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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 588x666, 1468192297048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8800330 No.8800330 [Reply] [Original]

>Alt-Right philosophy leaves all left-wing philosophy in the dust
>Neoreactionary philosophy leaves all Alt-Right philosophy in the dust
>Nick Land's philosophy leaves all neoreactionary philosophy in the dust
Where do I go from here?

>> No.8800354

When did Nick Land leave behind NRx?

>> No.8800361


>> No.8800368

>Alt-Right philosophy


>> No.8800383

Holy fuck I'm laughing

>> No.8800409

I personally subscribe to anti-nihilist nihilism. It's a form of nihilism so extreme that it doesn't even value or believe in itself. What starts out as an edgy contrarian lack of a position eventually spirals into a vicious whirlwind wherein you are in a stasis between believing in everything and believing in nothing, and when you come out the other side you are totally unable even to comprehend basic english. Right now I am surrounded by a support group of about thirty or so people who are actively trying to translate my rudimentary finger movements into basic thoughts and who are currently typing out this post right now. In ten years I will lose all conscious control over my body

>> No.8800418

would be interesting if you weren't literally describing what the guy in OP's picture did in the early 90s

>> No.8800424

So, Zen?

>> No.8800429

He didn't, he just stands out so much he makes the others look like brainlets.

>> No.8800451

that's kind of what i thought too. i know that when hestia launched he wrote something incredibly cringe about an oath of fealty but that's it. also that he is not an alt-righter

i think NRx is basically dead now tho. shame

>> No.8800466

>i think NRx is basically dead now tho. shame
It is? Why?

>> No.8800472

what is neoreactionarism?

>> No.8800474


>> No.8800517
File: 425 KB, 720x892, tumblr_o7ss8zXYeD1u8vwaao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, MM stopped writing UR. that's one thing. he figured his own work was done. Land will go on writing in his own weird way but i think he's basically there too at this point. bitcoin/blockchain stuff turns him on i guess. but my feeling is that trump is now setting the course and nobody really knows what he's going to do now. people are talking about spencer et al but Moldbug's issue was the Cathedral, which may already be a term in decline

i'm way more partial to NRx than alt-right stuff myself. land and zizek actually have a lot in common i think. both are doing varieties of marxist thought so misshapen at this point that they're barely recognizable. z is a nicer guy but land is the more dangerous/scary one by far. which makes him more interesting


pic not related

>> No.8800545

I don't understand. Why would the election of Trump kill nrx?

>> No.8800549

can you sum up what are nick land ideas? where do i start reading him?

>> No.8800583
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sorry, i know this is not my blog

didn't kill it, but upset a lot of apple carts. even land himself would probably have to say that a lot of cathedral-type stuff was brought to an end sooner than anyone expected with the rise of trump. to me NRx/DE basically describes a relatively small number of crypto fascist software programmers and other types, and 'reaction' was an umbrella term that included them along with tradcore theologicals, old-school conservatives, manosphere/pua guys, and much else.

but nobody - nick land included - expected trump to win. some of those guys, like vox/et al were riding the trump train pretty hard but i don't think even they expected him to actually win. and because much of it i think was predicated on ressentiment for a culture they all that hillary would be leading for a while they're mainly scratching their heads

personally i think trump has no idea what he's doing and that is kind of refreshing. maybe we can actually just accept the fact that the world is fucked up and no ideology can see everything. but i do like moldbuggian absolutism tho. purple pill go go go

he's tough to sum up, but i'm proud of having coined the term Evil Bizarro Deleuze and seen it once or twice (well, once) used here on 4chan. If you've read Deleuze it may make sense.

but basically just think of it as a kind of warped and twisted version of Marx. in conventional Marxist thought, there is a dictatorship of humans over capital; for Land it's the opposite. he believes in the dictatorship of capital itself over people. capital leads to innovation, technology, better corporations, faster and smarter AI, all of this - and generally speaking humans are just monkeying it all up. he likes acceleration and warping into planet AI. along with a lot of other stuff. a very interesting guy. reading his blogs or his dark enlightenment essay is a good place to begin. sadly there's not much of him on youtube

sorry lads that was a super long post. i'm not an intellectual

>> No.8800587

Alt Right philosophy = memes, artefact riddled JPEGs and an overwhelming fear of/obsession with black cocks

>> No.8800608

>this projection

>> No.8800612
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to put it shorter, and this was because i read a pretty explosive argument on nick's blog last year about this, nick himself wanted a division between NRx and alt-right, mainly because the alt-right guys were pushing an ethnonationalist agenda, and nick/NRx guys were pushing a cyberpunk/techcomm/whatever agenda. that to me was the sharpest line of difference i saw between them

nick is a misanthrope. he hates all humanity, barring the very tippity-top of the 1%, more or less equally, i think. and he doesn't care about alt-right stuff the way a guy like richard spencer would, for instance

i think still in his cold dead lovecraftian heart he remains a tortured marxist and always will. it's why he's not really super-evil. he just believes that the ends justify the means

>> No.8800614

thanks for the patience, senpai

>> No.8800618

*the ends justify the memes might be a funny joke

not sure tho

probably not

just forget i said anything

>> No.8800619
File: 2.37 MB, 440x440, Nicklandroid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any similar authors or bloggers

>> No.8800626

no problemo. i honestly find all this shit fascinating af. a great deal of continental phil is vapid horseshit imho but nick land is legit interesting

>> No.8800635
File: 79 KB, 957x611, DeleuzeGuattari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys

>> No.8800674

can you explain the connection between nick and marxism? is it just that he uses marxist methods of analysis, or is it more deeply rooted in his philosophy?

>> No.8800680

is this a newfag meme?

>> No.8800701

Nick Land is a neoreactionary though

>> No.8800714

he's influenced by Deleuze

>> No.8800735
File: 110 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mawh26C9a11qjr7k7o1_r1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


long post/not my blog

The very first essay in this book will do a better job of explaining this than I can, but I'll be happy to swing at this pitch anyways.

What you have to understand is that NL's take on Marxism goes *through* Deleuze and Guattari. This is really super-important for everything that comes afterwards. D&G basically super kick Freud into outer space b/c they believe the Oedipus complex does not compute. Guattari is originally being groomed to be Lacan's disciple. this is really important

D&G conclude - Guattari from analsis, and Deleuze from his own brand of Spinozistic/Nietzschean/ metaphysics, that desire is just everywhere, kablooey. Nothing is being repressed, everything is being manufactured. Everything. the world is all a big squishy soft machine of desire, full stop. nick is not so sentimental: he prefers icy-cold lines and numbers

Now D&G are 60s-style revolutionaries, but it's a super-unusual position. Their analysis of capitalism is so out there that Alain Badiou accuses Deleuze of being a fascist. These are some of the action-packed stories that the French were getting up to in the 60s/70s

Basically NL agrees with Deleuze on this, that capital is the thing: capital, desire, all of this. However, he does not arrive at the political conclusions D&G do. Rather, he tries to think through the time-bending/time-altering essence of capital *itself*, and this is what leads to him giving himself a nervous breakdown. you can read all about it in the book. he's trying to figure out how time, space, capital and desire fit together, and he basically turns himself into a schizophrenic.

NB: schizoanalysis was a term used by D&G, and figures heavily in their work. they don't do repression, ideology, any of that the way that Z does. they are on a whole other ticket. /lit/ does not seem to talk about these guys much, mainly because the sniffler is so popular right now. and also because the sniffler likes deleuze and does not like guattari. more interesting continental fakery there for you

long story short...land winds up having more feeling for capital itself than any kind of political revolutionary sentiment. for him capital *is* the revolution, the only force that matters. for D&G, desire is something that exceeds any sense of the autonomous individual person. land, i think, feels more or less the same way. he's basically reading them inside out b/c he doesn't have the same feeling for the 60s, i think, that they did. but to some degree that's conjecture

but i am a casual and not a serious philosopher. the answers you want are in here.


>> No.8800815

NIck Land was a full fledged leftist in his Ccru days, it's not some kind of a secret.

>> No.8800826

Reading now because the way you described it is pretty intriguing

>> No.8800864


awesome. enjoy! (but not in the lacanian sense)

>> No.8801014

only at the very start of it

>> No.8802240
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I like you, Anon.

>> No.8802430

>Alt-Right philosophy leaves all left-wing philosophy in the dust


>> No.8802445

doesn't that make him a capitalist or ultra libertarian?

>> No.8802447

You could try Behead All Satans or keep a daybook of personal happenings. Or both.

>> No.8802504

whats this book about? i couldn't find much info about it

>> No.8802516

why am i laughing so hard

>> No.8802543

ive never had anyone be able to explain to me what "alt-right" means other than being right wing but not being a neocon. anyone care to explain this mon-term to me?

>> No.8802549

It's a bunch of socially inept teenagers who think that they'll save the white race with the help of internet slacktivism whenever they stop playing videogames or masturbating to Japanese cartoons.

>> No.8802552

Basically it's normal conservatism sans religiosity and sans queerphobia.

>> No.8802598

literal nazis infiltrating the right wing

>> No.8802623

t. Hillary Clinton

>> No.8802641

neonazis who use daddy's credit card to buy fancy clothes so they can pose for the press

>> No.8802652

It's a scare term popularized by Hillary Clinton and her NYT-educated cattle that's used to characterize any conservative outside the Republican party as an anime-obsessed Nazi. Essentially, the media-academic complex is panicking because millions of right-wingers are refusing to obey AIPAC and National Review.

>> No.8802653

Hillary was right, though.

t. anti-shillarist

>> No.8802666

widespread disaffection with liberal progressive society which is failing at worst and stagnating at best, coupled with the "the status quo is fucking boring" disadvantage that is ominipresent in every era

there is an extremely large backlash of reactionary sentiment forming almost out of sheer boredom as young men drop out of a society that basically acts like a nattering cunt of a mother 24/7

the actual "alt right" is the online technologically savvy and extremely ironic/cynical wing of this sea change, with shitloads of bored young men (4chan/reddit demographic) being given something to do (sense of belonging, community, shitposting) and an enemy to hate (the status quo, the state) that takes the form of a many-headed hydra (it explains all the SJWs, women, minorities, weird shit like trannies and fags, all the annoying garbage they're told to accept and applaud on a daily basis and they just plain don't really wanna)

the MSM is made up of uncool hipster faggots with fake HR/IT degrees like Gender Equity Office Management Studies who staff all the internships at the clinton campaign and the MSM and all the twittersphere, they are the passe faggots DFW talked about in e unibus pluram, insufficiently hip and ironic and therefore lacking in vital energy ipso facto, old hat, making the 4chan fags of the alt right despise them even more, and making triggering them into a sport, because we're living in a world where young men are increasingly grossed out by grown adults crying like children on twitter, and you can literally provoke this by saying "niggers lol"

these stupid hipster faggots who work for the MSM, old media, old government, old everything, their vision is too slow for the hypermemetic culture of bored ironic niggerhaters on 4chan, so they focus on the things slow and static enough that they can see, like RICHARD Q. SPENCER, ALT-RIGHT SPOKESMAN OF THE ALT-RIGHT, who wears a fucking cape that he designed that says "ALT RIGHT" on it, or some retarded queer youtube personality like SargonofAkkad

meanwhile a czech lolicon hacks some government official's email and shares it on /pol/ because it's funny, and the MSM just freaks out and goes IS GAMERGATE CAUSING MISOGYNY ON THE BLOGOSPHERE? HOW EPIC FAIL GAMERS ON THE CATURDAY MADE THE WORLD WIDE WEB BECOME A RACISM!

>> No.8802695

is this guy an alt-rightist? i fucking hate him

>> No.8802729

only negarestani is good out of this movement

guattari was the real genius, not deleuze and certainly not nick "i play too much starcraft and don't go beyond deleuze" land

>> No.8802734

>I personally subscribe to anti-nihilist nihilism. It's a form of nihilism so extreme that it doesn't even value or believe in itself. What starts out as an edgy contrarian lack of a position eventually spirals into a vicious whirlwind wherein you are in a stasis between believing in everything and believing in nothing, and when you come out the other side you are totally unable even to comprehend basic english. Right now I am surrounded by a support group of about thirty or so people who are actively trying to translate my rudimentary finger movements into basic thoughts and who are currently typing out this post right now. In ten years I will lose all conscious control over my body
This should be pasta

>> No.8802792

He's not, he's an edgy centre-right libertarian who has clashed with the alt-right in several occasions.

>> No.8802798

>ive never had anyone be able to explain to me what "alt-right" means other than being right wing but not being a neocon. anyone care to explain this mon-term to me?
It varies from a catch-all for all right-wingers who support "alternative" aka non-mainstream parties, from lolberts to literal nazis, to the common 4chan use that basically just means /pol9k/.

The people who actually call themselves the alt-right say that alt-right is pro-white and that anyone who disagrees is not one of them.

>> No.8802816
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interesting. talk more about guattari anon, i love this stuff

i've read negarestani also and he is legit. his essays at urbanomic & elsewhere moreso than cyclonopedia but w/e

see also pic related. 21C naturephilosophie is depressing but philosophy is usually a heartbreaker anyways

>> No.8802846

>>Alt-Right philosophy
Stopped reading

>> No.8803044

What is there to say? Guattari is the real genius. Read the Anti-Oedipus papers. Guattari was the one asking all the right questions, Deleuze just stylized it more with Nietzsche and Spinoza.

Read Guattari's books he wrote without Deleuze or look into Brian Holmes,who is by far the best scholar there is on Guattari.

>> No.8803496

Conservatives who discovered culture jamming

>> No.8803497

Become a machine cultist hell bent on producing an avatar of Gnon in AI form that will end garbage time.

>> No.8803558

left cucks just can't let the future take care of itself

>> No.8803606
File: 44 KB, 480x463, Consciousness Engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oaisis of Awakening

Way Past the Desert of the Real


>> No.8803612
File: 228 KB, 1600x900, Go Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nu Year

Nu School

Know Brow Never Boxxy'd

>> No.8803614

thank you very kindly anon, i did not know that brian holmes was a guy at all

the only solo guattari i have read is three ecologies, which was...pretty good. didn't floor me. but this is not a knock on the man and i'm more or less just a shell-shocked pseudointellectual vagrant and largely immune to human feelings at this point anyways

cheers for an on-point book rec. guattari-anon is a bro fo sho

>> No.8803617

Nick Land sucks, Jesus Christ.

>> No.8803622
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...carried the streams...

...indicating the pouring of knowledge over humanity everywhere...

People can also use trance... ...to learn new strategies of thinking or of relating to one another

>> No.8803623
File: 1.96 MB, 500x634, tumblr_ntsnu5Gcdp1qcy62fo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this thread is starting to get v interesting

will be monitoring via technopower-suit from beyond space and time

within i am still small and fragile and weak and full of childish poetic sentiment, the last traces of an evanescent gnostic god-author

but srsly tho this mask is boss af

anyhoo bumpily bump bump

>> No.8803625

Jesus Christ ahahah
This has to be pasta.

>> No.8803697
File: 63 KB, 500x673, 13332827_243564296019066_6736536221770718639_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread, thank you

>> No.8803712

>Land lay behind the stage, flat on the floor (a ‘snake-becoming’ forming the first stage of bodily destratification), croaking enigmatic invocations intercut with sections from Artaud’s asylum poems. In this delirious vocal telegraphy, meaning seemed to disintegrate into sheer phonetic matter, melting into the cut-up beats and acting directly on the subconscious. As Land began to speak in his strange, choked-off voice (perhaps that ‘absurdly high pitched ... tone ... ancient demonists described as ‘silvery,’ which he later reports being taunted by) the disconcerted audience begin to giggle; the demon voice wavered slightly until Land’s sense of mission overcame his momentary self-consciousness; and as the ‘performance’ continued the audience fell silent, eyeing each other uncertainly as if they had walked into a funeral by mistake. Embarrassment was regarded by Land as just one of the rudimentary inhibitions that had to be broken down in order to explore the unknown – in contrast to the forces of academic domestication, which normalised by fostering a sense of inadequacy and shame before the Masters, before the edifice of what is yet to be learnt.

>> No.8803720
File: 105 KB, 662x883, Love the Sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you ready to Cohere ?

Enjoy the Nu music created with the Love of Heartlines

>> No.8803727

Neocons aren't really right wing.

>> No.8803738

You write as if you have an IQ of 80.

>> No.8803744
File: 623 KB, 1000x560, Luna Ex Scientia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great fleets of interstellar transports

>> No.8803759
File: 121 KB, 500x236, Ripples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DJ Cara in the Sahara

...making flows and connectivity...

"I sublimated to a transcendant metaxy. Walked on Nylon to heights beyond the tightrope tension duality of both turntables. High and Low, a slide with some tides, you can sail the sound when you see the love"

>> No.8803807
File: 71 KB, 1024x516, Charioteer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cultural vehicles are called "Human Treasures" by the UN

Do stars communicate with each other



>> No.8803815
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Thanks for literally giving me an electric feel, MARES ;) Science is worth it


>> No.8803828
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...hydrodynamic experience...


>> No.8803834

>4chan/reddit is the heart of the alt-right and not just a convenient tool/recruitment pool for societal elements that have existed for centuries in some form or another
>the media is too dumb to understand the incredible and totally brand new concept of children anonymously transgressing norms to get a rise out of people and is not just focusing on the visible, outspoken white supremacist and white nationalist figures because they are visible and outspoken
>everyone who disagrees is an uncool hipster faggot with a fake degree, DFW told me so

Be nice to him, his road is hard enough as is.

>> No.8803835
File: 647 KB, 1920x1080, 3D-rendering-science-DNA-spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Surfing while Tuned In

>> No.8803840

>culture jamming
p good post

>> No.8803843
File: 7 KB, 334x323, hyper_cube_hyper_perspective.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiste Opened

Easy As The Ocean Our Communication Provided Motion


>> No.8803848
File: 489 KB, 1600x900, Big Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They traveled across the globe at light speed, enchanting those who saw them. Floating along a sea of information, this epic romance surfed waters unknown

>> No.8803854
File: 118 KB, 1600x900, High and Low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field...

...an interface to realms of mind, psyche and consciousness...

One of the experiments, a video taken to study atmospheric dust, may have detected a new atmospheric phenomenon, dubbed a "TIGER" (Transient Ionospheric Glow Emission in Red)

>> No.8803858
File: 43 KB, 570x250, Telluric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Telluric currents continuously move between the sunlit and shadowed sides of the earth

...discrete currents interact in a complex pattern...

The currents are extremely low frequency and travel over large areas at or near the surface of the Earth

Telluric currents, and were used for telegraph systems

>> No.8803873
File: 61 KB, 1475x673, HAIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The liminal moment which frees people from the constraints of normality is what Hakim Bey calls the TAZ, the Temporary Autonomous Zone

Dancing Aurorals in the ionsphere

Into the Moment

Poetry itself is an act of magickal incantation, white poetry connects tongues to the esoteric fire of a single circle

There are only a few real artists, composers, or poets, meaning those abundantly endowed with both the memory of the realm of Ideas and the skill to embody that memory. Theirs is the privilege to conceive the progeny of the Gods, called by the alchemists the Philosophic Egg


>> No.8803881
File: 31 KB, 600x600, Ion of Sphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Game-Changing Discoveries

Do you know the relationship between light and music

When the work of art is performed, as in a play or music, something “passes between” the artist and the audience. A true collaboration, the artist and their audience enter into an intimately engaged symbiotic relationship, connecting with each other in such a way that they both become transformed

Calvin Harris & Disciples - How Deep Is Your Love

>> No.8803890
File: 24 KB, 400x400, khaleesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you know of the unburnt

inelastic quantum tunnelling occurs when an electron dumps a bit of excess energy in order to tunnel to an empty energy level in a nearby atom

>> No.8803898
File: 84 KB, 565x377, Butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystai of Psyche and Eros

>> No.8803930
File: 117 KB, 1121x750, Star Talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep it going up


Keep each other company

>> No.8803947

NRx isn't dead because Social Matter turned out to be a high quality site that's frequently updated. There's was a point about a year ago where SM was putting out 1 article a week, but they turned it around. UR doesn't need to be updated, its already too goddamn long

>> No.8803949
File: 144 KB, 200x340, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stars Will Rise Again

>> No.8803952

I think the difference between Land and a super libertarian would be different beliefs in what would be the consequence of unhinged pure capital?

>> No.8803960
File: 76 KB, 400x510, Sunflower Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Human Race going to the next level of consciousness


>> No.8804181


>> No.8804185
File: 466 KB, 1875x1000, mike brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is truly only one master of alt right literature

>> No.8804412

this is true. SM is good, i forgot about those guys

good call anon

>> No.8804524
File: 64 KB, 531x479, Stellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make it galactic ?

A galactic party is taking place...

Eleutherios ("the liberator"), an epithet for both Dionysus and Eros

Breaker Of Chains

>> No.8804536
File: 355 KB, 600x303, THE-OCEAN-Is-The-Heart-Of-Our-Planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care about thoughtwaves? Because these are the prime movers of your society – the prime movers of every society...

The people responsible for thoughtwave design, construction and implementation are...

The trend and the thoughtwave are related...

>> No.8804557
File: 188 KB, 608x639, poortechre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8804563
File: 61 KB, 353x592, Imagine Ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Active Participants in the Imagination Age are becoming cultural ambassadors

>> No.8804570
File: 358 KB, 1348x1800, JJAbrams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boldly Trek


>> No.8804664
File: 168 KB, 200x353, 9th Circuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The people who are building the new machines, who are designing the new circuitry, who are writing the new code are ALL freaks

>> No.8804669
File: 60 KB, 607x441, DanceTeam 5000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...the dance party as temporary autonomous zone...

...dancing in this energy field resonate...

>> No.8804678
File: 41 KB, 300x100, DanceTeam 5000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dance party

How is Your Attendance?

The architypal realm can be viewed if looking outside the river of your own blood stream while still within it

Using your own inner light you can illuminate a path through the doors of perception

>> No.8804686

You do realise alt-right has been in circulation before the election, don't you? It's what these fuckwits called themselves.

>> No.8804714
File: 65 KB, 450x543, Is it in the Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>illuminate a path

DNA and the genome have now been identified as active "laser-like" environments. DNA can be considered as a liquid crystal gel-like state that acts on the incoming light in the manner of a solitonic lattice


>> No.8804721
File: 169 KB, 1587x691, Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...this time however I come as the victorious Dionysus, who will turn the world into a holiday...


>> No.8804732
File: 21 KB, 306x332, Philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Philosophers of Eternal Love

Plato paints the picture of a Charioteer (Greek: ἡνίοχος) driving a chariot pulled by two winged horses

The Charioteer directs the entire chariot/soul, trying to stop the horses from going different ways, and to proceed towards enlightenment


>> No.8804739


>> No.8804740
File: 132 KB, 2290x402, The Circuit Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Circuit of the gods you say? Unconditional nomader what kinda love brought you this far..."

>> No.8805166
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It's easy if we all just let it happen

"Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body

>> No.8805174


>> No.8805193

I unironically believe I went into a process like this before taking SSRIs. Words stopped making sense for a while

>> No.8805194


>> No.8805761
File: 82 KB, 1139x551, Wild Scenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Part Of The Evolving Age


>> No.8805821

>Alt-Right philosophy leaves all left-wing philosophy in the dust

Suck it, Zizek, Negri,Debord

>> No.8805925
File: 37 KB, 980x490, Clearly Shinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Show you incredible things ?


>> No.8805963


8/8 great

>> No.8806078


Right wingers + Alinskyite tactics and culture jamming.

Ignore the ethno-nationalism, conservatism was always a "white thing" anyway.

>> No.8806102

legitimately kill yourself

neo nazi

>> No.8806122
File: 229 KB, 480x309, mde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep coming thru

>> No.8806182

>Alinskyite tactics

lol that fucking conservatard meme

>> No.8806228

it's was literally just pol users with twitter accounts bothering news pundits and such. someone just questioned "why do they all have anime profile pictures" and created a label for them, being a complete normie and not knowing this sekret club exists

>> No.8806240

If you actually knew anything you would know the term was invented and adopted by the alt-right itself.

>> No.8806512

>nick is a misanthrope. he hates all humanity, barring the very tippity-top of the 1%, more or less equally, i think

Doesn't surprise me if you're not memeing. I read the summary of that neoreaction.net site and instantly knew into the trash it goes!

t. centrist libertarianish classic liberalish

>> No.8806521


>> No.8806525


This would be your answer.

>> No.8806576

These were some pretty cool posts

>> No.8806627


Cool posts, but

>Coincidence intensifier...
>Hermes is seen as relevant to study of the phenomenon of synchronicity

What did you mean by this? More sources or anything on this?

>> No.8808420
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know you long for something nu


There's something flying in the air
And I just don't know what it could be


>> No.8808441
File: 91 KB, 1590x677, See the Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The gifts of Eros affect the emotional and thought processes of humanity, especially those of a seeker who has to learn how to open up and integrate these gifts in his psyche

>> No.8808458
File: 74 KB, 463x700, tumblr_mklfq5zNuw1rt4i3no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not memeing. NRx is at least in part classical liberalism with rocket boosters attached. some folks want crowned heads and absolutism, others don't

it's all about tech secession from politics for the landroid. he would not object to being called the philosopher of cyberpunk i don't think. listen to this


cheers, thanks for the (You)

>> No.8808511

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI

>> No.8808582
File: 8 KB, 139x133, Lovely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In states of psychophysiological coherence, there is increased synchronization


Positive emotions, such as love and appreciation, in generating coherence both in the heart field and in social fields

I take only what I need from it, in a management style of virtuosity. It's like standing on the interstate and hearing you from a mile away, if your song is a little dark, I can sample and remix to lighten the mood


Mochaccinoed, the Nu music showcased, while never boxxying about, a metaxic Love transcending polarity

>> No.8808610
File: 6 KB, 400x185, usdlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychophysiological coherence

That Energy


>> No.8808618
File: 44 KB, 500x382, Roundabout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Able to experience the 8th circuit fully throughout all others, a mode which they called the 9th


>> No.8808706
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SETI confirmed?

>> No.8808725
File: 82 KB, 529x511, 23 EmIgma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


23 is the width of the Arecibo message

In the list of fortunate numbers, 23 occurs twice

Are You With 23 ?

>> No.8808734
File: 43 KB, 400x658, 23 Robert Anton Wilson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whats the Tale of Your Tribe ?

The Global Village metaphor refers to the interconnected users of the Internet around the world

>> No.8808749
File: 3.47 MB, 255x255, 8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ASOT 800

Eight is the first FREE number. People associated with this number can expand in any direction, according to their will and the set of values

>> No.8808763
File: 19 KB, 440x220, COMUИE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unique destinations


Suprisingly, this is gonna be fun



Who afraid of 13Eight ?

>> No.8808768

>That wasn't real communism!

>> No.8808782
File: 165 KB, 1339x481, Spacious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Arminy Exchange brings you new horizons, the Teddys are coming

Are you in a State of Quantum Fashion


>> No.8808801
File: 182 KB, 851x315, Spacially Yours Truly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where the XX's mark the spot...


>> No.8808855

Land and all the other neoreactionary stuff is garbage. The weird conspiracy about the Cathedral in which Calvinist Massachusetts has apparently achieved world domination is laughable. The Puritans were ultra-reactionaries who have nothing in common with modern liberals. Likewise, Transcendentalism originated with Carlyle, Coleridge, and German idealists, again all were reactionaries.

Neoreactionaries are just neoliberal edgelords. Also fuck Deleuze. And Spinoza.

>> No.8808880
File: 253 KB, 800x534, dmt-space-head-trip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this basically what happens when you take that one extra dose of DMT and never really come back? disappear forever into the private psychedelic reel?

>tfw always liked the chemical brothers


might as well keep going anon, you've come this far on your long strange voyage between the stars. don't let us stop you. for all we know you might be nick land himself, it is known that he browses 4chan

godspeed you Galactitron Forever Voyaging-anon

>> No.8808972
File: 136 KB, 699x814, letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah, those silly conservatards..

>> No.8808988

>German idealists, again all were reactionaries

>> No.8809060

go on then, who are the philosophers you read

and god help you if you're a positivist STEMfag

>> No.8809125
File: 175 KB, 1023x1303, Akousmatikoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shining on with our teeth we speak the greek that got us there. It was understood we stare and care while climbing our own atmosphere. The fire in your eyes made me lighten up and I knew you dared to try a wilder side

>> No.8809133
File: 126 KB, 620x943, Lorde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glow in our mouths

>> No.8809168
File: 105 KB, 415x430, favorable approval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Greek, eudaimonia. This term was employed by Plato and Aristotle to denote true and complete happiness. Its derivation from eu or well, and daimôn, a divinity, a good genius, good fortune, indicates its true signification, as the condition favored by the good genius

>> No.8809193
File: 33 KB, 640x172, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"It's like exchanging secret messages where everyone can see. "

Secret language that we're speakin ?


>> No.8809198
File: 174 KB, 498x607, Fluxus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never Stop Dancing

Liftware allowed Soft Landings to sail on

>> No.8809204
File: 186 KB, 1280x683, Geek Is The Nu Sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eyes Wider Than Distance

>> No.8809211

>The Puritans were ultra-reactionaries who have nothing in common with modern liberals.
yeah, then shit changed over hundreds of years

>> No.8809272

Do you have any readings you'd recommend on that? Your posts are pretty awesome


Checking the link now, cheers

>> No.8809283
File: 36 KB, 300x450, Love The Playa And Gaians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playa Gaians Dancing On Temporal Islands

>> No.8809284

There's some next-level shitposting going on here, I like it

>> No.8809294
File: 115 KB, 638x600, Playa Gaians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nomads of The Present


>> No.8809300
File: 29 KB, 337x241, Possibility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like the Dung Beatle

>> No.8809322
File: 20 KB, 459x391, Great Work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Art should be what civilization is

>> No.8809326
File: 93 KB, 566x518, StarShips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holographic interstellar probe message

>> No.8809334
File: 67 KB, 287x225, Fourier Transformation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-spire (breathe)



The design process needs to flood the world with its intent which means more artists and more art than ever before

>> No.8809343
File: 283 KB, 1400x2183, Schwaller de Lubicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hermes is the teacher of all secret wisdoms available to knowing

a role of mediator between the worlds of the visible and invisible

>> No.8809345

stop posting this ugly boy, please

>> No.8809370
File: 95 KB, 443x600, Brain Magick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How you feel about the the future depends entirely on the context and coherence of the narratives that you subscribe to and make sense of the world and the extent to which future developments deliver the kind of world you expect to be living in. My advice would be to create your own transformative story and live it, embody it, as much as possible


>> No.8809374
File: 530 KB, 1920x1480, tmp_18824-1467864555384611389861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, thanks! So you meant Hermes Thoth Trismegistus, I'll have to check that book out

And the collective identity wiki reminds me of a Jungian collective unconscious that goes deeper. Will have to check that out too, cheers

>> No.8809408

Confucius, Lao-Tzu, Plato, Plutarch, Machiavelli, Montaigne, Winthrop, Jonathan Edwards, Kant, Rousseau, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Burke, Novalis, Schlegel, Carlyle, Emerson, Thoreau, Nietzsche, William James, Peirce, Royce, Henry Adams, T.S. Eliot, Pound

All of these writers would form a better foundation for the would-be reactionary gentleman than the pseudo-intellectual, cheese-eating, autistic philosophy of Nick Land

>> No.8809424
File: 620 KB, 800x800, tumblr_n8ec6vo64S1rc28t2o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no probs. post your thoughts later in this thread, i'd be interested to know what you think

also posting random stuff from my cyberpunk folder

i've been kind of snarky but these are honestly kind of a beautiful thoughts anon, cheers

>> No.8809431
File: 59 KB, 432x345, identity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry anon I posted




Anon wasn't thanking you

>> No.8809451
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 51v1Jk4cGPL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Misread that Anon

Anon thanked both of us

>> No.8809460
File: 12 KB, 220x263, eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is good to read. All the more props to you if you have read all of those, that's a hefty list. I retract my claims of positivist STEMfaggery. Not, of course, that it isn't a good look to have a STEM career; but you know all this.

Land is a quirky guy no doubt, but he's no pseud. He's just a contrarian, as a lot of interesting people were in their times. Did you listen to that clip I posted? (>>8808458) I thought it was interesting...

I always have a soft spot in my soft heart - and my soft head - for contrarians. This is why I thought he was important, and NRx too - they were/are indicating all the contradictions of the modern lefty/progressive intellectual. But I also think a return to the classics would be a good look.

>free Jordan Peterson, etc

Still though that's a very patrician list, and I salute your good taste. I cannot disagree that those would indeed make the foundations of a serious reactionary gentleman.

>tfw no Edward Gibbon in that list tho

>> No.8809470

What does "hyperstitial deterritorilization" even mean?

>> No.8809491
File: 1.68 MB, 500x280, tumblr_ocf0ms8TpL1vqx6k4o2_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deterritorialization is a Deleuzian term for what capital can do to structures: disorganize them, separate them, recombine them, etc. Deterritorialization and deterritorialization are concepts D&G develop in ATP. It just means to virtualize things and weaken their structures, in order to recombine them in a different form later on. Capital does this to everything by putting everything into motion, "liberating" it for production and profit.

Hyperstition is a little harder to talk about, if only because - unless I am mistaken - it never really took on much weight outside of Land and the CCRU (serious Landians, feel free to correct me). It's essentially a kind of mobilized or weaponized desire. My own feeling would be: you know what *super*stition is, right? Lucky charms? Beliefs? Well, these are grounded in essentially mystical or theological practices. *Hyper*stition would be superstition with results: a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>Hyperstition is a positive feedback circuit including culture as a component. It can be defined as the experimental (techno-)science of self-fulfilling prophecies. Superstitions are merely false beliefs, but hyperstitions – by their very existence as ideas – function causally to bring about their own reality.


tl;dr unironic Evil Genius mind powers

>> No.8809500


>> No.8809505

Thx senpai

>> No.8809521
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Well, I'm from an accounting background so I haven't read much in social sciences and political philosophy, just pragmatically make my own conclusions on what seems right to me.

The whole Exit > Voice thing I disagree with though, as a staunch Individualist. (America needs and always has put a lot of importance on individualism for its culture as it rightfully should, and shit, if he doesn't like that, he can GTFO with his theories :p )

I agree cold, calm, calculative collectivism is better than the hot collectivism he described and we have seen, but he's missing out on statistics still having outliers (mutations in evolution), which can and are/have been important in improving systems, so ""exiting"" it out seems wrong on both the human and rational level. I'm probably interpretting all of this wrong as I have no backing in it, but feck this facism shit.

Automation will get streamlined and change the game eventually, but what exactly is Land vouching for here? 1% dominance and "exit" the scrap metal?

>> No.8809539

I think you are sorely mistaken about what exit and voice are. Here's a hint: when the Americans didn't like how they were treated by the British empire did they use exit or voice? Exit, of course.

>> No.8809558
File: 119 KB, 960x494, tmp_18824-1477497447365-1129478274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's vouching for NO voice? You're right though, I'm not versed in this stuff or political theory at all.
Call me more conservative, but I don't think things are that bad here, nor should we kill off democracy because facism gets results quicker. Streamlining results can be good in companies, but not when it needs to be deliberate and stretched out to work out contingencies/unforeseen problems as with government. This guy just seems like an edgier version of a Marxist to me, and Marxists also seem useless. Muh "walk the walk" not "talk the talk" praxis

>> No.8809566

Honestly thinking of picking this up

>> No.8809611

If you read Moldbug, you'll see why voice is useless at best and destructive at worst. Popular opinion will always be manipulated by media, academia, etc. This is why leftists always win in the long term in democratic societies. "Cthulhu may swim slowly, but he always swims left"

>> No.8809634

>Popular opinion will always be manipulated

Damn, that does seem pretty true. More decentralization of our news/etc could help combat though. It's not the optimal solutiom, but I don't think there ever will be an optimal solution as long as human nature is involved. Maybe his plans wohld work best when super-AI and neural networks the size of metropoli exist and take over decision making, provided those too have safeguards. Putting all of that power with his system now as things exist would just lead to a worser long-term position in my opinion

>> No.8809645

worse for who? meatcucks?

garbage time is running out!

>> No.8809676
File: 117 KB, 1103x288, Going Up Summer Hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dung Dubs


8's great if you can enjoy being a little late

It's all in the timing

>> No.8809689
File: 12 KB, 220x325, tmp_18824-220px-TheHiddenReality440656513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about the multiverse, and Berenstein Bears/Chic fil a/Chik Fil a?

>> No.8809785
File: 68 KB, 595x700, tumblr_oadzqauncK1s5qhggo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



but I agree. Also I think there's a naturally recursive process here in both media and academia as long as they are both centred upon capital first and foremost. Z pointed this out already, saying that capital is always going to be on the side of progress, because it follows the market. What winds up happening are recursive feedback loops of culture into profit and vice-versa. Things cannibalize themselves and it shows in the criticism, the coverage. the theory, everywhere.

Personally I think this stuff is getting towards one of the first great epistemological crises for postmodernity, which is why I think it is so tortuous. Modernity ended in its academic form during the 60s and 70s with the onset of postmodernity. All this may be only a continuation of postmodernity, or it may be the glimmerings of a whole new thing. The key point I think is for the Marxist thinkers to understand that the revolution has *simultaneously lost and failed:* it has failed to change the structure of capital, but the theory has completely re-wired the way we think about this very failure. So on one sense we can't talk about capital except by recourse to Marx, and yet at the same time the more we do this the more we come to understand that Marxist doctrine re-perpetuates the system Marxist thought is supposed to get us out of. Hence the confusion and the chaos.

You were on to something interesting here (>>8809521) talking about *mutation,* though, which is definitely an interesting topic about this stuff. Reminded me of this line from the DE essay:

>For racial nationalists, concerned that their grandchildren should look like them...miscegenation doesn’t get close to the issue. Think face tentacles.


Scary. But definitely true.

>> No.8809788

fuck. that was supposed to read

*simultaneously failed and succeeded

>tfw you had one job

>> No.8809789
File: 190 KB, 1600x900, 5 Sense 4 Star Resort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you know of the ancient art of Pi-thagoraphy ?

Sextii on Roman vacations visit Gracian Grecians

>> No.8809791

>NRx is at least in part classical liberalism with rocket boosters attached. some folks want crowned heads and absolutism

Both Moldbug and Erik von Kuenheldt-Ledhin clam that the best way to achieve classical liberalism is through absolute monarchy (this is why EvKLs books are published by the Mises Institute). Both would say limited monarchies and republics are less liberal despite being more democratic.

>> No.8809809
File: 66 KB, 600x450, Do you surf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two 89's were the sign that time was right

T the Symmetry surfed Astralian waves of hyperflight

Birds the word when glow with the nobility of the light

TollBooth Willie and Penn Jillette

Two janitors helping stop kek

A tastier treat than marblecake

These points were anything but moot


>> No.8809811
File: 281 KB, 800x1794, 1477912350010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In summa, criticizing capital for $$$ either material or cultural may have become a recursive process. But god help you trying to get past a victim-based politics of oppression and marginalization, because you will only get called rude names by the very people who - contrary to what someone like Foucault would have wanted - are doing everything they can to marginalize themselves, because they presume that is still the way the game is played. In a sense it is. But this kind of shit is why Jordan Peterson is where he is today, and eventually the pendulum will swing again.

For what it's worth:


>tfw you try to figure out what this sign means

>> No.8809829


>> No.8809835

The mutation thing I meant from experimentation/individualism, but the start of this Dark Enlightenment blog reminded me of this brilliant post about the Iron Age coming from the Bronze Age (he writes about the Industrial Age and the simpler-seeming engineering and tech of container shipping in an interesting way also, that 'Industrial Revolution' in the beginning reminded me of:


I think I remember seeing Venkatesh's blog on a darkenlightenment site once, but didnt venture too deep into it after the homepage as I was pretty lost (and havent been on ribbonfarm in quite some time).

It's a good read, but a tl;dr butcher-sum is it kind of relates to mutation: people getting lucky with tin mixed into their ore giving birth to steel/etc and completely changing the age, like Heidegger did to start postmodernism or whatever.

Going to finish reading this part 1 though

>> No.8809837

Please get a trip so I can filter you.

>> No.8809840
File: 2.75 MB, 2812x1657, Siege_of_La_Rochelle_1881_Henri_Motte_1846_1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think that absolute monarchy will come in the form of planet-sized corporations and multinationals, but now Trump has waged war on Kellogg's and I have no idea what to think or believe anymore.

Personally I think *order* and long-term planning is a good look, even if it doesn't mean economic progress. It's hard to forecast these things (well, for me, anyways), and because I think we are fast approaching a point where we have to realize that social progress is not the same as economic progress, and that it would be better to have economic progress shared equally than social progress shared unequally. But these are big conjectures mixed with rawest intuition and sentiment. I would probably be okay myself with some form of enlightened despotism if I thought it was genuinely good for the nation, built to last, didn't fuck up the earth, etc.

It's going to be explosive as hell, though, either in the next four years or not long after. I don't see how it can't be. But who knows? Maybe Trump will be the second coming of Harry Truman and it will be the 1984 Olympic games all over again.

This is /pol/ talk, though, and not /lit/, and I do like to keep things within the rules. So I will try to avoid that, and besides - let's face it - I have no idea what I'm talking about anyways.

>> No.8809846

>Maybe Trump will be the second coming of Harry Truman and it will be the 1984 Olympic games all over again.

What is this reference?

>> No.8809855
File: 9 KB, 700x623, tmp_25857-146845103007923013394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penn Jillette, please do not stop Kek,
Who's truth cuts like he was Gilette,
Glory unto some chaos, as forests aren't just lined up trees,
Aperception for asymmetry and natural alignment of narratives via A/B numbers

>> No.8809865
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 1477720603973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard of Rao before I seem to recall liking what I was hearing, although I can't remember the context now. I'll read this, though, so thanks for sharing.

The DE thing is long as hell, but should at least inoculate you against the usual shitposting of Land memes. It's not like the world is overflowing with interesting continental writers today (at least, as far as I can tell...but I live under a rock, so what do I know, really?) so I'm glad when they write long stuff that is pretty accessible and without too much jargon.

Anyways, enjoy the read and I hope you'll share your thoughts in the thread if/whenever.

>> No.8809878
File: 49 KB, 700x350, Agential Realism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red shift, blue shift
Forget about the gears
Enjoy being here


Nu Moves

>> No.8809882
File: 88 KB, 1539x610, language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sine of the times

Nu Moves



>> No.8809885

Just my own hot take theory on what Trump wants. America was pretty cool in 1984, and Truman was the example of a great president Sam Harris was using in a conversation about Trump I heard the other day. I know those two ideas don't exactly line up perfectly, but I feel - for whatever that is worth - that 1984 (a mildly ironic year!) is actually what Trump would like to bring back.

Don't think about it too much, though. It's a pretty off-the-cuff remark.

>> No.8809900
File: 22 KB, 236x330, Luke Steele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are ways to go

Surfing snow are you ready 4 ?

Winter King Palantine


>> No.8809908
File: 333 KB, 300x270, Do 4 Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Double Doubles 4 the win

>> No.8809915
File: 56 KB, 600x450, Mustaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some mustaches pass the test


Carry some zest

Scent of a lemon

Thrice born

>> No.8809931
File: 149 KB, 1080x1675, tmp_25857-14685351015481585127306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good Gets

>> No.8809935
File: 65 KB, 212x320, J W Dunne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Believe in nao


You cauda believe



Marky Mark

>> No.8809969
File: 48 KB, 453x694, Balance the HyperBoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're So Board

>> No.8809981
File: 39 KB, 645x370, Tall Glass of Cool Water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unsurprisingly chill



>> No.8809987
File: 46 KB, 333x499, tmp_25857-51bHokWCEbL._SX331_BO1_204_203_200_76592622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some great reading if you ever want to get around to it. The Gervais Principle series was formative during my accounting studies, and pretty dark, but I'm glad I got through it all:


This darkenlightenment blog is pretty great reading so far though. I have qualms with his want to impose 'legibility' on to the chaos of reality, but I'm going to read through these parts.

>> No.8809998


The guy is a HEAVY writer like Land, (just the stuff linked in the rust age section will take some time) but they're both proud INTJ's so they have similar thought processes.

Muh Introverted Intuition receptors are happy as an INFJ, but damn can they get a bit too cold, eh?

>> No.8810020

Except it wasn't, retard.

The term was literally pushed by the Milo faggot because he wrote an article about it, then I remember people spamming threads saying "hur dur what do you guys think of the term alt-right, is it legit?"

He took the term from a journalist who made it up in the 90s i think.

>> No.8810022
File: 4 KB, 125x95, Litt and Eris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two times the flavor two times the fun

the double dubs are the lawls that one


>> No.8810041
File: 68 KB, 351x400, Tay dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would study those divine dubs


What do you know of the grotto on Olympus Mons ?

>> No.8810069
File: 24 KB, 200x326, 200px-Toynbee_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


History begins with you and I

>> No.8810080
File: 90 KB, 493x541, Islander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Celebrate our love celebrate our light


>> No.8810102
File: 72 KB, 511x745, Innamorati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stargirl societies

Spin such threads?



Bold Flavors


>> No.8810111
File: 461 KB, 1600x1070, Check Pretty Lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cauda believe

Colorful language

Genomic instantiation of consciousness in neurons through a biophoton field theory

electro-solitons allows for the transfer of energy via interactions with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules to induce conformational changes in DNA molecules producing an ultra weak non-thermal spontaneous emission of coherent biophotons through a quantum effect. The instantiation of coherent biophotons confined in spaces of DNA molecules guides the biophoton field to be instantaneously conducted along the axonal and neuronal arbors and in-between neurons and throughout the cerebral cortex (cortico-thalamic system) and subcortical areas (e.g., midbrain and hindbrain). Thus providing an informational character of the electric coherence of the brain - referred to as quantum coherence

>> No.8810117
File: 60 KB, 827x688, The Sound Of Your Heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



An EPR from Littany was received
'You have to come to this temporary autonomous zone dance party on Earth, it's as awesome as me'

>> No.8810129
File: 144 KB, 455x275, Sweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will you stand with 30 rock


>> No.8810145
File: 106 KB, 1024x528, tmp_8462-1479832796990m-1838507038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two heads are better than one, double dubs to find the 9 +1

>> No.8810162
File: 48 KB, 403x403, tmp_8462-14741755279242015527629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the grotto of Mt. Olympus? Never heard of it

>> No.8810169
File: 216 KB, 665x660, Empire Of The Sun Two Vines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blame it on my DNA ?



Quite the livewire, this high-flyer could use feathers and letters together


Your love will take me higher and higher ?

>> No.8810189

Love this picture

>> No.8810206
File: 2 KB, 57x55, Palm Trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Learn of the Order of the Questlove


>> No.8810214

Underrated post

>> No.8810224
File: 17 KB, 480x360, Intangables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperstitial hypostatized hyperstitions

Seasons Greetings

Jake and Snakes Tiki Lounge on Polaris

>> No.8810257

what does this image means?

>> No.8810284
File: 50 KB, 283x454, HeartAnkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ankh appears in hand or in proximity of almost every deity


>> No.8810294
File: 26 KB, 320x360, Colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Master piece ?



>> No.8810296
File: 18 KB, 400x299, tmp_8462-1477750924312-1100532961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the neural connections in the brain from placebo to psilocybin (aka magic mushrooms). True studies on it, but here's an article. Temperence and breaks, innit:


>> No.8810322

Alt right isn't real it's just trolls. Only mega faggots take it seriously

>> No.8810341
File: 26 KB, 202x269, Aperiodic Tiling Gravitational Lensing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got to have lunch with David Mamet. Wow. Just a brilliant as you would think.



>> No.8810359
File: 38 KB, 789x130, Make It Great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The time has come



Sometimes an artist's magnum opus is modeled around the alchemical magnum opus



...work integrates the roles of biological/genetic factors, psychological factors and socio-cultural forces in the creation of these levels of existence experienced by individuals and groups, it bridges multiple knowledge sets and disciplines to pull many ways of knowing together...

>> No.8810420

Do what you feel now

>> No.8810467
File: 780 KB, 800x825, Quasicrystals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Round the curves just right

...closed-timelike curves...

The Bose-Einstein condensation of tunnelling photons in the brain cortex acted as a mechanism of conscious action that allowed guided resonances within photonic quasicrystals to continue the dialogue between quantum light and matter.

Quantum entanglement between the electron clouds of nucleic acids in DNA created the Quantum Bioholograph

>> No.8810475
File: 129 KB, 1182x893, The Cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Led by the light


>> No.8810480
File: 59 KB, 750x498, EP Tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


75 again


>> No.8810600
File: 47 KB, 500x277, daft_punk_lose_yourself_to_dance_video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And it brings me up



A beautiful mind was the kind she'd love to dance with

Their steps were in tune and had a synergy

A Supersymmetry of smiles as the two exchanged glances all night

Were the Struts enough

As they tightened their embrace

It was as like they could go where ever they like

As long as it was with love

And light hearted laughter

Come back everytime

After and After...

Mastered the squares while dancing in circles

A 64 to 89 her DNA shined

Taking Love higher and higher

From this pauper to a princess

Best kept secret is she'd say yes

Like we were made of starlight

Dancin and Dancin

These dreams weren't impossible

Wild as it seems

Memes or Matter Creation didn't have to be

Exclusive things

Could biophotons between their eyes

Connect to provide

A Nu-ness

Faboost it

I guess it's worth a try

>> No.8810608
File: 89 KB, 660x440, pharrell_itgirl_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tidally twinkling dancing with the starlight on the Beach

>> No.8810630
File: 1 KB, 125x70, AguaEsVida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So let the deep, sparkly waters serve as a symbol to each of you. That if you work hard enough, if you dream big enough, anything is possible


Enjoy Nu things for the very first time in your lives

It takes a goddamn Superman to meet all the expectations put upon the celebrity figure nowadays


>> No.8810645
File: 64 KB, 1000x414, tmp_8462-14715495768982068810168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It takes a goddamn Superman to meet all the expectations put upon the celebrity figure nowadays

The true Ubermensch would take a look around himself, at the surroundings of the Information Age, and declare with truth,

"This is not right."

Unless we are missing something, it is a shame that the bad still resides within Being-in-the-world. Silencing it is a disgusting non-cure. Disregarding these words and not-changing is worse. Allowing it to fester like this is terrible. How could you?

>> No.8810650
File: 84 KB, 477x593, Lift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love Ever Upward

Go Far



>> No.8810666
File: 266 KB, 1500x1000, Lifted Research Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ride the Tiger, despite its pessimism, is a testament to Evola's belief that no matter how lost civilization may be, there always exists the ability for the individual person to live his life always looking "above" himself and thus achieving enlightenment.

>> No.8810670
File: 53 KB, 221x225, credendo vides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it works it works

>> No.8810672

>a-alt r-r-right
Is a term created by the establishment to de-legitimize beliefs that undermine the monopoly of values they hold on today's culture and people. It is a sad, last ditch effort to preserve their wretched kingdom before they are annihilated completely.

>> No.8810683
File: 28 KB, 510x643, tmp_8462-1474797862427-1458639613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read that, but I'll get around to it after this book, and a few others. Heard he was esoteric too, even if he was a short-sighted fascist (for his time) (from what I've heard) (le Iron Pill)


I beg you to listen to this death metal song. It is a piece of me, even if it's not your particularly favorite genre (this is a good intro to it I'd reckon)


>> No.8810700
File: 34 KB, 200x293, The Great Work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Art is everywhere


>> No.8810710
File: 94 KB, 668x375, Tree Masons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you know about the lifted research group?

Taylors And Tree Masons?


The Philosopher's stone?

As above so below?

>> No.8810719
File: 123 KB, 350x538, LRG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ashlar surfacers?

>> No.8810728
File: 98 KB, 397x538, Move Any Mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Move any mountain like an iatromantis ?




>> No.8810741

Hola reddito

Fuck this fucking board, you are all goobers

>> No.8810744
File: 68 KB, 488x401, Dreaming Yourself Awake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And soon they'll be flying


>> No.8810766
File: 76 KB, 617x694, Hour of the Tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Tiger has a Magnetic personality, loves to shine in public



>> No.8810784
File: 4 KB, 249x93, ELF Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Melissa Schuman Resonances and Kristen Bell inequalities

>> No.8810789
File: 70 KB, 1276x677, Lifting Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buddhist teachings that describe the hour of the ox as "the end of darkness" and the hour of the tiger as "the beginning of light," and ones that describe all Buddhas as having attained enlightenment at this time. The passage from the hour of the ox to the hour of the tiger therefore symbolizes the transition from the unenlightened condition of a common mortal to the enlightened condition of a Buddha

03:00 – 04:59: Tiger

>> No.8810815
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, SWAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love is too high to bring me down



>> No.8810817

>but nobody - nick land included - expected trump to win

This 1000x. The very concept of passivism was generated under the expectation that progressive societal decline masked by increasingly atomizing technological innovation would take place, and there was nothing to be done about it because cliodynamics. I understand some of them have taken to calling Trump the "Mule." I suspect this event might have converted some of them (or at least me) to the Great Men theory of history... which would mean a shift from crypto-fascism to more blatant fascism. (Land's recent article about fascism seems to imply the normalization of fascism, regardless if it occurs under a leftist or rightist regime.)

Either way, I think we can look forward to some interesting developments from neoreaction as a result of this. Maybe something politically exuberant, optimistic even. Will be interesting.

>> No.8810820
File: 170 KB, 1224x1128, tmp_8462-1474881192843521121592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ride The Tiger really that good? Should I put it before in my book order of Esotericism & Symbol and brain magick is what I'm trying to say.

>> No.8810823

>but nobody - nick land included - expected trump to win.

Land was very stupid in that aspect; un-optimal foresight.

>> No.8810826
File: 104 KB, 599x1003, Helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See what you mean when you say



>> No.8810829
File: 13 KB, 220x316, Austin_Osman_Spare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In Ride the Tiger, he prescribed a so-to-speak apolitical asceticism of contemplation in which a man is advised to act in the modern world, while remaining intellectually and spiritually detached from and above it. He had come to hold this view after coming to the conclusion that, in his view, the modern world was so decadent that a return to a "traditional" civilization was impossible. Evola argued that in order to survive in the modern world an enlightened or "differentiated man" should "ride the tiger"


Evola argues that in order to survive in the modern world an enlightened or "differentiated man" should "ride the tiger". As a man, by holding onto the tiger's back may survive the confrontation, so too might a man, by letting the world take him on its inexorable path be able to turn the forces around him into a kind of inner liberation.


The process that Evola described involved potentially making use of everything from modern music, relationships with the opposite sex and even substituting the atmosphere of an urban existence for the Theophany that Traditionalists had identified in virgin nature

>> No.8810835
File: 127 KB, 1209x800, mgmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In his examinations of shamanism, Eliade emphasizes the shaman's attribute of regaining man's condition before the "Fall" out of sacred time


Having risen above the human condition, the shaman is not bound by the flow of history. Therefore, he enjoys the conditions of the mythical age


Much of Evola's theories and writings is centred on Evola's own rarefied, idiosyncratic spiritualism and mysticism; the inner life

The path to enlightenment is the chief subject of a number of Evola's works


In Shamanism, Eliade argues for a restrictive use of the word shaman: it should not apply to just any magician

Eliade defines a shaman as follows:

He is believed to cure, like all doctors, and to perform miracles of the fakir type, like all magicians


>> No.8810845
File: 26 KB, 581x364, mathematikoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"It's one thing to walkabout, but a runabout may take a roundabout way."



>> No.8810853
File: 73 KB, 1023x886, See Us From Outerspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If we're gonna take this ride

We can go wherever we like




>> No.8810856
File: 30 KB, 401x271, Alan Efron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet


>> No.8810859

what the fuck

that is very interesting

>> No.8810865
File: 64 KB, 489x723, Ocean of thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nu Americana



High on legal marijuana

>> No.8810868

holy shit

what a post

>> No.8810874

Fractured ancient lives amalgamated
Formed to specification

Alien messages translated
Always accurate, always true

No cue to act
The old routine will do

Enough was enough
But it's not anymore

How to lie lower
When strewn on the floor

>> No.8810896 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, you braindead junkie. You burnt your brain out on hallucinogems, not knowing temperance.

Shut the FUCK up for a week. Allow your brain to heal soberly. I mean this with love. LISTEN.

>> No.8810919


Can't you see the starlight star light



>> No.8811449

Why are you now writing poetry?

Anyway, bump, because I am very interested in Nick Land. As you can see by my style of writing I cannot understand all he writes, but I can sense that he is rare and sees more than other intellectials today. Very interested to read what others think about his opinions. Unfortunately he often writes very short comments which leaves little room for him to explain his ideas in detail, which is sad for people like me.

>> No.8812351

is twitter dot com slash outsideness Nick Land's account?

>> No.8812389


>> No.8812443

paging >>8809987, who is probably still up to his/her/its eyeballs in DE but w/tf/e


see also


Outsideness is NL on twitter

>> No.8812838

What the fuck are you talking about?

Can anyone give me a clue about this canon? It's extremely frustrating to interpret from the outside.

Is it just schizophrenia?

>> No.8813411

Constructive Ambiguity




It's fuzzy, lurk moar

>> No.8813464

I ardently refuse. One of the central issues with these online cults is this idea they don't have to be clear and coherent because if you come to a conclusion by reading their material that doesn't fit their power and reputation structure they have complete deniability.

The only thing that keeps me hovering around these circles is innate intellectual curiosity, but this isn't justifiable given I mostly walk away with nothing but memes, schizophrenic associations, and noise.

>> No.8813495


Much older than the internet


>> No.8813504

Thanks. This is actually useful.

>> No.8813614

it could be that

or you just don't have the intelligence to figure out things unfamiliar to you

>> No.8813652


Cult of the Vine



>> No.8813656

good post anon

the question I think is whether or not anyone can reasonably expect to draw from both ends when both have doubled down on total hysteria: smugglypuff regressive left vs crypto/overtly fascist alt-right. right now democracy and big capital seem to bring out the worst in each other, but as long as the worst is profitable we can expect it to continue

NRx is interesting b/c it builds from both liberal and conservative thought (not that these have in the US anything like the meaning they would have had to 19C crowned heads, but w/e). they're classical liberals but conservatively minded, which i think is a good look. it is emphatically not for the people, but only because populism has slanted towards degeneracy for a full-on generation now. i hate to use loaded words like degeneracy but this is what it is. a universe of victims and scapegoats

there are no political cures, only cycles of decline and reorganization. would post polybius/anacyclosis here but image limit reached. ah well

>> No.8813679

I have deduced patterns and theorems from evidence in the past, so I'd disagree with this.

I'm certainly no genius, but intelligent enough.

>> No.8813812

You're literally schizo aren't you?

>> No.8814170

Does anyone else read this stuff and just shrug? I think people spend too much time on the internet and they are ignoring or completely misunderstanding history.

Donald Trump made you believe in the Great Men theory? You mean the almost decades long rise of conservative sentiment mixed with weak leadership + a power struggle for the soul of the GOP led by the Koch brothers meant nothing?

This isn't some unprecedented shit we're going through that requires some kooky starcraft nerd's esoteric explanations. I think we all need to start going outside more often and get some fresh air.

>> No.8814173

The alt-right is both regressive and fascist.

>> No.8814177

Alt-right = garbage internet nazis. Republicans are spineless so they're being infiltrated now.

>> No.8814182

Keep dwelling in old cliches and see how far it gets you.

>> No.8814208

In my entire time of experience at a number of participating pediatric care facilities, talks with highly renowned medical doctors and neurotherapists, as well as countless hours of non-participant visiting on anonymous “anime” image boards such as this, I have really learned a lot about autism and my ability to gain any amount of personal experience with it, much more than I had bargained for, in fact. I have found myself rolling around the boards a few times here and there, addicted in a way, reformulating a billion planes of existential and out-right philosophical grounds on which thought is founded, and became a greater voice of intellectual indignation than Max Stirner or Frederich Nietzsche could ever hope to be, in this life or another, in this plane of existence, or any lower or higher one, in all space and time, and all under and above His mighty hand. That being said, I really think it is necessary and proper to bring up the white elephant looming in the black corner of the room. I think, personally, that the introduction of the theory that meaning and unmeaning are a dual relationship in a dichotomy that nearly never find themselves transcended nor passed over each other that it is completely certain that this level of autism surely would transcend the dichotomy just as much as Al-Karkei’s severely underrated “The Birds, The Frogs, & The Mosquitoes”, in which the periwinkle pursuit of principle and persistent processes put on by people and presentation as presented to us in the post-postmodern world is clearly contorted by a false sense of right brought by the rise of the left and the onslaught of the consistently overflow of degeneracy in society and its depreciation in decadence, thus easily and laymanly giving a clear example of the meaning/unmeaning dichotomy. In conclusion, it’s abundantly clear that anyone with any amount of regular brain function would realize how fucking stupid that sounds.

>> No.8814211

i don't know if trump yet qualifies for great man. probably not. it's way too early to tell

it's a combination of timing, political intuition, confidence to the point of insanity, an entirely fucked-up political culture, media, all of it. there won't be another election like this for a while. but trump is some kind of fucking maverick, that's for sure. at least i feel that way

i don't subscribe to Great Man theory myself. even a Napoleon shows up at a very particular time, usually of chaos and upheaval. trump is def some kind of meme, but he's a hydrogen bomb of a meme. this makes him interesting

>You mean the almost decades long rise of conservative sentiment mixed with weak leadership + a power struggle for the soul of the GOP led by the Koch brothers meant nothing?

no, obv not that it meant nothing. this was all a a part of it too. just that it even stunned the Dark Enlightenment/Lords of Change guys (like the one in OP's pic). I would be surprised if even Moldbug expected this, and he's the one who best described the glass box that the libdem normies put themselves in: the Cathedral.

>This isn't some unprecedented shit we're going through that requires some kooky starcraft nerd's esoteric explanations. I think we all need to start going outside more often and get some fresh air

for what it's worth, I 100% agree with this. totally.


>> No.8814243

But Trump didn't just appear though. This is his second attempt at running for the GOP nomination. Even back then he stood apart from his peers as the least fucked up.

I think Trump is a turd but Ted Cruz is a fucking monster, I'd elect Trump over Cruz any day because while Trump is a con man that at least requires some understanding of humans which Ted Cruz lacks completely.

A lot of people were stunned but not all, although I personally didn't listen to them and was myself shocked. Trump talks like a human being, an awful one, but a human being. This also wasn't actually a working class uprising, most of the working class and most of the country in general didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. Even the claim that it was white people who were responsible is stupid, so are the people taking shits like Spencer seriously. Most of the country is in debt up to their eyeballs and are either overworked, unemployed, and/or on opiates/amphetamines.

To further discredit the great man idea; Mike Pence is running the show now.

>> No.8814287

NRx interests me for some of the Hoppe/Classical Liberal aspects of it, but whenever race comes up I just kind of roll my eyes because no matter how much they decide to add at the end that the slight difference of 'human sub-species' doesn't really determine too much, I question why it is brought up anyway?

Like, I don't understand their butthurt about Muslim immigration when the Muslims are just as much victims as they are, they're being progressivised! As is the case with most immigrants and minorities, they are generally conservative in everything except when the progressive blows the horn and they do what they're told, but sometimes they aren't even allowed to keep their conservative traditions and ideals according to the Progressive. This is something that happened to Black people in the U.S. Both schools of the Left in the 20th century were afraid once they started becoming a bit more willing to assert themselves as human beings and so they immediately went in with the traps to pacify them, divide et impera, and voila! Reagan comes in and his actual racist subversions of introducing crack into the projects set up for him by the progs is fine since it keeps the minority hated and cornered.

Right now I feel like I'm witnessing a breakdown in the strong Hispanic Catholic tradition on several fronts as Protestantism becomes more popular among Mexicans, and it's clear that some progressive politicians have been selling weapons to the drug cartels that terrorize their home country. I wouldn't be surprised if the "free trade" deals were deliberately designed to screw over both parties in a way that actually negotiated business couldn't.

sorry for the rant

>> No.8814300

no arguments there man. i know in the summer there was a story about trump asking kasich to be "the most powerful VP in history" - which meant, handle all foreign and domestic policy so that trump could concentrate on brand cultivation: that is, MAGA. maybe that's still the plan, i don't know

anyways i agree. and i have no idea what's going to happen next. i never even cared about politics at all until last year w/migrant stuff. i used to think politics was somehow more real than other stuff. now it feels as magical and sorcerous as anything else

philosophy is still cool but it's pretty amazing: the lefties thought hillary would win and the NRx guys thought trump would lose. total craziness

i was following the right side of things b/c i had a feeling something was deeply wrong with the left, but i figured the forces would be would power hillary to the win. now i honestly have no idea.

i still like NRx, but i don't know how this alt-right stuff is going to develop. mingled curiosity and horror is my feeling

>> No.8814321

Politics has taken on a mystical aspect for me as well but that's probably because I've been glued to 4chan and other media since the primaries. I need to take a break from this shit though.

I think neither party (or left/right politicians) is living in reality. Democrats fetishize diversity while Republicans have a mythical origin. The real movers and shakers, like renowned vampire and technology enthusiast Peter Thiel, are going to keep doing their thing while everyone scratches their heads.

Btw Peter Thiel might be the most dangerous man in the world

>> No.8814336

race and gender are not my thing either. i took some flak not so long ago for saying i would totally buy a book called A White People's History of America. not b/c i want to talk about it on stormfront or w/e but because a) you would have to have balls of steel to write that (not really a great point) but more importantly b) to show that maybe it is possible to talk about race and skin color without making it the most fucking unpleasant and explosive conversation imaginable. even i hate talking about it now because no matter what you do you sound like a fucking retard. a book called A White People's History of X would in a perfect world be simply a boring and gimmicky piece of bookbait

and i am a fucking retard. i just don't like sounding like one


that was too interesting and grammatically correct to be a true rant. gotta engage the ol capslock for true rant greatness

>> No.8814348

what scares you about Peter Thiel? I am legit interested in that guy. partly because Nick Land worships him, partly from the Gawker stuff, partly because he is obv much much smarter than i am

also because i have no real thoughts of my own anymore. i used to but they were all dumb

share yours anon. talk about peter thiel

>> No.8814352

I think I see what you mean, race and gender are a sinkhole these days. Its quicksand and you get trapped and suffocated in the manner, when there are more pressing and important matters.

SJWs if anything are a bizarre diversionary force to distract from continuing ruination of peoples on a values level.

>> No.8814366

dude i saw smugglypuff for the first time today and i was legit triggered

i am here on 4chan for one reason and one reason only: to learn not to get triggered by shit


race & gender are just i think the american forms of marxism. that's my feeling. they're virtually unassailable positions and that's why cthulhu swims left as nick says

but i'm against cynicism also. being right by agreeing with nick land is extrafucking basic. nick more or less quit the game. peterson is doing philosophy on hardmode. he's a fucking hero for taking that shit on

even zizek will say that trans+ stuff is all a smokescreen for big capital. make a big deal about trans bathrooms and nobody gives a shit where you get your microchips from, etc

but marxism is not the way forward i don't think. i suspect you would agree

>> No.8814372

>Like, I don't understand their butthurt about Muslim immigration when the Muslims are just as much victims as they are, they're being progressivised!

Through NL's twitter I came on an interview with Zizek that I think nails it. He is making fun of leftists who basically act like the cucks /pol/ wants them to be when in Zizek's words "the refugess are shitty people just like us".

Nobody knows anything about Peter Thiel other than he is really smart, is gay, and supports Trump. The reason he went after Gawker was that they exposed him for being gay. The thing is that Thiel is openly gay so this wasn't news but he got the fucking site shut down because of it. He is shady as fuck and is infiltrating many parts of the Executive branch as well as the security state through his technology and personal influence.

I oppose him because I am also an engineering student and young entrepreneur in the Bay Are, much like Thiel but I am a chemical engineer. Politically I am emphatically a lower case d democrat which is the polar opposite of Thiel and Land. Basically Thiel scares me more than any pseudo fascist or other cybermancer because if Thiel wanted to do some crazy shit it would probably work.

>> No.8814389

I obviously agree,

I just feel worried that legit nazbols and natsocs will co opt things again with their nationalist autism. That's what gets me about racism, it's autistic to care so much.

NRx has potential, but it also has baggage and tendencies that make me worry. I feel like a wish to be contrarian to progressives on all fronts leads down some bizarre paths that dont have the natural common sense to them.

>> No.8814401

>the refugees are shitty people just like us

i remember this. he was saying it was an economic migration, not a political migration as in WW2. of course he was immediately shit on for this. but by the left

merkel is apparently considering a ban on the burqa now. the mixed signals are ridiculous. it's going to be wild times in germany next year. as bad as the US this year? i hope not

Peter Thiel is crazy interesting. NL likes him I think b/c Thiel is the embodiment of the tech-secessionist ideal that Land wants: total tech/cold collectivity/zero hot stuff/zero normies. Thiel sounds very well like he would be exactly what Nick is looking for

and now he's the tech advisor for Trump


I picked up a copy of Thiel's book and I've seen interviews with him. he is i agree the most complicated guy around, or one of them, and totally an unknown factor. i saw a speech he made about american exceptionalism, how he said americans were also exceptionally fat, this kind of thing

i hate to say it but i kind of agreed with him. i think it's that the people who are making sense right now are in some ways godawful nightmares but the warm-fuzzy remedy may no longer be strong enough to fix things

i don't know tho lads. i really don't

>> No.8814408

NRx is the intellectualised vanguard of movements of raw, primal feelings.

Enlightenment gives you Robespierres, gentlemanly elitism gives you Hitlers, civic republicanism or bourgeois liberalism gives you de Gaulles or Bismarcks, socialism gives you Stalin. In declining order of importance, Italian fascism's determinants were:
>the army of blackshirts or potential blackshirts spoiling to torture people
>the "man of destiny" who lead them
>state-philosopher Gentile

People reading Maurras again means that the tip of the iceberg is reading Maurras by virtue of their resting atop the massive underwater part of the iceberg. You're gonna get ultraviolence whether you like it or not.

>> No.8814425

Thiel came out early in support of Trump and he was ridiculed for it, look who's laughing now (not Thiel he removed that part of himself).

>i think it's that the people who are making sense right now are in some ways godawful nightmares but the warm-fuzzy remedy may no longer be strong enough to fix things
I agree but I don't think it's all bad. I've been reading a lot of turn of the century American populist type stuff and New Deal ideologues. There are other ways out there but the supporters have been very quiet or non existent. It's the same as the classics, only racists have claimed them now because anyone who understood The Greeks was chased out of academia in the 90's.

>> No.8814478

this is an outstanding post, holy shit

yep. allan bloom was writing about this in the 1990s, like the peterson of his time

wikipedia, i choose you


/lit/ is like an enema sometimes but it speaks the truth. people gots to Start With The Greeks. i used to think that politics was the ultimate horizon of meaning and i think that's the problem, this idea that everything is about power politics.

and it's bad for literature. to some degree i think the trend in academia towards deconstruction caused this: people are inclined to view literature critically first b/c power or w/evs instead of encountering it as the frail, vulnerable, imaginative, forgivably unoriginal, death hilarious meatbags that they are

>> No.8814504

>a Nick Land's

You tried, OP.

>> No.8814506

>Bloom claims that Jagger is a hero to many university students who envy his fame and wealth but are really just bored by the lack of options before them

I wrote Bloom off as a meme but he really nails a lot of what I have been reading lately.

I've been interested in the student protests lately (my university protested its chancellor last year due to corruption and got her fired) and I think this attitude sums them up + the various Occupy protests. Most people join them because they have nothing else going on, even though there is a tangible goal they could be working towards by protesting.

>> No.8814526

If you like Peterson there's an older guy named John Dolan (aka Gary Brecher aka The War Nerd) who wrote about the bullshit of academia. Unlike Peterson he was exiled from academia and had to leave the USA to find work teaching in Iraq, Sri Lanka, and Saudi Arabia.

It's hard to find his older articles which he wrote as John Dolan but they are pretty enlightening on what it's like to be a poet and scholar at UC Berkeley in the time of the hippies and how fake and obnoxious they all are. This is a good place to start if you're interested:

>> No.8814615

reminds me of protests i saw in the summer over brexit. people holding up signs and marching but when a reporter asks them what they're doing they have absolutely no idea what's going on. none. they just like chanting i guess

ken wilber made a good point about this. he said that people protesting at kent state et al were partly socially conscious but many of them would have protested a mcrib sandwich. they were just like that

cool link, thanks

boomers are special. people in their 50s/60s are usually nice but christ are they naive. and *arrogant*. this was arguably one of the most important generations in history and o my stars and garters are they fucking clueless. esp about politics millennials have some of this going on i suppose. maybe every generation does

i like some of their music tho. they checked that box for sure

humility is such a good look. hard to pull off

anyways gents it's been a slice

>> No.8814741

It's a big tent term for people who are:
>anti-neo con
>ethnic nationalists
>cultural and social traditionalists

Economically speaking it can vary from free marketers, to various third position platforms.

>> No.8814816

that doesn't mean anything

that's what all schools of thought are: "intellectualised vanguard of movements of raw, primal feelings"

sorry but you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.8814842

that's the point

>> No.8814965

>implying there's more to this than techno-schizophrenia and D&G worship

>> No.8815588

>implying that means anything
>implying your pot-shot comments are justification for your willful ignorance in all aspects of life

shut the fuck up

>> No.8815621

I will admit that I feel about ready to give up on this whole thing, I thought I saw some potential in the NRx, but they seem to be just another flashy group of fascists, or at least they've succumbed to LARPing Fascists.

>> No.8815703


You presuppose that anything 'fascist' is inherently not worth considering. It is no wonder you can't seem to figure it out.

>> No.8815781

No, I was looking for a right-wing that didn't succumb to collectivism/democracy in any form (which includes things such as nationalism) and I thought I found something close in the neoreaction when I looked at some of Moldbug and his pointing to von Kuehnelt-Leddihn and other philosophers that spoke of the fact that liberal (in the sense of property rights on all levels) ends being best served by institutions that had less to do with the political liberalism.

While it is certain that many social values are broken down, I find the use of "degeneracy" as a term to be unappealing because of the fact that it can be easily used to mean "anything that I do not like." It's the same sense that Fascism is used by Leftists to refer to anything that they don't like.

Fascist economies do not work, and Fascist societies tend to be pretty weak as well, even when they attempt to create a totalitarian loyalty to the state the people obviously jumped ship the moment things started looking south, and even the King was wise enough to try to oust Mussolini once he realized what a terrible mistake he was. I'd also look at the wild children that seemed to spring up in Fascism, you hardly have traditions and strong social values when all of society is bound to the state top-down like that, instead of the state/law being the tradition/market decisions of society that is built through decisions.

The middle ages worked because the State wasn't total, and there was no separation of church and state but rather an interdependence and check and balance. It's not Montesquieu sort of separated powers either, but a more real sort of opposition in society. Before the Tudors in England, Merchants, Priests, and other groups formed their own laws through the common law systems of the country, where the fields had a bottom up policy situation instead of the top down design.

Societies aren't ant colonies, people are quite clearly more than their biology, and fields which try to predict human behavior based on what has happened before don't work

>> No.8815830


I'm glad you clarified, I don't find many faults with what you wrote. Although I would argue that some form of nationalism is necessary if only to perpetuate your government so a worse one doesn't conquer you.

I think what you are describing is included in NRx, right? In one of the videos linked in this thread Land talks about Hot vs Cold thinking and loyalty, seems to fit right in with a non collectivist right-wing philosophy.

>> No.8815880

Why is /lit/ so funny?

>> No.8816071



>> No.8816209

sodomites for trump