he gets btfo
When will he be known for the hack he is?

>> No.8815555

What do you expect from a protestant?

>> No.8815561


sh-sh-shut up!

>> No.8815591

This seems to be the case with a lot of the "intelectuals" people meme on here. I feel actually sad for Zyzzek, the man is actually very intelligent (I disagree with him in some stuff but who cares) but is still lumped with absolute hacks like this guy.

>> No.8815600


Hating drugs is hating freedom anon. Why do you hate freedom so much?

>> No.8815602

>Is a journalist
This alone makes him a hack. All journalists are bumbling charlatans.

>> No.8815708

He did BTFO an academic in a debate on Russia at my university

>> No.8815772
File: 138 KB, 500x716, this-man-is-your-friend-e-englishman-he-fights-for-1578620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversion to Catholicism when?

>> No.8815873

Any videos of that event? Who was he debating with also?

>> No.8815882
File: 16 KB, 266x400, 16-44-34-1165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
