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8801707 No.8801707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok, fags. Convince me the Christian god is real and maybe present some good quality lit on the topic. I'm an atheist but id love to believe honestly.

>> No.8801714

>id love to believe honestly.
Don't we all. We didn't have it drilled into our heads as a kid so it is much harder to believe without feeling like a complete larper.

>> No.8801723
File: 69 KB, 1016x799, decartesproofofgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8801728
File: 548 KB, 640x1000, Bread Pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The likelihood of a homeless Palestinian rabbi becoming the supreme deity of imperial Rome is so astronomically unlikely that it warrants giving Yeshua ben Yosef's (c. 4 BC – c. AD 30) claims a serious investigation.

>> No.8801735

The "Existence is a perfection" argument just sounds like, "I believe it, and therefore it must be true." Lolwut?

>> No.8801737

I had it drilled but high school biology drove it out. Not even being fedora. I need to reconcile it with modern science. I was a Christian til 16.

>> No.8801738


>> No.8801739

Thats why its also the dumbest argument.

>> No.8801740
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>Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

>> No.8801741

I was a christian until my teen years, but now I think I'm turning back around. I realized that it's not really about fantasy deities in the clouds, that God is more complex, and that jesus christ isn't the word of God, he's the Logos incarnate, which is very different.

>> No.8801747

This does not make sense to me. It's possible im mentally retarded, in which case please dumb it down a bit. This picture seems to make a lot of assumptions is all im saying. Unles im being memed.

>> No.8801750

The path to God doesn't lie in convincing arguments. People don't become religious from reading an internet article that is titled "proof God is REAL". It's hard to convert someone, most people have to find their own path to believing. My personal hypothesis is that people find God when they are under tremendous suffering.

I forget the quote so I'll paraphrase, but I'm pretty sure it's from Dostoevsky. "A man cannot survive inprisonment without God".

>> No.8801752

>implying existence is a perfection or a quality to be perfected
>Principle of Sufficent reason

LOL descartes actually ruined the ontological argument.

>> No.8801755

That is the most dumb downed summary of Descartes's proofs I could find

>> No.8801756

I think this is like a summary of his arguments, you can't understand it unless you read it

>> No.8801757

Im op. I read Crime and Punishment and Brothers Karamazov. I can see the value of Christian morals over statist nihilism there. But it doesn't convince me he is real. So if i psychologically can't be convinced, then i will burn for eternity in a pit of acid and fire right. Except for one day of reprieve according to Dostoevstky

>> No.8801759

Are they good argue,nts? Ill buy the book they are in if so. I have no issue reading them

>> No.8801760
File: 46 KB, 314x450, fatima-message-nm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this. It's hard to PROVE to anyone that God exists, even when there is, in fact, evidence of it.

Remember the very end of the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man:

>“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

>“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

>“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

>“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’"

We could show you bleeding Eucharists and weeping statues, but you still would not believe. Think about how many people hear the story of Our Lady of Fatima, and still don't believe. It is the Scriptures and the Church alone which convince.

>> No.8801765

The only advice I can give you is "Never say never". It is a cliche, but it fits. I was also a great skeptic at one point in my life.

>> No.8801767


>> No.8801768

>hear the story
I dont want to be the fedora tipper hre, but i have plenty of stories to tell you. Prove they arent real. Where would you like me to start?

>> No.8801771

If you're really serious.

Belief in God in an Age of Science
The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard
Surprised by Joy
Christianity for Modern Pagans
A Life of Jesus
Kristin Lavransdatter

>> No.8801776

Would god let a skeptic burn for eternity in hellfire. Or would he give him a second chance before "choosing" to go to hell. I hear many conflicting essays on thiis. Im not trying to be difficult just asking.

>> No.8801778

dont bother fag

>> No.8801783

I can't say I know for sure.

>> No.8801788

Is god infinitely compassionate do you think at least

>> No.8801791

I am. Are these texts compatible with evolution? My biggest hangup

>> No.8801793

The Christian God is hard to believe in: he is simply a mouthpiece by which the early Christians justified whatever they wanted. The Hebrew God (the God of the Old Testament) is much easier to believe in and to think still plays a role in modern society.

If you want to understand the beauty of belief (which, I think, is the first step towards your own belief), you must read the Old Testament. By the same token, you shouldn't read the Old Testament as you might the New Testament: the OT was filled with symbols and metaphors, carefully crafted over the centuries, whereas the NT's only strong claim to mysteriousness is its awkward parables. In other words, unlike the NT's approach of "veracity", you should question what happens in the Old Testament and question the meanings.

>> No.8801800

Yes, they all are. The Catholic Church officially supports theistic evolution and the Big Bang and other modern theories.

>> No.8801808

Look. Im 27. Im fat now. I fucked up my financial aid for college by getting drunk and then almost literally lying in bed for 4 years. Im stupid. But i can't find the courage to kill myself. I can't buy a gun. Im on a list because i was hospitalized a year ago. Im too fucking pussy to hang myself. I just need something. Thats all. Just something to go on. Im 27 its over. I just want to feel peace. Just evenness of mind.

>> No.8801810

>Are these texts compatible with evolution
Not him but evolution is nothing to what science can disprove. Is that what you mean? If it's compatible with modern knowledge?

>> No.8801820

I mean, noh saved two of every animal on a boat. I cant believe that for a few reasons

>> No.8801822

He is merciful, yes. He is infinitely merciful. But he's also just.

>> No.8801825


Seems like noah is a nice enough dude to do it

>> No.8801828

What about how things have been lost in translation

>> No.8801831

How many species are there on earth? And then how many of them are asexual besides that? You think Noahs boat was big enough? I like the story.

>> No.8801835

Is it just to burn somebody for all of time for being psychologically incapable of believing

>> No.8801841
File: 49 KB, 321x499, 51FYxqTnV0L._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In my own case, _The Habit of Being_, the collected letters of Flannery O'Connor, was very important in my conversion, but I think that was a somewhat idiosyncratic response.

_A Severe Mercy_ by Sheldon Vanauken is a fine memoir of a skeptic's conversion -- a very good book indeed.

May I suggest: ask God for the gift of faith. Make a conditional prayer even if you don't believe in God.

Eg, "God, if you're out there (which I doubt), please give me the gift of faith."

Try reading Michael Green, _Was Jesus Who He Said He Was?_ for a short, nicely written explanation of the historical case for Christ.

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Was-Jesus-Who-He-Said/dp/0892836245

You might also try an excellent book of Christian conversion stories titled "Spiritual Journeys"

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Journeys-Robert-Baram/dp/0819868760/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475216399&sr=1-2

>> No.8801844

he is, but he won't give you mercy unless you ask for it

>> No.8801845

Im 27 but i dont know what you ,ean by that. Im coming off of a five year drinking binge. Please be gentpe. Im trying to improve my mind. I still have plasticity for a fe wyearslol

>> No.8801849

Does anyone here attend church? I've never been but I was thinking of going to a service or two around Christmas time.

>> No.8801855

Op here. Its a ggood feeling to be part of a community. Other than that couldn't tell ya. If you're lonely, do it. Evdn if you dont believe.