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File: 61 KB, 620x372, lionel-shriver1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8798981 No.8798981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Lionel Shriver calls out cultural appropriation as the bullshit it is.

Is she the hero we deserve?

>> No.8798995

>80 yo whore with a choker

you cant make this shit up

>> No.8798999

terence mckenna said that a long time ago, that culture insults and disempowers. just look at bull riding. look at the feminist movement with the glasses

>> No.8799039

fucking k e k

>> No.8799041

No one here nor anyone who matters cares about this "issue"

>> No.8799042

Very good article. I wanted to leave a snarky comment, but it's good, very good.

>> No.8799072

If she wears a choke, you can choke'er.

>> No.8799096

59, and I I think she looks wonderful. An uninhibited older woman, who does not stand on ceremony, can be thrilling.

>> No.8799102

I don't get this. Are you attracted to chokers or something? Is this some Freudian hangup going on here? And she's clearly in her early 50s

>> No.8799106

Wearing a chocker is basically saying you want to be treated like a dog

>> No.8799111


>> No.8799116

i say, what an untamed low inhibition harlot!! *tips*

>> No.8799117

Its a sign of submission for the dick.

>> No.8799167

that is a pretty good article

it mentions the speech on her wiki page
>Shriver had previously been criticized for her depiction of Latino and African-American characters in her book The Mandibles, which was described by one critic as racist and by another as politically misguided

well that's enough to make me buy it

>> No.8799173

p.s also she looks good for 59

>> No.8799518

Jewelry was invented by men for this sort of thing, so having fetish for this kind is understandable I guess. But why the hate? Her age must have scared him.

>You can't make this shit up
Stupid post

>> No.8799524

What do you mean 'hate'? Nobody is hating her here.

>> No.8799721

Lionel Trilling did the same thing but much better and ~50 years ago. As did Northrop Frye.

>> No.8799967

>An uninhibited older woman, who does not stand on ceremony, can be thrilling.

kys your self

>> No.8799989


A necklace like that used to imply that the wearer was a prostitute.

>> No.8800008

>But why the hate? Her age must have scared him.
old women are pretty gross
hell middle aged women are really pushing it
women age like milk

>> No.8800107

Cool, t-shirts used to imply that you're a sailor or working class. But it's >>current year<<, so fuck off.

>> No.8800239

She got me onto Edith Wharton, so even without this she was my nigga

>> No.8800254


>> No.8800276

The delay on this video was hilarious desu
Also I think it's hilarious that she thought she could comment on what fiction writers can and can't do when all she's written is a meme-oir

>> No.8800331

reminder that ethan frome is total shit

>> No.8800473

>caring about random whores because they enable a counter narrative to the things you imagine you're under attack by

>> No.8800488


>> No.8800527


I just thought it was an interesting fact, I didn't mean to trigger your ptsd.

High heels used to be worn exclusively by prostitutes as well.

>> No.8800719

>kys your self
Lol'd out loud.

>> No.8801744

Why do all women dress like prostitutes nowadays? Oh wait-

>> No.8801795

Holy shit this lady is detached from reality. However you may feel about Trump, you must admit is was satisfying to see all these delusional leftist get blown the fuck out.


>> No.8801803

We're /pol9k/ now. We're under attack by liberal forces and women

>> No.8801837

All of 4chan will become either /pol9k/ or tumblr. This is an existential struggle between two totalitarian, expansionist ideological collectives.

>> No.8801843

/pol9k/ is based on facts, rationality and logic, i.e. objective truth whereas leftism is based on feels

>> No.8801873

Liberals aren't leftists

/pol9k/ is based on Misinformation and feels.

You have a president Trump because the left has been repeatedly betrayed by the fake left.

>> No.8801883

Please define 'left' and 'fake left'. I'm not really clear on that.

>> No.8801895
File: 56 KB, 610x288, 1414843821632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>. . .he doesn't have a prayer, it's going to be an absolute landslide with Clinton

>> No.8801899

There's really no difference, they are just different degrees of Progressive. All materialist ideologies are fundamentally identical.

>> No.8801912

it depends on what meme pages you like on facebook

>> No.8801924

The liberals, doesn't matter what you call them, classical-liberals, US liberals, Australian liberals, progressive-liberals, all may vary in some minor ways, but they all stand for capitalism. If you want, call them middle ground.
The right just made an attempt to get the GOP to go back towards it's roots, but Donny Tiny-hands is a millionaire capitalist, just like every Republican before him. His promises are going to go down the tube.

The real left is the anti-capitalists

>> No.8802092


I sometimes wonder if Trump cares more about prestige and fame than money. You don't really go down in the history books for being good at real-estate.

In a way his wealth makes him incorruptible, and he's old enough that he doesn't have to worry about his future. His current wife and children are probably already well provided for with trusts and property.

If you're that stinking rich why not play dictator for four years? Any publicity is good publicity.

>> No.8802106

this makes my dick hard

this guy got blown the fuck out

>> No.8802111

Has anyone here read The Mandibles?

It's in my backlog and I want to see some opinions.

>> No.8802120

University yoga class canceled because of ‘oppression, cultural genocide’


>> No.8802123

They are oppressing my dick with them yoga pants boy I tell you what

>> No.8802151
File: 280 KB, 1271x1200, Cw8g0rEUkAEM24t.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it this way. One would have supported Bernie, the other Hillary

The fact that Trump has never painted himself as a Roosevelt or seen as one (instead it is muh Jackson) makes me cynical in thinking if he fulfills his promises

>> No.8802154



>> No.8802157


>> No.8802159

Answer the question, cunt.

>> No.8802258
File: 165 KB, 479x724, smoking-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cops are murdering black people who are trapped by an endless cycle of poverty and crime

Yeah that socially left stuff is what keeps me away from socialism. I'm all for a 2016 version of the grain dole but the kind of "progressive" causes latter-day socialists support can only make things worse. In a sense you're in league with the capitalists, they would like nothing more than America to become even more atomized and even more divorced from tradition.

I mean why would any socialist worth his salt focus on black poverty as if it were a separate issue?

>> No.8802270

terence mckenna also said the world was going to end in 2012.

he also said "Objects which looked like Faberge eggs from Mars morphing themselves with Mandaean alphabetical structures. They looked like the concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyperdimensional transform into three-dimensional space."

>> No.8802271

there's a meme going about where women who wear chokers are supposed to be expert cocksuckers.

i think we should spread the same meme about guys who wear fedoras.

>> No.8802277

pfft, anything that anyone doesn't like gets described as racist or politically misguided.

Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" is repeatedly labeled "racist" even though he goes to great lengths to explain that it's not a matter of race as to which country's people came to dominate which other's - it's mostly a matter of geography.

>> No.8802304

It was one the news? Plus there is some element of the system being biased against black. But i agree identity politics are ruining class consciousness

>become even more atomized and even more divorced from tradition.
Pfft Captialists are more interested in creating their own traditions that benefits them (Black Friday, Christmas shopping, Diamond Ring, Mothers day)

>> No.8802320
File: 34 KB, 403x600, Queen_Alexandra,_the_Princess_of_Wales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High heels used to be worn exclusively by prostitutes as well.
High heels used to be worn by nobility.

One very particular kind signified that. They were however another noble fashion thing.

This is very much a "momma said"

>> No.8802423

okay tao

>> No.8802726


>> No.8802771

>Put it this way. One would have supported Bernie, the other Hillary
Not even all the left trusted Bernie. But yeah, in general, Sanders is a leftist, Clinton is NOT. She's as left as Kissinger.

It's not a separate issue, but it is an explanation for the pea-brained for why the community is in the shape it is.
Stupidest spook. Culture changes no matter who lives in and around your dirt. Lose it kid.