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8809417 No.8809417 [Reply] [Original]

Congratulations Alan Moore on winning /lits prestigious best book award. Your book Jerusalem was selected by /lit as 2016's best book of the year. We look forward to what the future has in store for you.
Can someone make a chart with this 1 book and something about it being our 2016 favorite. k thanks.

>> No.8809420

its not

>> No.8809428

>actually believing memes

>> No.8809503

what is?

>> No.8809523

The lack of discussion of this book compared to its pre-release hype is telling.

>> No.8809543

I know right. it came out and then nothing.

>> No.8809554

Thus Bad Begins by Javier Marias

>> No.8809569



>> No.8809585

Is it actually literature or is it another 'funny book'??

>> No.8809600

it's the best book of 2016 tbqhwyfds

>> No.8809603

I bet it's endlessly funny.

>> No.8809842

Here I'd seen it discussed more than Infinite Jest & Gravity's Rainbow, before the most recent /pol/r9k/ flood that is

>> No.8809894

you might even call it, an eternal jape

>> No.8810590
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I'm still reading it; didn't want to post anything until finishing (about 3/4 through now, hope to finish by end of the year). Actually quite like it so far despite downloading on a whim because of memes - I can see why some people dropped it early on as the first section is pretty disjointed, and didn't care for the Lucinda Joyce chapter at all, but some of the Mansoul/angels playing snooker stuff is legitimately great and overall it makes an odd kind of sense despite being pretty "out there" conceptually (bit like Iain Sinclair or a non-SF Philip K. Dick). Kind of want to get Voice of the Fire now as it's apparently a tighter execution of the same general "mythology of weird vagabonds in Northampton" idea.

tl;dr - comics man did good.

>> No.8811314

>Voice of the Fire now as it's apparently a tighter execution of the same general
Not quite the same mythology, but tighter it is.

>> No.8811324

thanks /lit/

>> No.8811326

Voice of the Fire is based, one of my fav books. Haven't read Jerusalem yet but it sounds similar, albeit a lot longer.

>> No.8811587


>this year

try again, filthy monolingus.

>> No.8811593
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>mfw ghost blowjobs

fucking madman.

>> No.8811609

I tried to read it in english, but I soon got lost.
I'm waitin for a translation, i'm pretty sure it's comin in 2017 in Italy.

>> No.8811625


Even, dare I say it, a neverending joke

>> No.8811739

Keep going its worth it

>> No.8811752

Its because the majority of people didn't read it and make unfunny jokes about it while not having read it. I was hyped for it bought it read it and enjoyed it. I'd recommend it if your patient and non-judgemental on the way in but if your first reaction is HAHAHA COMICMAN WROTE BOOK UPBOAT XD then it's not for you

>> No.8813256

Did reddit even notice this book? Seems like it'd be too much for their babby attention spans.

>> No.8813286

because people on this board don't read, they just wait until someone forms an opinion that gets accepted by people who've read it, so they can reproduce it

>> No.8813300

I'm still waiting for a substantial discussion about it to inspire me to actually buy it. Everything else has just been a whole lot of memeing back and forth.

>> No.8814578

Don't be worried about them sounding too similar, it seemed many who had read Voice of the Fire were based on the description for Jerusalem, and it turned out to be its own thing entirely

>> No.8815965

I know you're just memeing on it being the only reply you got last time, but aside from translations it actually is the only notable fiction published in 2016

>> No.8815992

It's because all the "patricians" on here won't give a chance

>> No.8817492

Wrong. I have.

t. the only "patrician" here

>> No.8817680

the best books of the year were the roger lewinter translations that came out

>> No.8818466
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You know it's coming. Hell, it'll probably be less than 10 years.

>> No.8818483

Never a Gain by Paul Butfield

>> No.8818493

that's a good as cover

>> No.8818494

So what did you think of it?

Dubs confirm anything is possible in a post-Dylan universe

>> No.8818691

you mean a post- whatever the name of the guy is whose book's cover is the picture of an orgasming gay man's face ~ universe

>> No.8819056

>the guy is whose book's cover is the picture of an orgasming gay man's face

>> No.8819059

i feel like this is wrong, but i don't know enough about 2016 books to dispute it

>> No.8820092

It's been a pretty shit year desu

>> No.8820474

What did you think then oh great patrish man
I have also read best atheistic representation of a pseudo afterlife I've ever read. Also not having read his other book I was surprised at how well he writes. Can't thoroughly describe anything for you there's a lot going on and I don't think my articulation of events would do it justice. If you're interested and you know you'll put the time in to read I think you'll like it

>> No.8821723

>I have also read best atheistic representation of a pseudo afterlife I've ever read.
How many have you read?

>> No.8821841

None other than that really didn't mean to imply I had but the majority of the novel takes place in an afterlife and a god isn't really implied there are some Christian characters and arch angels are in the book but atheistic is the way I'd describe it. Not in a fedora tippy way either its just that a god is never implicated in books universe. Thinking of it an atheistic after life was something I hadn't personally thought of until this book. The book also deals a lot with eternalism as well as an afterlife. I don't know how I'd feel about eternalism really I kind of like the impermanence of things

>> No.8821846

Also to correct my earlier post
*^I have also read it. Probably the best