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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.06 MB, 3470x2010, Pseudo-Intellectual Rhetoricians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8809919 No.8809919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8809927

muh icycalm ;_;

>> No.8809928

>implying we should pay attentionbto intellectual rhetoricians

>> No.8809938

Nothing personal, kid

>> No.8810027

Interesting point

>> No.8810042

Alex Jones shouldn't be on this list, if anything he suppresses his own intellect.

>> No.8810050

There are lots of people on that list who wouldn't even call themselves intellectuals. It's a meme, you dip.

>> No.8810083

Would someone explain to me what the point of this is? Why should someone avoid listening to someone in that pic? I mean, besides obvious examples like Alex Jones and Molyneux.

>> No.8810088

Molyneux is actually a great ethical philosopher- he refused to stick to the PC line on White genocide and now he's paying for it

>> No.8810093

redpill me on molyneux
and alex jones. i've watched him a couple times because he's entertaining
and molyneux's got a nice smile

>> No.8810104

To produce (you)s when people invariably see someone they respect on the list.
Its a shotgun blast of bait

>> No.8810112


>> No.8810113

A guy uses to post videos criticizing Molyneux but Steban was all mad that he was wrong and enacted DMCA to shut down the guy's channel.

And Alex Jones... he's entertaining but he's just full of shit and do a little research into his "pills".

>> No.8810114

Both of them consistently route attention away from the kikes, and fasten their fanbases to inch away from a "redpilled" perspective, thus molding and extinguishing potentially dangerous people that can develop into completely aware people.
But if you are alert of Jewish treason, then go ahead and watch them, it wouldn't be harmful, and in fact it'll reinforce your rightism. Just don't ensnare yourself in their respected fanbases too deeply.

>> No.8810115
File: 51 KB, 640x427, Milo-714-640x427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is based Milo our generation's Yukio Mishima?

>> No.8810125
File: 1.38 MB, 5096x3452, 1465182849969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real version

>> No.8810127

No, he is a typical loser who went to University for a short period of time and learned how to look up Journals and cherry-picks studies to 'disseminate' cultural myths by employing new cultural myths.

He's a conman and a chancer.

>> No.8810133

Yukio was masculine, charismatic and not a histrionic degenerate papist, so no.

>> No.8810137

Fuck off, retard.

You clearly misunderstand the image if you're putting people like Hegel, Marx, Ginsberg, Godard, Jodorowsky, Tesla and Lacan in there.

Some of the ones you have put in are fine though.

>> No.8810138

you don't think his smile is nice?

thanks for your thoughts, fellows

>> No.8810143

Agree with you except for Ginsberg

>> No.8810148

It's not about putting people on there that you dislike.

>> No.8810152

It's a parody because including people like Chomsky, Zizek, Self, Vidal, Bloom, Peterson and even Land is already retarded

>> No.8810159

Thanks for not calling out inclusion of Bernie Sanders and the Pope though

>> No.8810163

What is it about then?

>> No.8810166

Ginsberg belongs in the picture as does David Foster Wallace

>> No.8810170

it's not just a guy, the whole PC soros machine is on his ass- these people are vicious

>> No.8810180

Jodorowsky is just a dumb edgelord so he should be there

>> No.8810195

Forgot about them.

No it isn't.



It is about putting people on there who purposely deceive in order to further their own gains, who use misinformation techniques in expressing their views and who are also very uninformed about particular topics yet voice their opinions on them any way without saying "I don't know."

It is also to put people on there who are pathological in the manner that they think.

Putting a poet like Ginsberg on there is retarded, as is somebody centuries old like Hegel.

The people on the chart have to be somewhat recent and have purposely capitalised on media appearances, engage in sophistry and unspecialised knowledge in the field that they are in.

A primary trait with the people on the list is that they regularly leap out of their field of study to comment on another fields from the perspective of their field of study. So Dawkins writing the God Delusion or feminists writing about marxism and the patriarchy.

>> No.8810199


the patriarchy and capitalism are totally real and worth fighting against tho

>> No.8810202


>> No.8810203

how does this apply to people who make reaction videos, shitty shock comedy, music reviews etc? the random youtubers is what throws me off

>> No.8810209

It's not about whether it is real.

It is about pseuds who don't know anything talking in public.

>> No.8810210

>implying there's anything wrong with that

>> No.8810212

yes it is

>> No.8810215

>No it isn't.
Yes it is you fucking retard. Communicating ideas in a public space doesn't make you a pseud

>> No.8810217

Kek Owen Jones

Who actually sees him as an intellectual at all anyhow? News to me

>> No.8810219

Yet again you /lit/ queers ruin another good meme by misunderstanding it entirely

>> No.8810220

the more ridiculous this gets the less credibility it has so by all means continue, if you have MDE and h3h3 you should at least include filthyfrank

>> No.8810222

>implying it's a good meme

>> No.8810227

Or maybe it's retarded and has no actual point

He was actually in the pic at one point, but he's covered up by Steven Crowder now

>> No.8810231

filthyfrank never postulates like the other two do though, he's just dumb empty entertainment and doesn't pretend to be anything else

>> No.8810243

>unironically puttig Aquinas in there
Hello pleb

>> No.8810244
File: 52 KB, 408x306, 1480334383468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on completely misunderstanding it. I will now use a meme of my own to relay what OP's image is actually about in a far more accurate and succinct way than you did.

>> No.8810248

who´s that hot girl next to the orthodox priest?

>> No.8810249

It was very obviously ironic

>> No.8810254

syrian girl

>> No.8810255

Syrian Partisan Girl

She's a retarded Assad shill that literally gets her info from wikipedia and google

>> No.8810260
File: 92 KB, 640x640, tmp_10154-1480899492278878832005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we derail this with varg memes?

>> No.8810264

Surprised he isn't in the pic

>> No.8810266

le political neutral face xD

>> No.8810267

>killed a guy, destroyed some churches
i mean... what's his angle?

>> No.8810270

Cornel West, Bell Hooks, and Judith Butler should be added to the picture

>> No.8810273
File: 498 KB, 925x919, 1480842616092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making appealing suggestions.

>> No.8810297

The patriarchy conspiracy theory was invented to scapegoat men the vast majority of whom have no power in society whatsoever and is used only as an excuse to hate, humiliate and abuse them.

>> No.8810307 [SPOILER] 
File: 225 KB, 3470x2010, 1481086942396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed that for you

>> No.8810357
File: 25 KB, 500x280, Ally points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8810377

Only redeeming character in that movie.

>> No.8810394
File: 72 KB, 1280x722, Ally Sheedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved her. Subconsciously took to her fashion sense. Hated what they did with her at the end though. I wanted her to kiss Claire when she was doing her makeup

>> No.8810399

you ugly dyke go away

>> No.8810406

She's the only one in the movie that carries her suffering by herself like Atlas. All the other characters can't stand it alone, and lash out.

>> No.8810408

This is some excellent bait. Well done

>> No.8810414

I agree with about 90% of that list, but Jordan Peterson? I mean, Come on! He has the most valid, rational, thought out and well spoken arguments of anyone else in that list combined.

>> No.8810430 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 3470x2010, 1481089058780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, this, but also kind of this t b h

>> No.8810437

Please be my moody lesbian hetero-girlfriend

>> No.8810441
File: 8 KB, 251x201, ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chomsky did nothing wrong. The reason why you spend so much time wanking over his politics is because you're too much of a brainlet to understand his linguistics

>> No.8810447

>Lesbian hetero-girlfriend
I've been moody today, (Christmas music makes me miserable) but most of the time I'm pretty content.

>> No.8810535

I have listened to how your day was, you are now my girlfriend.

>> No.8810560

oh you posted this on his I see. Annoying and gay bait

>> No.8810565

these lists really are just a bunch of random people clumped together. really stupid. Pseudo-Intellectual itself.

>> No.8810573

Think that's the point. Don't think it's meant to be taken too seriously

>> No.8810655

I honestly really like this image, hits all the right notes and casts a spotlight on a very particular breed of mass media sophistry. Should include Athene and Common Filth too. Nick Land probably doesn't belong imo.

I think I recommended Athene to you before. He's one of the biggest pseuds I've ever seen. He used to be a big WoW player that ripped off the whole Pure Pwnage schtick. Now he thinks he's some kind of intellectual - he said on a Twitch stream that he was smarter than Einstein, unironically. Just watch any of his "philosophy" videos here.
also he's started a cult called "logic nation" that's going to change the world
here's his deluded cultist followers

Here's Common Filth a psychotic religious /pol/ user gone wrong who revels in the 'degeneracy' of others and has basically gone insane from looking at all sorts of filth on the internet and alienated everyone that ever enjoyed his content, except a devoted core group of underage followers who cling onto him as some kind of father figure. His theology is self-serving and uninformed.
his reddit community
his twitter

>> No.8810841
File: 19 KB, 214x202, 1465829259905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He dislikes Peter Hitchens

>> No.8810849

Molyneux is among the more decent ones though, however he's still an asshat at times.

>> No.8810972

This is missing Thomas Aquinas

>> No.8810980
File: 14 KB, 306x306, oh weawy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything that dismantles the politically correct SJW hegemony, whether in university or beyond, is fine by me.

>> No.8810996

anyone that thinks someone like Bloom is a pseudointellectual is just an insecure teenager who thinks themselves way more educated and knowledgable than they actually are

>> No.8811001

Aquinas is on that retard.
This pope is a literal anti intellectual.

>> No.8811002

Who do you consider non-pseudo?
I call for Hitchens and youtuber Kraut and Tea.

>> No.8811003

This doesn't seem to be the case at all, besides a couple of gallup polls he's cited.

>> No.8811006

>I call for Hitchens
i am literally dead

>> No.8811531


anne coulter is an itelligent intellectual...

>> No.8811549

>Chomsky pseudo-intellectual
Into the trash it goes
don't even care about the rest, but when someone dismisses Chomsky as a pseudo-intellectual it's a good indicator of the offender's own pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.8811560

>Molyneux is actually a great ethical philosopher


>Being 19 and still in the "I just discovered Moly and he speaks in a nice English accent and knows how to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about so I'm enraptured by everything he says" phase
>falling for le spanking single mothers meme man

>> No.8811561

He meant Peter, and is correct. Peter is the real deal.

>> No.8811569

Yeah I mean disagree with him all you want, but calling him a pseudo-intellectual is absurd. Pretty absurd that he's even on the same picture as a couple alt-right literally who Youtube personalities and fucking John Oliver.

I mean whatever I know it's a troll and bit anyway.

>> No.8811578

>Peter is the real deal.

Peter is a cynical ex-Trotskyite turned Christian conservative.

I'll admit it's sometimes amusing to see him shit on loopy leftists, but I mean, it's such a softball target.

>> No.8811583

It's like putting Darwin and Hitchens on the same collage.

>> No.8811597

Trots have a tendency to morph into neoconservatives. IMO they're in for the long con. Peter Hitchens is a stealth trot infiltrator hijacking christianity for the 4th international

>> No.8811637

Since he's made a video responding to Molyneux, I think he's officially /lit/

>> No.8811647

he's Christian!? man I was watching his vids and he talks a lot about bible metaphors but shit makes sense even if you don't believe in god

so does anyone have any youtube channel that is intellectually honest and right-wing politics?

>> No.8811654

>Muh paganism
>muh agriculture
>muh ancestors (but I am marroed to a French women to respect their heritage)
>Waaaa I hate technology yet the only thing that I can do is upload shitty youtube videos.

>> No.8811663

>Whiny, contrarian hypocrite
Sounds like /lit/ to me

>> No.8811671

>so does anyone have any youtube channel that is intellectually honest and right-wing politics?

Ben Shapiro is an okay right-winger I guess, if you don't mind a Jewish bent.

Not sure if he could be accurately described as "intellectually honest" though.

>> No.8811680

> married to a French women to respect their heritage
also adopted her surname, kek

>> No.8811682

fuck but intellectually honest is all I want, I listened to stefan molyneux for 5 months until I saw that he silences his critics and never backs down from a lost argument.

>> No.8811688

Sam Harris is actually a smart person and is completely right about Islam and Free Will.

fight me

>> No.8811689

Molyneux is kind of loopy if you ask me, and has completely strayed from his mission statement.

I guess Nietzsche was kind of right that if you gaze long enough into the abyss the abyss gazes into you.

>> No.8811699
File: 242 KB, 658x538, vargy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so does anyone have any youtube channel that is intellectually honest and right-wing politics?
of course

>> No.8811732

in that vid he said the Netherlands is a communist country
>kind of loopy
he rehashes the same content again and again, which would be fine I like to hear him talk but when you know he lies ehhh really not good to be feeding lies to your deep held beliefs

>> No.8811743

I want to start writing and publishing about my philosophical observations on the world,but I'm still in high school and have fuck all practical knowledge under my belt.What should I do to avoid becoming,or at least,coming off as a pseudo by the time I start?

>> No.8811782

Holy fuck he is more pathetic than the average nu-male

>> No.8811783

For believing Trump would win? Kek

>> No.8811791

Peter Hitchens (though I like him) is quite the idiot at times. Has nothing on Christopher. I once entered into a mini debate with Peter over drug legalisation, Peter's argument consisted of "banning it works in Japan, it will work the same elsewhere".

>> No.8811793

To be honest not even pol predicted that. She was on point. People dont want to live amongst dirty migrants

>> No.8811797

also his farm was funded by his mom

>> No.8811814


>stop liking things that I don't like

>> No.8811835

Everything Molyneux ever said he read in a book and his audience this he is a thinker because they haven't read it for themselves. That's what he rides on. I think a lot of the guys in that pic are probably similar, the books they are reading just change.

>> No.8811993
File: 28 KB, 650x350, fr-Robert-Barron-headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dodge getting put on the list again

how can other pseud rhetoricians compete?

>> No.8812029

TIL predicting elections makes one an intellect. I predicted Brexit and Trump, am I an intellect? Thanks anon!

>> No.8812039

Chomsky predicted Trump's presidency 6 years ago

>> No.8812069

Molyneux defenders defend this. https://youtu.be/nQvk0t33i2Y

Just listen to the first four minutes. It's hard to imagine someone who is more of a philosophy pleb.

>> No.8812085

Actually, continental 'philosophy' is mug feels gibberish and statist apologetics

>> No.8812088

Did you predict brexit and trump through a logical line of thought, or did you just want them to happen?

>> No.8812091

With meme magic, its the same thing

>> No.8812097
File: 266 KB, 960x960, 1478484717444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ calling anyone pseudo-ntellectual

>> No.8812106
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, Styxxhexenhammer666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is guy is based and eloquent as fuck.
I'm really glad that someome sane as him exists in the midst of internet garbage with loonies from every side.

>> No.8812128

Logical line of thought, both had very similar polling patterns (where at points they would spike and then plummet down to 50% roughly each), take that into account and differential voting and you have a Brexit win as well as Trump.

>> No.8812171

was gonna say this lmao
based barron

>> No.8812194

What the fuck is h3h3 doing here? He's even not aspiring to be intellectual.

>> No.8812209

Do you want us all to post selfies so you can add them to the image?

>> No.8812273

>talking shit about brother nathanael

>> No.8812275

>jordan peterson
obviously op is retarded