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/lit/ - Literature

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8803969 No.8803969 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be extremely stupid of me to buy these books?

>> No.8803978

why the first one

also virginia was pretty shallow and is odious in my opinion

>> No.8803979

Only read Hundred Years of Solitude and that one's a tedious, l'art-pour-l'artist piece of trash.

>> No.8803983

buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it
buy it

>> No.8803987
File: 198 KB, 1107x941, 2016-12-05-151905_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about these?

>> No.8803988 [DELETED] 

No fascist/redpilled readings but women, Jews, and liberals?

Heh, guess reddit is here

>> No.8803999

you and people like you are an infection of this website.

>> No.8804005
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, suwa_checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice numbers, false opinions.

>> No.8804011

This isn't you're safe space, numale

>> No.8804017

A space that doesn't devolve into chaotic bigoted shitposting by confused scared insecure hateful losers sounds like a good place to me.

>> No.8804023

Your ideology is dead in the water. You will fade into history and there's nothing you can do about it. Trump isn't a fascist, he's a corporate interest republican. Brexit was about economic solidarity and self determination to make their own laws. There are no major political movements to commit genocide, take away rights of women and minorities, or conquer lands in the west. Take the example of your leader and shoot yourself in the head.

>ebin safe space meme

Alt right boards are the safest of safe spaces lmao. All the neckbeards throw temper tantrums every time someone suggests that their opinions are irrelevant in the eyes of everyone else.

Also nu-males are the most desirable by women nowadays. You can enjoy knowing that :^)

>> No.8804024 [DELETED] 

So just because I hate those groups of people I'm automatically a bigot?

Nice try, brainwashed retarded cuck

>> No.8804027

I really hate the style of naming history books of "cool sounding uninformative phrase" : "subtitle which actually tells me what the book is about"

>> No.8804029

This is such a limp wristed troll

>> No.8804033

>Only read Hundred Years of Solitude

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.8804035

Yes, it is quite annoying and sometimes even misleading.

>> No.8804048

My eyes are black holes was fantastic imo. Part one is pretty slow but a third of the way through part 2 really picks up and carries it to the end.

>> No.8804055

I would recommend reading Kafka's short stories before reading the novels. His longer works can be quite tedious, especially the Trial.

>> No.8804072

The Gulag Archipelago is really great, highly recommended.

>> No.8804074


It's not the only book I've ever read buddy. You wanna make the case for the book being good? Lay it on me.

>> No.8804387

>the most desireable by wome
I was with you until that sentence. You flew too close to the sun.

>> No.8804399

Not that guy but the stupidity in your post wasn't about wether you think the novle is good or not, but in the fact that you think it's a l'art pour l'art kind of novel.

>> No.8804408



>> No.8804432

>one years of solitude

litearlly Reddit: the book

>> No.8804445
File: 228 KB, 1095x1132, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about these?

God or Nothing is a Christmas gift I was thinking of giving for my Grandmother.

>> No.8804451

>calling "The Waves" shallow

choke on a brick

>> No.8804467

Solid choices, my favorite of the lot is Tropic of Cancer.
Miller isn't a facist or anything like that, but he triggers the womyn. Now shut the fuck up and stop trying to derail every thread.

>> No.8804474

>God or Nothing is a Christmas gift I was thinking of giving for my Grandmother.

You should get one for yourself. Cardinal Sarah is awesome.

>> No.8804475

Lord of the Rings and Watchmen you should just get from the library, IJ is a meme.

>> No.8804485
File: 167 KB, 835x983, 1480133164182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am halfway through. I like it, very similar to Salt of the Earth with Benedict XVI. It's much milder than I expected, but not wrong. I disagree on a few things with him, but that may as well be because of my personal flaws.
Also, repeating The Gulag Archipelago. Even the based cardinal talks about Solzhenitsyn in God or Nothing.

>> No.8804525

>only two scalp massagers

>> No.8804588
File: 23 KB, 400x430, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it's getting out of hand. I appreciated the bluntness and straightforwardness of the title of this book I found last week.