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/lit/ - Literature

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8808524 No.8808524 [Reply] [Original]

How do I live the /lit/ life my friends? It is my dream to live a bohemian life like the great masters of before.

>Describe a little about your life?

>> No.8808562

>wake up, finish the cigarette I half smoked the night before while reading Charlemagne's letters
>go back to sleep for an hour
>wake up again, walk through my flat saying "fuck" in exasperated tones.
>throw on a black metal cassette or Schoenberg concerto
>drink whatever's available
>go into the market and buy baguette, cheese, and the paper
>speed walk thru the urbanized areas gritting my teeth and counting the milestones before I can cast my vote for le front nationale next year
>go to the park, read the paper and eat
>go back to my flat and read for 8-9 hours with /lit/ breaks
>eat again
>sleep or go out drinking

Rate my life

>> No.8808637 [DELETED] 
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10000 hours in mspaint

>> No.8808652

Nice projection

>> No.8808654

10/10 lit would pursue

>> No.8808658

Im going to post this on me_irl

>> No.8808663
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One billion hours in MS Paint

>> No.8808668

How does France support so many NEETS? I have three friends there and they're all NEETS

>> No.8808675


>> No.8808687

Socialism baby

>> No.8808694

By not supporting so many jobs.

>> No.8808696


I'm not neet. I draw furry porno drawings and sell online. I never thought my art talent would be used to support myself like this but it works. I make enough to live.

>> No.8808699
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>> No.8808711


Good luck with that in the future.

>> No.8808714

Are you classically trained?

>> No.8808724


Yes went to art school and began to make that shit to pay off my debt but now I do it to live. I just turn my brain off, make a picture, and send it ASAP to get paid and forget what I drew

>> No.8808743

pics 4 proof

>> No.8808753

I don't owe you anything and I don't feel like being doxxed. If you want to buy though give me an email

>> No.8808756

Shit like OP's pic makes me so mad

>> No.8808839
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My life probably isn't /lit/ but since the death of my father, my break up and dropping out of uni I've been..

>wake up around 9-10 in my section 8 housing (because I'm legally mental now) in Los Angeles.
>usually skate to my friends pizza place where I eat day old slices.
>steal jeans and shirts from American apparel and Sears. Save money for Vans and iPhone.
>read, write or skate for the rest of the day.
>drink micheladas or smoke with artist friends in the evening, when I get home I write better than earlier in the day usually. Also I'm too depressed to fuck. Sometimes I do anyway with a lady friend to eat or wash my clothes.

I see no end in sight, don't do this..

>> No.8808904

I would euthanize you if I had even a shred of authority

>> No.8808950

Pretty shit. Barely acknowledgeable as a human being. Just another NEET.

>> No.8808967

I'm a virgin, so pretty un-/lit/.

>> No.8809014
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This is so fucking accurate it hurts. Unless you've actually been housebound for months, spent time in the psych ward, been on heavy meds, etc just shut the fuck up and go to therapy like everybody else. Making mental illness a fucking meme devalues those who need real help, those who aren't just edgy fucking teenagers looking to seem sad and deep for attention.

>> No.8809020

This is /lit/ as fuck lad
France is truly the /lit/ life Eden

>> No.8809042
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just wanna stop by and say that your post amused me

>> No.8809066

I admire you

>> No.8809070
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>> No.8809079

okay faggot everyones a little loopy am i rite?

>> No.8809082

2200 billables, repeat

>> No.8809087

I feel like I need to put together my thoughts about post irony into a long essay but I wouldn't know where to even being

>> No.8809088

Please do, anon

>> No.8809098

I myself do enjoy it to an extent and when I'm around people I do use it from time to time but I just think it's too much at this point, it's good in waves and in small doses but it really has gone too far

>> No.8809130
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>> No.8809142
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>> No.8809187

This was an interesting evolution

>> No.8809199
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>> No.8809222

Will that fox fucking shut up already.

>> No.8809256

There's no stopping the train

>> No.8809271


Amen. We should start a movement! Let us return to the unselfaware appreciation of beauty untempered.

>> No.8809286

That post and your picture all underscore just how insubstantial your life really is. I mean, we're probably all pursuing this life, but we shouldn't be overt about it. We should at least pretend to be better.

>> No.8809291
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>David Foster Wallace will never completely lay out his new sincerity philosophy and pave the way for unprincipled appreciation for the beauty in life

>> No.8809304

>black metal
It is below rating.

>> No.8809310


>That post and your picture all underscore just how insubstantial your life really is.

aka you think yourself a seasoned vet at posting who rarely gets triggered and you hate that op was one of the few to actually trigger you so you're going out of your way now to sanctimoniously save face.

>> No.8809323

I don't rarely get triggered, I get triggered all the time. I'm appealing to OP to have some self-awareness and try and turn around his philosophy even a little bit. I don't think there's any virtue to a "bohemian" life. I'm not trying to save face--I'm trying to show that I was indeed triggered! However, not in an angry way. Also, why would I need to "save face?" I just wouldn't post if that was the way of it. I posted once, so there's no face to save.

>> No.8809325


I want not "new sincerity" but the old sincerity--or rather, the timeless sincerity that has been normal for almost all of human existence. This is not a matter of developing some radical new philosophy or of gaining new abstractions, but of letting such abstractions go. By the way, DFW was mediocre. He won't be laying out any philosophy for me.

>> No.8809338


>I'm appealing to OP to have some self-awareness

the juxtaposition between OP's statement and the attached picture to it was intentional. especially after he posted the next few images. he did all of this on purpose to lead you into an even greater rage bait.

how are you still not getting this?

>> No.8809339

It already exists, it's called Romanticism

>> No.8809346

Precisely. We need nothing more.

>> No.8809353
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I'm the guy who made the fox images and I'm not OP

>> No.8809358

nice. got myself some proper depression with help etc. finally starting to feel like i'm doing OK, after years. just OK, not great yet. feels like i might drop any second and get all bad again though.

>> No.8809366

include me in the plebbit screenshot

>> No.8809382

good evolution desu. i agree with >>8809088, and essay by >>8809087 (presuming you're the author of the fox thoughts) would be very interesting. I've had similar-ish thoughts recently; you've put words to it. Write more, I'd be very interested.

>> No.8809387

He's not me (fox guy) but I still very much want to see more essays about post-irony

>> No.8809399

>Describe a little about your life?
I have bipolar disorder type II and live most of my time in depression or asleep. When I'm awake I either read books or play video games and sometimes try to learn programming and maths.

>> No.8809410

Yeah I'm not the fox guy but I want to incorporate a lot of his ideas into it if I ever get around to it
I won't say I'm free of these kinds of things but I am getting a bit tired of the frequency that they appear in the modern world

>> No.8809418


this is 2 good & 2 ez
and i've been hospitalized 3 times and take 3 different medication for bipolar 1. so get over urself cry bb

>> No.8809483

please stop

all of you

>> No.8809687


>> No.8809847
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>> No.8810001

10/10 anon holy fuck

>> No.8810092
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I'm still tweaking it here and there.

>> No.8810124

is being a detective or special agent /lit/ ? maybe i'm just reading too much james ellroy but something like that sounds pretty cool

>> No.8810158

If you haven't already, PLEASE look into Lamictal/lamotrigine. I've got bipolar II as well and it is really saving my life right now.

It has no "dulling" effect, no noticeable side effects at all, and you won't feel like your emotions are being capped off. It's a miracle drug.

The issue is that when people hear about it, they find out about the Stevens-Johnson Syndrome thing and look up pictures, get scared, and refuse the prescription. SJS is extremely rare, especially when it's taken as directed.

I really do recommend it anon, best of luck <3

>> No.8810160

c'est beau

>> No.8810171

holy... i want more

>> No.8810216

very cute desu

>> No.8810336
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Thanks for the compliments, but it gets even better.

>> No.8811081

Nice underground man

>> No.8811222


>> No.8811229

>the timeless sincerity that has been normal for almost all of human existence

You're delusional.

>> No.8811259

During Mon- Fri

>wake up
>maybe read a little after work

>wake up
>read for 3-4 hours

yes, I'm a weekend /lit/izen

how do you get monies?

>> No.8811322

I'm in the Army so I usually end up with a lot of time to read books. I basically get paid to exercise and read

>> No.8811599


Shut up, Cliff

>> No.8811639
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We all need help, my dude

>> No.8811684

>basically dimitri karamazov but i'm poor and a bit of an autist.

>> No.8811686
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Just stop.