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8804115 No.8804115 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realise that Lovecraft was shit?

>> No.8804418

>almost a daily thread about him

Maybe his style to try to describe the "unspeakable" wasn't the best, but stil, try to find someone (beside E.A.P and Stephen King) who can create a solid and dense horror atmosphere in ANY short story.

Yeah, that's what i thougt, nu-male

>> No.8804425

Couple of months ago

>> No.8804427

what the fuck now I hate Lovecraft.

>> No.8804428

When I learned what he thought about blacks.
What a bigot.

>> No.8804446

>Yeah, that's what i thougt, nu-male
what the fuck, dude?
why did you have to deliver a legitimate point in the shitpostiest way possible?

>> No.8804480

When I tried to read "The Silver Key". Lots of his stories are shitty, outdrawn and poorly written. Although Call of Cthulhu is a masterpiece, and I did like Dunwich Horror.

>> No.8804565

When I realized the literary establishment thought he was shit, because I believe their values almost alone in the world out of all the groups of people with strong opinions about certain things being good and the rest being mediocre or bad are actually valid,the group i identify with alone is the group that matters and has the right opinions, and hp lovecraft is bad because they don't like hp lovecraft and he writes too much about fantastical nonsense instead of our tiresome, hateful, empty world and/or the lives of twee oregonian housewives or whatevers hot right now, i genuinely believe this shit matters

>> No.8804596

>When did you realize that Lovecraft was shit?

When I read his works. I'll never get those IQ points back.

>> No.8804691


When I read him I realized he wasn't hot shit, I'll concede to that much.


Kafka, Melville, Harlan Ellison, Maupassant.


Come now lad, there are perfectly legitimate reason to dislike the unspeakable eldritch horror that surpasses all human faculties of comprehension that is Lovecraft's prose.

>> No.8804857


>> No.8804864

When I read him. He deserves credit for the people he's influenced, though.

>> No.8804867

Gogol. Easily.

>> No.8804870

Called the thing a nigger

>> No.8804875

When my grade 8 teacher made us read that one about the man living in a cave or whatever

>> No.8804933
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>> No.8804944

when I discovered he was racist :(

>> No.8805724

I actually cane to love him when i first read "On the Creation of Niggers"

>> No.8805731

His stronger material doesn't really make up for the overall lack in quality. I can appreciate a lot of it though.

>> No.8805740

He's not an amazing and insightful writer but anyone who doesn't enjoy his stories every now and then hates fun

>> No.8805741

First time I read him.

Never understood that phase people go through of thinking he was a genius.

>> No.8806846


>> No.8807025

You think i have no mouth and i must scream and fucking china mieville can beat the colour out of space ?

How? Seriously, i cant even concieve of how so please, explain it to me. Even kafka only comes close with the vulture or at the prison colony.

>> No.8807087

When reading, as autistic as it sounds, if I can't stand a writer's writing style then I usually put it down for something else. Lovecraft's writing, while influential as a horror genre in of itself, is dryer than sand and is insufferable to drag on simply because he's crested such a compelling mythos (personally).

I'm attempting currently to write something akin to Lovecraft, i.e. surrealist turn of the century england with some freaky mind bending otherworldly things, except I keep my pace fast to make my readers more engaged and, hopefully, make it scarier to read. Hopefully that is. Horror is kind of a dead genre as far as I'm aware, or at least, everyone that tries is left stuck in King's shadow

>> No.8807111

Horror isnt even close to dead. American horror story, the walking dead, ghost movies and PT prove its as popular as ever.

In fact, if you wanted to make a splash in horror books, now is the time.

>> No.8807134

Horror in movies/tv =/= in books. Some retard that wants to plop himself down infront of AHS to watch Gaga get fucked for an hour probably wouldnt waste the effort to actually engage himself in a book

>> No.8807158
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When I went to his grave and told him the story of the Sixth House and Dagoth Ur, he did not want to hear it.

That was when I walked away and turned my back on the Old Ones.

>> No.8807299

But thats not what you said. You said horrir is a dead genre and the examples i provided emphatically show that large amounts of the global populace are still interested in horror. Many people are still widely deoted.

The reason you think people arent reading as much horror now is because theres nothing worth reading. If King wasnt a hack before, he is now. No new, different horror books are being made theyre all just zombies or psychos.

We are, right now, at the perfect point for someone to make a new horror book or series that drives people up the walls with fear and fascination.

>> No.8807550

Thanks for the encouragement brah

>> No.8807805

There's plenty of horror books being made that are pretty good they just don't get recognized enough by normies.

>> No.8807833

Like what? Heart shaped box is shit. Kings recent work is shit. That 4chan creepypasta is an insult to horror writers everywhere. Ligottis spectral link book, 2012, while okay is so short its taking the piss.

>> No.8807879

The Fisherman by John Langan
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

Tons of short story collections and shorter books as well. But i'm just going to assume you'll say everything is shit.

>> No.8807927

I got bored of him when I realised that all his shit follows the exact same template, and the writing is obnoxious.
I started hating him once /lit/ kept bringing him up all the fucking time.

>> No.8807970

I wouldn't say he's shit, but he's not what I expected.

So many people create works in other mediums, be them movies, TV shows, video games, or other works of writing, with huge fucking monsters with tentacles and gnashing teeth, heralded by rips in space-time, explosions, and action sequences, and then claim that their work was inspired by Lovecraft.

Naturally, if thought Lovecraft's work would be similar to this stuff, but nope. His writing is very atmospheric and subtle. That in itself isn't bad, it's just not what I'd come to expect from him. I still enjoy his work, but I wonder how so many people can make something that ends up being the complete opposite of his works and themes and still claim that it's based off his stories. Do they not realize that the real point of his stories are the fear of the unknown and the anticipation of not necessarily imminent, though very probable death? The tentacles and slimed skin are irrelevant and should honestly be the very last thing to take away and be inspired by.

I don't think he's bad, I just get this little voice in the back of my mind while I'm reading his works worrying that I'll become retarded like the so many people who are inspired by him.

>> No.8808020

>Greatest horror writer to exist

Ok then.

>> No.8808027

Because movies and video games are extremely visual mediums, and subtle things like the descent into insanity and powerful gods beyond our comprehension are aspects of Lovecraftian horror which are very, very hard to implement, and better expressed through literature.
The game Bloodborne has a great balance between giant tentacle monsters and the character descending into madness.

>> No.8808089

I havent read them so i cant call them shit.

Give me your top ten recent horror books and what fenre they are please. Ill need tlsometjing after ive finished The Red Tree, Exquisite Corpse and Song of Kali.

>> No.8808526
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Stand back, I've got this.

>> No.8808543

I need tlsometjing too, man.
We ALL need tlsometjing.

>> No.8808545

>Lovetards believe this
Read more horror.

>> No.8808550

Robert Howard

but lovecraft is still good.

>> No.8808560

>genre fic is bad
wow, shocking isnt it

>> No.8808567


>> No.8808588

He was the last romantic, but people misunderstood him and thought he was some modernist horror artist.

>> No.8808594

After finishing At the Mountains of Madness, my first Lovecraft story. You reach the final page and realize he is a one-trick pony with no meaningful content.

>> No.8809102

>At the Mountains of Madness, my first Lovecraft story
That's where you fucked up

>> No.8809127

>first Lovecraft story
>realize he is a one-trick pony
I realized The Beatles were an one hit wonder after listening to "Love Me Do".

>> No.8809131

*a one hit wonder

>> No.8809499

do us all a favor and become an hero

>> No.8810748

Fuck niggers and fuck you

>> No.8810774

Read Dunwich Horror. So much better.
It might be the case that you just don't like horror fiction. It is shit IMHO.

>> No.8811031

I'll need something to read after.
Fuck. Still, any help would be appreciated.

>> No.8811032

>exploring innate human emotions is bad
>having a focus for your work is bad

>> No.8811033

Robert Howard? What, his "unspeakable" creations are all too damn similar to humans and too relatable to be alien. Are you high?

>> No.8811111
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You seem like an enlightened guy. Have a nice day sir.

>> No.8811162

I read four (I think) of his stories, they all seemed to involve the same things and were predictable. Some strange object is investigated by some scholar which leads to madness or some sort of investigation which unveils a monster. Plus, I generally just think his prose is boring.

>> No.8811325


>Hur durr i donts reads him work cos he racist
>never reads Celine
>never reads Kipling
>never reads TS Eliot
>never reads Bernanos
>never reads Roals Dahl
>dies a moron

>> No.8811327

Over the years I've slowly learned to despise him based on his fanbase alone.

>> No.8811363
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>one-trick pony

also this>>8809102
At the Mountains of Madness might be the most boring thing he wrote

>> No.8811380

I realised he was a pretty cool guy when I read Houellebecq's assumptions in Against the World, Against Life that he was essentially an anti-modernist

>> No.8811388

Charles Dexter Ward is the most boring he wrotes.

Lovecraft is OK but he's no Borgès imho tbqh senpai

>> No.8811398

My friend has a giant B&N book of his so I decided to read a random story and it was pretty fun to read but nothing moving. People act like he's Borges or something though for the crying of lot 49 out loud.

>> No.8811545

never read neither of them.
Where should I start with Borgès ?

>> No.8812916

I have never met a H.P. Lovecraft fan irl

>> No.8813052

Digits confirm, nigger-hating anon is enlightened.

>> No.8813384
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>> No.8813425

Why didn't you like Silver Key? I loved it but you can see the story us not polished but still it had an impact on me

>Kafka, Melville, Ellison, Maupassant
Good authors but they can't create a solid and dense horror atmosphere. I especially love Melville from the four but I'd only read Moby-dick and there were only a few horror moments.

Ligotti and Clive Barker for me

>> No.8813429

Have you read it? What other writings are there? Poems, Essays? I thought that was the equivalent of Ficciones in english, which only has short stories.