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/lit/ - Literature

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8811509 No.8811509 [Reply] [Original]

We get rec request threads fairly regularly and it's usually the same books that get mentioned so I was thinking it would be a worthwhile endeavour to make a comprehensive chart of /lit/-approved homo works.

I should mention that being unless you're happy for it to be made on MS Paint, someone other than me is gonna have to put it together,

So some things to think about to get the ball rolling:

>Just male homo masterrace? Lez lit too? Or should we open it up to anything LGBT-related?

>Novels, or plays and poetry too? Should we include non-fiction?

>how homo is homo enough? Should works with incidental homo be considered or should it be central to the work's themes?

>what info should be on the chart? Just cover, title, author? Should each entry have a short sentence describing plot/theme/what form the homo takes?

And of course you can start throwing out suggestions if you want.

>> No.8811516

There are too many fags, really.

>> No.8811521

Why is this board filled with fags? Reading books won't make your dad any less disappointed.

>> No.8811527

Byron was more homo than Wilde but people somehow forget it

>> No.8811529

Liberals utterly BTFO

>> No.8811544

It's a question for another thread thread really but my theory is that a lot of fags nowadays cling to anything vaguely intellectual in reaction to the trashy and vacuous abomination that is mainstream gay culture.

>> No.8811552

yo seriously. I noticed so many homos on this board. it's so awkward. I feel so uncomfortable around the mentally ill. there is a boy who grew his hair out and where's a bit of make up that works at star bucks. he's not passable at all. no tits. no ass. man game but the name tag says rachel. all the customers get so awkward with this dude it's hilarious. I can't get any reading done when he works. just watching there reactions to being served. most men can't even look him in the eyes. hilarious.

>> No.8811607

You talk like a nigga. I feel so uncomfortable around the mentally ill. Get lost.

>> No.8811615

Quality discourse on /lit/ tonight.

Can we to the OP topic, folks? An LGBT category for the sticky would be worth having.

>> No.8811621

Yeah, but how many people actually check the sticky?

>> No.8811634

I did. the sticky actually has a lot of books that never get mentioned here. it's great. good sticky.

>> No.8811651

Alright I'm going to suggest these for trans-lit:

>Orlando by Virginia Woolf
>Myra Breckinridge by Gore Vidal
>Breakfast on Pluto by Patrick McCabe
>And maybe An Anglo-American Alliance by Gregory Casparian

Any others?

>> No.8811677
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Being gay/LGBT is the epitome of everything lame, PC and ZOG approved. You know what's truly edgy? Daring to be White, Straight and Proud on this day and age. Generation Z is probably the most pozzed generation in history. The numales and Lgbtbbqwtf thingamajigs at school are so obviously mentally ill, the sort of people that wouldn't survive in the wild just a generation ago. I blame anime and xenoestrogens. Join the resistance.

>> No.8811678

Yugioh Mishima

>> No.8811691
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>believes in cultural marxism in a society owned by capitalists

>> No.8811708

Some homo shit that gets mentioned every now and then on /lit/:

>Maurice, by E. M. Forster
>Confessions of a Mask, by Yukio Mishima
>The Confusions of Young Törless, by Robert Musil
>Death in Venice, by Thomas Mann
>The City and the Pillar, by Gore Vidal

>> No.8811710

>doing anything political
Rookie move, drone.

>> No.8811712

you make me want to kill myself. i don't even care about your opinion, its just that you write like you're mentally disabled. you're bitching about modern culture yet you write like a 14 year old.i really hope you have some kind of experience that makes you think like an adult.

>> No.8811723

Stay focused and contribute books, retard.

>> No.8811727

Obligatory Sappho, too

>> No.8811730

it's so true. how do we end straight white male oppression?

>> No.8811747

Ones I read in my teens:

Les amities particulieres (Roger Peyrefitte)
Sandel (Angus Stewart)
Now and Then (William Corlett)

Would actually be interested in a chart of this genre

>> No.8811748

did any of you gays watch the movie Moonlight? I saw it opening night with my friend and my gf (sry) and it was fucking great. it makes me want to write a thread about how you can tell a great story that's interesting even if it's just one about oppression which most people appear to be repulsed by on here.

>> No.8811768
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The Mirror of Love is pretty nice; it's basically the entire history of gayness in one long poem.

>While life endures we'll love,
>and afterwards, if what they say is true,
>I'll be refused a Heaven
>crammed with popes, policemen, >fundamentalists,
>and burn instead,
>quite happily,
>with Sappho, Michelangelo
>and you, my love.

>I'd burn throughout eternity
>with you.

>> No.8811770

This has got to be the most anaemic, most pathetic post I've seen this month.

>> No.8811774

>you make me want to kill myself

Makes sense, you know, with the LGBT suicide rate being like 10x that of normal people

>> No.8811778

The Immoralist, by Andre Gide
The Counterfeiters, by Andre Gide
At Swim, Two Boys, by Jamie O'Neill
Hard Rain Falling, by Don Carpenter

>> No.8811784

Shakespeare's sonnets 1-126

>> No.8811804

The Master, by Colm Tóibín
Mothers and Sons, by Colm Tóibín

>> No.8811808

There's potential, being a tranny is some IRL cronenberg shit. Could make good literature

>> No.8811825

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8811834

So far:

>Orlando by Virginia Woolf
>Myra Breckinridge by Gore Vidal
>Breakfast on Pluto by Patrick McCabe
>An Anglo-American Alliance by Gregory Casparian (sort of)

>Maurice, by E. M. Forster
>Confessions of a Mask, by Yukio Mishima
>The Confusions of Young Törless, by Robert Musil
>Death in Venice, by Thomas Mann
>The City and the Pillar, by Gore Vidal
>Les amities particulieres, by Roger Peyrefitte
>Sandel, by Angus Stewart
>Now and Then, by William Corlett
>The Immoralist, by Andre Gide
>The Counterfeiters, by Andre Gide
>At Swim, Two Boys, by Jamie O'Neill
>Hard Rain Falling, by Don Carpenter
>Shakespeare's sonnets 1-126
>The Master, by Colm Tóibín
>Mothers and Sons, by Colm Tóibín

Lot of gay here, folks - anyone have les-lit recs?

>> No.8811844

Mrs Dalloway is the only one I've read desu

>> No.8811845

Nightwood, The Price of Salt come to mind right now.

>> No.8811859

Sappho ofc

>> No.8811873

>The Confusions of Young Törless
lewd as fuck, the gayest shit

>> No.8811915
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Going transgender is one of the most JUST things you can do as a human being. And I guess that can make for good literature but what do I know

>> No.8811926

spoilers: read Wasp Factory

>> No.8811931
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essential crossdresser/homosexual degenerates-core

>> No.8812530

Patricia Highsmith

>> No.8812835





>> No.8812867
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>join the resistance

Hold on, I'm almost there. All I've gotta do is gain 200 pounds, regain my virginity, stop showering for a month, and move back into my parents basement to scream at people on anime websites. That will surely end decades of social change and bring back the good old days of genocide and oppression.

>> No.8812875

This board is so unintentionally hilarious lmao you idiots were indoctrinated online so easily with fucking memes appealing to your loser need for social identity.

>> No.8812901
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>taking my post seriously
>trying to play off your anger by acting like you don't care
I don't care if you suck dick, anon.

>> No.8813206

I'd say Tonio Kröger as well

t. mann

>> No.8813707

Oppression is a slave morality PC Marxist buzzword. The weak are supposed to fear the strong. Law of the jungle bro

>> No.8813724

Probably because when you fuck your sister how many young Greek asses you split becomes background noise.

>> No.8813745

The Marxists went cultural. They're all about seizing academia and the media and use it to force their own vision of what can and can't be said. And it's wor

>> No.8813756

yes, all those people in the media who aren't in it for their personal material gains in capital...

>> No.8813757
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>> No.8814186

No. See, another person conflating Marxism with globalism (and as an extension capitalism). Does not compute. Corporations still run the show, not the state. So tell me again how Marxists have won?